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Staying unnoticed had thus far been surprisingly easy. Apparently when the entire city is ripping itself apart, not many people care tremendously about an extraordinarily handsome man in relatively plain clothes. While this might've been deeply insulting on any other day, today it was something to be positively treasured. Fortune had shown him favor this day, it seemed! Maybe a bit of Aisling's unnatural luck had rubbed off on him after all.
Unfortunately, fortune is a fickle maiden. Val must've been about halfway to the Virak estate by now and he was practically gloating to himself about it. What must've been a loyalist guard patrol, headed up by a...Third Level Dreadlord (representing House Sirl, by the looks of the gallantry he wore) practically ran right into him as he was making his way down a back street. The guard weren't much to worry about, but the Dread...a Dread might recognize him.
"You there! Citizen! Return to your home or suffer the consequences, it's not safe outside right now." Hollered a guardsman among the group. Val cringed.
"Yes, yes, of course, my apologies! Just a tad lost, I suppose. Beg pardon, I'll be on my way!" Val offered back, doing his best to hide his face with one of the lapels of his jacket. He had already started to turn and head back down the way he'd come when the Dreadlord shouted after him.
"Halt! Wait a damn moment. With an accent like that, you're no bloody commoner."
Shit. Shit shit shit. If any of them got close he was screwed, no way he was getting out uncaptured. Val was not about to let himself be a hostage, not today. He stopped and put his hands up unassumingly.
"Is there a problem, good Sir Dreadlord?" He replied in an innocent tone. Looking over his shoulder he could see now, a lithe, younger fellow the Dread was, flanked by four guardsmen. They'd already drawn weapons.
"Keep yer hands up. Turn around, then head back this way."
Sigh...Val did so loathe violence. He did as the Dreadlord asked, turning slowly, hands up, then offered a smile to the group before him.
"Good, now--"
ZAP! Val cut the man off as a bright, yellow spirals of energy shot from the palms of his hands and into the group of men, all five of them. Paralysis waves, something he'd borrowed from a foreign dignitary in recent days. Each of the soldiers and even the Dreadlord suddenly lost the ability to move or even speak, forced to glare at Val in wide-eyed shock.
Fortune was still in his favor after all! If they hadn't been so bunched up in this alleyway, he likely wouldn't have been able to get them all in one go.
"Sorry chaps, but I have a date with a lovely, platinum-blonde noblewoman and I would just be positively barmy to be late. Tah tah!" He chimed at the lot of them, booping the Dreadlord on the nose before pushing past the lot and continuing on his merry way.
Unfortunately, fortune is a fickle maiden. Val must've been about halfway to the Virak estate by now and he was practically gloating to himself about it. What must've been a loyalist guard patrol, headed up by a...Third Level Dreadlord (representing House Sirl, by the looks of the gallantry he wore) practically ran right into him as he was making his way down a back street. The guard weren't much to worry about, but the Dread...a Dread might recognize him.
"You there! Citizen! Return to your home or suffer the consequences, it's not safe outside right now." Hollered a guardsman among the group. Val cringed.
"Yes, yes, of course, my apologies! Just a tad lost, I suppose. Beg pardon, I'll be on my way!" Val offered back, doing his best to hide his face with one of the lapels of his jacket. He had already started to turn and head back down the way he'd come when the Dreadlord shouted after him.
"Halt! Wait a damn moment. With an accent like that, you're no bloody commoner."
Shit. Shit shit shit. If any of them got close he was screwed, no way he was getting out uncaptured. Val was not about to let himself be a hostage, not today. He stopped and put his hands up unassumingly.
"Is there a problem, good Sir Dreadlord?" He replied in an innocent tone. Looking over his shoulder he could see now, a lithe, younger fellow the Dread was, flanked by four guardsmen. They'd already drawn weapons.
"Keep yer hands up. Turn around, then head back this way."
Sigh...Val did so loathe violence. He did as the Dreadlord asked, turning slowly, hands up, then offered a smile to the group before him.
"Good, now--"
ZAP! Val cut the man off as a bright, yellow spirals of energy shot from the palms of his hands and into the group of men, all five of them. Paralysis waves, something he'd borrowed from a foreign dignitary in recent days. Each of the soldiers and even the Dreadlord suddenly lost the ability to move or even speak, forced to glare at Val in wide-eyed shock.
Fortune was still in his favor after all! If they hadn't been so bunched up in this alleyway, he likely wouldn't have been able to get them all in one go.
"Sorry chaps, but I have a date with a lovely, platinum-blonde noblewoman and I would just be positively barmy to be late. Tah tah!" He chimed at the lot of them, booping the Dreadlord on the nose before pushing past the lot and continuing on his merry way.