Karcus Thorn
Scorned from a young age, he has trained his entire life for combat. Without inherent magical ability, his father raised him with dark magics, twisting and manipulating his body and soul for battle, eventually gaining some small capacity for the Magic of manipulating emotion into energy.
His body strong, his blade sharp, and his wits focused, he sets his eyes on the Throne of Vel Anir, and the Dreadlords for whom he could never join the ranks of...
Karcus stands broad and tall, inheriting his features from his father; sharp, cold and wicked, as if a scowl has been placed there permanently. His chest is wide, but not quite barreled, his body more agile and strong than slow and brawny. His eyes are dark, unlike his father's bright blues, and more his mother's grey fixtures.
Skills and Abilities
Although Karcus was never accepted as potential for Dreadlord tutelage, he was bred for war. His father instilled in him every attribute a soldier needed, whether it be swordplay, hand-to-hand, warfare strategy, hunting or resistance against pain, he was to be his father's magnum opus; everything he could not.
Though he is an avid user of the longsword, he would much rather fight someone with his fists than with his weapons. His father sending him to pubs to start brawls awakened a love for the rough and savagery of fist against face that lay inside Karcus. His fists are easily his scariest feature; large, dark and scarred over, like tanned leather over a steel gauntlet, showing the rusted metal and wear underneath from years of use. As a combatant, he is, if not anything else, more of a fierce opponent once stripped of his gear.
Though he is an avid user of the longsword, he would much rather fight someone with his fists than with his weapons. His father sending him to pubs to start brawls awakened a love for the rough and savagery of fist against face that lay inside Karcus. His fists are easily his scariest feature; large, dark and scarred over, like tanned leather over a steel gauntlet, showing the rusted metal and wear underneath from years of use. As a combatant, he is, if not anything else, more of a fierce opponent once stripped of his gear.
Magic Ability
His poor natural ability in magic determined his legibility for the ranks of the Dreadlords. However, his father recognised within him a powerful magical conduit- someone with the capacity to store large amounts of energy. Along with his traditional military training, every day he was tutored in the conversion of innate arcane energy into physical and kinetic. Though, as he grew older, and as his might grew, his father realised his son's talent for intimidation; for generating fear.
Favours bought by his father, along with books stolen from various sources, led to him learning of converting raw emotion into usable fuel for magic.
Though Karcus cannot cast any physical spell, no fire nor lightning, he can alter the minds of his foes to feel fear. His strength, his stamina, his constitution are all focussed and enhanced by the cowering of his enemies, and the dread of his foes. The more enemies he faces, the more power he has the capacity for. He can go from duelling with a talented soldier to punching a hole through the man's chest given the correct amount of opponents, and the correctly administered pressure.
Through immense focus and concentration, he can cause mass hysteria and fear to run rife through the ranks of a legion of soldiers, fuelling his physical attributes, and weakening his foes. Once the fear has taken a hold of his enemies, he is unstoppable. However, if he faces a man one-on-one, his mind-altering effects will do very little, his powers hardly effective.
Favours bought by his father, along with books stolen from various sources, led to him learning of converting raw emotion into usable fuel for magic.
Though Karcus cannot cast any physical spell, no fire nor lightning, he can alter the minds of his foes to feel fear. His strength, his stamina, his constitution are all focussed and enhanced by the cowering of his enemies, and the dread of his foes. The more enemies he faces, the more power he has the capacity for. He can go from duelling with a talented soldier to punching a hole through the man's chest given the correct amount of opponents, and the correctly administered pressure.
Through immense focus and concentration, he can cause mass hysteria and fear to run rife through the ranks of a legion of soldiers, fuelling his physical attributes, and weakening his foes. Once the fear has taken a hold of his enemies, he is unstoppable. However, if he faces a man one-on-one, his mind-altering effects will do very little, his powers hardly effective.
Despite the previously stated, Karcus (when off of the battlefield) is a very laidback, kind and well-mannered individual, who shows great respect and reverence towards those same features in others. His father, though a stern and terrifying man who groomed his son for war, was not without his manners. Though, within Karcus's eyes, there is something laden in darkness, something that can never be trusted.
However, once on the field of war, he could not be anymore of a different person. All elements of humanity that once there are stripped away, as any care for the lives and loved ones of those who stand in his wake melt away, and all he see are those he must destroy, whether for himself, or for his liege-lord.
However, once on the field of war, he could not be anymore of a different person. All elements of humanity that once there are stripped away, as any care for the lives and loved ones of those who stand in his wake melt away, and all he see are those he must destroy, whether for himself, or for his liege-lord.
Biography & Lore
Karcus was born to John Thorn and Cataline Thorn, who unfortunately died shortly after he was born. His father, John, was, according to him at least, the son of a great and powerful leader from the far-lands, who waged wars unlike anything seen in the Spine or the Reach. However, after taking a bad fall in battle and earning himself a hard limp on his right side, he was cast out, as "Weakness was not tolerated" in their lineage.
His father prayed that Karcus had some affinity for magic, even giving him a name associated with one of his people's gods of war. He saw the Dreadlords as the peak of peak of perfection in war, hoping that - through his son joining their ranks - that he would be able to regain his honour and power through Karcus. However, once it was evident Karcus had no such power, John quickly sunk into disbelief, giving up hope of ever being able to return to his homeland.
However, on accident, a travelling Elf from the Falwood recognised that, while Karcus had no ability for the casting of the Arcane Arts, he certainly had the Magical constitution of one, his body capable of massive volumes of energy. His father, perhaps filled with false hope, took this as prophecy, and begun to tutor his son in war, with all its terrible and harrowing avenues.
Years of constant training and drilling, fighting and scrounging, mauling and messing, he eventually earnt a place as part of a mercenary band. He soon proved to be above and beyond their abilities, being able to single-handedly take on large groups of warriors, his fellow men shocked by his ability to heal from wounds on the battlefield, his ferocity unmatched, tearing his enemies - sometimes quite literally - limb from limb.
He began to go out on his own, joining battles he was not a combatant in, but taking part in killing and murdering those on either side to test his metal, and hone his style.
Soon, battle would call from his home...
His father prayed that Karcus had some affinity for magic, even giving him a name associated with one of his people's gods of war. He saw the Dreadlords as the peak of peak of perfection in war, hoping that - through his son joining their ranks - that he would be able to regain his honour and power through Karcus. However, once it was evident Karcus had no such power, John quickly sunk into disbelief, giving up hope of ever being able to return to his homeland.
However, on accident, a travelling Elf from the Falwood recognised that, while Karcus had no ability for the casting of the Arcane Arts, he certainly had the Magical constitution of one, his body capable of massive volumes of energy. His father, perhaps filled with false hope, took this as prophecy, and begun to tutor his son in war, with all its terrible and harrowing avenues.
Years of constant training and drilling, fighting and scrounging, mauling and messing, he eventually earnt a place as part of a mercenary band. He soon proved to be above and beyond their abilities, being able to single-handedly take on large groups of warriors, his fellow men shocked by his ability to heal from wounds on the battlefield, his ferocity unmatched, tearing his enemies - sometimes quite literally - limb from limb.
He began to go out on his own, joining battles he was not a combatant in, but taking part in killing and murdering those on either side to test his metal, and hone his style.
Soon, battle would call from his home...
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