Charlotte "Lottie" Beaufort
Despite her short height Lottie holds herself tall in a way only nobility can, hinting at her upbringing. She has a sweet heart shaped face with large green eyes and curly mousy brown hair which she wears short. Lottie is a lot of legs and curves, as such people are quick to disregard her as a thread. However, under the exterior of beauty is pure muscle and strength from her years on the run and in the forests. She is incredibly quick and flexible which makes her a dangerous opponent.
Lottie knows her looks allow her certain advantages and she likes to dress to extenuate them. Her clothes are always figure hugging, well fitted, and flexible for her movements. Like her older sisters she likes to be presentable and she favours the nicer things in life - in particular her large brimmed hat. She can never be found without her trusty bullwhip which she wears on her hips and has a habit for playing with when she is getting irritated. She also wears a cutlass for close quarter action.
Lottie knows her looks allow her certain advantages and she likes to dress to extenuate them. Her clothes are always figure hugging, well fitted, and flexible for her movements. Like her older sisters she likes to be presentable and she favours the nicer things in life - in particular her large brimmed hat. She can never be found without her trusty bullwhip which she wears on her hips and has a habit for playing with when she is getting irritated. She also wears a cutlass for close quarter action.
Skills and Abilities
Illusions: Lottie has the ability to create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and taste things which do not actually exist or perceive them differently from what is there in reality. Her power is still growing but she can currently create small complex illusions or wide spread simplistic ones. For example, nearby she might be able to create the detailed staging of a horrific accident including smells of blood and the sounds of sobbing, but if she wants to cover a wide area she might only be able to produce the illusion of fog. Her gifts make it hard for others to cast illusions on her, and people who are touching her will not see them. Her magics take a hard toll on her the more complex the illusion or the wider she tries to spread them.
Survival: Under the tutelage of her older sisters Lottie has learned how to survive in the wild pretty much on her own. These range from tracking and hunting animals to making her own shelters and using the area around her to blend in.
Fighting skills: Lottie's main skill set lies with her bullwhip and it is her main weapon of choice. However, like her sisters she is also skilled in the art of the sword though this is more geared towards gentlemanly sparring rather than warfare.
Survival: Under the tutelage of her older sisters Lottie has learned how to survive in the wild pretty much on her own. These range from tracking and hunting animals to making her own shelters and using the area around her to blend in.
Fighting skills: Lottie's main skill set lies with her bullwhip and it is her main weapon of choice. However, like her sisters she is also skilled in the art of the sword though this is more geared towards gentlemanly sparring rather than warfare.
Lottie has a fiery temper and a short fuse when it comes to those of the opposite sex and she is quick to judge them or rob them. Aside from that her whole demeanour points to the fact that she was brought up in a very wealthy and respectable household being both polite, courteous and at times genteel and kind to her victims. She doesn't care for unnecessary conflict or bloodshed though she can guard her stomach against it. Lottie finds it incredibly hard to trust anyone other than her sisters and prefers their company above crowds. When she does get close to people they will discover she is playful, has a dark and dirty sense of humour, and enjoys the arts immensely. Being the youngest of the three she can also come across as being quite cheeky and likes to push her sisters buttons at times in the way only a little sister can.
Biography & Lore
The Montcroix family are one of the richest families in the Kingdom of Dalriada, owning the best vineyards. The Montcroix name is stamped on nearly every bottle of wine worth buying in the region.
Lottie's arrival was a surprise for most of the family and a disappointing one for her father who knew it was their last chance of producing a male Montcroix heir. Both of her parents were disinterested in her once they discovered her sex and left her mainly to the care of her sisters and numerous tutors. Lottie adored her sisters and followed them everywhere. She was a relatively sweet child though she had a temper and pushed her luck often with her parents.
When she was quite young she began to demonstrate having quite a strong gift with magic, in particular illusions. Once her father discovered these gifts he paid more attention to her and picked up her education in all things that were considered ladylike. This even blurred over to her illusions, with her teachers informing her the proper things that a woman might use her magic for. Despite this her sisters encouraged her to practise in the 'uncouth' ways too. Her favourite trick became creating the illusion cookies were still on the tray even long after she had taken them.
In the year run up to her 16th birthday she began to be courted by the Crowned Prince of Dalriada. Her magic was growing in strength and its seemingly undeadly and pleasant nature was attractive to the royal family who wanted to increase their chances of producing a magically inclined line. In the company of others he was a pleasant enough person, the perfect gentleman if a little distant but she had been told to expect as much from a husband. In private however he was brutish, a bully and nasty. It transpired that his magical abilities were dark and sadistic for he had the ability to control a persons actions with a touch to their skin. Throughout the year he would test this magic on her, getting her to perform small tricks or laugh at jokes, but they grew in their sadistic nature as the courtship went on.
On one of their walks alone together she disagreed with him on the treatment of the people and was struck across the face sharply for her insubordination before he roughly tried to force himself on her. She couldn't even scream for aid, her mind locked in an iron grip.
Her sisters happened upon the incident at a crucial moment, and after he left she confided to her sisters of his gifts and treatment of her over the past year in fits and sobs. After this display they let her into their idea of running away that had been building in the pair for a long time. As the engagement was set to be announced at a party on her 16th birthday, they left when everyone was occupied with the beginnings of the festivities and stole away into the night.
The sisters each chose to take the surname of their would-be husbands in silent mockery, so that when they do willingly give their names to their victims it reflects badly on them no their own family.
Since then she has lived in the wilds with her sister and turned her life to that of crime, learning primarily from her older sister Wren. Lottie takes great pleasure in knowing she uses her abilities every day doing something so unladylike.
Lottie's arrival was a surprise for most of the family and a disappointing one for her father who knew it was their last chance of producing a male Montcroix heir. Both of her parents were disinterested in her once they discovered her sex and left her mainly to the care of her sisters and numerous tutors. Lottie adored her sisters and followed them everywhere. She was a relatively sweet child though she had a temper and pushed her luck often with her parents.
When she was quite young she began to demonstrate having quite a strong gift with magic, in particular illusions. Once her father discovered these gifts he paid more attention to her and picked up her education in all things that were considered ladylike. This even blurred over to her illusions, with her teachers informing her the proper things that a woman might use her magic for. Despite this her sisters encouraged her to practise in the 'uncouth' ways too. Her favourite trick became creating the illusion cookies were still on the tray even long after she had taken them.
In the year run up to her 16th birthday she began to be courted by the Crowned Prince of Dalriada. Her magic was growing in strength and its seemingly undeadly and pleasant nature was attractive to the royal family who wanted to increase their chances of producing a magically inclined line. In the company of others he was a pleasant enough person, the perfect gentleman if a little distant but she had been told to expect as much from a husband. In private however he was brutish, a bully and nasty. It transpired that his magical abilities were dark and sadistic for he had the ability to control a persons actions with a touch to their skin. Throughout the year he would test this magic on her, getting her to perform small tricks or laugh at jokes, but they grew in their sadistic nature as the courtship went on.
On one of their walks alone together she disagreed with him on the treatment of the people and was struck across the face sharply for her insubordination before he roughly tried to force himself on her. She couldn't even scream for aid, her mind locked in an iron grip.
Her sisters happened upon the incident at a crucial moment, and after he left she confided to her sisters of his gifts and treatment of her over the past year in fits and sobs. After this display they let her into their idea of running away that had been building in the pair for a long time. As the engagement was set to be announced at a party on her 16th birthday, they left when everyone was occupied with the beginnings of the festivities and stole away into the night.
The sisters each chose to take the surname of their would-be husbands in silent mockery, so that when they do willingly give their names to their victims it reflects badly on them no their own family.
Since then she has lived in the wilds with her sister and turned her life to that of crime, learning primarily from her older sister Wren. Lottie takes great pleasure in knowing she uses her abilities every day doing something so unladylike.
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