Blanche Ponsonby
Blanch is somewhat of a memorable character. While of relatively average height for her circumstances, she possesses a very lithe and athletic build that has been nurtured from years spent on the run from several authorities. Her hair, beautifully rich and wavy, frames a soft and kind find adorned with a pair of rich blue eyes.
Her appearance, despite her nomadic lifestyle, is almost always immaculate and without flaw. Each article of clothing is fashioned and styled by experts within their respective fields and, likewise, her light leather armour is form-fitted - tailor-made to her figure. On her back sits a specially designed, custom, crossbow and a quiver of high-quality bolts. Likewise, at her hip, she hides a sturdy sabre for close quarters.
Skills and Abilities
Having spent years on the run, Blanche's most important skill is that of survival. She, alongside her comrades, have honed their survival skills and are capable of surviving all of nature's challenges and eking out a living whatever the circumstance. In particular, Blanche is a particularly skilled hunter and tracker.
Aside from her survival skills, Blanche has a rudimentary grasp and knack for magnetism-based magic. While her latent ability is not necessarily particularly powerful, she is capable of using her magic to achieve a variety of things. Usually, however, these are limited to small feats such as deflecting a projectile or cracking a lock. That said, Blanche frequently employs her magic in conjunction with her crossbow, which is specially designed to hold a chamber of bolts that she rotates. This allows for her to fire several volleys of crossbow volts before needing to physically stop and reload.
Aside from a talent for crossbow and marksmanship, Blanche has some skill with a blade and is capable of defending herself - or at least delaying a defeat - usually for long enough that one of her comrades can assist her.
Blanche is a particularly cheery and upbeat character, who enjoys spending time with her companions and friends. She is an especially charming and charismatic individual who certainly embodies the idea of a lovable rogue.
Even to her unwilling victims, Blanche does not enjoy needless suffering and aims to make their run-in with her as pleasant as possible for all characters involved.
With all that in mind, Blanche does possess a murderous edge if provoked and has no qualms about killing if the situation requires it.
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