A sophisticated beauty in her late 20's, Evangeline epitomizes the high standards House Pirian holds for their dreadlords. She is immaculate at all times, keeping her clothes, armor, and person in a state of perfect order and cleanliness. Her shoulder length hair is a pristine white, her eyes a shade of blue so light they appear silver. Her facial features are soft and dainty, but her body is hard and athletic, owing to a lifetime of physical training.
Evangeline can usually be seen wearing her house given uniform and armor, a mix of whites, blacks, reds, and golds in color. Outfit and armor both are covered in filigree and cross motifs, which Evangeline carries up to a more personal level in the form of her silver, cross shaped earrings. She is almost always in possession of a very extravagant bastard sword, an heirloom of House Pirian.
Evangeline can usually be seen wearing her house given uniform and armor, a mix of whites, blacks, reds, and golds in color. Outfit and armor both are covered in filigree and cross motifs, which Evangeline carries up to a more personal level in the form of her silver, cross shaped earrings. She is almost always in possession of a very extravagant bastard sword, an heirloom of House Pirian.
Skills and Abilities
Like many dreadlords, Evangeline is masterful in the field of swordplay. Her preferred weapon is an heirloom bastard sword gifted to her by Tobias and Henrietta Pirian, the current Lord and Lady of their noble house. Evangeline prefers balance in her chosen style; she is equally adept at fighting defensively as she is going on the offense. She once prefered the heft and versatility of a hand-and-a-half sword; in the wake of her injury, she now carries a cane that conceals a sword within its haft.
Evangeline is a practitioner and master of a magic art she refers to as "Acceleration." She primarily uses this form of sorcery to increase the speed at which she can move to a blinding pace, or to increase the rate at which objects she holds can travel. However, the total number of applications Acceleration can have is unrealized by most. For instance, Evangeline can rapidly increase the rate at which plant life grows in order to cause waves of lashing, thorny vines; she can accelerate the rate at which an object decays and reduce it to dust in seconds; she can even increase the pace at which the human body heals itself, causing wounds to rapidly heal. While she has argued that Acceleration has a hard set of rules, imagination seems to be the only limiter on what she can do with it.
Eva has proven to be exceedingly observant. Her ability to perceive tells and subtle muscle twitches borders on the uncanny. She makes extensive use of this in combat, predicting the actions of her opponents by observing their subtle motions. She's also quite good at reading people's emotions.
As a representative of her house, Evangeline prides herself as a public speaker and a commander. She is both strategically and tactically gifted, as well as inspiring to those she speaks to. In her free time she fancies herself an artist: she enjoys drawing, painting, and writing. Her works have made it into several Anirian galleries.
Evangeline is a practitioner and master of a magic art she refers to as "Acceleration." She primarily uses this form of sorcery to increase the speed at which she can move to a blinding pace, or to increase the rate at which objects she holds can travel. However, the total number of applications Acceleration can have is unrealized by most. For instance, Evangeline can rapidly increase the rate at which plant life grows in order to cause waves of lashing, thorny vines; she can accelerate the rate at which an object decays and reduce it to dust in seconds; she can even increase the pace at which the human body heals itself, causing wounds to rapidly heal. While she has argued that Acceleration has a hard set of rules, imagination seems to be the only limiter on what she can do with it.
Eva has proven to be exceedingly observant. Her ability to perceive tells and subtle muscle twitches borders on the uncanny. She makes extensive use of this in combat, predicting the actions of her opponents by observing their subtle motions. She's also quite good at reading people's emotions.
As a representative of her house, Evangeline prides herself as a public speaker and a commander. She is both strategically and tactically gifted, as well as inspiring to those she speaks to. In her free time she fancies herself an artist: she enjoys drawing, painting, and writing. Her works have made it into several Anirian galleries.
Calm, confident, calculative. Evangeline is a strong presence in any room, her years of experience and dedication to her house giving her a level of coolheaded self assurance that rivals that of veteran generals. She is well mannered to a tee and harshly critical of those who do not exhibit proper etiquette. Unlike many dreadlords, Evangeline is a kind and caring soul, especially to the common folk of Vel Anir. She is uplifting to her subordinates and hateful towards dreadlords not of her own house. She upholds honor, justice, and morality above all things. Other dreadlords within House Pirian have often referred to her as a "big sister."
Biography & Lore
Evangeline's life began like many dreadlords did: she was taken as a child from her birth family and forced into the Academy. She was beaten and tortured and made to learn just like any other future dreadlord. She was considered by many of the proctors to be exceptionally ordinary and bound for a life of mediocrity upon her graduation. To many, she did not stand out and she did not make waves; she was quiet and reserved, but did what she was told at all times. And it was likely this behavior that made her stand out the most to the representatives of House Pirian.
The nobles and dreadlords of House Pirian were a very observant and particular bunch. They diligently sought only a very specific type of children within the academy: those who refused to break and those who would not allow themselves to become the monsters that the proctors wished to make them. When Evangeline's existence was brought to the attention of Lord Tobias Pirian he took a vested interest in the girl. He and the Pirian dreadlords within the Academy began to guide her through her career and education, watching the decisions she made as she progressed.
Evangeline, for her part, never broke. She felt pity and disgust in equal parts for the children who did, and resentment towards the proctors and system who deemed it right to break them. All on her own she developed an unshakable sense of justice. She questioned her proctors when they taught things she found disagreeable, and took her resulting punishment with defiant apathy. Yet, in spite of her unorthodox views, she succeeded in all she did; her academic grades were near flawless, her swordsmanship and archery were well above average, and she grasped the workings of magic much quicker than her peers.
The girl graduated from the academy physically scarred, but with a diamond sharp mind and resolve. A Pirian mentor took her on immediately. She was brought into Tobias' fold with open arms. The Lord of House Pirian quickly informed her of their views on Vel Anir's workings and politics, Pirian's responsibility to the people as the main source of the city's agriculture, as well as Tobias' personal disgust for the Academy's methods. Evangeline readily embraced her new house's policies, overjoyed to find that she would not be a faceless slave and weapon for one of the other "Great" Houses.
Ten years have passed since her induction into House Pirian, and Evangeline has herself guided many young students to join as well. In spite of Vel Anir's harsh criticism towards Pirian and its methods, Evangeline has managed to progress to the rank of Second Level through her sheer dedication and ability. The Lord and Lady of her house even gifted her an heirloom sword as a sign of their love and gratitude for her. She continues to fight to make Vel Anir a true and pure bastion of humanity, free of cruelty to its own people.
The nobles and dreadlords of House Pirian were a very observant and particular bunch. They diligently sought only a very specific type of children within the academy: those who refused to break and those who would not allow themselves to become the monsters that the proctors wished to make them. When Evangeline's existence was brought to the attention of Lord Tobias Pirian he took a vested interest in the girl. He and the Pirian dreadlords within the Academy began to guide her through her career and education, watching the decisions she made as she progressed.
Evangeline, for her part, never broke. She felt pity and disgust in equal parts for the children who did, and resentment towards the proctors and system who deemed it right to break them. All on her own she developed an unshakable sense of justice. She questioned her proctors when they taught things she found disagreeable, and took her resulting punishment with defiant apathy. Yet, in spite of her unorthodox views, she succeeded in all she did; her academic grades were near flawless, her swordsmanship and archery were well above average, and she grasped the workings of magic much quicker than her peers.
The girl graduated from the academy physically scarred, but with a diamond sharp mind and resolve. A Pirian mentor took her on immediately. She was brought into Tobias' fold with open arms. The Lord of House Pirian quickly informed her of their views on Vel Anir's workings and politics, Pirian's responsibility to the people as the main source of the city's agriculture, as well as Tobias' personal disgust for the Academy's methods. Evangeline readily embraced her new house's policies, overjoyed to find that she would not be a faceless slave and weapon for one of the other "Great" Houses.
Ten years have passed since her induction into House Pirian, and Evangeline has herself guided many young students to join as well. In spite of Vel Anir's harsh criticism towards Pirian and its methods, Evangeline has managed to progress to the rank of Second Level through her sheer dedication and ability. The Lord and Lady of her house even gifted her an heirloom sword as a sign of their love and gratitude for her. She continues to fight to make Vel Anir a true and pure bastion of humanity, free of cruelty to its own people.
Life After the Revolution
Evangeline fought valiantly for her house during Vel Anir's revolution, her House in turn fighting on the side of the revolutionaries. During her battles against loyalists that she once fought beside she suffered a grievous injury to her leg that left her less capable as a combatant.
In the wake of the revolution and the dawn of a new society, Evangeline pleaded with her Lord and Lady to remain by their sides. Tobias and Henrietta, however, encouraged Evangeline to do something that would benefit this budding new Vel Anir far more than simple guard duty. Faced with an identity crisis, Eva found solace in a new opportunity: teaching as a proctor at the newly reformed Academy.
In the wake of the revolution and the dawn of a new society, Evangeline pleaded with her Lord and Lady to remain by their sides. Tobias and Henrietta, however, encouraged Evangeline to do something that would benefit this budding new Vel Anir far more than simple guard duty. Faced with an identity crisis, Eva found solace in a new opportunity: teaching as a proctor at the newly reformed Academy.
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