Ademar Acero
Ademar in person and afar is a massive, hulking individual of a human. Large densities of muscle and fat encompass his person, honed by the training he has received at the Academy as a Dreadlord. His body is detailed by scars and healed, but not faded wounds he has received from combat whether in the training grounds or on an actual battle. His eyes blue as the Cortosi Sea and his hair brown like oak, although sometimes he is seen nearly bald or short which he prefers most of the time. A scar on his right eye from the dagger of an enemy to avoid being blind in his right eye. He’s exactly the man one would have multiple foes attacking him at once.
Skills and Abilities
When I was an apprentice I ate four dozen eggs: every morning to help me get large; and now that I'm a Dreadlord I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a barge. Basically Ademar is larger than the average human height for males and his great height is complemented with great strength. Even without using his magic, Ademar is a warrior you do not want to close the distance with and engage in close quarter combat.
A warrior in heart and spirit: Ademar is not a natural born citizen of Vel Anir or any of her sister cities, but one thing that he shares in common with Vel Anir is their militaristic pride and strength. He knows nothing, but the art of war. A trait he has carried from the culture he was born in, the Siruk.
Close Quarter Specialist: If you're smaller than Ademar which a lot of people are, don't fancy the thought of engaging in close quarters with him. Blessed for his natural, physical traits he is a great wrestler and striker with some skills in complex grappling techniques. Along with this he is skilled in melee weapons, even some two handed weapons require little effort for him.
Enhanced Magic: Among his peers, Ademar is one of the few Dreadlords with a unique magic that is fairly uncommon to the Proctors when observing him in the Academy. He does not carry magic that can change the world around him like pyromancy, rather his magic changes his body. He can alter his body; his skin can be hardened as steel, muscles stretched out, and more incredible applications with this kind of magic. Of course, everything comes with a price. If, for example, his arms enhance to become like armor, then his legs or another area of his body becomes weak. Another way his magic can be used is by touching objects and absorbing its hardness and other properties. There is still a price, but it's less taxing.
A warrior in heart and spirit: Ademar is not a natural born citizen of Vel Anir or any of her sister cities, but one thing that he shares in common with Vel Anir is their militaristic pride and strength. He knows nothing, but the art of war. A trait he has carried from the culture he was born in, the Siruk.
Close Quarter Specialist: If you're smaller than Ademar which a lot of people are, don't fancy the thought of engaging in close quarters with him. Blessed for his natural, physical traits he is a great wrestler and striker with some skills in complex grappling techniques. Along with this he is skilled in melee weapons, even some two handed weapons require little effort for him.
Enhanced Magic: Among his peers, Ademar is one of the few Dreadlords with a unique magic that is fairly uncommon to the Proctors when observing him in the Academy. He does not carry magic that can change the world around him like pyromancy, rather his magic changes his body. He can alter his body; his skin can be hardened as steel, muscles stretched out, and more incredible applications with this kind of magic. Of course, everything comes with a price. If, for example, his arms enhance to become like armor, then his legs or another area of his body becomes weak. Another way his magic can be used is by touching objects and absorbing its hardness and other properties. There is still a price, but it's less taxing.
Like most Dreadlords, Ademar became a product of his environment although much more arrogant and stubborn than his peers he graduated with. He truly believes in the philosophy that the strong will take what they can and want, and the weak will suffer what they must. Ademar does not value the idea of diplomacy, always being forward and using violence as an answer. He respects those who are stronger than him, and absolutely devalues those who are weak. He has little friends, the few that he has are within House Virak.
Rank and strength should correlate with each other in harmony. If a Dreadlord of the first rank is weak and has become a dull tool, then Ademar will undermine the Dreadlord and disregard their orders. Though if a Dreadlord that Ademar outranks is proven to be capable, then he will spare some respect of that warrior. He also speaks whatever is on his mind without a filter, a trait some appreciate with the other half frowning at.
Whenever on leave time, he mostly spends that time learning new strategies and honing more of his skills and body, though he does use little of his time enjoying a mug of ale and bedding harlots. There is some ounce of humanity in him, but it is completely overshadowed for his lust of war and conquest.
Rank and strength should correlate with each other in harmony. If a Dreadlord of the first rank is weak and has become a dull tool, then Ademar will undermine the Dreadlord and disregard their orders. Though if a Dreadlord that Ademar outranks is proven to be capable, then he will spare some respect of that warrior. He also speaks whatever is on his mind without a filter, a trait some appreciate with the other half frowning at.
Whenever on leave time, he mostly spends that time learning new strategies and honing more of his skills and body, though he does use little of his time enjoying a mug of ale and bedding harlots. There is some ounce of humanity in him, but it is completely overshadowed for his lust of war and conquest.
Biography & Lore
Before Ademar became the man that he is, a man with a talent and hunger of war and power, he was a child born to a nomadic people of mercenaries called the Siruk, in the Spine. The culture of his people believes that life is like a river, forever flowing with some obstacles to be encountered, but still life remains flowing. Place after place Ademar was carried, looked after by his mother and father with such detail, for when he was born the little religious priests in his clan believed, in a vision, him to be a great warrior that could topple cities with a simple, powerful punch of his fist. Even his clan looked after the young lad, believing he'd be the future of their tribe and lead them to prosperity.
The Siruk have never traveled all together, several warriors diverging off from the main clan to become their own chieftains, thus creating many sister tribes among the Siruk. Ademar's father was one of these chieftains, aspirations to travel south of the Spine and even dreams of travelling further west of the Alliria Reach.
Along the way they accepted jobs for people of nobility and other mercenary companies, to help them gather supplies for the large group of Siruk warriors. As expected the tribe of Ademar's began to lose warriors, either from the jobs they accepted or from the harsh elements when travelling.
Ademar's father's dreams of passing Alliria came to reality, but at a heavy cost. By the time they reached west of the Alliria Reach, Ademar was only nine years old. Tragedy happened weeks later he turned nine when his clan died, including his parents. Left only with the skills he was taught and the customized weapons gifted to him from his father, Ademar struggled to survive. In villages he sought to steal or even kill people, only to make ends meet before dying of hunger or thirst. One day he slept in a barn in the dead of the night, and was found the next day at the break of light by the family of farmers that owned the place. There was debate whether to show compassion for Ademar and throw him out, but the mother of said family managed to convince her family to adopt Ademar and have him help in working the land. Though he found a stabilized life with the cost of working fields everyday, he was harassed by the children and even the father. One day when getting bullied Ademar could no longer tolerate how he was treated and injured the children. Naturally the children limped off to tell their father and the man sought to discipline Ademar in a cruel manner. His emotions sparked his magic, his body absorbing the properties of tough wood, and defended himself which, too, resulted hurting the father. For what Ademar did, the father alerted the Proctors of the Dreadlords, so that he could get rid of Ademar while being receiving a bag of coins.
From there the lad was brought to the academy, the Proctors and other instructors having interest in Ademar as he had great physical traits, predicting he'd be a great Dreadlord. Of course, with having great interests he was harassed more than his peers. The product? Exactly what the Siruk Priests and Dreadlord Proctors predicted: a great warrior that could defeat battalions of soldiers, an instrument of war for Vel Anir. Graduating the Academy, Ademar pledged allegiance to House Virak and was granted the rank of the Second Level instead of defaulting to Third Level upon graduation. What now is his path? Visions and wants of power, leading armies to conquer and expand the borders of Vel Anir with House Virak destroying the other Great Houses and making its nobles the central authority of Vel Anir.
The Siruk have never traveled all together, several warriors diverging off from the main clan to become their own chieftains, thus creating many sister tribes among the Siruk. Ademar's father was one of these chieftains, aspirations to travel south of the Spine and even dreams of travelling further west of the Alliria Reach.
Along the way they accepted jobs for people of nobility and other mercenary companies, to help them gather supplies for the large group of Siruk warriors. As expected the tribe of Ademar's began to lose warriors, either from the jobs they accepted or from the harsh elements when travelling.
Ademar's father's dreams of passing Alliria came to reality, but at a heavy cost. By the time they reached west of the Alliria Reach, Ademar was only nine years old. Tragedy happened weeks later he turned nine when his clan died, including his parents. Left only with the skills he was taught and the customized weapons gifted to him from his father, Ademar struggled to survive. In villages he sought to steal or even kill people, only to make ends meet before dying of hunger or thirst. One day he slept in a barn in the dead of the night, and was found the next day at the break of light by the family of farmers that owned the place. There was debate whether to show compassion for Ademar and throw him out, but the mother of said family managed to convince her family to adopt Ademar and have him help in working the land. Though he found a stabilized life with the cost of working fields everyday, he was harassed by the children and even the father. One day when getting bullied Ademar could no longer tolerate how he was treated and injured the children. Naturally the children limped off to tell their father and the man sought to discipline Ademar in a cruel manner. His emotions sparked his magic, his body absorbing the properties of tough wood, and defended himself which, too, resulted hurting the father. For what Ademar did, the father alerted the Proctors of the Dreadlords, so that he could get rid of Ademar while being receiving a bag of coins.
From there the lad was brought to the academy, the Proctors and other instructors having interest in Ademar as he had great physical traits, predicting he'd be a great Dreadlord. Of course, with having great interests he was harassed more than his peers. The product? Exactly what the Siruk Priests and Dreadlord Proctors predicted: a great warrior that could defeat battalions of soldiers, an instrument of war for Vel Anir. Graduating the Academy, Ademar pledged allegiance to House Virak and was granted the rank of the Second Level instead of defaulting to Third Level upon graduation. What now is his path? Visions and wants of power, leading armies to conquer and expand the borders of Vel Anir with House Virak destroying the other Great Houses and making its nobles the central authority of Vel Anir.
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