Talus Morid
Talus Moriid was born on the Cortosi Coast in the Anirian City of Vel Luin.
A handsome enough young man, Talus grew up with his family until the age of six. Even before his discovery, Talus exhibited signs of the magic that would eventually land him in the Dreadlord Academy in Vel Anir. His parents both worked at the docks of Vel Luin, his mother a seamstress and his father a fisherman.
Whenever Talus was around the boy seemed to be a cause of Chaos. He would drop things, accidentally knock over entire buildings, and cause the collapse of small cranes and structures. None of these events were controlled nor intended, but eventually Talus was marked as bad luck.
By the age of seven Talus' parents saw him as less of a gift and more of a curse, eventually reaching out to Dreadlord's stationed in Vel Luin and insisting the boy be tested.
Sure enough, the Proctors of the Academy soon came. Within a short few days Talus was found to have an innate magical ability, though one the likes of which the Proctor had never seen. His parents were compensated and Talus was whisked away to Vel Anir.
There he has studied for the last ten years, delving deeper into his own magics and attempting to prove his worth.
Skills and Abilities
During his ten years at the Academy Talus has developed a number of skills that mark him as one of the most exceptional students currently training to be a Dreadlord.
Like every Apprentices that is inducted into the Academy Talus has been taught various martial skills. He is a decent enough archer, and hand to hand combatant, but truly excels in swordsmanship. Perhaps due to his own magical abilities, Talus has focused his study of bladecraft quite finely. He is considered by most Proctors at the Academy to be an excellent Swordsman, though he is still far from being a blademaster.
As is standard at the Academy Talus has also been instructed in the basics of College Magic. He is a capable enough magician, capable of casting most basic spells with only a little bit of concentration and time to say the proper incantation.
What makes Talus truly exceptional however are his personal magical gifts.
Though there is no real name for his Talent, the Proctors of the Academy have dubbed Talus' ability as 'phase-walking'. In simplest terms, Talus is able to transfer himself, part of himself, or even other objects into an ethereal form. Though this is not sustainable for long, this ethereal form changes how Talus interacts with things in the 'real' world.
While phase-walking Talus is capable of moving faster and crossing distances quicker. He does not teleport, but rather moves without the resistance of air or the boundaries of his flesh. He is also capable of interacting and changing things in this ethereal form, though the outcome of interactions may not always be what he planned.
For instance, if Talus is phase-walking and he grabs a lamp and throws it against the wall the lamp in the real world may explode in it's place...or simply go out without anything else occurring. These interactions may change as he grows to understand his magic further, but as of yet Talus cannot fully predict what will happen.
Though regular objects such as blades, arrows, and stones pass right through Talus as he's phase-walking, magic has an unpredictable effect on his ethereal form.
Utilizing this ability is not easy for Talus, and phase-walking puts quite a strain on his body and mind. Realistically he is only capable of utilizing this ability in full for just a few seconds, thus he has had to learn how to adapt parts of his body instead of the full thing.
Like every Apprentices that is inducted into the Academy Talus has been taught various martial skills. He is a decent enough archer, and hand to hand combatant, but truly excels in swordsmanship. Perhaps due to his own magical abilities, Talus has focused his study of bladecraft quite finely. He is considered by most Proctors at the Academy to be an excellent Swordsman, though he is still far from being a blademaster.
As is standard at the Academy Talus has also been instructed in the basics of College Magic. He is a capable enough magician, capable of casting most basic spells with only a little bit of concentration and time to say the proper incantation.
What makes Talus truly exceptional however are his personal magical gifts.
Though there is no real name for his Talent, the Proctors of the Academy have dubbed Talus' ability as 'phase-walking'. In simplest terms, Talus is able to transfer himself, part of himself, or even other objects into an ethereal form. Though this is not sustainable for long, this ethereal form changes how Talus interacts with things in the 'real' world.
While phase-walking Talus is capable of moving faster and crossing distances quicker. He does not teleport, but rather moves without the resistance of air or the boundaries of his flesh. He is also capable of interacting and changing things in this ethereal form, though the outcome of interactions may not always be what he planned.
For instance, if Talus is phase-walking and he grabs a lamp and throws it against the wall the lamp in the real world may explode in it's place...or simply go out without anything else occurring. These interactions may change as he grows to understand his magic further, but as of yet Talus cannot fully predict what will happen.
Though regular objects such as blades, arrows, and stones pass right through Talus as he's phase-walking, magic has an unpredictable effect on his ethereal form.
Utilizing this ability is not easy for Talus, and phase-walking puts quite a strain on his body and mind. Realistically he is only capable of utilizing this ability in full for just a few seconds, thus he has had to learn how to adapt parts of his body instead of the full thing.
Talus' personality has been shaped by a constant state of being either in fight or flight mode during his days at the Academy.
Over the years the young man has learned to act and behave in certain ways to keep himself alive. He is incredibly reserved emotionally and tends not to act without thought. Outwardly he appears stable and held together, but inside he is a growing mess of different emotions and instincts.
The fact of the matter is that Talus, much like other Students at the Academy, is in a constant state of evaluating and checking everyone around him. His abilities and general strengths keep him at a place of confidence, but when that confidence is shaken the young man tends to lash out.
Despite this relative instability, Talus manages to keep himself together most of the time. This allows him to project an air of confidence and decisiveness which many hold in high regard.
Over the years the young man has learned to act and behave in certain ways to keep himself alive. He is incredibly reserved emotionally and tends not to act without thought. Outwardly he appears stable and held together, but inside he is a growing mess of different emotions and instincts.
The fact of the matter is that Talus, much like other Students at the Academy, is in a constant state of evaluating and checking everyone around him. His abilities and general strengths keep him at a place of confidence, but when that confidence is shaken the young man tends to lash out.
Despite this relative instability, Talus manages to keep himself together most of the time. This allows him to project an air of confidence and decisiveness which many hold in high regard.
Biography & Lore
A handsome enough young man, Talus grew up with his family until the age of six. Even before his discovery, Talus exhibited signs of the magic that would eventually land him in the Dreadlord Academy in Vel Anir. His parents both worked at the docks of Vel Luin, his mother a seamstress and his father a fisherman.
Whenever Talus was around the boy seemed to be a cause of Chaos. He would drop things, accidentally knock over entire buildings, and cause the collapse of small cranes and structures. None of these events were controlled nor intended, but eventually Talus was marked as bad luck.
By the age of seven Talus' parents saw him as less of a gift and more of a curse, eventually reaching out to Dreadlord's stationed in Vel Luin and insisting the boy be tested.
The Proctors of course swept in, detecting Talus' magic and gladly taking him off the hands of his parents.
Talus was immediately swept away from the city and brought to the famed Academy. There he began his tutelage as a Dreadlord Apprentice. He took to the training strangely well, never complaining and always doing as asked. Unlike many others Talus never attempted to run away or even object.
Since then Talus has proven himself to be an excellent swordsman and student, growing close to some and slaughtering others.
He, like other Apprentice Dreadlords, has begun to be sent on missions of various importance.
Lots has happened, will update soon.
Whenever Talus was around the boy seemed to be a cause of Chaos. He would drop things, accidentally knock over entire buildings, and cause the collapse of small cranes and structures. None of these events were controlled nor intended, but eventually Talus was marked as bad luck.
By the age of seven Talus' parents saw him as less of a gift and more of a curse, eventually reaching out to Dreadlord's stationed in Vel Luin and insisting the boy be tested.
The Proctors of course swept in, detecting Talus' magic and gladly taking him off the hands of his parents.
Talus was immediately swept away from the city and brought to the famed Academy. There he began his tutelage as a Dreadlord Apprentice. He took to the training strangely well, never complaining and always doing as asked. Unlike many others Talus never attempted to run away or even object.
Since then Talus has proven himself to be an excellent swordsman and student, growing close to some and slaughtering others.
He, like other Apprentice Dreadlords, has begun to be sent on missions of various importance.
Lots has happened, will update soon.

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