Vel Luin
- The Twins
- Vel Luinara
- The Drydocks
Vel Luin was founded as a coastal trade port for Vel Anir more than a thousand years ago.
When originally built the city was little more than a small village, a port used by the King as a go between for goods coming from Vel Anir and being sent out all over the world. As the years passed by, Vel Luin eventually grew and expanded into something much larger.
As wars with the Elves and the surrounding populace became more common place, Vel Luin was eventually surrounded with great stone walls. Built and hewn into the very rock that surrounded the city itself, Vel Luin became a facsimile of it's sister city, growing to be a fortress by the sea.
The crux of this fortress are two massive towers known as the 'twins'. Each of these towers guard the entrance to Vel Luin's harbor, and it is said a net of magic is woven between the two that will stop all those who mean the city harm.
Over the years and as it took on it's role of a fortress, Vel Luin developed into more than just a trade city. For several centuries the city has acted as Vel Anir's primary ship builder. Dozens of vessels are built within the city every year, and nearly every citizen is directly or indirectly employed within the industry.
Much like it's sister city, Vel Luin's demographic is almost entirely made up of humans. Though other species are not outlawed or directly banned, the vast majority of people living within the city are simple Anirian Humans.
Unlike it's grander cousin, Vel Luin's population is still deeply rooted within the old ways. Though Vel Anir itself claims to be slowly changing, Vel Luin still holds deep prejudices against other species; particularly elves. The people of this city remember the Elven Wars well, and it is ill-advised for any elf to venture into the city after sundown.
Despite this prejudice, Vel Luin seems to have a steadily growing populace.
Unlike it's grander cousin, Vel Luin's population is still deeply rooted within the old ways. Though Vel Anir itself claims to be slowly changing, Vel Luin still holds deep prejudices against other species; particularly elves. The people of this city remember the Elven Wars well, and it is ill-advised for any elf to venture into the city after sundown.
Despite this prejudice, Vel Luin seems to have a steadily growing populace.
Starting out as a mere trade port, Vel Luin over the years had become the areas premiere Shipwright.
The City itself is almost entirely devoted to the construction and development of new vessels for Vel Anir and it's people. Vast amounts of wood, ore, and canvas are brought to the city year round. Materials are constantly fed into the Vel Luin, almost the whole of the populace somehow being employed by the shipwrights in the harbor.
Dozens of ships are built simultaneously in Vel Luin, some of them bound for the Anirian Navy, others for private enterprises, and still others headed for use by the Great Houses.
Vel Luin's entire economy is shaped around the Shipwrights, and due to their importance the city itself is well protected and held dear by Vel Anir. This means that life in Vel Luin is generally speaking quite good. Laborers are well paid and those with expertise even more so.
The City itself is almost entirely devoted to the construction and development of new vessels for Vel Anir and it's people. Vast amounts of wood, ore, and canvas are brought to the city year round. Materials are constantly fed into the Vel Luin, almost the whole of the populace somehow being employed by the shipwrights in the harbor.
Dozens of ships are built simultaneously in Vel Luin, some of them bound for the Anirian Navy, others for private enterprises, and still others headed for use by the Great Houses.
Vel Luin's entire economy is shaped around the Shipwrights, and due to their importance the city itself is well protected and held dear by Vel Anir. This means that life in Vel Luin is generally speaking quite good. Laborers are well paid and those with expertise even more so.

Built originally as a small trade town, Vel Luin is not quite as put together or planned as Vel Anir. This can be seen within the city itself. Though no original buildings remain, the streets are much more winding, confused, and far less planned out.
Nevertheless Vel Luin shares the trademark grandeur of it's sister city. The buildings are constructed with quarried stone and sharp lines. Towers mark the city all over, acting as small fortresses of defense in case of attack. The streets themselves are almost always lit with lamps, and there is hardly a dark corner to be found within.
Points of Interest
The Twins: Standing guard at the entrance of the Harbor, The Twins are two massive towers that stand watch over the sea. These gigantic stone structures were built through the labor of captured soldiers after the end of the second Elven War. Both are infused with powerful magics born of blood and death.
They stand as powerful bulwarks, each holding several perches for archers, Trebuchets, and of course the Dreadlords stationed in Vel Luin. Though no one has seen it in near five hundred years, it is also rumored that the Twin's are able to cast a massive net of fire, burning any ship that wishes to enter the harbor without permission of the City.
Vel Luinara: Also known simply as 'The Keep', Vel Luinara is the central seat of government in the city.
Though not as grand as Vel Aerelos, The Keep has long served as a symbol for Anirian authority in the city. Vel Luinara is a singular great fortress walled and isolated in the very center of the city. The Keep is home to the Baron of Vel Luinara, and houses Dreadlords, administrators, and part of the Anirian Guard Garrison.
The Drydocks: Indisputably the most important piece of Vel Luin, The Drydocks are the very lifeblood and reason for existence of the city itself. There are twelve drydocks in total, each of them containing various ships in the middle of construction.
These Drydocks are all large enough to build Galleons, though most generally only construct smaller ships. Three of these twelve Drydocks are directly controlled by the Anirian Guard, each devoted to military projects and generally kept under massive lengths of Canvas in order to maintain some secrecy.
They stand as powerful bulwarks, each holding several perches for archers, Trebuchets, and of course the Dreadlords stationed in Vel Luin. Though no one has seen it in near five hundred years, it is also rumored that the Twin's are able to cast a massive net of fire, burning any ship that wishes to enter the harbor without permission of the City.
Vel Luinara: Also known simply as 'The Keep', Vel Luinara is the central seat of government in the city.
Though not as grand as Vel Aerelos, The Keep has long served as a symbol for Anirian authority in the city. Vel Luinara is a singular great fortress walled and isolated in the very center of the city. The Keep is home to the Baron of Vel Luinara, and houses Dreadlords, administrators, and part of the Anirian Guard Garrison.
The Drydocks: Indisputably the most important piece of Vel Luin, The Drydocks are the very lifeblood and reason for existence of the city itself. There are twelve drydocks in total, each of them containing various ships in the middle of construction.
These Drydocks are all large enough to build Galleons, though most generally only construct smaller ships. Three of these twelve Drydocks are directly controlled by the Anirian Guard, each devoted to military projects and generally kept under massive lengths of Canvas in order to maintain some secrecy.
Vel Luin was founded as a coastal trade port for Vel Anir more than a thousand years ago.
When originally built the city was little more than a small village, a port used by the King as a go between for goods coming from Vel Anir and being sent out all over the world. As the years passed by, Vel Luin eventually grew and expanded into something much larger.
As wars with the Elves and the surrounding populace became more common place, Vel Luin was eventually surrounded with great stone walls. Built and hewn into the very rock that surrounded the city itself, Vel Luin became a facsimile of it's sister city, growing to be a fortress by the sea.
When this growth began Vel Anir came to realize that more had to be done to the city in order to maintain it's survival.
The first of the Baron's was sent right around this time, an agent of Vel Anir and the one who would have final say within the city. The Baron was chosen by the Seven Great Houses by a vote of majority, and his position is generally held for life. With the Baron of course came a contingent of Dreadlords, as well as an entire Anirian Guard Battalion.
Once a small Tradeport, Vel Luin was transformed into Vel Anir's shipwright, the city growing and ever expanding other the careful eye of it's sister city.
When originally built the city was little more than a small village, a port used by the King as a go between for goods coming from Vel Anir and being sent out all over the world. As the years passed by, Vel Luin eventually grew and expanded into something much larger.
As wars with the Elves and the surrounding populace became more common place, Vel Luin was eventually surrounded with great stone walls. Built and hewn into the very rock that surrounded the city itself, Vel Luin became a facsimile of it's sister city, growing to be a fortress by the sea.
When this growth began Vel Anir came to realize that more had to be done to the city in order to maintain it's survival.
The first of the Baron's was sent right around this time, an agent of Vel Anir and the one who would have final say within the city. The Baron was chosen by the Seven Great Houses by a vote of majority, and his position is generally held for life. With the Baron of course came a contingent of Dreadlords, as well as an entire Anirian Guard Battalion.
Once a small Tradeport, Vel Luin was transformed into Vel Anir's shipwright, the city growing and ever expanding other the careful eye of it's sister city.
Coming Soon.
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-blind-leading-the-blind.1520/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/dead-elves-walking.1461/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-mountains-ahead.93/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/fires-in-elbion.1384/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-schools-of-magic-elbion-vel-anir.1350/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/a-lesson-by-the-sea.1324/
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