Open Chronicles Happy Giftmas Day - A very special delivery...

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Character Biography
OOC - This thread is for all those who participated in the Chronicles Secret Santa Gift Exchange! These gifts are REAL GIFTS that are being delivered, In-Character, by Vela Claws (Aka Dawnbringer). These gifts are from REAL CHARACTERS around the world and are being delivered completely at random. One lucky participant will receive a golden feather from the Dawnbringer as well.

You may feel free to post your character receiving, opening, and reacting to their gift if you like!

IC -


The day of giving had finally arrived! A happy Giftmas morning of golden sunlight and feathery snowflakes drifted in along the horizon for as far as the eye could see. No matter where around the world the Dawnbringer flew, no matter the climate or the city, she brought this winter wonder with her to share. Gilded feathered gleamed and glimmered while chimes and bells tied to a great woven basked held aloft by the creature sang of her arrival.


The first to receive a gift was the young Chasmine at the Dreadlord Academy of Vel Anir.

"When Mother Arethil gave, the 'civilized' took without end. I give you this, so that Mother Arethil may take back."


Gift Name/Title: Orb of Undoing
Gift description: An odd, sort of squishy feeling, greenish orb. It almost feels sort of papery to the touch. It lies inert unless brought into a place that is distinctly unnatural (a house, a city, a castle, etc.), where after a short time it begins to become disturbed. After 12 hours, the orb bursts open and dozens of six-inch caterpillars pour out. The caterpillars will feed on anything not from nature - carved stone, metal, worked wood, and the like are all gorged upon for roughly 20 minutes, until the caterpillars are full and fat, after which they will cocoon themselves all over. The resulting butterflies won't emerge for many months, but are quite large, beautiful, and very good as pollinators; the butterflies are sterile and unable to produce further Orbs of Undoing.

Next Medja would find her gift dropped gently into her curiously snow-covered gardens at her home.

"His name is Asram."

Tulio ~ ♡
Gift Name/Title: Asram's Call
Gift description: A whistle carved from the branch of an Espolia tree found in the Betwixt. The tree is dark of color, nearly onyx, and the whistle is the size of an average index finger. The whistle is used to call one of Tulio's seven dark beasts, the wolf, from the shadows for a short time.

Followed swiftly by Raea Stormcrow with a wrapped box awaiting her on a chair.

"I hope you love my home as much as I do!"



Gift Name/Title: The Pale Kings Blessing
Gift description: Oil painting of the Pale Kings Blessings over Faarin after the Festival of the Pale King.
To Quacey a package delivered with a fair bit of weight to it.

"Select your target wisely ; )"



Gift Name/Title: Set of Throwing Knives
Gift description: Set of throwing knives with wrapped handles with pouch

And Kiros Rahnel a smaller gift no less meaningful.

"Let nature fill your heart, when you grow something, you yourself grow."

Gift Name/Title: Ancestral Seeds
Gift description: A bag filled with cultivated seeds of rare plants, some of which do not exist anymore.

Vayden would find his gift caught in a branch just above where he walked, admiring the curious change of weather.

"A light to guide your way, not all is lost."

Gift Name/Title: Orb of Finding
Gift description: A small white orb that glows in the dark, it can be used to find your way when you are lost in spirit or in path.
The Winter Court received a visit from the Dawnbringer, delivering a gift into the hands of the Winter Queen herself, Mab

"Love You!!!"

A Certain Fae Prince
Gift Name/Title: The Best Gift Ever
Gift description: A box that when opened up explodes in a shower of glitterdust that goes everywhere and gets all over everything. There also might be a dead bird in the box clearly meant to have flown out of it with a little trailing banner that reads "Th Best Gift Ever!"

To escape the glitter bomb, Vela Claws made a swift departure to the manor of Ceilidh Trahan where she deposited the Lady's gift on the veranda.

"I suggest sharing with a friend, and if you've none, then this will certainly help you attain one."

Gift Name/Title: Veran Fox Whiskey
Gift Description: A bottle of fine whiskey, made in the heart of Veradune and holding a fox head pin at the bottom.

Not far away to a Gift Giver who wished to maintain their Anonymity a present for they, too.

"Bon Appetite"

Felice Omilia
Gift Name/Title: "Snacks"
Gift description: Felice has carefully and thoughtfully dissected several humans, orcs, and elves and stuffed various organs into a simple burlap sack. It's a true treat for any monster and took an entire day for her to prepare.

Caliane Ruinë
After a short break to sample some of the local varietals, Vela Claws made her way to Vaer Nhimei to deliver the shuck his own gift.

"May your mischief bring fortune to the righteous."



Gift Name/Title: Owl's Blade
Gift description: A damascus dagger enchanted to let its weilder see in the dark.

Next to The Brothers Vitae three who were never far from one another.

To Wulren a sizeable package of many things.

"Be kind to the bees."

Tinus Damos
Gift Name/Title: Gifts of the Bees
Gift description: A wicker gift basket filled with various products.
-Bag of Honey Candies x3
-Box of beeswax candles x2
-Scented beeswax candle x2; one pine and birch, one wild flowers
-Jar of raw honey

To Rerreno a gift he might appreciate.

"Winter is the Season of Night. May the Twins shine their love upon you as they have me."

A Poet-Knight
Gift Name/Title: In Love of the Twins
Gift description: A collection of poetry both romantic and philosophical with the presence of the two moons in all of them. It is handwritten and always appears in the written language most familiar to the one reading it.

To Varos something handy.

"If all else fails, may this purchase for you your freedom, and may you have the will to use it and the timing to make it count."

Elliot Aldmar
Gift Name/Title: Boot Knife
Gift description: A small and simple knife, covert, able to be hidden within the throat or the hollowed-out sole of one's boot.
  • Yay
Reactions: VigiloConfido
Nearby to Dianthe Cyrene a lovely little gift.

"Think about what you need, rather than what you want. The two are never the same."



Gift Name/Title: Lucky Penny
Gift description: Make a single wish on this penny and it will be granted. Wishes can have nasty consequences if they are not phrased correctly. To activate the wish throw the penny into a body of water when casting it, or flip it into the air.

And to Astrid Bielke something practical.

"I hope these keep you safe and warm."

Yeoman Bertram Rowe
Gift Name/Title: Woolen Sweater & Cloak
Gift description: A heavy gray wool cloak perfect for staying warm and out out of the weather. A woolen sweater dyed green with a gray sheep being followed by a white dog with a black shepherd behind it. Both are comfortable and durable.

To Maranae in the wilds something different.

"Take good care of this purse and it will never leave you. Attune to it by holding it in your hands, letting it bathe in moonlight, and giving it a name. Tell it its name thrice, place in it a single gold coin, and keep it in a dark place until sunrise. If the spell works, this purse will return to you whenever you are parted from it, and it will guard your treasures from those who would steal them. It may also summon a gift for you on the Long Night if you are kind to it."



Gift Name/Title: a really good purse

Gift description: A palm-sized, sky blue silk pouch. The silk appears to be hand-painted with a single white narcissus flower, and it is tied with a delicate white silk cord. The pouch is lined with silk in a darker hue of blue, but the interior is extremely murky and dark. Even shining a light directly into the pouch does not seem to dispel the shadows therein.

This pouch is magical in nature. Once attuned and should it leave its owner's person, the pouch will always return to their possession when Pneria next appears in the sky, day or night. To those not attuned to the purse, it will always appear empty.

Additionally, a mysterious violet pearl may appear upon the winter solstice every year. This pearl can be sold for a large sum.

To Felice something that may be of use.

"Looking through this stone will give you a different view on the world around you!"

Chasmine Grey

Gift Name/Title: Seeing Stone pendant
Gift description: A green-colored seeing stone on a black length of braided leather to wear as a necklace. The stone is smoothed and triangular in shape with a round hole worn through the size of a penny. Looking through the seeing stone enables one to view Things Not of this Realm such as spirits and fae. While it can allow one to see through very general fae glamours, it will not work on very powerful fae glamours, but the viewer might still note a halo of pearlescent light surrounding the fae in question.
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Up north where the winters brought their own snow, the Dawnbringer glided into Faarin to deliver Brenna her gift.

"Use this time to make the world a richer, better place."

Gift Name/Title: A Promise of Tomorrow
Gift description: An ornate hourglass with enough sand in it to equal an hour. The wood is polished so that it gleams, and the glass flawless and without bubbles. Engraved on a plate are the words: "Bless the hours that thee may have, that they not be squandered to thine regret." Ostensibly, it is little more than a nick knack, but the impression of fierce determination pervades the object - an impression that the giver is giving a portion of their life that others might continue on beyond their time.

Further south she banked to the war front where Lord Paetr commanded his troops with an air of superiority that did not deflate his excitement for receiving a gift.

“Remember Lessa Strongheart.”

Vayden Flamerider
Gift Name/Title: Strongheart’s Armor
Gift description: Strongheart’s armor is a set of black-dyed leather and boiled leather armor. It is sturdy and light meant to allow for a full range of movement. The buckles and studs that hold it together are polished iron. Over the sternum in the center of the cuirass a stencil of a large dragon displaying its wings in challenge is branded and pressed into the leather. On the back of the cuirass two decorative seams flair up in the shoulder blade area. These seams stay regardless of who wears the armor but will warp to accommodate any wings its wearer might have.

Strongheart’s armor carries with it a faint aura of water magic and two simple abilities. First of these allows the armor to change general shape to fit most humanoid or similar sized creatures. The second is a passive ability active only while the armor is being worn. The wearer of Strongheart’s armor has any harmful or debilitating substances in their bodies put into a temporary stasis. This stasis lasts as long as the armor is worn but after ruffly a week of interfering with the body’s natural energies victims may begin to feel weak and sick to their stomachs. This feeling will continue to become worse and worse the longer Strongheart’s armor is affecting a body up to an extremely uncomfortable point. Oddly the armor’s magic harmonizes with the wearer’s desires and emotions in some small way. The result is that the armor will not block any poisons or medications intentionally taken or administered by a trusted source.

Onwards to find an old acquaintance, wandering places unexpected. Harrier found her gift waiting her nearby her campfire.

"If you're not on The Edge then you're taking up too much room."

Gift Name/Title: The Edge
Gift description: A huge, hand-crafted bardiche polearm. The head of the weapon is quite heavy and apparently never dulls. At the opposite end of the handle has a small chain, off the end of which is attached a heart surrounded by two bull-like horns, sculpted from granite. The weapon is enchanted with a magic that lets the weapon shrink down to the size of a pen for as long as the holder likes.
To the handsome fellow Cillian a gift deposited on his nightstand.

"Really, shouldn't the whole world know of my splendor?"

Gift Name/Title: The Staff of Perfection's Visage
Gift description: A staff hewn from bronze and gold, with a sculpted scarab at its head, the beetle's wings spread wide; embedded within the scarab is a large, sparkling emerald. While useful for the mundane purposes an staff might be, its real use comes when focused upon and activated. Once per day, the staff can conjure up to three human-sized constructs by absorbing loose earth and stone. These constructs take the form of a very particular, beautiful, and apparently desert-dwelling woman. The constructs will fight on the wielder's behalf for up to an hour before the staff loses its power for the day, or until the constructs are destroyed.

Back at the Dreadlord Academy the Dawnbringer found two of the young students out on the grounds.

To Eleanor she deposited a gift without a card...

Gift Name/Title: Old Folk Walking Stave
Gift description: A sturdy walking stave made from birch wood with images of creatures from the Spine carved all over it. Leather tassels with feathers, claws, and fangs tied to them are tied above a leather wrapped grip.

...but this was not all! For a gust of blustery wind tore across the academy grounds, stirring up dry leaves and pulling at cloaks. A golden feather from the ruff of the great gryphon's wing shivered loose to be caught gently in her beak. As often as the Dawnbringer carefully chose those who received this gift of her own, today the fates saw fit to choose for her and so she leaned down to deposit the feather into the young one's hand.


This is my gift to you, young Eleanor, said a powerful voice within the young Acolyte's head,
may it give you lightness of foot whenever you carry it. Raise it to the skies in your time of need. Call for me and I will come to your aide. This is a gift given freely, to take it without permission is to break its power. Keep it well.

To Meredith who waited patiently nearby a gift of weight and value undefined.

"For one to live, another must die. Use wisely."



Gift Name/Title: Second Chance
Gift description: Silvery spirit in an ornate, dark blue vial. Only good for one use, this Spirit of Life itself will restore a person back to full health from the brink of death. Once a person consumes this potion another, innocent life will be suddenly snuffed out.
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Before she left the Academy, one more gift to give she had! Young and exceptional Kristen Pirian she found on the sparring grounds. The gift was small and the note was long, with the exception of one REDACTED word.

"Dear REDACTED. My man is transcribing this because I have never learned how the common humans write. It is beneath me. My advisors tell me that you are a gryphon, which is part bird and part cat. Which part is which? Do you shit like a cat - by which I mean in a hole in the ground - or like a bird? If the latter I imagine one poorly timed airborne bowel movement could flatten an entire village.

Anyway, I get the sense that I should stop there, by which I mean my scribe is giving me that look again. Never fear, I will put out one of his eyes later. Yes right that down you little fuck. And that.

Now, for the lucky mortal who receives the contents.

This is a Frost crystal. We have lots of them, but I imagine they're endlessly fascinating to a mud-digging mortal like yourself.

It will remain cold for a very fucking long time. Like, a really long time. More years than you can imagine.

I should have started the letter with this but put on some gloves before you hold it. Should you have picked it up or be tempted to lick it and find yourself stuck fast I recommend heating some stiff spirits over a fire and pouring that over your tongue. Not that this has happened to me, but I imagine it could have done to someone more stupid.

I am sure you could trade this for lots of gold but you could have something much more valuable: meeting me. And I'm fucking brilliant. Simply make your way to the port town west of the Eratejva stone and ask for Fergeon and give him the Frost crystal. As long as I remember to let everyone know, you will be provided safe passage to my fortress.

If I forget than I am sorry but you will likely be killed on the spot instead of getting to meet me. Which would be terrible. For you.

Otherwise, use it to chill your drinks or as a nice bauble. I don't give a fuck really."



Gift Name/Title: Frost Ctystal
Gift description: see above
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The gryphon could do nothing else except offer the girl and roll of her eyes and a shake of her head before taking to the skies once again. Off next to deliver a gift to another of larger-than-life stature: Toruuk Stoneheart

"May your words inspire peace."

Gift Name/Title: The Busy Diplomat
Gift description: A calligraphy set that never runs out of ink or parchment.

The gryphon exchanged glances with the great warrior and the very smoll calligraphy set in his massive mitt. Whether or not the minotaur could actually write she wasn't sure, but she leaned her head down to touch the end of her beak to the gift and with a flash of illuminated blue sigils across her figure the gift magically grew in size to fit the young bull.

After a hearty feast with the minotaur it was off to visit the elf Tulio who she suspected would be pleased no matter what the gift may be.

"Pr et e rok!! Is sines"

(In perhaps the worst writing ever) MaRanAE
Gift Name/Title: "Shiny rock"
Gift description: A stone about the size of a fist with a swirl of colors in it. It is quartze of some kind, shot through with purple, yellow, white, and red, and the facets gleam in the light. It can be used to throw at people if one really wanted to. Powers? Its a rock, silly.

Next to Acteon Cass who she found wandering the roads atop his steed. A gift small but delicious.

"May your toast be less plain. Goes great with butter."

Garrod Arlette


Gift Name/Title: A small jar of cranberry jam
Gift description: A dainty jar of cranberry jam, tart and sweet and neatly put together.
To the man named Walter Banick a gift most curious and from someone the gryphon believed Walter would not personally care for. These Vel Anirians really had an odd view of the world around them...

"I've got friends in far you can, too!"

Gift Name/Title: Elemental Egg
Gift description: A mysterious, glowing egg that swirls with many colors. Its temperature often changes, and its surface shifts from dry to wet at random. With proper care and a few months time, as well as much meditation on what lies within, the egg will eventually hatch into an infant elemental. As a natural born elemental, rather than a summoned one, it does not require a summoner's energy to remain bound to Arethil; however, should it perish, it will vanish forever. The exact kind of elemental which hatches reflects the thoughts, dreams, and soul of the egg's caretaker. The baby will behave like a pet to the caretaker once hatched.

To Asa Renwyk a most lovely gift indeed. Mysterious too...

A small sheet of papyrus is attached to a piece of looped twine over the jar’s narrower neck, with indecipherable script inked upon it.


Gift Name: Vile Vase
Gift Description:
Terrify the neighbours!
Raise the suspicion of the town guard!
Commit other benign or malicious acts!

A decorated ceramic jar, appearing to be entirely empty. The object emits a very faint orange glow from within, visible only under exceptionally low-lit conditions.

The aggressive design decorated upon the vase is in match to its nature. Should one open it, all within earshot will be subjected to a sound of a man in extreme anguish until the stopper is replaced. An extended listen of a few minutes will leave those subjected feeling physically ill – even malevolant entities will feel discomfort upon listening. To voluntarily endure more requires a strong stomach and exceptional willpower.

The vase is as fragile as any mundane counterpart would be. If shattered, these anguished sounds will fill the immediate area for a duration of one hour, along with the stated effects inflicted upon any who hear it. Upon the hour’s conclusion all noises will abruptly cease, and whatever remains of the jar will appear mundane and unenchanted.

Annendum: Any connection between this artifact and its creator are entirely entirely severed, and no longer exist. Neither does said creator hold any awareness of the object or its state. For more info please contact Kiros Rahnel OOCly.

A gift for Hahnah might be especially helpful in times of war and uncertainty....if she could lift it.

"May this shield protect you from evil and blind it to your presence."



Gift Name/Title: The glimmering aegis
Gift description: A shining shield, enchanted to always be polished.
Next to the wilds again to see an old friend. The great protector of the forest Volos the Verdant would receive a gift that perhaps would have little use to him or be well received, but the Dawnbringer reminded her friend that it was, indeed, the thought that counted.

"Hello! I think this ring is a remarkably beautiful piece of art, but, in the spirit of giving and of wanting to share my passion for the mystery and majesty of the Portal Stones, I shall part with it. I must apologize, for I would have liked to bless it as well for you! Alas, I still have much to learn, and I am not yet so adept. Perhaps in some time, I shall have the mastery to bestow a belated blessing upon the ring for you. Seek me out after the change of the seasons, and mayhap I will be able to complete my gift as I intended!"

Kristen Pirian
Gift Name/Title: Silver Ring
Gift description: A shiny, silvery ring with all of the runes found at the Portal Stones etched around the band.

Next to the man known as Garrod Arlette she delivered a parcel that had no note. The gryphon eyed it warily and with some shimmer of amusement within her hooded eyes.

Gift Name/Title: Her Splendor, Queen Mab of the Winter Court
Gift description: It is a large portrait of Queen Mab, flipping off everyone. A bit of magic script at the bottom that can be read by anyone, regardless of literacy or language, that says "Her Splendor, Queen Mab of the Winter Court" and is signed on the back by the artist, Ceilidh Trahan.

To the Warlock Vulpesen a simple but pristinely wrapped gift with a note baring only the name of the giver: "Meredith."

Gift Name/Title: Scarf
Gift description: A scarf that can be magicked to change color, it always smells of Lavender

A quick journey through the skystreams brought the gryphon to the elf known as Kaelan within whose hands she deposited a small gift box.

"Life is a gamble. May Lady Luck favor you."


Gift Name/Title: Token of Lady Luck
Gift description: A coin with the image of Alliria, Goddess of Fortune and Prosperity, stamped onto both sides. Heads shows her pouring coins out of a goblet. Tails shows her taking a purse from a begging man. It is said that this token will grant Lady Luck's fortune to whomever flips it. Good fortune if it lands on heads. Bad fortune if it lands on tails. No one is sure if it actually works or is just a coincidence.
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Tabitha Pamona received her delivery while marveling at the snowflakes falling from the skies. The flap of the great gryphon's wings sent a bluster of flurries and her gift into her hands - perhaps not something she ever would have expected.

"Hello. My name is Hahnah. I have heard of this creature whose name is the Dawnbringer and what this creature does. It is generous and kind. I wanted to give a gift, but I do not own anything. I decided to make an arrow, that is one thing that has been shown to me many times. I found a very good rock that made for a good arrowhead, because I do not know how metal is shaped and could not use that. I found a suitable stick and spent many hours carving it into a shaft. Birds are hard to kill, so I had to use something else for the tail feathers of the arrow. I used a piece of myself. Please do not be afraid, it will not harm you. I hope that you have a pleasant day and that sin does not enter your heart."


Gift Name/Title: A Strange Arrow
Gift description: An arrow with a stone arrowhead, not crudely made but not a masterwork. Serviceable. Yet the fletching is not made from normal feathers. Odd, fibrous black strands constitute the fletching. It may be a trick of the light or not, but...the black strands seem to react faintly to one's touch, as if alive.

The daylight hours we waning now and Velaeri pushed on to find Elliot Aldmar and deliver his gift. A box that rattled as it moved and smelled strangely of peaches. The gryphon eyed it curiously only to discover that it had, in fact, been sitting on a supply of peaches she'd picked up in the Winter Court. Several of which were squished. Damn.

"Life is filled with unexpected changes. It is a gift keeping things interesting."

Master Asa Renwyk of the Elbion College

Gift Name/Title: Vials of Surprising Gifts (x6 vials)
Gift description: A vial of surprising gifts is a potion that when consumed or exposed to ones flesh causes a random effect to take place. Length of time depends on how it is applied. Consumption can last up to a day. Exposure can last several hours. Roll a d6. The number is the random effect.
1: Turn into a massive slug with a salt allergy.
2: Double in size and strength.
3: Begin to glow with the intensity of a brazier and throwing off the same level of heat as one. You are effected by your own glow and heat as well.
4: Be filled with life having heals quickly recover and be beyond the effects of exhaustion.
5: Lose your civil tongue and only speak in insults and profanity. If this is your civil then gibberish is what it shall become.
6: Your very presence is a gift and others know it. They shall be enthralled by your voice and your actions.

To Bertram Rowe something incredibly thoughtful and useful.

"For whatever painful troubles may come your way."


Gift Name/Title: First aid kit
Gift description: A kit filled with herbs and poultices in small jars, it has bandages and a needle and thread as well as instructions on how to use the items.
The unusual fae Wilton Frae next received his gift. The gryphon winced as she handed it to him, concerned for not only himself but for anyone within a 100 mile radius. Maybe the fates were kind and he couldn't read.

"Happy reading!"

Harrier Wren

Gift Name/Title: "Graveworm Varietals," by Stunchus Murd
Gift description: A leather-bound, rune-marked, somewhat decomposed book that smells like the swamp of the Bayou Garramarisma. It contains entry-level to mid-grade necromantic knowledge.

For Weylin Kyrel a most ominous of gifts from a man of questionable morals.

"Instructions: Take this coin the port city of Ostia Anir. Proceed to the estate of House Banick. Present the coin to one of the guards. They will direct you to me. And I will grant you a favor."

Walter Banick

Gift Name/Title: Favor Coin
Gift description: A simple, gold-plated coin, stamped with the crest of House Banick on the front, and "WB34" on the back.

Last but most certainly not least, the Dawnbringer flew into the drier regions of Espressa where a young man named Tinus Damos would likely lose his full fucking mind upon her arrival. She steeled herself for the inevitable and glided in low, dropping his gift on his head before swooping away. If she was lucky she could get away before he started shouting chants of faith at her.

"To whom it may concern,
Contained within is a very special tea. Made originally by a god of medicine from dried forsythia blooms, I've added a little something extra especially for you. If you are mortal, then prepare it wisely and peer beyond the veil, but only thrice. Use these moments wisely, and may the new year bring you great fortune!

Gently steep one teaspoon for fifteen seconds and pour, but discard this first cup. Do not drink it! Steep a second time for twenty-five seconds, pour, and drink while still warm. Immediately discard the remaining leaves.

That's it! Enjoy an hour of its effects.

Happy new year!

P.S. - If you are fae, this tea will not help you see that which you already see, but it can provide you with fantastic dreams and a delightful nap."

Her Splendor Queen Mab of the Winter Court


Gift Name/Title: Forsythia Queen's Tea

Gift description: A floral white tea packaged in a small, white wooden box. There are three teaspoons in all, enough for only three very small cups of tea. The loose tea is very fluffy, with a mix of white tea and dried forsythia blooms, and has a very strong floral fragrance. This tea is magical in nature. When brewed, this tea has an exceptionally pale color. However, it appears to shimmer a glittery gold in sunlight. The box is tied with a scarlet silk cord, under which is a folded note.

When prepared and consumed as directed, this tea gives non-fae the ability to temporarily perceive fae glamours and peer behind the curtain of spells cast by the fae to see the truth beneath. The effects begin five minutes after consumption and only last for an hour.

To fae, this tea has mild hallucinogenic and sedative properties, but grants no special abilities.
  • Yay
Reactions: VigiloConfido
Hahnah, still lost somewhere in the Kingdom of Dalriada, received the gift of the shield.

She eyed it curiously at first, running her fingers along the edges as it lay on the ground. These were the chunks of metal or wood that armored men liked to protect themselves with. At least it was not armor--she would not have been able to wear armor. And this shield was so very shiny.

She tried to pick it up. Augh! Heavy! She had never been of great physical strength.

Hahnah picked up the shield, walked some paces with it, and then set it back down. Turned it over.

Instead, she curled up into a ball within the concave of the shield, resting upon it as she awaited for night to fall.

The Brothers Vitae
  • Sip
Reactions: Velaeri
"Read it again," said Walter to his house servant.

"That is all that it says, my Lord. 'I've got friends in far you can, too!'"

Walter let out a rough grumble from his throat. As a proud Banick, he was no stranger to the philanthropic winter celebrations. Let no man say that he was not generous. Yet, while his gift was rather clear on its purpose and value, what he had received this year was...frustratingly enigmatic.

"Summon one of our Dreadlords to examine the Egg. If no practical value is determined, tell them it is my command to destroy it."

"And if practical value is ascertained, my Lord?"

Walter looked back over his shoulder to the servant. "Then I will enlist the service of whatever comes out in the next campaign."
  • Dab
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Kaelan and Velaeri
Kristen sat on her bed within her room in the Dreadlord Academy dormitories. Beside her, wrapped in thick cloth, was the queer crystal that she had received, and it radiated quite the chill, even amongst the chilliness of the day!

She had the folded letter in hand. Oh, how she loved these sorts of surprises! From whom could it possibly be? Her immediate thoughts, naturally, centered on other initiates of the Academy, but in quiet truth it could have come from anywhere on Arethil. Now then, to see what manner of delightful person sent such a fascinating gift!

She opened the letter.

Started reading.

And her jaw dropped.

A little.

Then some more.

And some more.

Aghast, a hand went up to cover her mouth. By Aionus! What...what absolutely foul language! Scandalous language! Wasn't this against the Dawnbringer's rules or something? Who, just who was this? A man or being named Paetr, was it then? Kristen didn't understand. What could have possessed such a man or being to even participate in this wondrous celebration, only to write such an uncouth letter and close it with such a vulgar, terse, and dismissive final word? And that was hardly a hospitable invitation he'd mentioned!

A shiver of shock shook her shoulders, and Kristen set the letter down. Then looked to the Frost Crystal. Well, once the summer came 'round once more, this would certainly make her room comfortable indeed!

  • Cthuloo
  • Devil
Reactions: Velaeri and Paetr
The other men of the company chuckled and pointed when Elliot received his gift. One made a mocking motion of wings and imitated a shrill squawking, pretending to be the Gryphon Velaeri flying away. Elliot paid them no mind.

What was that smell? Peaches. The box rattled with the sound of glass and smelled of peaches. Interesting.

Elliot opened it. No peaches. But vials and a note. He read it. Unexpected changes, it said. Here the old calculation of risk versus reward. Elliot did not know the character of the man who'd sent the gift, one Master Asa Renwyk, but the College of Elbion was known for its fair share of eccentric personalities.

Maybe it would be good to see what the contents of the vials did first, volunteering some of his fellow mercenaries for the task before he himself partook. For all Elliot knew, these vials would make for better poisons than boons.

He smirked. Wouldn't it be nice to gift one of these to the Dynast?

Asa Renwyk
It was that time of year yet again. That time when the giant gryphon took off with gifts prepared and doled them out upon her own whims. Such a mystical, magical, mysterious moment. He chose to participate every year in an attempt to try to puzzle out why this cat-bird hybrid was doing it. In his three hundred plus years he had figured out nothing. Truly an unknown season of uncertainty.

His gift of potions gone, the gift giver returned to him later as he sat around an outdoor alchemy workshop put together in his current camp on his current research and ingredient acquisition venture. What was dropped into his hands was a jar. A very strange jar at that. As soon as it was in his hands he was looking it over. Mysterious symbols, a piece of papyrus not paper, and the words upon it of an unknown language.

Very odd.

All interest in the bubbling mixture over flame was lost. Now it was on the jar. As he walked away from his workshop towards the campfire before his tent, the heating liquid began to have the steam above turn to white smoke. As he sat down the liquid turned from a green to a black and then exploded.

Asa did not notice or seem to care. His interest so intensely focused on the jar in his hands. He began to study it. A new subject of research had just been dropped into his lap.

Kiros Rahnel
  • Popcorn
  • Bless
Reactions: Itra and Velaeri
A jar of jam? A jar of jam?!

Acteon was dumbfounded. Honestly he had heard of this odd tradition with that mythical gryphon and so gave it a chance, but he had not expected this outcome. The gift he had submitted was thoughtful, cultural, and even could be called religious. The gift he got in return was a JAR OF JAM. Not even a large one. It was small. Barely worth a thing.

The Allirian felt deeply insulted that someone had submitted such a thing. From the perspective of costs and benefits it made sense for the other person to put up a small jar of jam, but it also was the kind of thing that would ultimately end the practice of gift giving.

He picked it up and was about ready to throw it across his study. But he stopped himself. The clean up would not be worth it. He did not want it so he would just gift it to someone else. Maybe Nacola Vargr would enjoy it. She had yet to receive a gift.... Well not this kind of gift....

Garrod Arlette
Bertram loved this time of year! Gifts got exchanged amongst complete strangers thanks to that big catbird that carried them off and delivered them to others for you. It was a time of peace and love. He could use more of that. Even with his home being away from all the violence of the constant warring his people kept themselves in, news and rumors were never ending on the blood shed. He hated it, but he loved this.

So when the gift giver returned to him, he was out helping his dogs care for the sheep. He and his animals all got startled when the sky darkened and giant wing beats boomed over head. But then he found himself with a gift dropped into his hands held to cover his head.

What he found after she flew off was his gift. It was a kit of some kind. He opened it up and immediately got giddy. It was full of medical supplies and a manual! Something that he could use to help his neighbors and something to read. This was the best!

As he waved at the gryphon flying off, Bertram yelled to her, "Thank you! And thank Tabitha for me!"

Tabitha Pamona Velaeri
Twas the Winter tradition of giving the great gryphon a gift for another and receiving one back. Why she chose to do such a thing was only for her to know. It was as much a natural process as the sun and moons crossing the skies marking the passage of time.

What Quacey was gifted this year brought a raise to a brow. It was a bundle. A rather heavy bundle. One that when he unrolled, he ended up dropping to the floor with a wince. Steel knives. It burned his flesh as it did to all fae. Their shared weakness that helped form the sort of connecting bond between them all.

He found a pair of gloves and picked them up. They were sharp and well balanced. Perfect tools for throwing. A little note and the name of the sender. "Select your target wisely" with a little smiling face drawn on it. Interesting. While it was not normal or particularly wise for a fae to carry around tools of iron or steel with them, he was not about to be rude to the one who had gifted him. He would wear them and remember to wear gloves. Perhaps they would come of use one day.

So he sat himself down and began to write out his thank you letter. It would take some time to find gifter so the sooner he started the letter the better in his opinion.

  • Dab
Reactions: Eleanor
Offering up gifts for the solstice/midwinter was a deep rooted tradition for the Old Folk. That divine bird would deliver them and gift you in return. One never knew what they were receiving nor what they would be getting. So for his people it was best to make something worthwhile if not useful as their gift to give.

Weylin had fulfilled his end and created a gift anyone could find use for (at least in his limited experience). What had been given to him was rather unusual. Instead of an item like a tool or clothing or piece of art he had received a coin. It looked to be made of gold and had images and symbols he didn't recognize stamped into it.

Did someone just give a single coin as their gift? It was gold so of value but he remembered how much his mom complained about them in her travels. Gold was hard to spend as few had the funds to break it and exchanging it was more difficult than one thought. He didn't know why it would be so difficult, but he knew his mom wouldn't complain unless it was true.

It came with something else. He got the paper out and stared at it. Scribbles. All meaningless scribbles. He knew it was some kind of writing but that was as much as he could make out. Perhaps there was more to the gift than just the coin?

He put it into his pocket. For now he would just wait to ask Zeri Rekani to read it for him and tell him what it meant. He had hunting to do anyways.

Walter Banick
Oooooo! What was this?

Wilton skipped in joy as he saw his present had arrived! He didn't know what it could be but it looked amazing!

What greeted the fae was a tome. A weird one that was kind of rotted. Just like his tree! So he looked at the letter and saw the one who sent it to him had said happy reading. He wasn't much into reading but they were so sure he would be happy reading this one. How could he say no?

So ignoring the name of the gifter, Wilton skipped on over to a seat with book in hand and sat himself down. The cover was opened with a flourish of his hand and he began to hum and bob from side to side as he began to read it.

Oh how happy he was going to be reading it soon!

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Harrier
His gift had been placed on the alter to the Great Queen Mother. His prayers had been delivered and he left so that she might deliver her gift to another.

That was how the myth went anyways. Some believed it. Some did not. Tinus just knew gifts were placed, disappeared, and a different gift addressed to you would be left in its place. Perhaps the great gryphon did it or perhaps the priests. He just liked the tradition and followed it as all Kel did.

What he did not expect though was the sight he caught later on while on a walk. A great shadow descended far too large to be from a normal gryphon. It could only be her. All of the legends, myths, and tales were true! Velaeri was real and she was gracing him with her presence!

The Kel instantly dropped to his knees with his head flat on the ground in prayer. Arms stretched out in front of him as he did offering up no resistance if she chose it was his time to leave the corporeal plane. But it was not. Instead a gift was directly delivered to him. To HIM!

He looked to see a wooden box with a note that smelled of tea. Food. The great Goddess had gifted him with food! Praise be to her now and for eternity!

The Kel swiftly rose to his feet as she was already off to her no doubt most important of tasks. He began to yell out praises to her at the top of his lungs like a madman possessed. It no doubt disturbed all around him, but he did not stop until she was long gone from view.

Only when even the last delusion of her visage were lost from his sight did Tinus finally look down upon the note and the gift. Inside was tea and the note was instructions on how to brew it properly. Already he loved it. His love for Velaeri would have risen as well if it wasn't already unconditional and eternal. It was from some Queen of a court. Perhaps a future client? He did not know. All he knew was he was going to cherish this sacred gift as he spread word of the truth that Velaeri was real and the gift exchanging was her to everyone in his tribe and clan until they were sick of him.

He didn’t know why acquiring a vase had become a holy quest. The ease and simplicity of the task was still a welcome respite, given the usual nature of Her demands. Now, it had been days since it's completion. Coin had been traded for pottery, and only when he laid it upon Her altar to be blessed did he learn it was to be a gift. On handing it to Velaeri, he'd regarded her with polite tact that belied the chaotic deity he was priest of.

But his staff, sensitive to the presence of magic, now tinged again. With a modicum of time to prepare, he actually appeared to have been expecting her this time around. He’d freshly creased his robes and tidied their fit on his body; Itra’s altar set up with four candles lit atop its corner.

Was it too much for the occasion? Velaeri appeared nothing less than, and Kiros had no cause to doubt it. Nonetheless, given his recent experience with the wrath of higher beings, and the potential that Velaeri was one, he dared not risk it. Itra had also appeared initially nice, after all.

She had his gift with her: a pouch of seeds with a note from Dianthe Cyrene attached.

"Let nature fill your heart, when you grow something, you yourself grow."

Kiros was familiar with the shape and colour of a couple of seeds within the collection, given his habit of self-medication through shade. Yet Knowledge of botany was far too lacking to recognize any of the other specimens. He could determine a great variety nonetheless – of many shapes and colours, all gathered together with a sense of loving care that the included note implied. Perhaps one with more wisdom on the subject could aid him?

Until then the carefully curated collection remained a valued possession; Kiros needed little more than the sentiment expressed to treasure it.
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