Acteon Cass

Acteon is a tall, muscular human. His skin color is typcial of that of others from the Reach and he is what his kind would call handsome. His hair is charcoal black and kept in a neatly scruffy styled beard and long wavy hair that is some times let free and some times tied back. Both of these features give him a rather roguish appearance generally. His eyes are like polished amber gems. His nails tend to be a little long and his teeth seem to be rather pointed for a human as well. His chest is also noted for being particularly hairy for one of his kind. By all accounts one might think he has some beast blood in him judging by these details.

Acteon can be found in a wide variety of clothing that depend on the circumstances of his current situation. He is as likely to be finely dressed as he is more practically depending on who he is dealing with. He also can be found in armor as often as not. An arming sword is rarely far from his hip but seems to be more of a showpiece than his weapon of choice.

Skills and Abilities
Educated- Acteon, as the son and heir of a formerly wealthy merchant family, is an educated fellow. Be it in academics such as mathmatics and histoy to the more prominent foreign tongues of trade he has enough exposure to understand well. This education also extends into the more martial due to his time spent in the Allirian Guard.
Adaptive- Acteon was never one for idling even when dealing with others. He constantly is observing the changes in his circumstances and judging those around him. He is quick to switch up his approach and tactics if he feels a given situation is not going in his favor. This is good as he naturally adjusts well to new events but also can lead to major issues as he is quicker to flee or betray others if it is most to his advantage in the moment.
Lycanthropy- Acteon has been afflicted by the curse of lycanthropy. His strain however is rare and rather unusual when compared to the more common variants. When shifting he does not lose complete control of his sense of self or control. Even as a beast of blood and death Acteon remains Acteon. His core actions and motivations will remain the same, even if he is far more likely to lose his temper and kill someone he wants dead than in his human form. This means it is far less likely for him to have "accidents" occur, such as passing his curse onto another, while in his transformed state. While in his human state he gains a slight increase to his strength, speed, and stamina. Mostly they just make him seem to be a particularly gifted human physically and offer no real advantage when dealing with other races. His constitution and self healing however are significantly effected. He recovers at an increased rate, taking 3 days for an injury that normally would require 4, and is able to resist diseases and poisons that would normally kill a normal human. His senses are also heightened, but not so dramatically as to offer him more than the slightest advantage. The biggest benefit is his ability to see in the dark.
This does come with some drawbacks however. Aspects of the wolf's physical state remain even in his human form. His eyes never go back to his original brown and stay the tell tale amber of the wolf. His nails are sharp like claws and must be kept filed down. His teeth remain sharper and more predatory in nature. Hair grows more thickly across in body as well, particularly his chest. These subtle clues can be over looked by most but they are dead giveaways to any trained in hunting lycanthropes. He is also highly allergic to silver in his human state. While touching silver directly does not cause his skin to burn it does cause him to break out into a rash that can begin to blister if exposure lasts longer than an hour. Ingestion of silver or getting into his blood will result in intense burning sensations and swelling of exposed parts of his body. Within an hour of interal exposure he will be dead if the silver is not removed. This highly allergic condition in his human form, let alone his wolf form, also results from any plant of the aconitum genus such as wolf's bane and monk's shroud. The typcial allergic reactions people normally would have with such allergies is amplified and the effects of any toxins the plants may possess are as well.
Acteon has no control over his wolf transformations and is subject to the full moon. He has a harder time controlling his emotions during it in his human state. He also develops a seemingly endless appetite for meat during this time as well. His preference of it being rawer also can work as a sign to those familiar with the curse that he suffers from it.
Adaptive- Acteon was never one for idling even when dealing with others. He constantly is observing the changes in his circumstances and judging those around him. He is quick to switch up his approach and tactics if he feels a given situation is not going in his favor. This is good as he naturally adjusts well to new events but also can lead to major issues as he is quicker to flee or betray others if it is most to his advantage in the moment.
Lycanthropy- Acteon has been afflicted by the curse of lycanthropy. His strain however is rare and rather unusual when compared to the more common variants. When shifting he does not lose complete control of his sense of self or control. Even as a beast of blood and death Acteon remains Acteon. His core actions and motivations will remain the same, even if he is far more likely to lose his temper and kill someone he wants dead than in his human form. This means it is far less likely for him to have "accidents" occur, such as passing his curse onto another, while in his transformed state. While in his human state he gains a slight increase to his strength, speed, and stamina. Mostly they just make him seem to be a particularly gifted human physically and offer no real advantage when dealing with other races. His constitution and self healing however are significantly effected. He recovers at an increased rate, taking 3 days for an injury that normally would require 4, and is able to resist diseases and poisons that would normally kill a normal human. His senses are also heightened, but not so dramatically as to offer him more than the slightest advantage. The biggest benefit is his ability to see in the dark.
This does come with some drawbacks however. Aspects of the wolf's physical state remain even in his human form. His eyes never go back to his original brown and stay the tell tale amber of the wolf. His nails are sharp like claws and must be kept filed down. His teeth remain sharper and more predatory in nature. Hair grows more thickly across in body as well, particularly his chest. These subtle clues can be over looked by most but they are dead giveaways to any trained in hunting lycanthropes. He is also highly allergic to silver in his human state. While touching silver directly does not cause his skin to burn it does cause him to break out into a rash that can begin to blister if exposure lasts longer than an hour. Ingestion of silver or getting into his blood will result in intense burning sensations and swelling of exposed parts of his body. Within an hour of interal exposure he will be dead if the silver is not removed. This highly allergic condition in his human form, let alone his wolf form, also results from any plant of the aconitum genus such as wolf's bane and monk's shroud. The typcial allergic reactions people normally would have with such allergies is amplified and the effects of any toxins the plants may possess are as well.
Acteon has no control over his wolf transformations and is subject to the full moon. He has a harder time controlling his emotions during it in his human state. He also develops a seemingly endless appetite for meat during this time as well. His preference of it being rawer also can work as a sign to those familiar with the curse that he suffers from it.
Acteon is a sociable fellow on the surface seeming to adapt and feel at home in nearly any sort of company. An easy-going air is often around him accompanied by a wolfish smirk. He seems to freely give to others often and be a willing ear for any who need it. This is as much an act as it is true for the disgraced former merchant. Beneath he is constantly evaluating the cost and profits of every action and relationship around him to a level that seems near apathetic. He is always looking for some kind of advantage he can gain from and over others.
Acteon also has a temper. This was true even before his affliction came into place. Pride is not something he has in small amounts and any perceived diminish to it will push his ire closer from buried just under the surface of his smirking exterior to a blade in someone's gut. His value for other's lives also has never been as high as it should be before and has gotten worse. His more instinctive focus on his own needs gives credit to a judgement of arrogance and mild narcissism. He will always put his desires ahead of others, even at times to the detriment of the group.
Acteon also has a temper. This was true even before his affliction came into place. Pride is not something he has in small amounts and any perceived diminish to it will push his ire closer from buried just under the surface of his smirking exterior to a blade in someone's gut. His value for other's lives also has never been as high as it should be before and has gotten worse. His more instinctive focus on his own needs gives credit to a judgement of arrogance and mild narcissism. He will always put his desires ahead of others, even at times to the detriment of the group.
Biography & Lore

Acteon was born into a prominent merchant family from the Allirian Reach. They had lands and properties scattered all over that dealt in goods ranging from wheat and rye to iron mining to shipping. While not being of the Merchant Lord level of merchant families, the Cass were known and respected throughout the region. It was because of this prominence that Acteon found himself as a child being trained and educated to take over as his father's heir to the family business. This special treatment and constant repeating of how much effort was being put into him caused him to develop an arrogant and self absorbed attitude. Much trouble with tutors and staff was caused and only seemed to get worse from Acteon for his father as he got older.
When Acteon was a teen and nearly of age, he had finally reached the peak of his worst behaviors. While a potential new business partner that his father had been working for years to gain was over to sign an official contract of partnership, Acteon insulted and embarrassed the man. This infuriated the potential partner and years of work faded forever. They burnt the contract with a candle then left immediately never to respond to a single letter of apology Acteon's father sent. This was the final straw for Acteon's father. He banished his son from their house and told him not to return until he could prove he had lost his arrogance and gained enough wealth to replace the lost business partner.
Acteon found himself with only the supplies and items he would need to travel and enough coins to see his stay in a commoner inn for a month. The young man wandered around not sure what to do with himself. He had never had to take care of himself so personally a day in his life. It was a hard transition as he found his talents were desired at first but his attitude always saw him jobless within weeks. He bounced around from job to job ranging from scribe work to labor to even being a discount minstrel in hard luck taverns. He was barely scrapping by and simply lashed out in anger as his arrogance remained.
Things changed for Acteon after a few years when he got into some trouble after stealing some food while in a harder spot. He was given two choices at that time: death or conscription. He chose to be conscripted into the Allirian guard. It was his time in the guard that he finally had that arrogance beaten out of him. He was angry at first but the routine and lack of worry on where his next meal quickly tempered it. He also learned that he could potentially work his way up from this position. The guard was as good of a place to make connections as the merchant quarters were.

A few battles between merchant lords broke out over the years Acteon spent in the guard. He had worked his way up from a conscript into the lower officer ranks and made a decent bit of savings from the occasional looting and not terrible wages. Things were looking up for Acteon for once and his head began to swell a bit at the prospect of returning to his father with rank, wealth, and a better reputation. But that all changed when some mysterious deaths began to occur in the region he was garrisoned at. Some beast was slaughtering cattle, sheep, and farmers alike indiscriminately. Hunters were sent and a bounty eventually issued. None of them returned. So with the risk and danger having grown out of control Acteon found himself part of those sent to deal with the issue.
What Acteon and his fellow guards found was not what they expected. An entire town and the surrounding farms had been either slaughtered or abandoned by this point because of this beast and travelers actively gave it a wide birth. What was once a sleepy little agricultural stop had become a blood drenched ruin. They followed what signs they could find of the beast, but whatever it was had hidden it's tracks well. Night was upon them so the guard settled down in the abandoned town for the night. Acteon was awoken from his sleep in the night by screams. He grabbed his sword and spear and rushed out to meet the threat. What he and the others found was those on watch slaughtered. It was a sight not even war had prepared them for in the sheer brutality given to the corpses. Bits and pieces of guts and flesh were scattered all over. Armor had simply been peeled open like a iron sacks. It was horrifying, but not as horrifying as what came next.
Out on the edge of the light a shadow stalked before the guard. It was hard to make out what it was but it was clearly larger than any man. The commander yelled for those with bows to take aim. This caused seemingly glowing golden eyes to be directed at the guards. A silence that felt like minute but was simply a second past for Acteon. Then it was broken by sudden growls either side behind the guard. It was not one beast but three that had slaughtered the watch and they were now next. The first beast was already leapt upon one of the first guards before anyone could turn to look. The second was not long after. Claws and teeth ripped through iron like cloth, sending those within to brutally quick deaths. The beast from the edge of the light rushed them down in the chaos and pounced the commander, snapping his neck and removing his head from shoulders. It gave Acteon his first clear look at the beasts.... He was face to face with legends. He was face to face with werewolves.

Everything that followed was a blur. Acteon remembers frantic orders leaving everyone's lips, including his own, as the chain of command quickly descended. Eventually he heard a voice, perhaps his own or perhaps another's, simply say "survive." The guard was mercilessly torn apart, but it was not without effect. Spears and blades found their ways into the beast's bodies. Eventually one of the wolves fell dead. This only made the remaining two more furious and the guards more frantic to survive. Any who tried to run was targeted and slowly it came down to Acteon and two others that was all who were left. All of them had been clawed up and bruised. But a second wolf was slain as it pounced one of them. The victim did not survive but at least their death had not gone unavenged. The last took Acteon's sole companion when they were distracted and he heard a short yet cut off scream from the darkness. He was all alone now. The last beast's breathing was as labored as Acteon's as it circled him in the darkness all too close within the fire light. It pounced him and he braced with his spear before him. The tip sunk in but then the shaft broke. It was on top of him as he desperately thrust his sword tip in and out of the beast's belly. It bite his shoulder and he felt teeth sink through his armor into his flesh. But it was the end. The beast had made that final attack and while heavily wounded Acteon survived.
Acteon barely made it to the nearest town and was treated for his wounds. It was from here that Acteon sent both his report and his resignation from the guard in letters back to his garrison. He never did mention the bite to his superiors. He knew what it meant but a bigger part of him was in denial tossing it up to simple legend. The newly jobless Acteon roamed around for a time selling out his skills as a sellsword until his first full moon arose. Something deep down had told him to get away from others. He followed this instinct and when the night of the full moon happened he turned for the first time. He found himself less of a bloodthirsty beast and more of a less controlled version of his inner beast. He ran, he hunted, and he began to enjoy this controlled lack of control. But the day after he came to find his original form had changed. It was distressing for him and he spent some time away from others as he came to learn more about this new condition.
Eventually Acteon went near others more and more again. It was at this time he heard a rumor that his family's land and properties had been stripped and sold by one of the merchant lords. Concerned he hurried home to discover the truth. It all was true. His family home held some unknown merchant with a massive gut and his father was living in the slums. He took his father and found him a better, safer place to live in Alliria. Acteon's savings were now no longer his own as he handed them over to his father to live off of. Acteon vowed after that he would find a way to take back what his family had lost. He would take back what was his by birth.
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