Chasmine Grey
A wispy, detached, and congenial type. Chasmine spends her present days traversing the Leylines on missions for Gilram and his Dreadlord exiles.
Once living, she'd not been considered a beauty by normal standards. Chasmine had a waify, almost sickly appearance to her due to her pale hair, skin, and eyes. Now dead, her incorporeal form when visible shimmers a palish greenish-blue as a representation of how she looked on her last living day. Slim and lithe, Chasmine's figure had matured from waifish to waspish. She has a wispy sort of look about her - appearing more like an ephemeral cloud than a girl with her long platinum locks freely floating about her, as untamed in death as they were in life.
Chas' phantom wardrobe locked as well into the last outfit she ever wore, she sports the wardrobe of a young woman on a mission to prove herself: light leather armor and loose but well-fitted robes. At her hip, when the situation calls for it, a ghostly colichemarde may be found.
She has several tattoos, namely of ravens of which she has a seeming affinity toward.
Chas' phantom wardrobe locked as well into the last outfit she ever wore, she sports the wardrobe of a young woman on a mission to prove herself: light leather armor and loose but well-fitted robes. At her hip, when the situation calls for it, a ghostly colichemarde may be found.
She has several tattoos, namely of ravens of which she has a seeming affinity toward.
Skills and Abilities
Chasmine's magic is that of the spiritual realm.
Ghosting/Phasing - Chas can turn herself essentially into a ghost, in which she becomes completely intangible, can move through solid objects, can glide/float/fly, and become completely invisible. This ability has, all things considered given her current status of death, been mastered. Chasmine exists now in the living realm only as a geist, and to be seen she must now expend energy. To rest, she must fade fully into the spiritual realm. She is capable of some physical manipulation within the living realm - requiring vast amounts of energy drawn from the environment in order to do so. This manifests as sudden coldness, tiredness or fatigue of those nearby. For greater feats, she must sap the emotional energy of living things nearby, leaving them cold and deeply fatigued - sometimes exhausted.
Banshee Scream - The sound that woke the Gods and made the Demons wail in pain. This power penetrates solid walls and carries with oomph. It has the power to shatter glass and eardrums alike, disorient and deafen those in close proximity, and given time and more training will fill those who hear it with a sense of dread and fear.
Regeneration - In her corporeal form Chas heals at the same rate any other human will. If able to shift to her phantom form, she will instantaneously heal her own wounds. This draws excessive amounts of energy to do if the wound is very bad and can instantly cause blackout, memory loss, and coma. Annoyingly enough, every time Chas ghosts, her hair will also regrow itself even if it has been cut very short. Shaving has become an endless chore that she's completely given up on. As a geist, there is very little that will bring harm to Chas when manifested in the living realm. Such things are Divine or spirit magic, as well as the manipulation of energy - though the latter does not harm, it simply takes away her ability to manifest.
Sixth Sense - Due to her innate connection to the spiritual realm, Chas can commune with spirits who are present in her general vicinity and can, even in her corporeal form, see and hear them as plainly as she sees and hears living things. This has provided no end of nightmarish encounters for her and made her a target of many spirits wishing to communicate their needs to the living realm. Chas is often found talking to nobody, or running from nothing. With further training, Chas is now able to perform seances to connect with spirits who are not readily available to speak with and open doorways into the spiritual realm for them to travel through. This sense of hers extends to objects or people who are cursed or possessed by spirits or demons.
Spirit Realm Walking - Chas can alter her being in a secondary way as well. Through meditation she can enter her conscience and spirit fully into the spiritual realm, leaving her corporeal body behind in its trance. This leaves her physical body entirely vulnerable and unaware of anything going on around it, while also putting her spirit form at risk to deviants and threats in the spirit realm. She has accidentally done this in her sleep more than once and left herself in a coma until she was able to return. Doing so leaves Chas in a severely weakened state, and it is possible for her to bring back illnesses, curses, or corruption from the spirit realm to her body. On the same token, it is possible for her to bring back power, blessings, and strength.
Chasmine has also recently discovered her ability to phase and open portals to the Spirit Realm through which she can traverse. Doing so locks her into her incorporeal form until she passes back through to the Living Realm. While in her spirit form, Chasmine has also begun learning how to tap into the world's natural leylines - allowing her a greater pool of magical energy to pull from and travel within, though it is still quite difficult for her to do.
Spirit Familiars - Though Chas is unaware, she has formed bonds with spirit animals she encounters over the years. The first is the ghost of a raven she calls Peat for the peat moss nest outside her bedchamber window she finds it in most often. The second is her cat Dandy - more specifically the ghost of her former pet cat Dandylion. Dandy was hers as a child in Alliria and traveled with her when her family moved to Vel Anir. The last time she saw Dandy alive was right before she was taken at the age of 12. Dandy recently died from eating a mouse laced with arsenic and has found his way to Chas at the Dreadlord academy.
Possession - Chasmine is capable of possessing the bodies of living people, though this feat takes a great deal of energy on her part and can generally only be managed for short periods of time. Weak-willed or weak-minded individuals are the easiest to possess, and when she does so she is given access to their foremost thoughts, emotions, and memories of the most recent day. Possession often requires a time of rest and recuperation of energies afterward.
Spirit Ichor - Coming soon.
Spirit Wards - Coming soon.
Soul Snatching - Coming soon.
Because the spirits can often times be relentless in using her as a conduit to the living realm, Chasmine has spent the last few years experimenting with various herbal remedies to provide her an escape. Drugs have become a gateway to peace of mind for Chas, for when her mind is in an altered state the spirits cannot bother her. Nor can she easily control her other powers.
Ghosting/Phasing - Chas can turn herself essentially into a ghost, in which she becomes completely intangible, can move through solid objects, can glide/float/fly, and become completely invisible. This ability has, all things considered given her current status of death, been mastered. Chasmine exists now in the living realm only as a geist, and to be seen she must now expend energy. To rest, she must fade fully into the spiritual realm. She is capable of some physical manipulation within the living realm - requiring vast amounts of energy drawn from the environment in order to do so. This manifests as sudden coldness, tiredness or fatigue of those nearby. For greater feats, she must sap the emotional energy of living things nearby, leaving them cold and deeply fatigued - sometimes exhausted.
Banshee Scream - The sound that woke the Gods and made the Demons wail in pain. This power penetrates solid walls and carries with oomph. It has the power to shatter glass and eardrums alike, disorient and deafen those in close proximity, and given time and more training will fill those who hear it with a sense of dread and fear.
Regeneration - In her corporeal form Chas heals at the same rate any other human will. If able to shift to her phantom form, she will instantaneously heal her own wounds. This draws excessive amounts of energy to do if the wound is very bad and can instantly cause blackout, memory loss, and coma. Annoyingly enough, every time Chas ghosts, her hair will also regrow itself even if it has been cut very short. Shaving has become an endless chore that she's completely given up on. As a geist, there is very little that will bring harm to Chas when manifested in the living realm. Such things are Divine or spirit magic, as well as the manipulation of energy - though the latter does not harm, it simply takes away her ability to manifest.
Sixth Sense - Due to her innate connection to the spiritual realm, Chas can commune with spirits who are present in her general vicinity and can, even in her corporeal form, see and hear them as plainly as she sees and hears living things. This has provided no end of nightmarish encounters for her and made her a target of many spirits wishing to communicate their needs to the living realm. Chas is often found talking to nobody, or running from nothing. With further training, Chas is now able to perform seances to connect with spirits who are not readily available to speak with and open doorways into the spiritual realm for them to travel through. This sense of hers extends to objects or people who are cursed or possessed by spirits or demons.
Spirit Realm Walking - Chas can alter her being in a secondary way as well. Through meditation she can enter her conscience and spirit fully into the spiritual realm, leaving her corporeal body behind in its trance. This leaves her physical body entirely vulnerable and unaware of anything going on around it, while also putting her spirit form at risk to deviants and threats in the spirit realm. She has accidentally done this in her sleep more than once and left herself in a coma until she was able to return. Doing so leaves Chas in a severely weakened state, and it is possible for her to bring back illnesses, curses, or corruption from the spirit realm to her body. On the same token, it is possible for her to bring back power, blessings, and strength.
Chasmine has also recently discovered her ability to phase and open portals to the Spirit Realm through which she can traverse. Doing so locks her into her incorporeal form until she passes back through to the Living Realm. While in her spirit form, Chasmine has also begun learning how to tap into the world's natural leylines - allowing her a greater pool of magical energy to pull from and travel within, though it is still quite difficult for her to do.
Spirit Familiars - Though Chas is unaware, she has formed bonds with spirit animals she encounters over the years. The first is the ghost of a raven she calls Peat for the peat moss nest outside her bedchamber window she finds it in most often. The second is her cat Dandy - more specifically the ghost of her former pet cat Dandylion. Dandy was hers as a child in Alliria and traveled with her when her family moved to Vel Anir. The last time she saw Dandy alive was right before she was taken at the age of 12. Dandy recently died from eating a mouse laced with arsenic and has found his way to Chas at the Dreadlord academy.
Possession - Chasmine is capable of possessing the bodies of living people, though this feat takes a great deal of energy on her part and can generally only be managed for short periods of time. Weak-willed or weak-minded individuals are the easiest to possess, and when she does so she is given access to their foremost thoughts, emotions, and memories of the most recent day. Possession often requires a time of rest and recuperation of energies afterward.
Spirit Ichor - Coming soon.
Spirit Wards - Coming soon.
Soul Snatching - Coming soon.
Because the spirits can often times be relentless in using her as a conduit to the living realm, Chasmine has spent the last few years experimenting with various herbal remedies to provide her an escape. Drugs have become a gateway to peace of mind for Chas, for when her mind is in an altered state the spirits cannot bother her. Nor can she easily control her other powers.
Distant, odd, and quirky to boot. Chasmine is a friendly and forgiving sort who tries to see things in a positive light as often as possible. She has a lot of repressed anxiety and PTSD from being taken from her parents at the age of 12, the harsh treatment received from the Proctors in her first few years, and the horrific things she sees on an almost daily basis in the spirit realm. To try and complete her day in as normal a manner as possible, she takes herbal tonics and smokes remedies using recipes provided to her by her dead grandmother who was a skilled Apothecary and Herbalist.
Socially awkward as well, Chas often doesn't understand or recognize when she's being made fun of by her peers. She has a detached view of the world around her and lacks any sort of prejudice often found in her fellow Vel Anirians.
Socially awkward as well, Chas often doesn't understand or recognize when she's being made fun of by her peers. She has a detached view of the world around her and lacks any sort of prejudice often found in her fellow Vel Anirians.
Biography & Lore
Born an outsider to the city of Vel Anir, she was taken at the age of 12 by the Proctors of the Dreadlord Academy when her parents mistakenly believed moving to the city would gain them help for their seemingly cursed daughter.
After a rather traumatic beginning to her start at the Academy and several years of harsh treatment, Chasmine found escape in being compliant and experimenting with various drugs, the occult, and the downright weird. She is friendly, regardless of the terrible reputation Dreadlord Initiates may have, but tends to be alone more often than not - and not entirely by choice. Her strange nature has made her the butt of many jokes and the subject of ridicule by both her classmates and her Proctors.
At the anniversary festival celebrating the revolution, Chasmine was stolen away by an errant demon disguised as an innocent child and never seen by her classmates again.
After a rather traumatic beginning to her start at the Academy and several years of harsh treatment, Chasmine found escape in being compliant and experimenting with various drugs, the occult, and the downright weird. She is friendly, regardless of the terrible reputation Dreadlord Initiates may have, but tends to be alone more often than not - and not entirely by choice. Her strange nature has made her the butt of many jokes and the subject of ridicule by both her classmates and her Proctors.
At the anniversary festival celebrating the revolution, Chasmine was stolen away by an errant demon disguised as an innocent child and never seen by her classmates again.
- The Price of Cowardice
- A Little Slice of Life
- A Spectral Howl
- First Annual Solstice Ball
- Head In the Clouds
- Therapy Sessions
- The Beach Episode
- Substitute Teacher
- Fumbles and Foibles
- Do You Wanna Build A Runesaber?
- The Anniversary of Freedom
- Dread No More
- Gone but Not Lost
- The First Domino
- Grievances & Regrets
- The Graveyard that was Vel Janix
- City On the River
- Prisoner's Dilemma
Chasmine & Edric's Adventures
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