Elliot Aldmar
Appearance and Equipment
* Long white hair to shoulder-blades, pale blue eyes, gray skin, 5'7", pointed elven ears and agile frame. Young by elven standards. Has a scar (much to his chagrin) on his right wrist in the shape of a water lily, branded after a deal with the Lamia Nysia.
* Usually wears a light gray segmented sleeveless leather chestpiece, thin sleeveless black elven gambeson, white fur collar, fingerless black gloves, black trousers, boots, utility belt.
* Usually armed with his Black Bow and steel daggers.
Skills and Abilities
Necro-Ranger: Combining the bowyer skills he learned while living on his own and the practice of necromancy while studying under the Disciples of Dreng'toth, Elliot specializes in ranged combat with magical enhancement. His Black Bow acts as a catalyst and absorbs the essence of death from slain prey and foes, and, alongside the necessary use of limited reagents, aids him in the casting of his spells:
• Bone Arrows: Transmogrifies specially made arrows loosed from the Black Bow into heavy shafts of bone, increasing force of impact and piercing potential over regular arrows.
• Poison Blades: Coats his daggers in a sheen of fast-acting, agonizing poison. More debilitating than lethal. Slashes with the daggers will also leave behind an ephemeral, noxious mist that if breathed in will impart a weaker version of the painful poison.
• Spectral Shroud: Surrounds Elliot with a defensive, ghostly, and ephemeral mist that can deflect incoming projectiles. Lasts for several minutes or until several projectiles have been deflected (stronger projectiles deplete the shroud quicker).
• Corpse Explosion: Causes a corpse to violently erupt with an explosion, generating a shockwave and dangerous bone shrapnel in the area.
• Raise Skeleton: Calls forth the skeleton of a corpse to rise and serve Elliot. Lasts for one hour or until destroyed.
Knife Fighter: Learned from his mother when she was alive, Elliot prefers the advantages of fighting with daggers over other melee weaponry when such fighting is necessary. His mother, a proud Dornoch woman, always kept herself armed even in her old age. Elliot today always keeps at least one of his daggers within arms reach at all times.
Skirmisher. Ambusher: Elliot leverages the endurance offered by his human blood and the agility offered by his dark elven blood to fight his foes at range, when he has the element of surprise, and/or when they are at a disadvantage. A fair fight is one taken by a fool. Thus, Elliot has learned some tactics, tricks, and tools that aid him in not merely fighting, but fighting to win.
No Nightvision: Living aboveground all his life, and being half-human, Elliot does not share the superb nightvision of other dark elves.
• Bone Arrows: Transmogrifies specially made arrows loosed from the Black Bow into heavy shafts of bone, increasing force of impact and piercing potential over regular arrows.
• Poison Blades: Coats his daggers in a sheen of fast-acting, agonizing poison. More debilitating than lethal. Slashes with the daggers will also leave behind an ephemeral, noxious mist that if breathed in will impart a weaker version of the painful poison.
• Spectral Shroud: Surrounds Elliot with a defensive, ghostly, and ephemeral mist that can deflect incoming projectiles. Lasts for several minutes or until several projectiles have been deflected (stronger projectiles deplete the shroud quicker).
• Corpse Explosion: Causes a corpse to violently erupt with an explosion, generating a shockwave and dangerous bone shrapnel in the area.
• Raise Skeleton: Calls forth the skeleton of a corpse to rise and serve Elliot. Lasts for one hour or until destroyed.
Knife Fighter: Learned from his mother when she was alive, Elliot prefers the advantages of fighting with daggers over other melee weaponry when such fighting is necessary. His mother, a proud Dornoch woman, always kept herself armed even in her old age. Elliot today always keeps at least one of his daggers within arms reach at all times.
Skirmisher. Ambusher: Elliot leverages the endurance offered by his human blood and the agility offered by his dark elven blood to fight his foes at range, when he has the element of surprise, and/or when they are at a disadvantage. A fair fight is one taken by a fool. Thus, Elliot has learned some tactics, tricks, and tools that aid him in not merely fighting, but fighting to win.
No Nightvision: Living aboveground all his life, and being half-human, Elliot does not share the superb nightvision of other dark elves.
Personality and Characteristics
* Frank and forthright. Can be rough/abrasive.
* Ruthless in his methods. Holds no regrets for the things he decides to do, only for the things he fails to do.
* Matter-of-fact and objective-minded. Pragmatic, many times coldly so. Incredibly dependable when given a task.
* Collected, rarely perturbed. Is not concerned with the opinions of others.
* Can be callous, can be kind. Playfully belligerent with friends and allies.
* Laissez-faire, "do as it suits you" attitude. Highly values freedom for himself and others.
+ Does not respect fighters with scars.
+ Accepts the cruelty and brutality of the world for what it is: pervasive and inescapable.
+ The laws of civilization to him are loose guidelines at best. Respects only natural and universal laws.
+ Is thoroughly appalled by the practice of slavery, and hates slavemasters. Service or subordination should always be voluntary.
+ Prefers a fine red wine over other drinks.
+ Sympathetic toward half-human, half-elves.
+ Practices austerity as a means of self-discipline. Also performs a nightly self-reflection and morning meditation to better master himself.
+ Accepts the cruelty and brutality of the world for what it is: pervasive and inescapable.
+ The laws of civilization to him are loose guidelines at best. Respects only natural and universal laws.
+ Is thoroughly appalled by the practice of slavery, and hates slavemasters. Service or subordination should always be voluntary.
+ Prefers a fine red wine over other drinks.
+ Sympathetic toward half-human, half-elves.
+ Practices austerity as a means of self-discipline. Also performs a nightly self-reflection and morning meditation to better master himself.
Biography & Lore
Father and Mother
His father was a weak man.
The only time he had taken charge of his life was fleeing the oppression of Zar'Ahal. Yet he fled right into the clutches of Dornoch, into that very same oppression he had fled from. He had his freedom. And he threw it away. Pathetic. Elliot, from the youngest of ages, as far back as he can remember, knew that he never wanted to be like his father.
His mother was a strong woman.
Elliot always marveled that his birth should be a happening in the world, that his father and his mother somehow came together. Neither gave satisfactory answers as to why they married. Perhaps she liked to keep father under her boot, and he a servile man come to love his station. Elliot never begrudged his mother anything. She did what she did because she had the means to do it and she chose to--he respected that. She epitomized agency, strength, freedom. She was everything his father was not.
And then old age took her. She a human, Elliot with elven blood, he would outlive his mother with hundreds of years of life yet to go. It was a cruel but inevitable turn of the world. Elliot had no siblings, no meaningful connections with other family members--he was left with only his father as family.
He severed ties with his father. And, with his mother gone, Elliot began to make preparations to leave Dornoch for good. He would not suffer to live there like him. Elliot had come to prefer from his hunting excursions into the Steppe the untamed wilderness, the life away from the strict regimenting of the city and civilization. The life of a truly free man, who roamed and did as he pleased.
Days before he was set to leave, a prominent member of the Erdeniin Dynasty was murdered.
And Elliot was accused.
He successfully escaped Dornoch. But to this day it remains unclear if the accusation is true or false.
In the years of his solo wanderings Elliot happened into a circle of secretive and disciplined necromancers: the Disciples of Dreng'Toth. They practiced their magic but also lived an orderly and principled lifestyle, akin to monks. They preached stoicism, the importance of the mastery of self, and the abandonment of the fear of death. Elliot, initially put off, grew intrigued and nevertheless returned to them, seeking to voluntarily live as they did for several years. While he did not agree with all of their tenets, his time spent with the Disciples did temper Elliot's wild side and refined him--so he believes--into overall a better man. One more in control of himself.
The Companies
After his time with the Disciples, Elliot found a lifestyle that suited him quite well: that of a mercenary. He would go from company to company, finding kindred spirits all among them. The fast, free, easy-come easy-go way of life appealed to his wild side, while the voluntary subordination to a captain and working as a team appealed to his disciplined side--a fusion that matched the man he had become.
And the coin made along the way would serve him well.
Elliot has unfinished business, afterall.
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