Nysia is one of the little heard of Lamia.
The Lamia are humanoid in appearance at first glance, though their long snake like tails instead of legs instantly mark them out as the monsters they are. Apart from that the odd slit like eyes they carry, as well as the long fangs within their maws give them decidedly inhuman features.
Not much is known about the Lamia in general. No one is entirely sure where they come from nor what their drive is. As a people they are incredibly rare, and they seem appear almost always on their own. Though not inherently evil, most Lamia have a far different sense of morality than other beings. This often leads humans and other more 'normal' races to distrust and dislike the species as a whole.
Primarily speaking the Lamia can most often be found within the Underdark. Though they have been found once or twice in the world above, it seems that most of the species prefers to stay within the underground. Here they most often establish small fiefdoms and 'territories' they call their own. These fiefs will often contain villages, towns, and sometimes even cities.
Greater powers of the Underdark often find it more profitable to allow a Lamia their fief rather than attempt to get rid of them. The serpents can often be of great aid, even to those who could crush them with simple numbers.
Nysia is no different than many of her people, and she has long since made her home in the ancient citadel of Nar’Vhen.
An old fortress built eons ago, the crumbling castle is located deep within the southern reaches of the dark Depths. Appearing as little more than a haunted ruin, the inside of Nar’Vhen is entirely different than it's outer facade. Within the walls of the ancient castle one can find rich tapestries, rooms of silk and gold, and deep within it's halls libraries and laboratories filled with Nysia's studies.
The Great Sorceress has long since been known as a cultivator of knowledge and purveyor of souls. Through dozens of bargains, deceptions, and outright force it is said Nysia has come to collect thousands of lives. What she does with these wisps of life no one quite knows, though it is said that falling into her clutches is like falling into a place past death itself.
Despite these rumored horrors, those within Nysia's fief respect her. Several large towns lay within the area around Nar'Vhen, drow, goblins, and even duergar make their home within range of Nysia's ancient keep. Many of these pay their respects to her, asking for bargains and trying to avoid the same fate that many of the faceless beings wandering her halls have come to meet.