Bertram Rowe

[var]bertram rowe[/var]

Biographical information
Adult West of the Allirian Strait
Physical description
Human Male 6'1 Muscular Black Olive green White, tanned
Political information
Yeoman farmer; Scholar; ex-soldier/quartermaster apprentice
Out-of-character information

Long has war been waged. Violence the ruler of the day. Blood spilled. Sons and fathers lost. Daughters and mothers weep. All is not well along the coasts. Fields full of crops. Pastures full of sheep. Chickens and ducks wander the yard. Dogs bark. Cats meow. A simple life of farming. The only peace one can find as no soldier wishes to go hungry and cold during winter.


A tall human with black hair, a clean shaven face, and olive green eyes. Some might call him handsome. Some might call him average. His body is sturdy and broad from a life working farms and storehouses.

Skills and Abilities

Yeoman: Bertram was born and raised on farms. He has worked the fields of many kinds of crops. He has tended to every kind of livestock imaginable. Trees tended and cleared. Boulders and rocks broken and removed. While not the greatest at any single task involved in running and maintaining a working farm, there is little he doesn't know how to do.

Scholarly: Bertram is a rather smart fellow and thought his destiny at one time was to be a scholar. He is more educated than your typical commoner let alone farmer. Reading, writing, and working with numbers come easily and naturally to him. They are tasks he enjoys, and has a knack for as he doesn't seem to forget things easily. No doubt if someone needed help running a business or to double check their ledgers they would be hard pressed to find someone better suited for the task.

The Pointy End: Bertram has a big body, but completely lacks any kind of talent or love for fighting. He knows which end to point at someone if given a weapon, but anything more than the basic uses are beyond him. He is worse off with a weapon in hand than without, as he is a competent brawler. Combine that with his nature of being a pacifist and you end up with someone unwilling and unable to fight if the situation demands it of him.

Pacifist: Bertram dislikes violence. He would dare say he loathes it. Being born and raised in a part of the world constantly at war with itself or its neighbors, he has seen and heard enough about the spilling of blood for several lifetimes. While it does not extend to the need to kill animals for practical reasons, he actively refuses to resort to violence. Instead he tries to be hospitable and kind to defuse situations with words. Because of this threatening him with violence and refusing to talk is the best way to get what you want from him as he will give it to you just to avoid things becoming violent and someone getting hurt.

Engineering: Bertram's time working on farms and as part of the support units of an army have given him plenty of skills in engineering. He can competently build whatever structure or machine you need from him, be it a well or a barricade. This skillset works well with his scholarly nature and he enjoys furthering it as a hobby after becoming a yeoman farmer.


Bertram is a good natured fellow. He enjoys the simpler things in life. Pacifism is one of the biggest things he advocates and refuses to resort to violence. Because of this he tends to be none confrontational and could be called a bit of a coward as he would rather run away than try to fight back.

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