Shade Flora


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Plant Painkiller/Magic inhibitor Kasim Areth
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Kiros Rahnel Nov 11, 2021 Vinko Hlebš

A blue, flowering plant, shade favours a humid and temperate environment. Wild grown shade is most common in the black bay; it is often harvested, sold and shipped from Cerak At'Thul. It it further available near most equatorial regions, though mostly restricted to specific areas.

As a substance, it may become tincture, syrup or smokable powder. Strength and duration of the effect are dependant on the method of delivery, but effects remain consistent. Consumption will dull both senses and mind, numbing the nerves of pain while slowing the mind of the medicated. A further side effect is the inhibition of magical ability by the user; abetted by, but unrelated to its effect upon the mind.

The sensation is described as extremely pleasant and relaxing; many have found it addicting. Due to this, it has been used illicitly as often as it has medically or ceremonially. It has further use as a magical inhibitor, and has been used to impede the arcane ability of those kept captive.


Long known to herbalists as a treatment for pain, none knows when shade was first discovered. Evidence for its use exists that dates back millennia, with many historians believing it likely that its discovery occurred during the Age of Orcs or beyond. Popularity has caused it to be shipped across the sea, where it spread along Liadain and Allir Reach's southern shores.

Legality and availability varies from region to region, though most in civilized locales tend to frown upon its use outside of medicine. As such, sale is often relegated to under-the-table transactions, with the lawless Cerak At'Thul currently dominating the market.

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