Damascus is Cassidy Ackerson's personal sword, and one which carries great significance to him; He's rarely seen without it, and if he is for any reason separated from Damascus, his number one priority shifts to it's recovery. It was given to him by his late fiancé, and he wields it with the cadence of a man with twice his experience. Due to his reliance on this particular sword however, he shows a lack of ability with other types of weapon at times.
The striking sky blue material of it's blade, and the silver tendrils that run from it's hilt are instantly recognizable, as is the barbed edge on it's underside. Being his only keepsake from his original home, it's sentimental value alone is immense.
Damascus also is endowed with a powerful enchantment, one cast on it by Ariella Ingress, Cassidy's former lover. This enchantment connects it with Cassidy's familiar Mar, as well as Cassidy himself through his emotions. During periods of intense emotion, the blue blade turns a burning scarlet, and gains a powerful barrier that repels attacks.
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