Kristen Lucretia Pirian
Appearance and Equipment
* Long auburn hair pulled back into a ponytail with twin bangs, gray eyes, fair skin, 6'2", tall and lanky build. Soft, though her training is improving her athleticism—most notably her abs are taking a nascent, defined shape.
-- Has an enchanted, artificial right hand made from porcelain and adamantine:
* If armored, clad in chain with some plate pieces covering her shins, arms, shoulders, and neck, with a tabard. If unarmored/casual, noblewoman's silken finery, of predominately white and red colors.
* If armed, usually with a mace or sword. Carries a book of Celestialist verses with her when armed.
-- Has an enchanted, artificial right hand made from porcelain and adamantine:

* If armored, clad in chain with some plate pieces covering her shins, arms, shoulders, and neck, with a tabard. If unarmored/casual, noblewoman's silken finery, of predominately white and red colors.
* If armed, usually with a mace or sword. Carries a book of Celestialist verses with her when armed.
Skills and Abilities
Divine Magic (Conjuration): Her strongest Aspect of Divine Magic, granted through her faith in Aionus. Kristen is capable of conjuring specific artifacts used for specific purposes or which have specific effects.
** Withering Chains: Ephemeral, ghostly, debilitating chains temporarily make the target feel the crippling weight of aging (and, as well, corrodes the flesh of the spawn of Dark Ones). Can be resisted.
** Ashen Crucifixes: A towering, smoldering crucifix slams into the ground, striking the paralyzing fear of mortality into those who gaze upon it (as well as repulsing the spawn of Dark Ones). Can be resisted.
** Impalers: Large metal spikes burst suddenly from the ground to impale Kristen's foes. Highly lethal, but can be dodged, and a taxing spell for Kristen to use.
** Symbol of Radiance: A holy icon in the traditional likeness of Aionus is conjured into Kristen's hand, and its radiant light is debilitating to the spawn of Dark Ones, demons, and undead alike, rebuking them and slowly burning away their bodies.
Divine Magic (Curses): Time is friend to no one. Kristen is capable of calling down Curses to debilitate her foes, though they necessarily have a short duration in order to have a quick casting time (and therefore be viable in combat). Some Curses might include forcing weapons to rust, amplifying damage taken, blindness, horror, confusion, and causing a foe's magic to fizzle and fail. Curses can be resisted partially or fully.
Martial Training: Kristen now has a moderate capacity for combat with the mace, and is quickly training to learn the sword.
Marathon Runner: After much physical training, Kristen has honed a knack for cardiovascular excellence.
** Withering Chains: Ephemeral, ghostly, debilitating chains temporarily make the target feel the crippling weight of aging (and, as well, corrodes the flesh of the spawn of Dark Ones). Can be resisted.
** Ashen Crucifixes: A towering, smoldering crucifix slams into the ground, striking the paralyzing fear of mortality into those who gaze upon it (as well as repulsing the spawn of Dark Ones). Can be resisted.
** Impalers: Large metal spikes burst suddenly from the ground to impale Kristen's foes. Highly lethal, but can be dodged, and a taxing spell for Kristen to use.
** Symbol of Radiance: A holy icon in the traditional likeness of Aionus is conjured into Kristen's hand, and its radiant light is debilitating to the spawn of Dark Ones, demons, and undead alike, rebuking them and slowly burning away their bodies.
Divine Magic (Curses): Time is friend to no one. Kristen is capable of calling down Curses to debilitate her foes, though they necessarily have a short duration in order to have a quick casting time (and therefore be viable in combat). Some Curses might include forcing weapons to rust, amplifying damage taken, blindness, horror, confusion, and causing a foe's magic to fizzle and fail. Curses can be resisted partially or fully.
Martial Training: Kristen now has a moderate capacity for combat with the mace, and is quickly training to learn the sword.
Marathon Runner: After much physical training, Kristen has honed a knack for cardiovascular excellence.
Personality and Characteristics
* Religious. Whilst a Celestialist, Kristen believes primarily in Aionus the Sentinel. As such, she is quite envious of telekinetic mages, is obsessed with time and punctuality, and regards Portal Stones to be holy sites.
* Generally optimistic, but always with a cautious tinge.
* Moderately spoiled. Having been waited on hand and foot as a Pirian noble, there is a good number of basic facets of normal life that she is unfamiliar with. She does have a drive to learn on her own, and becomes embarrassed when/if asking for help. Has a growing drive to be self-sufficient, stemming from the feeling of helplessness during her kidnapping.
* Formal, soft-spoken, polite, gentle--a model noblewoman.
* Tends to be a rules-lawyer, tends to stick to traditions and "how it's always been done." Likes everything to be neat, orderly, and clean.
* Loathes orcs, and loathes pirates of all kinds. Has nightmares every so often about her kidnapping and the Battle of the Blades that followed to rescue her.
* An ardent supporter of the new Anirian Republic and of her House's pivotal role in the Revolution.
+ Always tries to arrive ten minutes prior to anything and everything, and becomes very flustered and agitated if ever she is late.
+ Typically speaks in a high, formal register, but does change to a lower, more casual register on occasion. In times of great stress, sometimes she involuntarily switches to an even higher register than normal, speaking archaic Common tongue words like "thee" and "thine."
+ Practices calligraphy. Respectful of monks and scholars.
+ Not a very good hands-on learner. Likes to read about something first before trying it. Feels comfort in having a quick reference guide to things, like her book of verses.
+ Geeks out over clocks, and to a somewhat lesser extent other dwarven inventions and curiosities.
+ Self-conscious about her height, easily teased about it. Occasionally bumps her head into things, risk increased if she's walking while reading.
Biography and Lore
The Darling Daughter of House Pirian.
The ideal target for a plot by House Banick to embarrass them. Captured in a plot hatched by the Banicks when she was nine years old, she was taken by the Cerak At'Thul Warlord Dominic Foresend (the self-styled "Master of the Blades") and held for ransom. A massive assault was launched by the Anirian Guard to rescue her from the island, and, to House Banick's chagrin and House Pirian's relief, they were successful.
Kristen, however, would forever be shaken by the trauma of the event. She responded to it in differing ways. She found religion in Celestialism, in Aionus the Sentinel, believing that worship of him would grant her protection. She became fixated on being in the right place at the right time (she had come to think her kidnapping was able to happen because she stepped away from attendance of the Homeland Parade to use the bathroom--wrong place, wrong time). She retreated into books for a time, having grown timid of the outside world.
Until she started to sense a gathering of magical potential within her. If she could harness it, become strong and adept in it, she could protect herself. But her family strictly forbade her from even so much as mentioning, to anyone, anything about her magic.
Years passed, that flame of magical potential cooled to the smoldering ember, and the Revolution happened.
Then, all of sudden, her mother and father wanted her to join the Dreadlord Academy. Wha...what? The Academy? No, no, how could she even...? She felt as though she barely had any grasp at all now on the magical potential she held when she was younger, and she'd never held a sword before in her life, and wasn't she too old now? But her family said that she had grown into a capable young woman (and my, look how tall!) and that she could be an exemplar of civic virtue, a model citizen of the new Republic, and a shining paragon of what the Dreadlords could be in this new age.
A nerve-wracking decision to make. The Academy, the Dreadlords, great hardship and harrowing battle, these were things which to Kristen were terrifyingly unknown. At first. Slowly she started to warm to the idea, thinking heavily upon her kidnapping, that dreadful feelings of powerlessness. Her mother and father were encouraging all the way, and even though they wished to see their Darling Daughter earn the prestige of becoming a Dreadlord of the new Republic, still it was difficult for them too.
The choice was ultimately Kristen's, and she chose to enroll. So into the Academy she went, as irregular as her admission happened to be.
The Battle of the Blades: The Parade (Her kidnapping. Aged nine)
The New Generation
Guardian Angel
In The Rubble (Failure in Vel Acan)
First Annual Solstice Ball
Tutelage (Harsh lessons from Noel. Ideals of fairness)
Comfortably Numb
A little slice of life
The Failure of Nobility (Lost in the desert. Cortos. Salesia.)
Unwinding Threads
Drunken Mess (What a night in Vel Yuna)
The Punishment Game
The Canal (Losing her right hand)
--The Fractures (Fallout from The Canal)
----Consequence (The effort to create her artificial hand)
There Will Come a Reckoning
Fumbles and Foibles (Discovered Curses)
Hanging Upside Down (A tome of great import, The Eternal Aegis, found)
Hammer and Anvil
The Anniversary of Freedom (The turning point.)
Substitute Teacher
The Panacea to Fragility
A Secret Revealed
Study Abroad (Cultural Exchange with Elbion College)
--Esprit de Corps (A feud during the "Study Abroad" trip)
Lose a Piece of Yourself (The attack on the Our Queen of Stars chapel)
--In the Pursuit of Power
War is the Father of All Things (Turned 17)
The Noblest of Deeds (The crisis at Ostia Anir. Learned of Walter Banick's involvement with her kidnapping. Earned a favor from a Parliament Councilor.)
The Last Day (Before Graduation. Spending time conversing with Zael Castomir)
Two Years In, and the New Class
What Happens After (Reckoning with the horrible Graduation)
--Just Prior (Visiting Zael in the infirmary)
The Pride of Vel Numera (The Forsaken attack on Vel Numera)
Kristen the Impaler (Enduring methods of the old way)
The Miracle at Landisford
Death Lotto
Beaten and Bloody (Overcoming a crisis of faith)
Warmth and Stories by a Campfire (Meeting Eren'thiel Xyrdithas)
Inner Peace, Outer Pieces
Lethality (Killing Bull, her original tormentor in the Academy)
A Precarious Rendezvous (Schemes from Garron Banick. Growing close to Alistair Krixus)
The Island of Vel Anir (Tutelage under Elise Virak)
Coming for the Crown
The Worth of Our Deeds
The Toll
The Battle of the Banicks (Turned 18)
The Beast Within
Dance for all we've been through (A second Ball, a night with Alistair)
--Here in Our Quiet Retreat (Finding peace with Alistair that same night)
Let's Talk (Confronting Edric)
New Armor (Finally getting new armor, and a new look)
Apex (Witnessing the aftermath of Caeso Diemut's murder)
--The Cost of Closure (Speaking with Zinnia about Caeso's murder)
There's Always Someone Stronger
To Think Like Them
Eyes of the Storm
Been to the End of that Road
Drunk Kristen (Pivotal advice received)
Start Again (Cameo)
The Shore and the Sea
To Alistair Krixus (The summons to Mount Dincia, and long departure from Vel Anir. Turned 19 during this time.)
Night at the Wayward Rest
Long Road Home
The Lady of Vel Numera
Archnemesis (Cameo. Meeting with Sable. A surprise from Zael.)
The Siege of Salesia
Fear Is Not Strength (Meeting Saderzaine Vult)
Now In This New Light (Reuniting with Zinnia)
On Toward the Burning Dawn
Attack on Qárele! (Breaking through the Dark Army in Aeraesar to return home)
A Quiet Conversation
The 44th (Orders to the War in Cortos)
--Yours to Keep (Reuniting with Alistair)
----The Reward of Loyalty (Chance confrontation with Garron Banick)
The March of War (The War in Cortos begins)
Ruminations (The journal chronicling a troubling thought)
From the Dead
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