After linking himself to the beliefs of the Zorren race, Wulren stepped easily into the role of a minor war god, happily guiding his mortal race's violent tendencies to beneficial acts.
The Silver Wolf's humanoid form is that of a broad warrior who's very body and face seems to be hewn from marble stone. Exuding an uncompromising strength and courage, Wulren is an imposing figure with his military cut silver hair and towering stature. His animal form is that of a silver furred Wolf.
Skills and Abilities
Serving as a minor god of War, Wulren possesses the skills and experience of every warrior to have prayed to him, on top of the experience from his millenia of experience. Being a duannan, his magical elements consist of earth and fire and his aspect, is that of warfare. While perhaps not as impressive, Wulren is also quite proud of his ability to hold his liquor and beer, with some legends saying that he could drain entire vats without becoming drunk(though these tales are unsubstantiated).
Boisterous and loud, Wulren's mind is rarely unknown. He is quick to anger and excitement with a rightrous streak that makes him quick to call out what he sees as dishonorable or unjust. Among his brothers, Wulren is oft seen as the most hedonistic, taking pleasure where he can find it whether that be in a bottle, a blade, or a woman.
Biography & Lore
Before the creation of the Vitae Court, Wulren was a member of the Autumn Court's Wild Hunt, wherein he took great pleasure in serving justice to those who had incurred the Autumn king's wrath. Over time however, both he and his brothers found themselves dissatisfied with the treatment and discrimination of mortals and thus, they split fomr the Autumn court and created their own, the Vitae Court. During a ritual concocted by the brothers and with help from the Moon Court, Wulren, Varos, and Rerreno Created and bound themselves to a mortal race, linking their power to the collectie beliefs of that race. Now seen as gods and correspondingly strong, Wulren aids his brother in caring for the Zorrens and guiding them in their goals of protecting the mortal realm while fostering a harmonious relationship between the fae and mortal realms.
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