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Violence began to erupt all around Sable, and Proctor Innes, the one that had put him on his knees, rushed to quell the unfolding, venomous chaos that Everleigh was unleashing. Angry, vengeful tears streamed from Sable's eyes unbidden. Never had he felt so much desire to stop what was happening around him and been unable to do something, to do anything. Not since--
Sable's ears rung like an explosion had just gone off next to him and he doubled over. The flood of memories hit him like a brick. Sable's teeth grit hard around the gag in his mouth as he watched initiate and proctor alike kill each other. Henk and Zael fighting for dear life against those who had forced them into this. Kalix brought just as low as him and offered like a sacrificial lamb to his classmates. Sieglilly charred to cinder. Noel begging for mercy. Charon unleashing his vile magic. Still others finding their resolve to rebel.
And Sable could do nothing. He roared, muffled. He roared against his fate. He pulled at his bonds until he began to feel his wrists bleed. He forced himself to stand. What good was all his physical strength if he could do nothing with it? The cuffs were meant to suppress magic, but the chains that bound them together were mundane metal. That would be enough.
Sable screamed himself hoarse as he pulled at his bonds. He watched those around him dying. He felt the chains begin to fail. He felt the cuffs cut into his flesh, the warmth of blood pouring past and dribbling onto the ground in pools. He could hear the metal straining to keep him in place. He saw the eyes of a little girl, terrified, pleading with him for help that he was too weak to provide. Fury and mourning and clarity.
And suddenly all the pressure on his wrists went slack, chain links bursting from his wrists like shrapnel. A bloody hand immediately grabbed hold of the gag in his mouth and tore it loudly from its place, while the other snatched up his nearby maul, left abandoned. Power, weight, and momentum carried Sable and the maul forward as one.
Proctor Innes attention had been on the wrong student. He didn't turn in time before Sable's maul had buried itself in his skull, pulping it in an instant and dropping the man like a sack of offal. Knowing the proctor's regenerative magic, that wouldn't keep him down for long, but it would be enough to grab his key, which Sable immediately used to remove what was left of his cuffs. Noel was the first person that sprang to mind. With her magic, they wouldn't need to go about unlocking everyone.
Sable rushed to her with all the urgency of a charging rhinoceros.
"NOEL!" He bellowed as he ran up astride her, immediately deploying barriers around her and slamming the key into her cuffs as well. "HELP US! GET EVERYONE FREE, NOW!"
Sable's ears rung like an explosion had just gone off next to him and he doubled over. The flood of memories hit him like a brick. Sable's teeth grit hard around the gag in his mouth as he watched initiate and proctor alike kill each other. Henk and Zael fighting for dear life against those who had forced them into this. Kalix brought just as low as him and offered like a sacrificial lamb to his classmates. Sieglilly charred to cinder. Noel begging for mercy. Charon unleashing his vile magic. Still others finding their resolve to rebel.
And Sable could do nothing. He roared, muffled. He roared against his fate. He pulled at his bonds until he began to feel his wrists bleed. He forced himself to stand. What good was all his physical strength if he could do nothing with it? The cuffs were meant to suppress magic, but the chains that bound them together were mundane metal. That would be enough.
Sable screamed himself hoarse as he pulled at his bonds. He watched those around him dying. He felt the chains begin to fail. He felt the cuffs cut into his flesh, the warmth of blood pouring past and dribbling onto the ground in pools. He could hear the metal straining to keep him in place. He saw the eyes of a little girl, terrified, pleading with him for help that he was too weak to provide. Fury and mourning and clarity.
And suddenly all the pressure on his wrists went slack, chain links bursting from his wrists like shrapnel. A bloody hand immediately grabbed hold of the gag in his mouth and tore it loudly from its place, while the other snatched up his nearby maul, left abandoned. Power, weight, and momentum carried Sable and the maul forward as one.
Proctor Innes attention had been on the wrong student. He didn't turn in time before Sable's maul had buried itself in his skull, pulping it in an instant and dropping the man like a sack of offal. Knowing the proctor's regenerative magic, that wouldn't keep him down for long, but it would be enough to grab his key, which Sable immediately used to remove what was left of his cuffs. Noel was the first person that sprang to mind. With her magic, they wouldn't need to go about unlocking everyone.
Sable rushed to her with all the urgency of a charging rhinoceros.
"NOEL!" He bellowed as he ran up astride her, immediately deploying barriers around her and slamming the key into her cuffs as well. "HELP US! GET EVERYONE FREE, NOW!"