
  1. K

    Private Tales Pride and Steel

    THE ACADEMY "This is the last time I want to see you, Pirian," said Proctor Magomo. It sounded harsh, from his tone to the words themselves, but to Kristen's trained ear this, from Magomo, was high praise. "Yes, Proctor," she said. Though she maintained her military bearing, standing rigidly...
  2. Soleil Verdane

    Letters Dear Ralene

    A plain letter, written in blocky, stencil-like lettering. Ralene, You. Good killer. Your Graduation. Went bad :( Me? Asked around. Wanted stories. You? Killed Charon. Good job! Wondering. What was fight like? How he die? Give reply to courier. xoxo ((the letter was not signed with a...
  3. Tinker Smithe

    Private Tales One's True Test; One's True Purpose

    Graduation. That most anxious and exciting time for Dreadlord Initiates. All that time dedicated to missions and study and training. All of it for this singular event. To break forth from one's cocoon and emerge a full Dreadlord.... Tinker was unaware. Apathetic to the shared dream of his so...
  4. Edric

    Dreadlords Graduation

    The Blackwood - Outside the Academy "DO YOU KNOW WHY WE DO THIS TEST?" Edric almost seemed to flinch as the shouted words echoed through the forest around him and the others, his fingers tightening into fists, his expression kept a neutral mask as he hid the anxiety and dread that slowly...