
  1. Everleigh Ebersol

    Private Tales The Place That Hurts The Most

    "When I thought I had felt everything, when nothing seemed to have a new flavor, when all colors became dull and gray... you came into my life." Most women would have been terrified walking into that alley while a man followed right behind them. They would have gone into the tavern instead of...
  2. Alistair Krixus

    Private Tales Sickly Sweet

    "Captain Jedidiah Delaney, an officer in the Anirian Navy. Said to be skilled at the helm, but even better with a blade. Second in line for House Delaney, a merchant family in the city." Alistair looked down disgusted at the nude body lying face down in the bed. The fact that he was called in...
  3. K

    Private Tales Pride and Steel

    THE ACADEMY "This is the last time I want to see you, Pirian," said Proctor Magomo. It sounded harsh, from his tone to the words themselves, but to Kristen's trained ear this, from Magomo, was high praise. "Yes, Proctor," she said. Though she maintained her military bearing, standing rigidly...
  4. Alistair Krixus

    Private Tales Old Reunions

    The repetitive turn of a wagon wheel woke Alistair to the harsh sunlight bearing down on him. He yawned as he sat up in the passenger seat, his sight no longer having to squint at the rays of light. One of his men, Gibbs, was driving the wagon along while he could still hear the rest of his...
  5. Arn

    Fable - Ask Prisoner Transport

    On The Road To Arnim "Arn, eyes forward." The Lieutenant called out from the back of his horse, glancing only briefly at one of the newest members of the 44th Guard Regiment. "You're driving the cart, not watching the prisoner." "Yes, Sir, sorry sir." Arn answered quickly, turning his...
  6. Alistair Krixus

    Dreadlords Running the Asylum

    Castle Mezlan The dark greys and blacks of the Castle seemed to reach all the way and touch the gloomy clouds that circled above it. Any sane architect would likely not have chosen such imposing design choices for a place meant for the mentally unfit, Dreadlords builders never claimed to be the...
  7. Mieri

    Dreadlords On The Trail!

    Vel Acan Mieri stood in front of the door to retired Dreadlord Algus Senn, a third level of some small renown though, though not apparently one whose disappearance warranted more than the attentions of a handful of children. Rough luck, really. Not that the plucky young redhead standing in...
  8. Edric

    Dreadlords More Coming

    Allir Reach - Outside of Peddlefoot Rain crashed down from the sky in great droves, casting onto roof tops, fields of hay, and onto the dirt roads which surrounded the tiny fishing village. Despite the lamplight still looming from some of the houses, taverns, and the few ships moored besides the...
  9. Edric

    Private Tales The Choice of Freedom

    Waves lapped gently upon the rocks, sea winds brushing down the cliffs and tussling Edric’s air as he sat upon one of the boulders scattered on the beach. The sun drifted slowly down towards the horizon, casting a steady orange glow over the landscape. Behind him stood half a dozen figures...
  10. Everleigh Ebersol

    Private Tales In the Warm Ale

    Somewhere in Vel Anir… “Where in Kress’ arse is she putting it?” A short man with surprising girth to his torso exclaimed, stroking the stubble on his square chin. One thick arm nudged a man who was much taller than him but resembled the long, thin shoots of bamboo found around Dornoch. It was...
  11. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed The Hardest Disease to Treat

    After months upon months in having lunch duty, Everleigh Ebersol was given a week of reprieve from watching the initiates. After this week she would resume the role of monitoring all the children, specifically the younger ones, and would be missing lunch herself. Not that that bothered her, she...
  12. Henk

    Fate - First Reply Final Exam (Dreadlords)

    The last time Henk had scrapped in this field, he'd been a child. Many times in fact, he'd bled, sweat and cried on the earth beneath his feet, a place of pain and punishment underneath the sweltering sun. From the outside looking in, it was a sparring field. To anybody who had been an Initiate...
  13. Alistair Krixus

    Dreadlords Madmen Know Nothing

    Snip. Cut. Chop. That was no longer needed. Leave it with the rest to be removed later. A wet thwump followed as something slopped to the floor rolling near his foot. They kicked the viscera away quickly and lamented their nicely polished shoes. Surely they would need to be cleaned again. Even...
  14. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed The Trees Grow Because We Bled Here

    [art cred] The Blackwood. Everleigh didn’t know why she had come back here. In the early morning the air was cold all around her, but there was a deeper chill within her bones. She remembered the walk here. It was months ago now but everything was still fresh in her mind. The cool mist that...
  15. Salak

    Dreadlords Homecoming.

    The hour was late and all the beast and babes long since put to bed and rest. The Vel Anir sky grew dark casting long shadows over narrow streets. In those streets the daytime business was the scurrying of ants in a colony all working for the good of the hive whether they knew it or not. It was...
  16. Salak

  17. Erodin

    Dreadlords Far From Home

    "Kress fuck me sideways." A bleary voice carried through a cascading forest of verdant color that would have put the Falwood to shame. Every color, every light, everything seemed brighter and more vibrant than it should have any right to be. As though life itself was more complete in the strange...
  18. Augustine Verglas

    Character profile for Augustine Verglas
  19. Everleigh Ebersol

    Fable - Ask Odds and Ends

    The man known as the One-Eyed Devil of the Sea was really named Emil Hazelhurst. Hardly a terrifying name, it was no wonder that he preferred for everyone to call him One-Eyed Devil although in a few seedy brothels, he would let slip his first name. Tracking Emil hadn’t been too difficult...
  20. Everleigh Ebersol

    Private Tales Magic Steeped in Poison

    “You’ll like her.” Marianne said to Everleigh as they walked down the hall together. Marianne’s stomach was swollen, obviously round from pregnancy. Yet the blonde still moved like there wasn’t another human inside her. Of course, she wasn’t at her third trimester just yet. Even then, Everleigh...