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Augustine Verglas
Augustine Verglas is a Human Dreadlord residing in Vel Anir and currently serving in the Anirian Guard as one of the premier members of the Anirian military. Augustine was born the second son of Count Verglas of Vel Anir and taken into the custody of the Dreadlords at age 2, when he showed a unique aptitude for magic. From that day onward, he was trained in the arts of magic as well as general education at the academy. His parents, the Count and Lady Charles and Venia, received a significant donation from the state for surrendering their son with the promise that he could still see them and even interact with them as family once again when his training was complete.
Augustine showed an early above average understanding of verbal processing and military tactics while proving to be average in mathematics and sciences. Where he truly excelled was at the magic he had shown aptitude for, which manifested in the ability to create, manipulate, and control ice. Enduring the extreme hardship that was Dreadlord training, he honed his abilities to a sharp point and graduated successfully at age 18, being one of the last to endure the older, more harsh training. The Republic took power not long after his graduation, folding him into the ranks of the guard.
Being blessed with extensive magical prowess, Augustine is currently a third level Dreadlord. He is capable of creating, manipulating, and controlling ice itself. His body is also capable of acclimating to much colder temperatures than the average human. This affords him multiple advantages in battle that have allowed him to become one of the elite spellcasters of Vel Anir. Well known throughout the city streets, it is said that where he goes, people tend to stay in line, though this can be said for many Dreadlords. He has also periodically been utilized as a foreign operative, going out on missions to other areas to further Anirian interests abroad.
Skills and Abilities
Ice Magic. Augustine possesses a power magical ability that allows him to create, manipulate, and control ice. He is capable of utilizing any water around him to do so. Water in the air, nearby bodies of water, or any nearby liquids that have a base of water can be utilized to form ice. In order to do this, it requires a proportionate amount of energy to do so. He is able to channel energy from himself, nearby living things, and innate magical energy. Freezing over a lake requires significantly more energy than freezing over a puddle. Attempting to freeze over too much water at once would likely kill him, consuming his life energy. With his abilities, he is capable of peforming all sorts of attack styles. Augustine is able to throw ice in the shape of various projectiles, use it to shield himself and others, immobilize others, and many other uses.
Cold Temperature Resistance. To utilize such a power, part of training required tapping into inner magical talent to force his body to adapt to its use. Born with this innate magic, Augustine's body adapted and changed to allow him to utilize it to greater and greater degrees. As he developed his ability, his hair turned stark white by the time he was fourteen. He required less and less winter clothing as his power developed. Despite his greater resistance, the human body still has a limit on what it can handle. Though trained to resist low temperatures, Augustine can only use his power to the point his body can tolerate the cold. Regular usage of his power lowers his body temperature by several degrees over time. Once it hits a certain temperature, continued use of his abilities leads to hypothermia and possible long term damage. Freezing larger objects and creating large amounts of ice also causes his body temperature to lower faster than smaller ones. Over the years, he has perfected fighting two hours with his powers before needing to stop.
Martial Prowess. As a dreadlord, Augustine is trained to be able to use various martial weapons. His weapon of choice is a medium scythe. The weapon allows him to have a long reach while also providing defense for enemies who come close. He can also use very effectively a short sword should it prove necessary. Though he has weaponry preferences, he is capable of wielding many types of weapons with some proficiency.
Cold Temperature Resistance. To utilize such a power, part of training required tapping into inner magical talent to force his body to adapt to its use. Born with this innate magic, Augustine's body adapted and changed to allow him to utilize it to greater and greater degrees. As he developed his ability, his hair turned stark white by the time he was fourteen. He required less and less winter clothing as his power developed. Despite his greater resistance, the human body still has a limit on what it can handle. Though trained to resist low temperatures, Augustine can only use his power to the point his body can tolerate the cold. Regular usage of his power lowers his body temperature by several degrees over time. Once it hits a certain temperature, continued use of his abilities leads to hypothermia and possible long term damage. Freezing larger objects and creating large amounts of ice also causes his body temperature to lower faster than smaller ones. Over the years, he has perfected fighting two hours with his powers before needing to stop.
Martial Prowess. As a dreadlord, Augustine is trained to be able to use various martial weapons. His weapon of choice is a medium scythe. The weapon allows him to have a long reach while also providing defense for enemies who come close. He can also use very effectively a short sword should it prove necessary. Though he has weaponry preferences, he is capable of wielding many types of weapons with some proficiency.
Biography and Lore
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