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Months, weeks, days passed, and the moons of Arethil rose and fell, rose and fell as the tides of the world’s oceans obeyed their command. Carried with them, their whispers.
Things some could hear clearer than most. Sounds betwixt the ears of so many souls, louder in those touched by magick. How it made their skin crawl. Their stomachs turn, and their eyes itch. More and more with each day that passed.
Villages lost. A brother missing. Walked straight into the sea.
Those with means made ready. Those without, did what they could.
Seals, enchantments, securities borne by magic and craft, prepared with precautions practiced and learned. Special laminates applied, nullifying covers draped over relics.
On, time did wash.
Until it was the day of the Syzygy.

Amidst Socorro Bay, Aboard the Castillo
“A bounty, Camilo, to find the Escudon,”
Camilo shook his head as his boots knocked across the main deck, and the proud feather in his cap bounced. “The bounty, vale una mierda, if we don’t make it back, Linel, don’t you get it?”
Linel groaned, his hands tight as they trembled. “Three days in port, and the bounty will be snatched up!” he pointed his hand out to the horizon. To Socorro Bay. “An Anirian Armada is anchored off shore!"
“Y las cantinas! Are full to the brim with stories of ghost ships, and sea monsters, and all the yellow bellied lilly livered cobardes! Are in there eating it up!”
Captain Camilo Pocasangre stopped. Growled as he mulled it over. Sighed as he bowed his head. “Hay razón, muchacho, a reason, that Anirian ships are anchored in Socorro,”
A huff, and a click of teeth. “Yeah, like wha-” the whole ship shuddered. Lurched towards the open sea.
Harsh clangs rang out as bells were hammered hard by far away hands. Ships further out sounded with alarm.
One by one, the crew of the Castillo came to rest. Eyes wide, drew more stares toward the horizon. Where the sea swelled so high it was as if an island was being pushed out the ocean’s womb. A wave, dark and terrible and crushing as it curled the mind. But there, something darker beneath it.
Magicked voices rang out in the far distance. Panicked calls for action that made no sense so far away, but were felt all the same.
The great wave broke, and from its face emerged an island. Tentacled and toothed. With claws like spires. It screeched. A sound that pierced the air like lightning peeled the clouds. As sailors, brave and true, cowered and fell, great ships crashed against the mass. Their hulls turned to splinters as all the bay did churn.
The village of Virspoke
Out were the sister moons, and slow they encroached upon the high sun. A thick fog hung along the shores of the Reach.
A voice rang out across the silver grey of the darkening day. It called out to all who would hear. “For the gates of Pandemonium never closed! No! There, in the darkness! There in the deep! The spawn of that wicked place did pour! Took shape! And but bode the return to come!”
A small crowd gathered before the man who spoke, and beheld his sickly form.
Hair like seaweed, and a damp blue rag wrapped around his personage, while barnacles clung to the fabric. As if it and its wearer had risen from the brine itself. After a long, and still rest.
“No, no one does,”
“So why they listenin’?”
“Helps with the grieving, I suppose. Two ships been gone for more than a week, and, well, you heard about Petri,”
A scrunch of red brows. “Nothin but reaver’s work, I reckon,” she didn’t want to think on the hopelessness.
A nod. “Reckon you might be right,”
Darkness enveloped the sky. Slow as it fell. The sun’s brilliance choked away, bit by bit as the moons passed across its bright face. Shadows morphed. Changed. As all the world’s magic fluxed and shifted with due accord.
Upon the shore, a pale figure layed. Motionless, save for the stirring of the waves that had carried it there. Lap and wane. Lap and wane. The wash frothed about its languid curves. Its bent caress of fins, cords, and mantles.
It stood before the giant form of the beautiful being. Almost contemplative as the surf ebbed and flowed about it. A long bladed staff was held in its strong right hand.

Dark is the sky, though your minds know it to be day. An unnatural grey, through which only the brightest stars twinkle, and the sister moons shine pale shadowed against the black. Their light is cold. Strange. Thin and Twisted. As if they had bidden for this time all along.
Upon the break of the sea, against sand and jagged stone, lay its bounty. Spoiled and dead things, washed along the winding coast.
Distant eyes may see strange lights there amidst the fresh rot of whales and sea serpents. Things that scuttle. Things that pinch and grab. Things that drag the dead back into the surf.
Yet farther out, there gleams a form on the horizon, not seen before. A spiny crag. Silver shelled. A mountain segmented. Pearlescent beneath the pale light of the celestial midnight.
Cortosi Coast - A titanic being has emerged from the sea, destroying ships of all nations, thought to find safe harbor there.
Coast of the Reach - In the Village of Virspoke, a man borne with abyssal knowledge speaks out to a gathering crowd.
Iuk-'u Delta - A strange thing washes onto the shore, and a mysterious figure seems to examine it.
Malakath -Countless creatures of the sea wash unto the shore. Lifeless. And an anomaly gleams offshore, almost a new island on the horizon.
Cortosi Coast - A titanic being has emerged from the sea, destroying ships of all nations, thought to find safe harbor there.
Coast of the Reach - In the Village of Virspoke, a man borne with abyssal knowledge speaks out to a gathering crowd.
Iuk-'u Delta - A strange thing washes onto the shore, and a mysterious figure seems to examine it.
Malakath -Countless creatures of the sea wash unto the shore. Lifeless. And an anomaly gleams offshore, almost a new island on the horizon.
Everyone is welcome to hop in! The water is juuuust fine.
Characters do not need to be at the epicenter of the happenings to interact with the events portrayed in DM posts. The narrative landscape will shift and change depending on character choices and interactions!
Light DM Posts will happen regularly and will be announced. No formal posting order will be observed by the DM. And remember, when in doubt, reach out! Communication is the backbone to fun for everyone.
Please make sure you let people know where your character is at by starting your post with a bold heading! This will make tracking and collaborating more manageable for all involved.
Jump in, take some risks, and let's have some fun. If you have any burning questions, feel free to reach out to me via discord or message on site! I'll do my best to pull some sense out of the soup that is my noggin. With that said,
Happy reading and writing, Chroniclers.
P.S. Big thank you to bees for all the help with the lore building, image selection and formatting, and the general nerdery that's gone into this. You kick so much ass.
Characters do not need to be at the epicenter of the happenings to interact with the events portrayed in DM posts. The narrative landscape will shift and change depending on character choices and interactions!
Light DM Posts will happen regularly and will be announced. No formal posting order will be observed by the DM. And remember, when in doubt, reach out! Communication is the backbone to fun for everyone.
Please make sure you let people know where your character is at by starting your post with a bold heading! This will make tracking and collaborating more manageable for all involved.
Cortosi Coast Jane Chronicles sharpened her sword broodily at the end of the bar. Which also happened to be the darkest corner in the bar. The loneliest corner... |
Jump in, take some risks, and let's have some fun. If you have any burning questions, feel free to reach out to me via discord or message on site! I'll do my best to pull some sense out of the soup that is my noggin. With that said,
Happy reading and writing, Chroniclers.
P.S. Big thank you to bees for all the help with the lore building, image selection and formatting, and the general nerdery that's gone into this. You kick so much ass.