The Syzygy The Syzygy: Rise of the Abyssal

For Syzygy event threads
"Go, Valathor," Jensen urged the tsonye as the mountain began to shudder and plummet. The doorway through which they had entered was rapidly beginning to close. Thor would struggle to bear his own weight with his tattered wing and side, let alone Jensen's. He swallowed his curse, trying to push as much comfort and reassurance down the bond as he could.

"Go I'm right behind y--"

A shriek from deeper within the mountain made both rider and dragon turn in time to see a bloodied feathered dragon hurtling towards them. Valathor threw himself at his rider to shield him from the dragon who was caught up in a blood lust but it was too late. The creature snapped Jensen up by the arm then plunged out of the mountain.

Valathor's roar chased them into the skies. Jensen wasn't sure if he gave his own one as the dragon clamped down on his arm and carried him upwards. He could feel bone and muscle begin to pop and tear. Desperately he struggled, trying to find purchase somewhere to pull himself up but whenever he did the dragons claws found his chest, his stomach, his face, tearing him into pretty ribbons. Jensen no longer knew what part of him was where or if it was even still attached. In fact, Jensen only knew one thing for certain:

He was going to die.

No sooner had the certainty filled him with an odd lightness did a streak of green scales hurtle into the feathered dragons side. The beast roared and in doing so let go of Jensen's arm sending him plummeting back towards the earth. All he could do was helplessly watch as his injured dragon fought till the last to ensure his rider escaped, finishing the feathered beast off with one final surge of his strength. Then something even worse than dying happened.

Valathor fell.
  • Cthuloo
  • Scared
Reactions: Orissa and Dingo
She felt the dragon's panic and anger within moments of hearing the cries.

Her eyes found the brilliant shade of green move, a blur of jewelled scales and then the imagery of something smaller falling from the sky. Familiar red hair, but darkened by something that blossomed all over his being. The Princess sucked in a breath, shocked at how quickly things had shifted.

"Cadoc!" Her eyes never left the body falling, thin ribbons of blood trailing after him. The Captain of her Gilded Wings saw where she had looked, had soon come to realise just what was happening in their retreat back. He spoke no words, for none were needed to communicate with the gods bonded to them. His white dragon took to the skies no more than two seconds later, using what magic Olazor could muster in the hindrance of this prolonged night. The air around Jensen seemed to slow, enough for the pearlescent dragon to catch Jensen in their claw, and as gentle as a great drake could be, lowered the man to a spot Orissa was already running to, her Ransa Dragon quicker.

The larger dragons bonded to the rest of her Gilded Wings moved to slow the descent of the great tsonye, a collective effort to help soften the blow as the five dragons came to an ungraceful landing. Trained and equipped with their own resources of Ransa Tears, they worked on making sure the green dragon was stable, can hold out until their Princess and experienced healer in immediate range could look to him.

No, Orissa was not useless.

Shredded and bloody, the body of Jensen Araelor had been the worst condition she had ever seen. She suppressed the panic and worry, for that would not do her well if she wished to save his life. Perhaps a Princess was unseen out here, to go so easily unheard, but where would they all be without a healer and her Ransa dragon?
  • Bless
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Jensen and Dingo
Edward felt his stomach turn as he felt the life inside his conjured black orb. This was wrong, he should release this thing, but...that would mean death. He swallowed the bile rising in his throat as he steadied himself and felt the last bit of life from the creature finally slip away.

Ed had been so focused on that singular duel against the wizard that he was only made aware of the rest of the concurring events when he heard the sailor.

A hearty laugh filled the chamber as it escaped from Edward's mouth. A laugh so juxtaposed to the situation they were in and the previous silence directly after a battle. A tired smile was slowly spreading on his face.

A fight to the death. He was shaking on his knees. Enemies that were forgotten in time came from the darkest depths of the ocean. Ed was no hero...

But a ship? Ed could helm any ship that the gods could think up.

"Stand back. Get those people out of those pods."

Without further time to second guess himself, Edward stepped forward and placed his hand on the pad.

  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Dingo