the syzygy

  1. Farren Lóthlindor

    Private Tales For Whom the Bell Tolls

    With the passing of the Syzygy came the returning light of the moons. The twin eyes of the night restored to their watchful guardianship of the night. Yet not all had returned to its original form. Magic had been plucked at and tampered. Reformed and rebirthed. Some even cursed into new shapes...
  2. Edward Lorain

    Fable - Ask The Court of Tides

    "Angus, stop laying about and get that keg to the bar. It's a packed house tonight, we're busting at the seems." Hilda kicked at the young lad before hurrying off to pour more tankards, the sounds of merry music and more than a few small brawls could be heard from the other room. The young boy...
  3. Sir Nathaniel

    The Syzygy Counterattack (Alliria)

    A day after the battle on Cortosi Coast, the Paladin, Nathaniel Jameson made his return to the merchant city, having been victorious in destroying his old enemy, Zasz. It had only been a week since he had seen his old childhood home, but it felt like longer after the recent events. The place in...
  4. Izzetta Rex

    Fate - First Reply Why Is The Rum Always Gone?

    The Syzygy, Day 2 Akiva Sea The night was dark and the spirits darker, but Izzetta was buoyant. One would have thought the upheaval of the seas and magic would have sobered her, but Izzy was rarely sober. She sat on a barrel, braiding a rope, a foggy green glass bottle by her foot. She hummed...
  5. Nacht

    The Syzygy Sick Day

    Nacht woke up with a fever and generally felt like shit. He looked around before realizing that the entire room was unnaturally dark. Barely mustering the strength to hold up his hand, he attempted to absorb in the darkness and quickly lost focus, becoming queasy and gagging. However bad his...
  6. Azlat Ushus

    The Syzygy A Ship Astray in Thagretis

    Thagretis Thykla Palace * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The atmosphere within Thykla had been tense these last few days. All knew of the impending double eclipse, but none could prepare for the degree of calamity that would befall them. This one was to be far worse than...
  7. Sir Nathaniel

    The Syzygy A Desperate Defense (The Syzgy, Cortosi Coast, Allir Reach)
    Threadmarks: Open

    It was a dark day when the Abyssal came to Cortosi Coast, Allir Reach. From the depths of the sea, slimy, tentacled horrors emerged from their underwater lairs and began to lay siege to villages and towns across the coast, abducting many and dragging them back into the water for some unknown...
  8. R

    The Syzygy The Long Dark

    In Gild they called it "the Long Dark". Scholars and travelers from other Campanian kingdoms, nations, and city-states had returned with the name bestowed upon the upcoming celestial event by leading figures of Elbion, the Triennial Syzygy, yet by then the simpler name had become entrenched...
  9. Briar White

    The Syzygy The Mother's Revenge

    Crobhear Lake The sky was growing darker by the minute, the only light from the faint red glow of the moons and the boldest and brightest stars. A deep silence hung over the lake, so deep it sounded almost like static. Every witch could feel The Goddess alive in them, on this first night of...
  10. Eden Sinclayr

    The Syzygy State of Emergency

    EDICT 3358, ISSUED BY THE COUNCIL OF ALLIRIA ON THE DAY 13 DIAMANT, YEAR 374 Declaration of a Reach-wide Emergency and Invocation of Council Authority Relating to the Regulation of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels Within and Near Allirian Ports. Under the DRAGON PROTECTION ACT of 372...
  11. Vhagor

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    Every breed of dragon has its unique challenges in reproducing. The red dragons are thought to be so violent that their mating is more likely to end in the death of one of the pair than any successful eggs; the Tsonye dragons need to give birth half buried in the earth; and the Ēarendel dragons...
  12. Dingo

    The Syzygy The Syzygy: Rise of the Abyssal

    Months, weeks, days passed, and the moons of Arethil rose and fell, rose and fell as the tides of the world’s oceans obeyed their command. Carried with them, their whispers. Things some could hear clearer than most. Sounds betwixt the ears of so many souls, louder in those touched by magick...
  13. Dingo

    The Syzygy World Event: The Syzygy

    The Syzygy: Rise of the Abyssal New Lore: The Abyssal “Through the brine and through the break the spiny shell did wake. Silver and sleek, but a mountain it was. A mountain come from the deep. A mountain they rode. A mountain they dragged them down into [he laughs, sharp as broken glass] they...
  14. Dingo

    Completed The Triennial Syzygy

    In the Age of Chronicles Fall, 13th of Garda, 373 Within the halls of Elbion College The School of Cosmic and Astral Study Scholar Linolet Perinhome prepared for the gathered. Her heart aflutter as she paced back and forth in the narrow hall behind the stage. Maesters, fellow students...