the secret is not to chase butterflies, but to
take care of the garden so they'll come to you
take care of the garden so they'll come to you
Taking after her mother, Orissa is the perfect picture a princess should appear, collected, attentive. Brought up and taught to be graceful, diplomatic, and selfless, it is with this in mind she does her best to assist Thanasis.With gorgeous, dark hair and eyes, Orissa is said to look like her mother when she was younger, a fact the princess takes in stride.
Skills and Abilities
With a keen interest in strategy and war tactics, Orissa went from reading books to shadowing the Royal Correspondant in the War Room, along with her father and other members of the royal family. She does not interject with her own ideas, preferring to discuss and debate with her trusted circle after.She was never suited for combat, but her intelligent mind prefers to be occupied with a book.

Ransa dragons are known for their pretty ribbon like details, and come in an array of colours. More commonly known for their healing properties in their tears, they are a highly prized dragon to bond with or to have access to.
Pixaelys was bonded prior to Orissa's birth, to a famed High Ascendant that wrote many of the procedures practiced today with Ransa Tears. While accompanying her father north of Thanasis, they came across the ethereal dragon, who then bonded with the princess after she left honey bread. Although a young child then, she did not learn to ride until she was tall and strong enough to stay in a dragon's saddle.
When a call for a large response from medics is made, Orissa ensures she rides out to do what she can, freely giving her collected tears to those in need. Because of this, she has five special riders trained to protect her.
They are known as the Gilded Wings.
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