

Basic information
Kiros Rahnel Less than a year
Enchanted quarterstaff Magical detection Itra
Out-of-character information
Kiros Rahnel Dec 30, 2021 Modelled personally

“Is this magic? Is that magic? Is anything magic? Why not waste my magic finding out?” -Her idiot priest, probably.

Carved from ash wood and capped with steel and bronze, Heirahit is a quarterstaff bearing Her holy symbol; 3.8cm in diameter (1.5'), 2.3 metres in length, and 2kg(4.4lbs) in weight.

When the staff is held in hand, disturbances in magic are faintly detectable by the wielder. Proximity and power of the detected magic can be sensed, but no further information besides that can be obtained. Invoked magic can be felt as a ripple, while more steady effects require a change in either location or power in order for the produced aura to be felt.


Upon gracing the party with Her divine presence, She discovered that Kiros had foolishly wasted a sizable portion of Her imbued power by casting identification spells on anything and everything for answers. In effort to prevent further stupidity, She wove Her blessing over the staff so that may he use it as a tool to discern the presence of magic. Because that would be much better than frivolously resorting to his own magic and wasting it!

Her blessing was laid upon it at the conclusion of Kiros’ first excursion to Malakath, and the item presented to him as a gift. Not that it was even initially recognized for the boon it was.

Unsurprising; Her priest had long shown himself unable to discern what was good for him.


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