Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Character Biography
A million stars up in the sky,
one shines brightest - I can't deny,
a warmth so precious,
a word so true,
with love I send,

from me to you.

On the morn of Heart & Hearth day, waiting quietly within the cooling embers of the previous eve's fires, well-wishes and letters, gifts and baubles magically appear for their recipients.

Words from friends and family, lovers and loved ones, presents of meaning and even just silly remembrances.

What word did you send?

What gift may you receive?

OOC - Life's been too hectic for me to set this up in advance and collect letters/gifts from everyone. Instead this year the thread will be open for folks to post their own gifts and letters they have sent to their loved ones!
To: Vittoria Larrainth

A small box containing a hand-carved wooden locket alongside a folded piece of parchment. Without instructions, the ability to figure out the puzzle of the locket and open it is not readily clear. Should Vittoria manage the trick, inside the locket are two hollowed out compartments with little cut out pieces of parchment inside each that read "You're" and "Beautiful".

A little secret just for you.
Happy Heart & Hearth Day.
Tea and pancakes later?

You know where to find me.

Somewhere among a quiet cemetery towards the interior of Vel Anir, a young woman traipses silently among the graves. Among the many illustrious and ornate tombs and mausoleums of nobles and their families, a more simple headstone sits alone in a quiet corner, new and yet forgotten.

The young woman kneels before the grave and sits in silence for a long minute, contemplating what could have been. The winter wind blows softly, carrying dry leaves across the grounds. With a sad smile, the young woman lays a simple daffodil before the headstone, along with a letter she knows will never be opened.

Then, as quiet as the graves around her, she departs.

Caeso Diemut,

I admired you from afar for so long, and yet when I finally had your attention, I could not earn your affection. We clashed, when I wish that we could have stood together.

You did not deserve the end you were given. You deserved a long life of happiness. I regret that I could not offer that to you. I regret that I could not be close to you.

But more than anything, I regret that I could not save you.

I will always mourn the future that was stolen on that day. May you rest in peace,

Zinnia St. Kolbe

To: Hath Charosh

A cloth wrapping containing a hand forged and crafted hunting knife with a staghorn handle, sized to fit a certain orc's grip near perfectly. A heavy leather sheath with a bone attachment that allowed it to easily be slotted onto a belt or strap guarded the razor sharp blade.


With it a note torn from the page of a journal:

I'm not even sure if you can read this, but I made this blade for you while we stayed with your mother's clan. Took time to finish it - I would work on it while you slept. Thank you for everything you have done for me and seeing me through what has been the greatest adventure of my life.


Things have been weird lately. Muscles acting a bit stiffer when you're around. Heart pumping a little more than normal. What say you and I loosen up with a good sparring match, hand foot only, at the Old Chapel at Midnight?


Girl, the way you play cards is something else. You may have bested me, but lady luck comes and goes for all of us. What say you and I play for hearts at the Old Chapel at Midnight?

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  • Cthulu Knife
  • Ooof
Reactions: Norah and Avery

I'm sure you already know, but some folks give you a bad rap on account of shyness. I've only caught it a time or two, but you have beautiful smile I'd like to see more of. What say you and I catch up and learn a thing or two about each other at the Old Chapel at Midnight?

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  • Cthulu Knife
  • Ooof
Reactions: Norah and Avery

Could use your help buddy. I'm casting a wide net today, but I'm probably in trouble if I make more than one catch. I'd appreciate a heads up if you see any trouble coming my way. Got a box of cigars with your name on it. If you can't find me tell Kil or Tak.

Keep in touch,
Kilien Basmarc

I, Vittoria Larrainth, must confess that there are a number of difficulties between us that I can no longer run away from. I wish I had the strength to tell you in person, but I-

Well, it kinda falls apart there doesn't it? I tried to write a letter messing with you four different ways and it just didn't come together. Kil, I hope the best for you. I really do. I know you can hold a viper tame with your thumb in just the right spot, and the allure of doing so. I also know that spot is harder to find on a woman, and may change with time. Again, I hope everything works out. Really, I do. I just want you to be careful too.



If Naser tells you I'm in trouble, please try to meet me at the Old Chapel at midnight.

Thank you.

For not walking away.
For not breaking your promises.

For staying true to your word, even in the face of an impossible task.
For caring about me even when I have done nothing to deserve it.

For all the small things you do and say that make the day a little better and help me remember what it is to be alive.
For not letting me give up on living again.

You have shown me what it is like to have a true friend - something I did not ever think would happen.

Even if, at the end of it all, what we set out to do does not work, it will still have been worth the time spent with you. Each day is stamped by a moment that I will cherish always.

Til the end,

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It was nothing but a spark at first; a burst of light against the cold darkness of the night sky. From the sudden white flash though, letters started to be drawn in front of the girl: thin threads of clarity floating in the gloomy air of winter. Fine, yet very much readable.

Wherever she happened to be.

To you, adventurous one,

When do one's plans ever work out? More so than you thinking of me, I am happy you decided to strike out on your own. Somehow, I find it unsurprising to read of the choice you took. Somehow, I always knew there was more to you than that shy, quiet girl I met during that birthday party.

We are forged on the crucible of adversity; the best of us anyways. To have the courage to step into the unknown, to be brave to leave the comfort and familiarity of home behind, is how we find ourselves, truly. I have no doubt that, through challenges and auspices, through longing and wonder, you'll find something marvellous hidden within you. And in this undertaking I am sure you are more than capable of succeeding by yourself, though a small part of me does whish I could've shared those moments with you.

Forget the books, and the Proctors. You were meant for more.


To: Zinnia

Every full moon I think about the things I wish I could change about me.

To be rid of my curse, to be a normal man. Even if it still meant having to endure the same walls and fate, I would at least walk without the weight of uncertainty on my shoulders.

But if I were any different than who I am, I would not have come to know you as I have and I feel that I would be lesser even more for that.

Beyond everything, I know at least I have in you the trust I have in no one else and I think about this often when sharing space with those I cannot faithfully believe are true friends.

I still think about that night with you and I hope those memories bring you lightness and warmth, not regret.

If you find yourself called into this war, take care and stay safe. One day I'd like another chance at being a friend you can trust.



Enclosed in a box she'd find a hand-carved wooden wolf in a size that fit comfortably in her hand.


From your hair, to your spunk, to the way you play cards everything about you is distinct. Without peer. You're like a fire, and I feel myself eager to get burned. What say you and I meet at the Old Chapel at Midnight?

A courier arrives for Perrine Urahil carrying a parcel and a neatly folded letter. Within the parcel is an ornate, wooden box, filled with plenty of cushion to carry its contents. Nestled safely within is a beautiful crystal vial, filled with a strange, scintillating liquid that seems to glimmer with every color imaginable. The vial's neck is tied to the end of a long, silver necklace, dainty and pristine in its design.

The attached letter is addressed "To my Fairest Love, Perrine Urahil,"

Dearest Perrine,

I pray this letter and the attached parcel find you well. It was the least I could offer on this day, in my absence (though, should fate be willing, I will join you for dinner later tonight).

I wish you to know how blessed I am to have met you that splendid night, and how deeply and madly I fell for you. That we have been able to travel together has meant far more than the world to me. You are beauty and grace incarnate, with a sharp wit that puts me to my paces. There are none I would not defy to remain in your warmth and light.

I fear I am no artist as you are, my Dear, and I cannot express my want for you as you can. You are a brilliant star shining radiantly among the gloomy backdrop of this world, flashing with colors I cannot begin to describe but am blessed to behold nonetheless. And so it is that I hope that you might cherish this token of my affection for you. I am told it will always produce the exact color you imagine while using it to paint.

I will see you soon, Fair Perrine, and I count each and every second until we can once again be united.

My deepest love,

Percival Pirian
Colt Pirian,

Whoops! Something of yours mysteriously fell into my pocket at Bingo Night. Very fun, by the way. Anyway, returning it because I am so thoughtful. Also included a little extra treat for the inconvenience. Figured you might want to join in the fun. Try it (or don't). I promise your night will get waaaaaaay more interesting if you do.

You're welcome.

Also Happy Heart(h?) Day.


P.S. If the letter explodes...not my fault. Probably.

Included: The Queen of Hearts card from Colt's most scandalous deck and a small white disc Colt may recognize as the thing Lucy had been popping in her mouth like candy during Poker Night.
My Love,

I know you will likely receive this while sitting right beside me, but I couldn't help myself. I adore seeing you smile, and if this little note brings even the smallest one to your face, then it was worth writing.

Truly, I do not think I will ever find the right words to tell you just how in love with you I am. It is in every breath I take, every beat of my heart. It is in the way we wake each morning and I reach for you before my eyes have even opened. You are my greatest love, my dearest friend, and the home I never thought I would have. You are the warmth that reaches me even on the coldest nights.

You have my heart and I will love you still, for all the days yet to come.

And now, we have a future stretching before us and a life waiting to be lived- not only you and I, but our little one as well. I never imagined I would have this, have you. I never thought I was worthy of love like this, worthy of being able to dream of tomorrow with hopes instead of fears. But you have given me just that, Lynus. You have given me everything and I hope one day you can say the same of me.

Happy Heart and Hearth, my dearest Prince.

Forever yours,

Isla Anireth

A tiny box wrapped with a deep blue bow is included with the letter. Inside, the box contains a small, spherical device decorated in an ornate pattern. Included is a key. When inserted in the back of the sphere, and twisted multiple times, the sphere opens to reveal a hand carved and painted prince and princess dancing. Piano can be heard playing a song of a very lost prince and the princess who was afraid to open her heart again.

Lynus Anireth
I did not know then, when I met you there,
There in that darkened place,
that those wings of yours would carry me here.
I thought myself lost,
I thought myself alone,
Torn from everything I'd known and loved.
And yet you held it all in your soul.

I thought you'd carry me home,
but that too was placed right there,
in your heart.

I love you Caliane,

Years ago...

Beneath nothing but candlelight, he wrote.



What were words? He hardly knew them. A lie, of course, as any who was meant to be Captain of Drennantor was well schooled in many things.

The sword was that with which he drew his mark. Not the pen. He sighed.

This is no place for a sword...

And so he wrote:

I have seen you, from what seems like leagues away... yet you are there barely out of reach.

I watch you, through grand corridors, and they seem diminished with you there,

I see you smile in the light of the sun, and even it is dimmed.

I would pray to the gods, but it is your voice I wish to hear.

I don't you if you really see me or not... but I see you. So many do...

If I could I would give you the stars to wear around your neck, the sun to wear as a crown and the moon for you to sit upon.

You are not beautiful, Yvaine.

You are beauty.


  • Ooof
Reactions: Yvaine

I thank you once again for accompanying me on my travels, and for clearing my name in Vel Anir, I was finally able to see my parent's grave once more. Who knew that there would be good Dreadlords after all? You have a special place in this cynical old heart of mine, which is saying a lot given the amount of love I give to poor wandering travelers.

You know, I heard of this day called Heart and Hearth Day, where apparently people send people of significance gifts. As a token of my gratitude, please take this sword a customer left behind with me, should this find any value.

Of course, should you look for entertainment or intimate company, I wouldn't mind giving that pleasure for you. You can always find me wandering around, mostly in Alliria nowadays. Look for me when you have the chance.



Your gift brings me the greatest of joys as of four hours since receiving it, I am faced with a great puzzle. Please, do not give me any clues as to how to open it, you know the fun of such things is working out how to find weaknesses.

And you know I enjoy finding that out.

My gratitude,
Vittoria Larrainth

And yet there was a wrapped gift for him with her note, the shape and weight of an obvious book. Upon opening it, he would see a newly leather bound book, the title on the spine written in her handlettering, The Wolf and the Fallen Star.

It would tell the story of a wolf lost in the forest, guiding by a falling star to find his way home, an original story by Vittoria herself, one she had put to pen as a six year old. The original story in her childlike hand, then retold in her cleared lettering of now, bound in this gift.

The book was dedicated to him, Kilien Basmarc , with a short note.

To the one that tamed my heart.