Pernillia Osric
For as much as she might've wanted to fit in with the dainty ladies of Elbion, Pern would never be anything close to fitting in. Dark of skin, pointy of tusk, this Orc was as close to being considered a "Lady of Elbion" as she was to being considered for enrollment within the College of Elbion. Though lean for her kind, Pern is a brutishly tall sort of lass - standing at 6'2'' she often towered over the local Hedge Knights and Sellswords. Her physique nothing to sneeze at, Pern isn't incapable of fitting into a dress without having it custom tailored to keep from busting a seam when she sneezes.
Orcish traits notwithstanding, she's not terribly terrible to look at. Though bearing slightly chiseled features she was not without some semblance of femininity: behind those tusks jutting from lower jaw were lovely full lips; concealing those eyes of brilliant hellfire gold were thick lashes; in the right sort of outfit one might even note the soft curves hidden amidst rock solid muscle; and atop that refined skull was a mane of beauteous brown curls.
Too bad none of the local chaps ever noticed these things.
By the time her teen years rolled around she'd given up her efforts of being a maiden and instead took to wearing the clothing of a Blacksmith's Apprentice. She never did quite get back to looking the part of a lady.
Pern is a pragmatic sort, not given to being easily put off from a task at hand. A determined, hard worker, she has a lot to prove and not a lot of people willing to give her a chance. She is, on the whole, a well-mannered sort with an educated background and a doting adoptive parent. Pern learned early to put others before herself and that violence is very rarely the answer to anything.
She's meticulous to the point of being a perfectionist with her work as a Blacksmith, much of this carries over into her other tasks. Though congenial enough, Pern doesn't like being rushed or pushed into things and tends to take her challenges at her own pace. Because she's been shunned by most of humanity for being an Orc, Pern dosen't tend to put a lot of stock or trust in humans. It takes a long time to gain these things from her, but once you have it you have it for good.
For a select few, Pern is a reliable, trustworthy, caring and devoted rock they can depend on. For most all others, she's just another dumb, savage orc.
Strong, like an orc. Resistant to heat and pain. Keen sense of smell. Book smart - exceptionally so, but with little in worldly experience beyond Elbion. Though older and with a fair amount of common sense about her, she is naive to battle and war and the grand scope of peoples, places, and economics beyond her home city. She is patently familiar with racism with quiet, passive acceptance. Pern does not consider herself to be particularly brave, but she likes to think she just hasn't been tested yet.
Over the last year of her life Pern has discovered, much to her surprise, that she is capable of Runesmithing magic. This came about out of need and simple wanting to help her friend, Hath Charosh, by crafting a rune amulet to protect him from the dark entity within. She has since spent only a small amount of time further exploring this skill, but has yet to truly tap into her own potential as a Runesmith.
Pern's life started a little strangely, and that's about the best she could tell anyone. Her earliest memories were of Ignatius Osric: a kind old man who raised her in the city of Elbion. There was nothing before and, frankly, Ignatius had little to offer in regards to her origins. In her youth it mattered little, being of pragmatism and wit, Pern took her childhood in stride. As an obvious non-human and not-so-obvious Orc, she was treated with bare resentment and thin tolerance by the locals of the Merchant district. Like many young children who were different, the only thing Pern dreamt of for the longest time was fitting in. Maturing into her teen years when her tusks began to show she realized rather quickly that it was a pipedream not likely to ever happen.

When she was old enough: 16 summers, Ignatius petitioned his old colleagues to grant her admission into the College of Elbion in hopes to see her enrolled into the Foard of Scholars. They admitted her to preliminary testing and despite her passing she was denied on grounds of not presenting magical capabilities. Pern was certain there was more to it than that.
With no future for her as a Scholar or a Mage she turned to the local Merchant's quarter and began searching for work. Most places would not even give her the consideration - most of them but the local Blacksmith. And so it was there that Pern turned her efforts to learning a new trade. It's been nearly 15 years now and she can't help but feel that she's meant for something more than what she's become.
Artwork by Korran Halcyon
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