Being a man of strong stature with a rugged visage, Faulkin is often viewed as a handsome man. His face and body bear the scars of battle, and a hardened expression rests perpetually on his face. When not dressed for combat in his armour, he is typically found wearing relatively common apparel.
When dressed for battle, along with his armour he carries also a hand and a half sword and an axe. Often he will purchase and carry potions and magical wards to aid him in any conflict.

Skills and Abilities
Faulkin is born from a long line of warriors. He is a ferocious fighter, relying less on skill and more on brute force – but he is known as an able swordsman, and a fair fighter in single combat.
He was not born with any particular magical affluence, but has learned to wield some modest power in casting spells over time.
Faulkin is a sturdier sort. His outlook on life can be objective and harsh, but he is not without heart. While he can be quick to judge, he is often a good one, looking first for one's merits before their flaws, all while not being blind to either.
In battle, he is furious and unrelenting, almost as if lost to another will or led by some other force. Otherwise, he is a relatively relaxed individual with little cause to instigate trouble – but more than willing to settle any brought upon him.
Biography & Lore