Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

A roleplay open for anyone to join
My Daylily,
You are the happiest thing in my life to happen, and I am forever grateful for you.
Your laugh, your smile, the way you pull me into a dance every time there is music, and the way you make me feel whole whenever you are near.

This day is yours, Heart and Hearth Day is the day I think of you the most.

Your love,

  • Melting
Reactions: Saffia
I am a fool in love as I try to write this to you. I cannot stop smiling just because of how happy I am to be home and be close with you. Meet me at our spot on the beach later?

We can have a picnic under the palm trees, and maybe I will tell you a story of how my friend and I almost died after falling into a river infested with crocodiles. Maybe I will even show you a scar.

All my love,
Pawel Wilhart
They are not in season, but my mother enjoys sunflowers so much we have a facility to grow them out of season. I give you three of them for each moment you have made me feel valued. Please, do not fret at the small number. This is what progress looks like, and perhaps there will be more to be added to a vase in the future.

Lyta, my love
Meet me in the courtyard when you wake, I have tried and failed to bake you your favourite pastries, but alas, my younger sister has come to my aid and will ensure you do not spend our second Heart and Hearth Day ill.

All my love,

P.S. I can only wish I could bring floating lanterns to you again, like our first Heart and Hearth Day.
To the one I am to marry soon,
I believe that fate brought us together, and that me bringing you back to life that day was the gods giving me a bond that could not break. You have made me the happiest and made me feel safe. I love you, Jensen Araelor.

Yours always,
My darling Val Pirian ,
I am not one for words, and so I will keep this short.

This painting is unique as I have worked my hardest to paint our first portrait together. This is your likeness in my artist’s eye, and my own depiction with the help of a mirror. I will always remember our trip to Dornoch, the place where you held my heart.

Your loving,
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Ivan Skender
Paetr , my love
I do not need this day to tell you how I feel for you, but I must and with all the pageantry and pomp. Chocolates and a new embroidered scabbard. It is subtle, perhaps I may even regret using the black thread, but the details are not lost if you are to look at it closely.

It should hold your favourite blade.

I shall see you tonight for the dinner I have planned,

  • Yay
Reactions: Paetr
Dear Seyah ,
A token of appreciation of your trust and friendship. I have a good feeling you may have already acquired such a bottle to your collection, but it traveled a long way to be here. Thank you for all your help.

Enjoy the bottle of Elbionese mead.

Yours faithfully,
  • Love
Reactions: Seyah
To the Kraken’s Bane,
I only know I am capable of seeing more of this world because of you. You were the one laying in that cot in the medic’s office after your battle with the kraken, losing hope on an amazing future of adventure, but the moment I informed you that I learned to heal with your wounds, seeing that spark in your eyes has been my favourite memory to remember.

You remember that I admire your eyes, don’t you?


Ivan Skender
  • Aww
Reactions: Ivan Skender
To my new friend,
Thank you for your friendship and kindness, for in these times, such a blessing seems so small but all the same the most appreciated. I will be there for you when you need me most, we are stronger together, we are heard and understood. Trust in that, please, Kristen.

Your friend,


Happy Heart and Hearth Day. I asked around and finally got the map I needed for your gift. There is a reason I am in the Guard and not at home being pretty and doing my embroidery classes. Sorry, I stole a shirt to do it.

Your friend,

Under the note was a hastily wrapped present. Soft, most definitely his shirt. When unfolded, he would see the the loosest depiction of Viret on the map, the town indicated with an awful attempt at a star that had several knots in its shape.

Happy Heart and Hearth Day. I know I am a pain you cannot cure, but I promise I do value you and what you do to keep us happy and healthy. Sorry I broke your surgical shears last time I came for a check up… these new ones should be a worthy apology.

The sorriest friend you have,

Please tell me you haven’t sent out my portrait to more Dreadlord men again.
You almost got me transferred from the squad last time, so please, refrain from playing cupid on my behalf?

- Rhory

My Eira,


I have spent my life fighting for things I will never have, and I know now that you are one of them. You were never mine to keep, no matter how much I wished it. And so, this is not a love letter. This is a farewell.

I hope he gives you the life you deserve. I hope he treats you kindly. I hope you never have to force a smile or swallow your grief. And if he ever makes you feel small, if he ever dares to break you, I will crawl out of whatever hell I am thrown into and make him pay for it.

I don’t have much to give, but I wanted you to have this. Meala shed this scale the first time we flew, and I have carried it with me ever since. A reminder that even when everything is torn from you, you can still rise. You can still be free.

Be happy, Eira. That is all I will ever ask of you now.

I love you. Always will.

  • Cry
Reactions: Eira
My Starling,

I find myself at a loss for words when it comes to you—an impossible thing, considering how often I speak. But how does one capture in ink what it means to love you? How do I explain the way you are stitched into every corner of my soul, how your laughter is the brightest sound in a world that was once dull and quiet?

Loving you is as easy as breathing, and just as necessary. You are my heart, my home, my greatest adventure. And now, we have a new adventure ahead of us—one that will change everything. I already know our child will have your fire, your kindness, your strength. And though the thought of being a father terrifies me, I take comfort in knowing that our child will have you.

Forever yours,

Along with the note is a small box housing a delicate silver bracelet with a single charm: a small, intricately detailed bear.


It’s Hearth and Heart today, apparently. I had half a mind to ignore it entirely, but seeing as I’ve somehow been roped into your ridiculous orbit once again, I suppose I ought to acknowledge it.

I thought about getting you something—a gift, a token, whatever people do on this gods-forsaken day—but what do you get for a man who already takes whatever he pleases? Another stolen trinket? A new set of daggers? A muzzle for that insufferable mouth of yours? (Tempting.)

So instead, you get this. A letter. Because apparently, words mean something to you.

I don’t know how to do this, Val. Any of it. You tell me I’m something you won’t let go of, and all I can think is—why?Why in all the hells would you make me your reckless, noble crusade? You could have anything, anyone. And yet, you choose this. Me. A woman who has spent more time running than standing still, who bites before she thinks, who is half-feral most days and likely to put a knife through your ribs the next time you do something profoundly stupid (which, let’s be honest, will probably be tomorrow).

And the most infuriating part?

I believe you.

I believe you when you say you mean it, and that terrifies me more than anything else. Because you’re not the only fool in this mess, Val.

I’m trying to fight it. I really, really am. But then you go and say things, or look at me the way you do and suddenly, I forget why I should be running.

So, fine. Here’s your gods-damned Hearth and Heart gift: the truth. I care about you. There, I’ve said it. You’ve won. I hope you choke on it.


P.S. If you so much as mention this letter to me, I will murder you.

  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Val
*Unsent letter - currently burning in the hearth.*


I don’t know why I’m writing this. Maybe I just need to get it out of my head before it eats me alive. Maybe I want to say these things but don’t know how to make them sound right when I speak. Maybe I just want you to know—even if you never see this…. You will absolutely never fucking see this.

I have never been good. Not to you, not to anyone. I have torn you down more times than I can count, pushed you away when I should have pulled you closer, made you bleed when I should have been the one standing in front of the blade. And yet, somehow, you’re still here. You’re still here.

And fuck, I hate myself for wanting you to stay.

Because you shouldn’t. You deserve better than this—better than me. But I am selfish. And cruel. And the thought of a world where you are not beside me makes my ribs feel like they’re caving in.

You told me once that I don’t scare you. That I never have. And I think that was the moment I realised what you are to me. Because I scare myself, Vespa. I always have. But you—you—look at me like I am more than my anger, more than my mistakes. And I don’t know how to deserve that.

I don’t know how to deserve you.

So I won’t send this. You’ll never read it. And maybe that’s for the best. But just for tonight, just for this one moment, I wanted to write it down and pretend that I am brave enough to say it.


  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Vespera

The second I saw you, something in me clicked into place. I didn’t understand it then, but I do now—I was always meant to be yours. It just took you a little longer to catch up.

I would’ve waited forever, you know. I would’ve fought for you a thousand times over, whether you wanted me to or not. Because from that first moment, I knew that no one else would ever come close. And I knew that resisting me was a battle you’d lose eventually. Not because I was relentless (though we both know I was), but because this—us—was always inevitable when the fates took it out of our hands.

I love you. More than I have words for. More than I ever thought myself capable of. And I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure you never doubt it.

Your Hunter

P.s. What are you wearing?…

~Beside the note sits a small wooden carving of a wolf and a fox, their tails wrapped around one another.~

  • Melting
Reactions: Glendora
I miss you, Katyr.

More than I can even put into words. More than I think I’ll ever be able to say out loud. You should be here. You should have lived. And I hate that I will never see you again, never hear your voice, never roll my eyes at your brooding silences or scowl at you when you make me feel small but somehow seen all at once. You were never supposed to stay. But you were never supposed to die.

I hope more than anything that you are at peace now. That wherever you are, it is warm, and kind, and that you know how much you meant to me.

Because you did mean something to me, Katyr. Something I still don’t fully understand. You weren’t just a captor, or a protector, or a friend. You changed me. Opened my eyes in a way I can never undo. And when you left, you took a piece of me with you.

Myr is helping me take you home. He misses you too. The forest does not want me, Katyr. But he’s helping me anyway and I am grateful for that.

I don’t know if you can hear me. I don’t know if the dead listen or receive letters.. But if you are listening, if you can feel anything of what I feel… just know that you won’t be forgotten. Not by your people. Not by the trees.

Not by me.
  • Cry
Reactions: Myr
My Dearest Captain,

It is Heart and Hearth Day, and though we have no grand halls or warm feasts to mark the occasion, I find myself thinking of you more than ever. Perhaps that is the point of such a day—not the celebration, but the reminder of what matters most.

Before I left my home, I did not know love as I do now. I knew duty, I knew expectation, I knew longing for something I could not name. But love? I think I only truly learned the meaning of it when I was able to know you properly.

Love is the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice. It’s the way you reach for my hand when the world feels too heavy. It’s the quiet strength in your voice when you promise me that everything will be alright—even when we both know it may not be.

I love you, Faulkin. Not just for your kindness, or your courage, or the way you make me feel safe. I love you for all that you are, and all that you have yet to become.

Wherever we go, whatever fate has in store for us, know this—I am yours, as surely as the stars belong to the night sky.

Yours always,

  • Melting
Reactions: Faulkin
My Love,

I have never been very good with words. You have always been the one who can weave them like silk, turning simple truths into poetry, but I will try. I will try because it is Heart and Hearth Day, and though I have never put much thought into the it before, I find myself thinking of it now—of you.

I have fought many battles, but none have shaken me the way loving you has. You are not a war to be won, but a force I could never resist, and never would. You are a storm and a sanctuary both, and I have never known a home like the one I have found in you.

You have made me reckless. You have made me selfish. You have made me stronger. If I were the woman I was before, I would be ashamed of that. But I am not ashamed. I am only grateful. I am only yours.

I know we do not exchange gifts for things like this, but I wanted to give you something anyway. The first time you saw my pack, you asked about our stories, our legends. I didn’t answer you then, not properly. So I have carved one for you.

The pendant is a wolf, as you can see. A guardian. A promise. But the stone inside it is something more—it is moonstone, and my people believe it holds memories. Not the kind that fade, but the ones that burn, the ones that shape who we are.

Wear it, and remember that no matter where we are, no matter who stands against us, I will always find you. I will always choose you.

Happy Heart and Hearth Day, Victoria.

Yours always,

Victoria O'Connor
  • Melting
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor

In illusory script, the letter would look like a book review on the second book in a series called Black Tempest about dragons and romance if anyone else besides Naser tried to read it.

Through it all. Those hungry nights and days. All the things we did to survive. What we're still doing to survive. If it had to be anyone, I'm glad it was with you. Enclosed is a key that should open almost any door at the Academy.