Pandemonium Those Beyond



When nothing approached them from the rear Valkery sighed, somewhat relived. Though she could feel a tightness in her chest, a burning. Their air here was bad. It felt a lot like when she used pure soul aura magic. In fact, this sensation was minor compared to the pain she used to inflict upon herself on the battlefield in order to use her magic to its fullest ability. She could push through it, but the rest of the people here would not last long in this place, and she could not ignore her bodily needs forever, They needed to get out of here and the aura of a portal stone seemed like their best bet.

The Mage elf spoke to her and she nodded. "I'll be sure to take you up on that offer, I'm Madame Valkery." Then turning back to the mercenaries "Alright, we head out now, towards the tower, keep an eye on the rear but there is no use in holding our ground unnecessarily. The way out of here is that way."

Valkery then stepped towards Kara and the dead mage. She looked sadly at his loss. She knew it would be best if they left the body behind, the environment was taxing on their bodies and having to carry a dead body would only slow them down and drain what little resources they had. Not to mention if they got ambushed it would leave whoever was carrying him vulnerable. But then she looked at Kara. She could see this girl was unaccustomed to the battlefield and violent death. Dispight all this she was being very brave, the look in her eyes reminded her of herself when she was younger.

"I'll help you carry him," She said returning the shortsword she had borrowed to its ower before reaching down to take the body under the arms expecting Kara to take his feet.


A reprieve.

Brief, as it would likely prove to be. But a reprieve, for nothing made came rushing from the strange foliage to challenge them. Perhaps the demons that yet remained in this hellish place were in utter disarray, owing to the fall of their overlord. Good. May it be so. All those who walked into the mists with him were still alive, and Trajan sought to leave with all the same. Yes, one had fallen from the group of four, the mage group, and it was a pity that it was not their apparent leader the Elf himself.

No time for idling, and no time for mourning. There was work yet to be done. Mitsy, crudely enough, and the Elf both made mention of the pale thing in the distance. And the Elf, a Maester--of course he was with the traitorous College--sensed odd magic in the direction of the pale thing. As did Faurosk, taking a guess that it was perhaps a Portal stone or something similar to it. Trajan had no sense of magic, his own arcane ability that of a journeyman at best, and couldn't detect its presence let alone the manner of it.

But if what Faurosk said was true, and Trajan had no reason to doubt the seasoned mage, then it might be that escape from this pocket of hell could be found there.

A plan of action. Instead of reaction. Good.

"Then it is decided," Trajan said as he turned from the rear to face the front of the group.

And, as he walked from the rear of the formation to the front, a joyous occasion.

Madame Valkery. He'd heard it at last. That was her name. A name to which all present could aspire. A name which all present should rightly remember, especially the mercenaries.

A thought. Following the reveal of Valkery's name and his immediate reaction to it. There was something to this. Building a reputation in the light of good and noble deeds done selflessly on behalf of one's fellow man and woman. To live one's virtues in the radiance of the sun, instead of operating under the cloak of darkness watched over by scant moonlight. The shining exemplar, instead of the shadowy hand. To garner a reputation of trust and faith and goodwill to those beleaguered ears of the desperate and destitute, such that the mere mention of the name in question brought boundless hope.

The Luminari had operated in the shadows since its founding, this much was true. But could it not also stand tall in the light? Could its name become to Mankind as Valkery's name was to the twelve embattled mercenaries and Trajan himself?

Yes. After this business was done, and Trajan took in the sweet air of Arethil once more instead of the repugnant air of this dead world, he would see to it that more operari like this would be conducted by the Luminari. Courageous acts of selfless service and charity to Mankind. This would be the way forward. The 'Dark' operari were necessary, yes, but these, say, 'Light' operari would be the way to awaken the latent strength in each and every man and woman. To inspire the sense of enduring kinship in all Mankind. To bring about full and unbreakable unity at last.

But that was the future. And the future depended upon surviving the present.

Trajan glanced back at the assembled mercenaries and said with a smile beaming with pride, "You heard Madame Valkery, men. You four, keep watch on the rear, that's your duty. You four, on the left. You four, on the right. Dio."

"Here," he said.

"Can Kilo make another flight?"

"He seems okay. Don't want to try a new enchantment on him, but the previous one seems to be holding well enough."

"Good. Send him ahead to those ruins. Any information on what we're marching toward would be a boon."

"Got it." And Dio let Kilo step onto his hand and he whispered his instructions in the bird's ear and launched him up. Kilo flapped his wings vigorously and took flight and flew ahead of the group to scout the jagged stone structures ahead.

And, true to her magnanimous nature, Valkery volunteered to help carry the body of the slain man. She looked to the black-haired female mage for help. Trajan came over and stood near, his grip firm and ready on his warhammer. It was the least he could do to protect them while they did the honorable thing for the fallen. A cruel and callous fate indeed if they had left his body to rot in this hell while they had the means to bring him back to Arethil. They were not so desperate yet.

Mitsy, and the plate clad man she seemed to have an affinity with, were some paces ahead of them, already on their way toward the obscure pale thing down the path.

"Forward march," Trajan said over his shoulder to the mercenaries. They'd taken up a box formation. Four in the rear, four on either side, the front guarded by Trajan and the solos of the group. Plenty of space on the inside of the formation for Valkery and the black-haired mage to carry the body and be protected as they did so. And, if worse came to worst, the damned troll could hold the front by itself likely, using that beastly strength it had to great effect.

What a day. Becoming brother-in-arms against the demons with a troll of all things. Khadija would never believe it, nor any of the other founders, if Dio hadn't seen it too and could testify to the strangeness of it all.

This mist and hell made cause for odd allies, and no mistake.

Trajan walked forward. As did Dio and the mercenaries, all keeping a vigilant watch.



"Your ascension is not complete."
She heard a voice in her mind as she lay there. Her eyes snapped open as her ribs began snapping back into place ans her guts began to slide back inside like snakes. The demon underling she had fallen on began to seemingly dissolve as its bone and flesh became one with hers.
Her hide thickened, muscle once not hers became so and her bones mended stronger than ever.
She slowly stood with a grin as some broken fangs began to be replaced as they pushed through her gums like hollow broken glass and began dripping venom.
Her spines regrew as well as they slid from her palms like retractable wrist blades though about the length of her forearm. She let her scales flare as her form became almost invisible.
She decided to let her venom work on the the orc as she saw him dive into the fray. Her attention turned to the naga helping aid the giant by helping slay the demons swarming his legs.

Her eyes caught a glimpse of the spine she was wielding and her eyes narrowed.
"I believe that belongs to me hisser."
She spat under breath as she lined up a shot with her tail spine.
A demon heaved from the giants leg knocked her left leg out from under her causing the spine to go wide as she used the sudden drop as an opportunity to drop into a pouncing stance and launched her self at the naga's back as silent as whisper tackling her to the ground with tremendous force sinking her fangs into her right shoulder keeping her from escape as her arm bone blades extended and she drove them towards the snakes under belly.


Kalianna took in the scenery around her in a stunned silence, a deep breath immediately causing a spike of pain within her lungs. They weren't in Elbion anymore, that was certain. It hurt to breathe, and the trees branched like decayed limbs, a stench of rot permeating the area. The grip on her rapier tightened as she saw the pale creature watching them, wandering off down a pathway, a ruined tower at its end. As Trajan had asked, she waved her hand towards the mercenaries. In an instant, the battered 12 that had once stood with them doubled to 24. The illusions followed Trajan's orders, slotting in to the desired positions, swords and shields at the ready. "That should make us less of an appetizing target, both to whatever's behind us and whatever we may find."

She merged with the group, ready to march forward when necessary. She noticed Rainie had apparently made a sort of deal with Abriax, now sitting utop his shoulders with her bow in hand. It was a strange sight to see, but when compared to the rest of what they've seen today, it wasn't the strangest, and Abriax has been friendly so far. She lowered her head on respect at the mage who's life had been cut short, watching Valkery and the black-haired mage carry the body to the center. At the word of Trajan, the illusionary mercenaries followed suite, with Kali near the center.

Falwood_pandemonium | Spine_pandemonium | Eretejva_pandemonium | Blightlands_pandemonium

Amankh nodded along to Ynsidia's words, a slow movement as he attempted to process the information and hopefully find some method of escape from this realm. As she spoke of magic, however, a realization sparked to life in his mind. The portal stones, he could still sense their magic. Despite the differences between these two planes, it appears they share the portal stones. If that is true, perhaps they could serve as their exit.

Unfortunately, this discovery was put on pause for the moment as Amankh's sunken eyes caught a glimpse of Steve... climbing into his cauldron. Then, his chickens, following along in this strange plan. This confusion soon turned to shock as new creatures appeared to crawl out of the boiling cauldron, each one avian and horrifying in appearance. The chickens escaped with their appearance distorted and made into something much deadlier, spiked protrusions of bone in place of wings. What was stranger was a specific pair, one being a large humanoid avian skeleton and the other being a smaller, hairless and featherless creature who's immediate reaction to being brought to life was to rock back and forth in what appeared to be sadness. Another incident occurred, this one taking the shape of Eilasandree falling unconscious. Immediately, he sent a pair of his personal guard to protect her from any incoming attacks.


The word shot out through Amankh's mind, a honeyed lightning bolt which seemed to ring on endlessly. More words found themselves pulsing throughout his thoughts, and the image of a man in armor of both flesh and bone soon found its way in front of the Eternum.
"A path to ascension."

It called. It sang.

"Join us. Join me. Become what you were meant to be."

Another round of honeyed words came, the tightening of bone around his staff serving as Amankh's only reply. From behind him, he could hear the sound of ink dripping, and soon the image of Ynsidia mounted on a dragon formed out of ink entered his vision. In a swift movement, the dragon swooped down, crashing into the center of the demons. With that, she slammed his staff onto the ground, yelling in the raspy voice of a mummy, "CHARGE FORWARD, FOR THE GLORY OF ABTATU AND THE ETERNUM!" As the staff made contact with the ground, the sand once more lurched forward, ripping into the flesh of the demons at a high velocity, a sandstorm coming to life in an instant.

Falwood_pandemonium | Spine_pandemonium | Eretejva_pandemonium | Blightlands_pandemonium
The bone claws were cold, and damp from the remains of the flesh creature it had slain, but to Steve being held within them brought a wonderful warmth to him. He relaxed himself in its clutches while he aloud himself to be immersed in the warm feeling.

Soon he was forced to return to the current situation by the sounds of battle rising once more around the group. He saw his former friends forced to action. He quickly looked away, he could not bear to watch them. What his eyes fell onto instead was the conjurer. He had briefly noticed her, as she had been brought before Amankh, but now she fought against these creatures. He saw as she was blown away, and left in a poor state of affairs. Steve acted swiftly, before another necromancer could use her body for their goals, he would not see another lose themselves. He let out a squawk, and his loyal friend swiftly crossed the battle field to pick her up as well. Steve got to work pulling energy from the chicken titan that held him. Bones fell as the energy that once held them in place was removed. The energy of life was transferred into the broken body hopefully stabilizing it.

Steve satisfied with his work, then heard a faint barking. The realization dawned on him, the dog that Magnan kept with him. Was Mag in trouble? With a swift order they began moving towards the barking, to find the dog barking at a tree. Steve didn't have anymore potatoes so he had no idea what was going on, and where was Magnan? The answer was soon provided by the presence of a large suit of armour flying over head. The dog was quickly placed on the titans shoulders as they turned, and ran back towards the camp, the direction Magnan had gone flying towards. When he arrived saw a new entity: some kind of bone knight, and Magnan, the absolute madman, had already engaged the thing. Steve let out a short incredulous breath at Mag's audacity. Steve knew it would be foolish for himself to also engage the bone knight, having to fight while protecting those they carried while being weakened. Steve thinking on how he had just weakened his own titan gave him an idea. Steve began messing with the bone titan, as best he could, weakening it, giving any advantage he could to Magnan. Bones were his domain after all.

Am’thet grunted as she was tackled to the ground, caught off guard by whatever pounced on her. Kicking up dust, the she-nage began thrashing violently, her armor scraping against the beasts fangs, denting the blow.

Her attacker might’ve been fast and nimble, but it obviously wasn’t strong enough to reliably pin the she-naga down. Realizing this, Am’Thet began to throw her weight against the beast, hoping to throw the wretched thing off her. Continuing the offensive mindset, Am’Thet jabbed the spine towards where it’s head should be, whilst her tail wrapped around the nearest limb, squeezing it with brutal strength.

If this creature was smart, it would realize it had some choices to make.


She let go of the armored shoulder leaving a few broken fangs sunk into the dented metal.
They were quickly replaced as she felt the snake begin to throw her off in a bid to unpin herself. Her tail wrapped around the naga's wrist twisting away the spine and causing it to fly off into the fighting around them.
However as her focused wavered the snake succeeded in bucking her off as she flew into the air for a brief moment before the snakes tail coiled around her left arm and brought her back to the ground hard. She was stunned for a moment as the snakes coils tightened like ropes of steel.

She cried in pain as she felt something fracture and begin to break. She tried to squirm and stab the naga with her free arm spine only to have the coils tighten further until a crunch was heard.
Her shrieks faded to a whimper as her struggling halted and her right arm stopped moving and dropped to her side. Although not comfortable Rebecca was at least glad the snake hadnt wrapped around her chest as she had no doubt those coils could crush her like a bug.
So she acted like she was caught for a moment to try and keep the snake from thinking that was a necessary action until her tail rose up and another spine was ready to fire and dripping venom as she spoke through gritted teeth.
"Let go of me. I wont miss this close hisser."
She said with a glare. Her eyes locking aggressively with her captors own.
It seemed they both had choices to make as the battle continued to rage around them.
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Reactions: Felix Armon

After orders were given by Valkery and Trajan to begin their march, Maester Flytch looked toward the Redhead still standing near Bookworm’s body. No mercenary answered the Redhead’s call for help in carrying the dead.

Flytch saw Kara approach the Redhead. She placed her runic dagger back in its hilt. Kara looked down on Bookworm’s body. Kara then looked to the Redhead and opened her mouth as if to speak to the Redhead.

But at the moment, Valkery approached Kara and offered to carry the Bookworm’s body. Kara turned her head with an arched brow. Once Valkery reached for the Bookworm’s arm, Kara silently reached down to pick up his body by the legs. She glanced at the Emblazoned Sun as Trajan came to stand near Valkery.

Having seen this, Flytch approached the group and told Valkery, “Thank you for your kindness, Madame. I’ll make sure nothing approaches you.”


Kilo flew off to the ruins – leaving behind a group that apparently doubled in size. Eventually, Kilo would find the jagged rock formations the Band could see from the distance. The Pale Begin continued to walk toward a crimson portal stone brimming with magic. The Pale Being held some sort of baton in its hand. No other creature could be seen.

Up close, the Pale Being maintained a human form. Yet, it would not appear like a human similar to Dio or Trajan. Something reshaped certain parts of this thing and molded it.

And as the Band marched toward this location, the air grew sharper – beginning to attack the lungs.


Luna watched the witch go with another chuckle.
" meet so many interesting people.."
She sighed to herself as she threw herself to the ground. The fire seemed to suck the air from around her as it blazed above where she had been standing. One of the Nords that had transformed had fallen to it or the demons. She couldnt tell. She did however smell burning fur. The young nord that had apologized to her appeared hurt as she rose and walked nonchalantly to his side as energy seemed to form around her like black wax.
"This dimension is fun, We should summer here Luna. We could you know if you didnt love all that snow.."
She said warmly seemingly to herself as she crouched next to him.

"It's your lucky day friend."
She said happily drawing her sword and driving into a demon that had been screeching its way toward the pair. She stabbed it through the shoulder before grabbing it by the throat and slamming it to the ground next to the young man.
"Luna likes you. Seems she doesnt have many apologize to her. Your people...people in general are very cruel to my followers. Its fine by me, keeps them focused on me as they could get distracted if they had friends and if I could I'd let you die."
She said with a smirk
"But she keeps using words like "Kind hearted", and "a pure soul." Blah blah blah.."
She said playfully as she dropped her sword placed her other hand on his burned flesh. The chill of her touch warmed as the rune on her right hand glowed an even brighter golden ,and the hand clutched around the demons throat glowed a brilliant purple.
The wound began to close and heal as he felt the damage done by the mist, burns, cuts and fatigue seemed to drain from his body until he felt like he had when he first entered.
The demon screeched and continued to struggle as it began to gain cuts where Valthar had been cut and began to smoke as it burned where Valthar had burned.
"And she is my high priestess so she gets to make calls like this. Im just surprised she did. So you owe her, and make it worth it eh?"
She said with a warm grin as she picked him up by the back of his neck with a single arm and with a quick twirl threw the demon into the air, scooping up her sword and slashing it in half.
"Now come. We have a portal stone to get to and a witch to follow, and Im not sure how long this body will contain me before it burns out. Honestly I dont know why we didnt leave sooner."
She said smiling as she cut down another two demons with slashes so fast they almost appeared to not take place at all.
She then ducked as another jet of flame suddenly arced over her head.
"Oh yeah.."
She said with a now slightly annoyed smirk. Eyeing the massive lizard and giving her sword an expert twirl.
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The pale creature up ahead of them gestured to them, beckoning… and the Kitsune’s proverbial hackles were raised. Hell, if she’d been even half-shifted, her actual hackles would have been raised as well. Even with Cornelius at her side and the band of humans behind her, this was a situation that she wasn’t entirely keen on … then again, this whole stupid land reeked of danger and that overwhelming feeling that everything about this was wrong.

The Kitsune lightly tossed one of her tonfa in her hand, adjusting her grip as she did so, casting a look out of the corner of her eyes towards the plated man, and then back further, to where Faurosk was.

“Gee, giant foreboding creature beckoning us in… that’s surely a great sign, isn’t it,” she chuckled, but despite her words, didn’t stop her path forward. As far as she was concerned, whether or not it was a trap, this was the way to go. Into the belly of the beast, as it were, though hopefully only in a proverbial sense. Mitsy had never been one to back down from a challenge or go the coward’s way out, and she wasn’t about to start that now. So, forward it was, though she did turn and check out Trajan and Valkery and the assembled men behind her. And… them carrying one of the dead. Ah, human sentimentality. She would have offered to eat it so it wouldn’t get twisted, if that was their fear, but somehow considering the assembled group she doubted that’d go over as altruistically as it was meant.

“Hey! Definitely a trap, right?! Fun, huh! Anyone who lives let’s get drinks later, compare scars, yeah?” she called, then grinned that wolfish grin of hers.

Turning back towards the creature in front of them, she tilted her head back and forth, feeling the magic pull shift as she did so. Sure enough, the demon or whatever it was was leading them straight towards the heart of whatever it was, the ruins rising up around them as they continued to walk. Every breath was a biting slice to her lungs, tingling raw over her Kitsune senses, and it was putting her in a bad mood.

She really, really just wanted to punch something.

“Hey,” she said as she quickened her stride to catch up to the creature leading them. “You talk or do you just loom all silent and scary and shit?”



Lia cut and carved.

Then she reached her.

Blood...if that was what it was stained her armor, covered her face and sword, yet she didn't care. Lia's blade struck through the tendril that held Kaska, carving through the beast and allowing the blessed blade to stab through the beasts throat just half a second later.

It's tail twitched, thwacked, and then dropped the other Ranger towards the floor.

Before she could fall and crack her skull Lia spun, throwing out an arm and capturing Kaska in a tight embrace, holding her steady enough to make sure she did not instantly die.

In the distance she could hear shouting, just a few hundred meters away she could see the giant. "Wake up."

She told Kaska, gently smacking her face.

"I can't carry you." Not here. "Wake up."

Falwood_pandemonium | Spine_pandemonium | Eretejva_pandemonium | @Blightlands_pandemoniumv

There was a flurry.

A dragon's skull caved in. A knight tackled to the ground. A griffon filled with arrows. An army of undead charging. A girl lashing out with a creature made of Ink.

The beasts were confronted, pulled apart, picked at. Some fought, some attempted to take a stand. It was all there, she could feel it, every bite that was taken, every chunk, every little fold of magic that they mustered and threw at their ascension. Why did they fight? Why did they not relent?

Did they not see the truth.

A cringe ran through her as the impact of a stone seemed to resonate within the dragon she had born, it's skull cracked, broken, and the crystal set within it's bone tumbling to the ground.

She couldn't help but feel her flesh rise as the knight cloaked in shadows felt the impact of magics and a surge of kinetic force. It's armor of flesh and bone shook, it's cloak snapped and pulled, tattering, pulling free and suddenly wrenching onto the ground. The odd flames still flowing free of it.


The voice rang out once more, this time with a painful fury that seemed to tear through thought. It echoed and resonated, wrenching this time with a direction. It came not from nowhere, but the direction of a portal stone.

A figure stood there, once perhaps a woman, though now something far more.

Her fingers curled, tendrils jutted from her body and into the ground. They lingered for a moment, then suddenly jutted out from the earth itself. Within a moment they exploded from the twisted ground, grasping, grappling at the fallen creatures. They tore apart the dragon, leaving only it's gem. They ripped into the knight, abandoning his cloak. Then finally they shredded the still flying griffon, forgetting the odd tassel that now fell to the earth.

"You will all die for this."

Azget of the Seventh waved her hand, and then the earth began to explode.

No more demons came, but instead the ground itself seemed to began to fight. Rock fell out from those who stood in place, tendrils of flesh bit and lashed.

All of it came from her. All of it to make them pay.​

Falwood_pandemonium | Spine_pandemonium | Eretejva_pandemonium | Blightlands_pandemonium


He wheezed, the desperate whistle dislocated from his person as it was exhaled through his trunk; cast first over his shoulder, then in a whipping whizz as the trunk moved from aft to fore, slapping down a lesser abomination.

His tusks would ensure its demise – or something like it – plowing at the corpse-littered ground.

With each thunderous footfall, Doggrave moved to reclaim his story-boulder, charging through with his shoulder lowered – less a warrior than a bulldozer. When he found his weapon of choice, he swept it up in a hooked arm – his explosive economy of motion using the same action to then palm the stone against the bonework of another creature, battering it cruelly against another, shattering them both.

But then, the violence stopped – a panting mammoth, taking a knee automatically –for his face was frozen, beholding the dreadful cannibalism of the dragon's decomposition. This momentary quiet nearly put him to sleep, the taxing atmosphere no world for the tired, no pillow for weary heads.

Pandemonium taught the same lesson of the Tundra. The same lesson of the world:

You must want your survival. You must fight for every second of it.

Doggrave pressed against his boulder, launching himself from the ground, charging forward again – careening dangerously toward the purple gem tumbling for the ground. He slide in the like-dirt as he approached it, stopping dramatically, his eyes swelling not with greed, not with lust for power –

But with wonder.

Doggrave knew these tales like David and Goliath. Would he, too, be misperceived as a usurper after he paraded the beast's head around?

No, that made little sense.

What stories might this device bring forth? What etchings would he need make upon his stone?

Ever-mindful to tropes and lessons-taught-by-haste, Doggrave set down his boulder and set upon the slaver’s chains at his wrist. Unwrapping the one at his left arm, he reapplied the chains to his palm, his thumb, in an effort at a protective-mitt.

Doggrave plucked the purple gem from the ground.

Scooping up his boulder against in his right hand as he moved again, stomping extra hard upon the bases of nearby tendrils. He trumpeted and screechy trumpet blast -- Sigrith and Sanno might recognize it as a call for Retreat.
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Reactions: Hath Charosh
Eretejva_pandemonium Spine_pandemonium Blightlands_pandemonium

San was shaken.
What donning voice is this that rang like a thunderstorm?

The eastern dark elf has gone particularly loathsome. Deeply annoyed, very much angered.
Rain, hail, firestorms; fine, sure nothing too cumbersome. Earthquake? That's fine, nothing the elf feared, in fact it could feel the earth crack up long before it shuddered asunder. Perhaps for others it would have been wiser to follow the path thy took to the designated location.

But this horrid voice. San would cave in a face just to make it stop.

»No loitering. Go, just go.«

»Move, move, move «

Mabess roared up as the beast she rode upon reared, the beasts were nuch more agile, and could bite back.
With a hand motion she tried to nudge Hath to jump on. The orcs would also try gather the others in this ill moment to ride onwards.

From the mounts they could leap far over the pits and breaks. Their spears angled to stab the swarming grabby thing.
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Reactions: Hath Charosh
She had no time to wait, no desire to leave her fate hung on the hands of those struggling to keep up. Not when there was a way out to find.

With Sannoru on her heels and Doggrave catching up, Sigrith pressed on, cutting down demons and corrupted beasts as she went. A layer of black ochre covered the woman as the horde diminished, to be replaced by the tendrils of the way speaking on the winds. Sigrith stumbled once, then went crashing to her front as the ground bucked and crumbled beneath her feet.

Doggrave's trumpet of retreat sounded over her shoulder, San calling out just a few feet behind. The portal stone and a great shadow nearby loomed a dozen yards ahead.

But the ground was feverish and trembling and falling out from under her. Sigrith found a great void of black opening up below her heels and she threw her sword forward to solid ground, making to leap for the edge.

Fingers grasping desperately at crumbling stone, the Tundra Witch slipped and watched her too-short-life flash before her eyes.

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Reactions: Baise

Kaska's eyes dragged open, heavy from the toxin that had taken down her and the rest of the ranger contingent Lia had seen dragged through.

She gazed uncomprehendingly up at her friend, the black veins of poison layering over her skin. One moment she was staring down her death, and the next she was inside Lia's arms? "...How?" But there was no time for explanations out on the battle field.

The crevasses Master of Monsters had created reached them, sending the ground rumbling out from under them. As Lia caught them on solid ground, Kaska found a surge of adrenaline to help. She moved with languid, shaky motions, her body burning fiercely under the strain it took to get it to obey. She didn't notice she was screaming. Among the fray, everyone was.

"I can't feel my legs!" But they were twitching, moving, so they weren't lost. A creature surged on them in that moment. Through her blurred vision, Kaska reached for the discarded end of a bloody sword.

But a blade pierced through its spine before it fell on either Ranger. The scaled body dropped, revealing the stern face of an Allirian guard. He merely nodded at them before surging on.
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Reactions: Lia


Felix had gone quite a long ways. He was over half way to the portal and no major demons took notice of him. He had to deal with small packs of white skinned impish creatures, minor demons but nothing of note. He could see the tide still moving to apprehend the humans.

He had moved a couple of miles off course and hoped it was far enough away to give the humans a clear path to the portal.

Next came the distraction...

Since his arrival in Arethil him and his people have had difficulty with their magical abilities. In their homeland he was an accomplished magic user. Not the greatest or remotely as good as his brother or sister. But he had considerable power.
But since arriving in Arethil the rules for magic seemed to have changed. Now whenever they attempted to cast a spell it either fizzled out or detonated explosively.

This was his plan. He would cast the most powerful spell he knew and allow it to detonate, causing a large enough explosion to attract the hoards and stem the tide long enough to allow the humans to escape.

He found a nice little niche where he could safely begin the spell. It didn't take long to cast but it took concentration.
He began the spell, speaking the words of the runic language in place of writing them as he focused his magic into the spell... And he kept going. Amassing as much power as he could to make the biggest failure possible.

It started out small. Flames began to lick and swirl around him as the spell began to take effect.

He Held the magic for as long as he could. The ground began to shake under him as he pressed his eyes closed in concentration. If magic was dampened here it made things more difficult, but dampened did not mean negated, and he had power to spare... And it suddenly broke loose and he couldn't stop it...


The spell detonated, throwing rocks and rubble high into the red sky as flames destroyed the land all around Felix.​

Felix pulled himself up slowly. He was fine, but not unscathed by the ferocity of the blast. He heard a guttural cry and knew that his efforts had borne fruit. The demons were coming... Now was the time to kill and be killed... But not to be killed before the humans could be saved.

He stood up and looked out as he watched the tide turn to approach his position... They ignored him before, but now he revealed himself as threat. Even if the greater demons took no notice. He could see the millions of lesser demons were no longer interested in their human prey.
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The guards of Alliria fought through, offering help to others inside the Alliria_pandemonium . As the battle waged on and the bodies of the uncorrupted pressed forward, the two halves of their 'armies' met in the middle. The monsters we encircled, attacked from all sides.

Soon, only the largest and fiercest were remaining. They all wore a version of jewelry across their bodies, and these artifacts were all... glowing.

The air grew thick and metallic as every monster froze in place. Their forms started to vibrate, slow at first, then picking up speed. The Master in the middle of it all stretched open its arms, its head thrown back as if it was screaming. The monsters converged on their master en masse, their bodies contorting and crunching as climbed up and conjoined into one creature.

The battlefield fell silent, nothing left to fight or kill besides one's own. All most could do was pant and gape.

Flesh melded. Bones cracked. The master grew in size, towering over everything. Even the giant.

In the center of this new monstrosity was still the feeble torso of the once-was human.

It screamed, the noise driving into one's ears at a painful frequency. It lashed out, one massive arm going to smash at everyone in Alliria_pandemonium because you are conveniently all standing close by, let's not make this any harder to include you all than it has to be.
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Time seemed to pass at an agonizingly slow pace, yet gallop ahead at a breakneck speed all at the same time. The twisted griffon creature dove, talons slicing through the air and flashing at the orcs and their few human cohorts, repelled by a flurry of staves and arrows from the assembled warriors. Verys hunkered down against the boulder, her pen flying furiously across the pages of the journal as she did her best to capture every detail of the thing, no matter how twisted, how unreal it all seemed….

Maybe she should have been scared, or drawn to the voice, because the voice was so very appealing… but there wasn’t time for any of that. Because as soon as she’d gotten her sketch done the thing was shooting razor arrows and one sliced right through the edge of her book and very nearly through her foot and she decided that maybe, maybe it was time to get further away from the giant demon-bird-thing. She moved to tuck her book away, catching sight of the orc in front of her, the one she’d originally tried to speak to, stumbling back with one of those feathers jutting out from his armor.

WIth no concern for herself, she scrambled forward, grabbing his arm as he rolled to the side and doing her best to heft him to his feet as well.

“Not good place… for nap!” she quipped in her rough orcish tongue, somehow getting his arm up over her shoulders so she could push with all of her legs to get him to his feet. He was so much bigger than her, but she was determined … and a moment later, made even more detemined by the fact that the ground underneath her feet began to roil, the voice screaming through her brain, beautiful and deadly, appealing and terrifying all at the same time.

She didn’t need to holler for more aid, because one of the orcs, a dangerous looking female, was already reaching down for the injured orc warrior, and Verys handed him off, helping get him up on the mount.

The griffon had fallen not far from where they were, and she risked it -- just a couple of steps from safety to grab up the tassel that remained of it, before turning back towards the riders.

She barely had to fumble around and there was another orc there, offering a forearm and she clasped it, swung up behind him sheerly by his own strength and not much by her own doing.

Only once she was up did she realize that the ground had sliced into her boots and lower legs, leaving several long gashes along her skin. She hardly felt the pain, though, because then they were charging forward and Verys gripped the orc warrior in front of her … Oh, bother, she wished she could have been writing this bit down!

Falwood_pandemonium | Blightlands_pandemonium | Spine_pandemonium | Eretejva_pandemonium
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Falwood_pandemonium | Blightlands_pandemonium | Spine_pandemonium | Eretejva_pandemonium
Magnan brought his shield up just in time to block the hammer blow from the shadowy knight, grunting as he retaliated with a thrust from his own blade, piercing and splintering the flesh covering its right arm. Stepping forward, he released his blade, leaving it lodged within the demon's forearm as he brought his fist crashing into the helmet of the knight, the bones cracking and breaking easily. Too easy, in fact. It seemed someone may be helping him in this fight. The knight was hardly staggered by this, however, as a burst of black flames blinded Magnan, washing over his helmet and blinding him, melting away the enchanted metal as the blue glowing skull beneath was revealed. "AAAH!" Magnan screamed in agony as he felt the flames wash over him and his armour, somehow harming the undead warrior in ways he hadn't felt in centuries. Staggering back he brought his free hand up to his skull, hitting it in an effort to douse the flames, yet still they did not abide, only spreading further. After so long without feeling anything, the sheer agony of the flames was enough to bring the Lich Knight to his knees as his armour boiled and melted away from him. He screamed, fearing his end as everything he tried failed to douse the flames, until suddenly... they were gone.

Power flooded through him as the blue runes upon his shield glowed, before in a flash turning pink. A wave of soothing pink light flowed along the arm holding his shield and expanded over him, washing over and dousing the flames where they attacked him and repairing the armour he lost, all except for the helmet. There, instead of once again masking his face, the pink light spooled upon two sides of the ancient warrior's skull and began to expand. Grand antlers of bone and steel sprung into existence, as long and sharp as any blade. Once fully developed, the pink light spooled within the centre of the antlers, before exploding outwards. All undead began to glow with that same hue, that opalescence emanating from their core as they began to fight harder, move quicker and survive greater blows. Within his mind, Magnan suddenly felt... a presence. One he had known before. 'Hm. So this is the power I felt.' Came the bemused 'voice' of Eilasandree, even as the Banshee's body stayed slumped over upon her steed., protected by two ornate guards.

'What's happening?' Magnan asked, even as he stood, proud against the knight. His body glowed, and slowly the shield in his hand began to spin as his elbow moved on its own, forearm rotating in its socket as it spun and he approached. 'I believe we have been... conjoined. Fused, if you will. At least for now. My spirit resides within your phylactery, next to yours, and inhabits this body also. We are one.' The noble replied, as the Lich made his way forward. His... no. Their arm raised, ready to destroy the creature before them. However, it was not to be, as that voice sounded again, and the world erupted around them. The knight was torn apart by its very home, tendrils latching onto and pulling it apart, as the two watched, Magnan with disgust at such a betrayal, Eilasandree with intrigue as to how it was being accomplished. Only the cloak remained, and they bent down to pick it up. It was a spoil of war. It was an item to be researched. The tattered blue cloak attached to them fell off, and in its place the cloak of flesh and flame was placed. 'Such an item can only be useful.' Eilasandree mused, as they turned as one to see the Eternum no longer dealing with a horde of creatures, but instead the very land itself. "AMANKH!" They shouted, Eilasandree's prim voice overlapping with Magnan's deathrattle. "We will put a stop to this. Ensure the safety of our people." They ordered, before heading in the direction of the voice.

It was time to end this.
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The depth of the pit was a bottomless void, filled with wriggling horrid searing things. Is that how hell must've looked like?Those that came closer quickly caught fire, an odd fire indeed. The tentacles squirmed, feeling the very searing pain they inflicted on others. They separated from their base and fell into the pits.
What good is a wolf in a situation like this? Wait, you're not falling anymore.

Is Sigrith on fire? The very same painterly files engulfed and wrapped around her. But they were not transcendental, very much physical, holding her suspended over the pit. They were warm but not hot, not painful. And they were everywhere.
They were comming from Sanno, the very same fires that spewed from their laboured breath before, but now they came from everywhere, tearing wounds from the back, tearing wounds from the forelegs, anchoring themselves on the ground around just to hold their dear companion from harm.
»Sigrith, careful!«
Maybe not that clear in tone, San was furious, very, the the fires flared up occasionally. But they wouldn't have done such a thing if they really did not care.
With great effort, tugging, the gray wolf, which by now looked perhaps comparably monstrous as the other corruptions of this lands, tugged the witch towards the edge.

Falwood_pandemonium | Spine_pandemonium | Eretejva_pandemonium | Blightlands_pandemonium

As the knight fell, its splintered armor of bone and flesh revealing an ever-burning flame within, the sandstorm began to settle. The cloud of sand slithered through the Eternum, serpentine as it slipped through the ranks of the undead and towards its master, parting and joining as needed. The settling of the sand revealed the state of Magnan, including the surprising addition of antlers growing from his skull. Amankh nodded in satisfaction at the sight of at least one main member of the Eternum not being unconscious or turned into a chicken skeleton. It seemed a brief moment of silence could be at long last found, in which Amankh attempted to overlook the Eternum to monitor any other incidents or similar incursions to the ones that had been recently assaulting them.

A psychic scream cut through his attempts and thoughts, filled with a raw fury he was unaccustomed to, and sure enough, the voice came from the portal stone. It seemed his previous conclusions had some merit to them. Without warning, a series of tendrils suddenly lunged out of the ground, grappling the unsuspecting knight and dragging it back into the soil, leaving only the cloak as his remains. Magnan grasped and took the cloak, a good idea considering the odd properties of the creatures that call this realm home. Perhaps it has some attributes which could prove beneficial, especially when they could put it under further research.

The ground began to rumble without warning, the undead stallion Amankh was mounted atop of rearing back in surprise. Tendrils began to peek out of rapidly growing fissures in the ground. He could hear Magnan... and Eilasandree both speak at the same time, of the same things. That'll be a question for later. "Towards the portal stone!" Amankh charged toward it on his mount, the personal guard following as best as they could. The guard who he had sent to look over the unconscious Eilasandree managed to find her mount to bring her along, in case the seemingly fused Magnan and Eilasandree was temporary. Sand whipped outside of his skeleton and rags, pushing his mounts and nearby Eternum faster to escape the rupturing ground.

Falwood_pandemonium | Spine_pandemonium | Eretejva_pandemonium | Blightlands_pandemonium

Vand watched her as she moved in the snow. She was crouched like an animal; vaguely feline, very ape. She would move and pivot arbitrarily, like a pet dog trying to figure out just where to shit.

Signe the Bog Witch had sensed something. The stones were speaking to her; a geosonic game of Telephone, delivering a broken message from the center of the planet. It was steering them – and in general, its trajectory was quite clear, the two diminished Nordenfiir traveling in very much a straight line for several days. But as they got nearer, it seemed to lose precision – dirt and rock trying to describe an idea they had no vocabulary for. Still, Signe caught the vibe intuited by context. It was about here they would find the reason for the Harraven’s (now dead) message. Or they would have, anyway…had they arrived earlier.

And Vand could totally tell. The bloodmist, though gone, left the snow dyed a light pink – the residual color draining away as from its alabaster white as he beheld it, like someone were sucking the Cherry Aid out the bottom of a snowcone.

The wind whipped around his face, peppering him in fresh powder. Though much of his flesh exposed, he was exhibiting an unusual amount of environmental resilience. Blinking very slowly, his wiped a distracting clump of flakes from his cheekbone.

Signe made a sound like a chicken’s cluck, followed by the hum of a Disney princess – the song stolen from Ariel by the octopus witch.

“Can you feel that?,” Signe asked, barely audible against the wind. She did not look back.

Vand heard her, however – The gust carrying her words to him.

“The's tense, but soft – A corpse…bloated and ready to pop.”

“Yes.” This time, the Bog Witch went unheard, but it didn’t matter. With a nasal growl and then a melody, she would begin to sing a most unusual song, stopping a few bars in to look back at her accomplice.

He arched a brow and shook his head stubbornly.

Vand didn’t sing.



Their momentary inconvenience had enabled Doggrave of the Tusk to close the distance between himself and his compatriots. Which was fortuitous, it seemed – for this inconvenience had become emergency.

Awkwardly, Doggrave transferred his boulder to his face, his tusks and his trunk acting in unison to keep it from rolling off and away or falling through as he reached out with his now free hand and grabbed Sanno by the scruff. With all the muscle memory that comes from a penchant for needlessly throwing dogs, Doggrave pulled on Sanno (and thus, Sigrith) trying to rescue her from the abyss.

His ears stiffened, turning upward as he heard a song from no clear location. Ever helpful, he attempted to support it with backbeat, sounding his trumpet. He was disappointed to find it only admitted a fart sound, due to its contorted position.

“It’s almost over, children,” he said with condescension, his voice uncharacteristically nasally. “Keep it together…for just…” He narrowed his eyes, looking for the song again as he transferred his boulder back to his hand. “…a little...”
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