Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

Threads open to all members of the Fae Courts group
“Royals,” he muttered beneath his breath to Maeve with a quiet huff of laughter. He had to wonder how many bargains and bonds were inked across the Princess of Night’s skin. She was a mystery he’d rather not have to stay on alert for this entire evening.

“I’ll get us some drinks while YOU royals work your magic getting us more support.”

Though Sid liked to joke, he knew what was at stake. It would be his troops on the front lines. Himself. Moving through the fae, he took up two glasses of wine. His thoughts drifting to Lori.

He just wished he could convince her to stay in Endora. Where it was safe. He took a swig of the wine and meandered back toward Lorcan and Maeve.
  • Cthuloo
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Yvoire and Maeve
Maeve leaned into her mate's side once the Princess of Night excused herself, her hand sliding across the small of his back to hook about his hips.

"Well, she was terrifying," she muttered, green eyes tracking her back as she drifted off to the side, one of Midir's advisors trailing after her like a lost pup. The left corner of her lips curled slightly in a half smile: she recognised the look on that males face. She had seen is several times on Lorcan's when she had denied the bond calling her.

Mae's eyes lit up at the mention of Spring and her eyes quickly searched the room for her friend Tharu San'Seya. She had extended an offer to him moons ago to meet for luncheon but the threats over their respective courts had kept getting in the way.

"Let's say hello,"
she wound her fingers through his and began to lead them over to the Prince. As they walked she asked in a low voice. "So is that... pumpkin normal amongst fae? Like... have I been eating fae soup for the past 20 years?"
He weighed next to nothing in Micha's strong grip.
"Eh, a drink? Oh yes, gladly and you are...?"
But it was over he had been ousted rightly by Micha whom he did not know and was left facing the bar and wondering why he felt like he had been treated poorly.
Someone had moved him.
Not many touched the dead so freely.
Had he done something wrong? Of course he had. It was the easiest thing in the world to know this. Sure as the sun did rise, Curcurbita had done some great wrong.
His great head looked down as he noticed he held something.
A strand of light coloured hair was in his fingers. He put it in his pocket, having quite forgotten where he'd gotten it. Such things were dangerous in the wrong hands. Folk aught to not be careless with them.
The image of a red footprint appeared in his mind and for a reason he could not fully grasp his head turned upwards to the ornate statue next to him.
It was a dancing figure.
Idly he scratched his collar bone and made his way to the bar.

He ordered a drink of fermented grasping fingers and by the time it arrived he had forgotten almost all that had happened.

Lorcan cut Sid a sharp look as he droned about 'royals', though he couldn't hide the flash of amusement in his gaze. "You wound me brother. Surely we can't all be tarred with the same brush." his brow quirked, and his smile grew as he looked down at Maeve and pulled her in close against him. "Our own Princess is quite wonderful, is she not?" he rumbled.

He let a quiet laugh tumble free at Maeve's comment. "Perhaps a little. She is from a far harsher place than this one. A princess in a world where females have no power - something, it seems, that she is trying to change. She's a survivor, and she's taken quite the risk coming here. I hope she knows what she's doing." he said thoughtfully as his gaze followed the flaxen-haired woman as she wove through the crowd. "Those kelpies of hers however - are terrifying." he admitted with a light smirk. He'd be glad to have them on side in the war to come.

His hand slipped into hers with a dip of his chin at her request, and he leaned in conspiratorially as she worried over her favoured pumpkin soup. He laughed, his head shaking.. "I've lived many lifetimes, and I can honestly say I've never before seen a talking pumpkin.. Then again, perhaps that's because we eat so much pumpkin soup." he murmured.

Approaching the Spring Prince and his companion, Lorcan offered a warm smile and a respectful bow of his head to the pair. "Prince Tharu. My Lady.. Welcome, I'm glad you could attend.." he said, and looked to Maeve. "I believe my mate has been most eager to see you again."
Yvoire had to be impressed that her cousin could stare so long, the other makes the first approach. Perhaps she did not need Yvoire to make introductions when she seemed capable. The Princess was smiling before Micha could stand feet before them, and had to poise herself regally to keep from speaking to her queen in a sisterly manner they both had now reserved for private.

"Then we indeed are grateful you were able to step away from your Lady to assist the Day Court. I am Princess Yvoire of Syndril," Yvoire dazzled a smile his way, one she would throw to everyone else during the night. "And this is my cousin, and Queen, Gwynevere."

Gwynevere Micha
Razareal quietly regarded the Erlking's words. He was correct, of that he'd no doubt. Even so, that they were obligated to humor such unpleasant company left a decidedly rotten taste in the back of the knight's throat. At the mention of the Kelpies, he nodded his head slowly in agreement, closing his eyes in contemplation. "It was only a matter of time before the kelpies would return to war, one way or another." He lamented, a hint of sympathy for the creatures in his voice. "It was our kind who decided for them that fate, turning them against one another as weapons when their innocence was still intact."

King San' Seya had once told him a tale of a Spring Lord who cherished his Kelpie so dearly that he'd used his power to give them divine shape, resembling that of man or woman rather than equine. It was said to be the reason for those like Micha's ability to shift between forms. Were the tale true, Razareal now had to wonder if it had done more harm than good, in the long run.

"With their numbers dwindling so, I wonder if there will be many left when the dust settles."

Razareal held his tongue silent as the large, lumbering figure clad in wooden mask approached the three of them and made his identity known. The Spring Knight was content to let Midir and the silver-haired one handle this; Quite simply it was none of his business. However, it was not long before tensions began to rise: A snide remark from the Erlking, a veiled threat from Night's messenger, and a knee-jerk response from the one known as Oakley.

He knew not how Night's Princess was so tightly weaved into their relationship with Autumn, or why Oakley had so strong a defensive reaction, but to begin trading blows now, during this evening, of all evenings, would accomplish nothing but the quickening of already inevitable bloodshed.

So, clearing his throat, he stepped forward.

"Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Erlking." He bowed his head apologetically to Autumn's ruler before regarding the other two, Oakley and Dagda. "But I think it prudent to remember where we are, and what we are gathered here for. Whatever disagreements we have, whatever hostilities we suppress, our opportunity to express them will come regardless of sides taken." Focusing on Oakley, Razareal tilted his head forward, aiming his next words somewhat. "Tonight is not that opportunity. Succumbing to anger will only place everybody in attendance in unnecessary danger."

After a pause, The Knight straightened and locked his hands behind his back.

"After all, it would be a shame for all this drink to go to waste, don't you think, Erlking?"

Midir Oakley Dagda
"Well said!"
Dagda agreed with Razareal and punctuated it with a thump of his staff.
"I do not mean to bring hostilities here and on my word shall do no more on that behalf. Let us seek a betterness of ourselves."
Oakley's words did not move him but he marked the protective notion towards the Princess of Night. A connection he did not anticipate. Perhaps even a means of control but that was a thought for another time. The more she mingled, the more promises of safety were made, the more enemies and allies Toluk had.
"There will be enough blood shed soon I am certain."

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Tharu was always so kind to her, kind to everyone she imagined. She had never personally meet Nairth, but she wondered if he was of similar nature. He dismissed her use of his title, and she made a mental not to try. It was difficult with all the royalty surrounding her. If not for his appearance, she'd have likely made a hasty escape after realizing how tense the entire room was.

There was a small pause as he grabbed his own glass, and she lifted hers from the table once more. It just seemed like the appropriate thing to do in a place like this. He was acknowledging her discomfort, and she gave him an appreciate smile. He didn't treat her as silly as she felt, and she accepted it graciously.

His arm draped gently about her shoulders, and she turned her gaze to eye him curiously for just a moment. It was quite a bit more familiarity than she was used to, though not unpleasant. "I see now that we do have friends here. I really should spend more time getting to know those in our court, I fear being social is something I struggle with." She knew he preferred his own company as well, but his responsibility makes him have to socialize. "I am very glad you are here, Tharu." She turned her gaze back to his for a moment before raising her glass to her lips, hiding her eyes from him once more. She was finding his company more and more enlightening and speaking with him out in the open certainly looked better than where they had had their last discussion.

Hyacinth tensed under Tharu's arm at the approach of Maeve and her mate. A smile still rested on her lips, though her nervousness was hard to hide. She looked to Tharu for guidance, as she quickly greeted each fae in turn with a bow of her head. Though they seemed friendly enough, she knew that Lorcan would not be a fae to offend. They were above her station, and so she waited for her own Prince to introduce her.

Tharu San'Seya Lorcán Maeve
  • Frog Cute
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Maeve and Yvoire
It was in situations such as these that Tharu's rather shy and reserved nature subsided to make room for the responsibilities that his title of Prince entailed. Hyacinth was his friend, and one he'd greatly enjoyed the company of in the past, but in this moment she was first a member of his Court in need of comfort and familiarity. He would be remiss to allow her to feel isolated on an evening so important as this one.

That sense of duty was enough to distract him from the closeness they shared, and from the searching gaze she cast on him as his arm rested across her bare shoulders. Elsewise, he would have been quite meek about the act, there was no doubt.

San'Seya had been about to suggest they mingle about and attempt to strike up a friendly conversation with one of the more familiar faces in attendance when he felt Hyacinth tense up against his arm, her eyes locked on a pair of approaching figures making their way through the dense crowd. The Prince's worry lasted only a moment before he recognized the lovely scarlet hair and emerald eyes of his friend, and his lips split into a grin.

"Lady Maeve!" His voice was bright and chipper as he bowed to both she and her partner, Prince Lorcan. He'd not met the Erlking's son face to face before, but his Father had spoken of the man. Well-intentioned had been the term Nairth had used for the Autumn Prince. Tharu couldn't help but feel there was more the King had wished to say, but stopped himself. "I'm so glad to see you well! And..." Tharu turns and offers a separate bow to Lorcan. "Prince Lorcan, it's an honor to make your acquaintance. I trust the evening has been pleasant enough for you so far?"

It was impossible to ignore the tension that permeated the air of tonight's festivities, but Maeve seemed as bright as ever, and Lorcan seemed the type to thrive on his mate's happiness.

"Ah, my manners..." He gestured with a hand towards the woman still underneath his arm. "This is Hyacinth, a dear friend of mine. Hyacinth, this is Lady Maeve and her partner, Prince Lorcan." Tharu's head turned to Maeve with another bright smile, "I trust you've not had any more Unicorn encounters as of late, my Lady?"

Maeve Lorcán
  • Frog Eyes
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Maeve and Yvoire
If Razareal had been a courtier from his own court, he would be dead.

Midir kept a perfectly calm mask in place as the spy gave his unasked for opinions in an open forum and wondered what type of Court Nairth held that courtiers felt so bold as to speak in such a manner to their kings. Spring of course did not have the same type of role in the fae world as the Autumn Court. Spring could afford to be wholly good and live in an idealistic world. Not unlike the one his son no doubt thought he might bring about when the Erlking finally passed.

Oakley, however, was not much better. He tried not to rub at the bridge of his nose like he did when trying to suppress a murderous intent. He couldn't blame his friend when the mating bond had him in its iron grip.

"Go. All of you. Drink, be merry. Tomorrow the Council will discuss bloodier things," and with a wave of his hand he dismissed all three so that he might stop his headache growing worse.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Yvoire
Maeve gave a very un-Princess like snort at the bow.

"Please, fighting creepy shadows puts us beyond that," she waved her hand and stepped forward instead to give the other male a tight embrace. Their adventure had been one that had spurred on her determination to be more involved in the fae worlds. Stepping back she turned her bright smile to the woman Tharu had had his arm looped about.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Tharu's is welcome in Endora - and the Autumn Court," she could almost hear Midir's scowl but he had unleashed her authority to make such claims when he had put her mate in this position. She took the other females hand and gave it a warm squeeze before stepping back into the familiar comfort of her mate's side, leaning into him almost subconsciously. Her bright emerald gaze fell back to the Prince of Spring and crinkled in amusement.

"Not like our last one. Though we have a small herd now on Endora. Other horses too. My tribe were horsemen and I missed having them around so I bullied him into letting me get a wild herd," she nudged Lorcan with her hip then looked up at him with a smile that was always only ever for him. "Maybe some Pegasi next...?"
Gwynevere found it impossible to bring a smile to her face, even as Yvoire seemed to find some amusement in the pumpkin-man's nickname for the Queen. Certainly he knew nothing of their customs, nor the grudge Gwynevere still held for her cousin winning the title more times than she had.

She was too focused on the Kelpie, finding him less intimidating than a gourd. "Micha." She mouthed, following Yvoire's briefing. It seemed that their introduction would be coming before she would meet Midir, judging by his pace and that he was removing the Pumpkin from her feet before she had the chance to respond.

Wide-eyed, she just stared as he redirected the creature. "How bizarre..." She trailed off, staring after Curcurbita until her cousin spoke up and introduced the two of them.

"Yes! Yes, indeed. You have my eternal gratitude for removing...it." Her eyes snapped back onto Micha, her presence not nearly as alluring as Yvoire's own. She nodded her head to him. "Gwynevere LaRoe, Queen of the Day Court." She smiled, soft and genuine unlike her cousin's dazzling grin. "Yvoire, you may go introduce yourself elsewhere." She suggested, sensing that she would do so regardless of what Gwynevere ordered.

"Thank you, again, and forgive me. I have never been invited to such an event before. I was unaware that so many creative creatures roamed the lands, let alone learned to speak. It was a bit jarring." She chuckled.

Yvoire Micha
"Micha, Commander of the Queens Guard," the kelpie bowed low as befitting a Monarch, sweeping his cape back over his shoulder and clutching the pommel of his sword to keep it from tangling in his legs. "A pleasure to meet you both and to offer aid," his words were an almost purr. Like the sounds of waves lapping against the shore.

His lips twisted in bemusement as Yvoire was told to 'kindly fuck off' in the polite way Royalty seemed to have with their words. Micha watched the Princess go, inclining his head in a farewell, before returning his attention back to the Queen. No such similar orders for him, perhaps his people skills were improving. Glendora would be proud. His eyes briefly searched for his own Queen and he tried to stop an eye roll upon seeing Oakley dog her heels like some love sick pup.

To distract himself he focused his attention entirely on the woman before him.

"Then we are of a kind, Your Majesty. Events such as these are not so common in the Night Court. We prefer our hunts and games to dances and small talk."
Icy, narrowed eyes fell on her cousin, but Yvoire made no offer of retort.

It was not the first time the Queen asked her to make herself scarce. With a final smile and bow of her head to Micha, Yvoire walked on past them both. Perhaps she should be happy her cousin was not entirely rejecting the idea of being in the presence of a fae male, but Yvoire was unhappy with her sudden dismissal that she would not come to Gwyn's aide should she ask for help in leaving the kelpie.

With a sigh, she tried to mask it with a pleasant smile, finding herself about to approach where the Erlking sat, but without her cousin at her side, she did not want to make introductions without Day's monarch and be seen as slighting the King of the Court.

But Yvoire blinked, finding herself in the path of a male coming her way. There was a rage about him, caused by something she could not see simply with her eyes. Never having seen him before, Yvoire knew details of those within the Courts to gather a guess as to who this may be.

And so, Yvoire stepped before Oakley with a kind smile. "Wonderful evening we are having. I cannot help but notice there are not many that are dancing... and I thought that was one of the main ideas to events such as these." For the talk of war can come, Yvoire simply wished to enjoy her first time in the Autumn Court.
"Another please!"
Curcurbita had already consumed five Brownie Ales, a crystal Chardonnay and he was pretty sure a couple of sizzler tips.
As the latest drink was passed to his hands he raised it as he had every drink before.
"To the Erlking and his generosity, *hic* may it flo *hic* flow eternal as a river. With no *hic* no end hee hee!"
And then he began to drink, spilling more than a bit over his chin and even out his hollow eyes holes until it was gone from the glass and he stuck it back on the bartop as if it had offended him
"That is the *hic* the good stu... *hic* stuff!"
  • Cthulu Knife
  • Blank
Reactions: Yvoire and Glendora
Oakley cast a dangerous look over his shoulder at the one who thought it wise to cast further warning at him. How could he not succumb to his anger when there were cretins threatening the safety of his Mate, and do-gooders cautioning him like a child? He was on the verge or ripping out a throat or two. The Autumn Prince had obliterated much of the Summer court for what they'd done to Maeve, and he'd start another war here and now if he had to.

He growled to himself, every bit the hunter he was as he stalked from the dais and into the fray, his gaze catching hers as she silently teased him with the sight of his name on Her lips. From prowling wolf to pathetic pup in an instant, he changed his course, moving toward Her. Responding to Her call.

And then suddenly, there was another stepping into his path. Had it not been for the kind smile she wore, Oakley's anger might have reigned, though it was surprise that flickered across his face as he looked down at the female.

"I.. What?" he blinked in confusion, turning to look at the sparse dance floor. "Oh.." he realised, his brow raising as he rubbed at the back of his neck. He caught Midir's gaze and cleared his throat as he turned back to the female, offering a sheepish smile of his own. "Right.."

Well, this was awkward. Then again, it wasn't like Ora would have asked him. And they were hosting this evening for a purpose. He glanced toward the Night Court Princess briefly before offering his hand to Yvoire, his smile a little easier as he forced his anger down.

"Forgive my rudeness, My Lady. Would you care to dance?"
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Lorcan's lips twisted with amusement at the sound Maeve made, her hand slipping from his as she stepped forward to hug the Spring Prince. He felt the primal instinct to snarl at such a thing, to pull his mate back from the other male, but this was a new, more civilised Lorcan, and he could handle such things. The bond between he and Maeve had taken some getting used to, but after recent events, he'd realised the importance of getting those instincts and urges under control. Most of them, at least.

Still, he could not control the need to correct the Spring Prince, politely, of course, for Maeve was so much more than a partner. "Princess Maeve, is my Mate.." he smiled proudly, dipping his chin to Hyacinth.

"A pleasure to meet you both. And yes, pleasant enough under the circumstances, thank you Prince Tharu. Maeve has told me much about you, of course. I'm glad to have you here."

He looked down at Maeve as she nudged at him, his eyes warm as they creased into a smile. "Anything you wish, my love." he laughed quietly, his arm wrapping around her shoulders and a kiss pressed to her head. "In truth, I think they might come in handy on Endora." his brow quirked. Why the shit hadn't he considered that?
Her grip tightened on the glass she'd been holding in her hand until it snapped into a tiny thousand shards as Oakley smiled at another female. As that other female stepped between her and her wolf.

Glendora didn't even feel the shards of glass slice and cut into her skin.

Her lip curled back as a low growl escaped her throat and for a moment, she felt her inner fox screaming to be released so it could feast upon another's flesh. She took a breath. And then another, wondering how long she could last before ripping Yvoire's throat out.



"Perhaps we are alike in that way," Gwynevere's lips twitched into a sort of smile, she supposed. "Though even hunts and games have no place in the Day Court. Not since I have been alive, that is. I am beginning to think it is rather boring there."

There was a hint of sadness in her voice, though it was not entirely genuine. She certainly did not mind not being forced to play host to anyone. It was difficult enough to keep her cousin and commander from killing each other. She could only imagine how much worse it would be if she were to extend invitations beyond those two.

But her cousin had recently begun talk of hosting a ball in Syndril. Gwynevere had considered that she might have been going mad, but perhaps it was not the worst idea to improve relations. After all, she had been the one to refuse any type of celebration when she was crowned. Fae here probably thought her father was still alive, still King.

"Tell me more about these hunts and games." There was a gentleness in her demand, but it was a demand nonetheless. "Tell me while we drink or dance. Your choice. After all, this is most uncommon for the both of us."

  • Smug
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Micha and Yvoire
"Forgive my rudeness, My Lady. Would you care to dance?"

Yvoire's smile grew into something sweet and gleeful, placing her hand in the offered hand he gave her. She did not correct him on her title, liking how it sounded coming from him in the first place. "Alliances can be won with more than just talk. Yes, I would love to dance."

And she followed Oakley to a space that invited dancing among the guests. Turning to face him, the music came to a fade before the strings picked up a new song.

She lead for a few steps, peering up at him with a look of curiosity. "This Court is beautiful, I must say. A reflection on your King." Yvoire began conversation in a light voice, bright eyes fixed on his gaze wherever it may be. She was one that liked eye contact as she spoke, but in her own Court and home, she took interest in those that could not keep their eyes meeting her own for long. "Much more autumnal than the falling leaves we see in the Steppes."
She slowly felt the tension in her shoulders dissipate as the royalty that surrounded her mingled. She trusted in Tharu to guide her amongst those much higher in the playing field than she. Though it was a slight disappointment to lose the comforting arm across her shoulders. Much like the Fae across from her, she couldn't help but bristle just slightly as Tharu and Maeve embraced. This gave her pause, for it was not in her nature to feel such things. She buried the feeling for closer scrutiny, and she hoped it hadn't come across to anyone else, that would be incredibly embarrassing.

"A wonderful boon indeed, thank you Princess, I appreciate the earnest welcome." She found herself smiling gratefully at the beautiful fae before her, crimson hair, emerald eyes, and sweeter than honey it seemed. She felt foolish for those odd feelings that had crept in, the warm hand that squeezed her belaying any true negative feelings.

Her eyes fell the Autumn prince, and as smitten as he seemed with Maeve, she knew that he would be a formidable opponent otherwise. She made a mental note to steer clear of angering him. She wondered if she should step away from the conversation, they were above her station and certainly Tharu wouldn't want her hanging off him all night either. She was hesitant, not sure of the right move.

She perked up at the mention of pegasi, and a shy smile lifted the corners of her mouth. "They are lovely, aren't they? I love watching the babies learn how to fly." She met Maeve's emerald eyes with her azure ones, looking away just as quickly, nervous in talking to the princess.

Tharu San'Seya Lorcán Maeve
  • Aww
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Maeve and Yvoire
Being fashionably late was a woman's prerogative.

The Sidhe swept into the party, careless of her tardiness. She wore a simple dress of pale crimson, high-necked and with a silver sash to divide the red bodice from cream skirts. The only ornamentation she wore was embroidery round neck and hem and cuff and a single brooch of jade.

The room was filled with powerful people and representatives of many of the Courts. Fitting, then, that she represented no Court other than her own. Likely was as well known among the upper tiers of those Courts as their Kings and Queens and High Lords and all the other lofty titles that the Fae bestowed upon one another.

She was enigmatic. Always had been - as far as she could remember, which was further than all of the assembled guests - and likely always would be. She had never truly answered the question of whether that long life had been a blessing or a curse. Surely it had to be the latter; she had outlasted them all

All of them.

Had seen what hubris could really bring, her own or an entire people. Had watched these Courts for millennia as the balance of power shifted, as they rose and fell and vanished and appeared and reappeared like one endless play.

Glancing across the room, her eyes caught the Erlking. A knowing smile flashed across her features, a hint of the Wyld fire that burned within her eyes flaring. There and gone. It didn't take long for her to find Lorcan and for that smile to sour and turn down at the corners. She didn't even remember what the slight was, but given the subject she could guess.

There were others here she could vaguely remember; the Queen of Day and the Princess stirred memories of a visit to that Court years and years in the past. The Night's Glendora was known to her as well although she was not sure they had met in person. The Sidhe despised Night and was certain that the feeling was mutual. Laminating a wall with members of that Court that thought their silly rules about women applied to her had been refreshing.

If not well received.

So recently arrived, she made her way to where refreshments were being offered. Only slightly annoyed by the fact that everything was designed round fae who were twice as tall as she was. A casual gesture brought a glass to hand, and then to her lips as she surveyed the room over the glass and listened to the conversation swirling round like last years wine gone to vinegar.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Yvoire
In Seska's wake, Draedamyr felt naked. He was, in fact, we'll garbled. He wore an outfit of pale greys with silver trim and a cloak seemingly woven of the night's sky.

Here, he looked underdressed. That was not what unnerved him. He had come without his ancient sword, Reverie. He wasn't even permitted a basic hunting knife. Bringing iron and even magically forged steel in the shame of a weapon would have caused great offence.

He was tired of his centuries of life, but here he was young. He was defenceless in a parade of magically inclined creature on the eve of political upheaval and war. In his life, he had never wanted to be more invisible.

He could only hope they had good wine. If they could live for so long, hidden from mortal eyes, then they could serve better than common swill.
Tharu was just as awkward about Maeve's embrace as Lorcan and Hyacinth, if only because he was so unused to the gesture. The harrowing ordeal they'd been through had served to bring them close as friends, and despite the danger they'd been in, the Prince did look upon that day in a generally positive light. Tharu briefly wrapped his arms around the Princess in reciprocation but was mindful not to let his touch linger so long as to offend her mate.

Whom he suspected was already being generous with his patience.

"I am glad." Tharu chuckled lightly as he too pulled apart from her, "Were it not for your quick thinking, I'm not certain either of us would have made it to the other end of that day, you know." Tharu's abilities were rather minute during the day, but Maeve had been able to use her own powers to bolster his severalfold. In a different life, they would have been a formidable team. "And I'm certain that your mate--" The Prince flashed Lorcan a brief, apologetic smile, "Would rather your equine tending carry a bit less risk."

Lacking the perception of his Father, Tharu failed to notice the brief bristly expression on Hyacinth's face, placing a hand on her back as if presenting her to his friends. "Lady Hyacinth has recently been appointed the caretaker of Spring's capital city. Her talent with nature's voice rivals my own; you should see the flowers at noon lately. So vibrant and full of life, even more so than usual."

It was rather nice to speak of flowers and beauty, conveniently dancing around why they were really here, what the end of this night and the dawn of tomorrow brought for them.

"Of course..." His voice took a somewhat more somber tone. "We must band together in times like these..."

Hyacinth Lorcán Maeve
Her eyes cut to the side as Draedamyr came up beside her, and she offered him a glass of wine - offered by wafting it from the table on a tendril of air and into her free hand. She grinned impishly as she did, too.

"Mind the wine," she said sweetly in a voice low enough to not be easily overheard. "It is fine, but it is also fae." Implicit in the warning was the fact that he was, in fact, a mortal. There were not likely to be many others like him present among current company.

She paused a moment before laughing lightly. "Although seeing that iron self-control of yours melt..." She practically purred the last.

She leaned into him and resumed watching the other attendees. Alert for any mischief towards her companion more than towards herself. Hopefully, none would cause any trouble.
  • Yay
Reactions: Draedamyr