"I will kill you, brother. If it is the thing I do with my dying breath, I will spill your blood for what you have done this day."
- The last words spoken by his older brother, Riordan after the murder of his twin sister.
Fae Specifics
Like all Kelpies, Micha's celestial alignment is to the moon and her elemental affinity is to the water. This gives him the natural ability to breathe under water no matter what form he takes and means his power waxes and wanes with the moons much like the oceans does.
Skills & Attributes
Magick: Across Arethil are magical ley lines which Ianthe and other Fae can tap into. These lines connect centres of magical power meaning that when she is in areas with a higher concentration of magic her abilities are stronger. Magick is borrowed by Fae from these lines and can be stored in their bodies to be used as well as be tapped into during times of need. As this is raw power it can often take many forms dependant on need, though she is governed by the same laws of magic as every other creature of Arethil - despite the myths.
The most manifestations of this magic include:
Shapeshifting: Micha has the ability to shift between her kelpie form and that of her fae form. When she has transformed into a fae-like appearance she sheds her kelpie 'skin' which she glamour's as a coat. Much like a selkie if these coats are taken she loses her ability to shift back into her kelpie form. Going too long without transforming can lead to depression and eventually insanity.
Saltwater Kelpie trait: Electroreceptors on a saltwater kelpies snout allow them to detect even the faintest heartbeats.
Bloodline specific traits: Micha's father, Nootaikok, is from the Chiklak line. From him he has inherited the Chiklak ability to hypnotise people with his gaze.
The most manifestations of this magic include:
- Glamours
- Wards
- Travel via ley line
- Elemental magicks related to water.
Shapeshifting: Micha has the ability to shift between her kelpie form and that of her fae form. When she has transformed into a fae-like appearance she sheds her kelpie 'skin' which she glamour's as a coat. Much like a selkie if these coats are taken she loses her ability to shift back into her kelpie form. Going too long without transforming can lead to depression and eventually insanity.
Saltwater Kelpie trait: Electroreceptors on a saltwater kelpies snout allow them to detect even the faintest heartbeats.
Bloodline specific traits: Micha's father, Nootaikok, is from the Chiklak line. From him he has inherited the Chiklak ability to hypnotise people with his gaze.
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