The Hiisti are the crowning glory of the Night Courts military. These deadly Kelpies are bred and trained in the vast palace halls of Alfheimr under the careful eyes of some of the most powerful fae. Due to the kelpies natural inclination to cause harm and devastation they are kept on a tight leash by the King and seldom allowed beyond the palace walls unless on a campaign.
Naturally little is known about the training of these creatures and what little we do know is based off of the myths and legends of the Northernmen. If even half of them are to be believed these shape-shifting fae like to lure travellers to their watery doom by posing as wild horses. As soon as the unsuspecting victim is on their back they find themselves unable to free themselves and are plunged under the icy depths the kelpies call home. Fewer stories speak of these creatures appearing as beautiful men and women requiring help on the road. Most stories agree, whichever form you meet, it is rare to survive an encounter with a kelpie.
There is one way, however, and one the King himself uses. A bridal of iron will force the Kelpie to obey whoever holds the reins...
- An exert from, On the Fae of the Tundra
Ianthe has the typical dark complexion of those born within the Night Court. Most would suspect those born in the depths of the wintery isles to be fair and pale but their heritage harkens back to the tropical climate of the Autumn Court from which they originated. Her deep brown eyes contrasted with the vibrant nature of her blue hair - a trait of her particular line of breeding amongst the Kelpies.
Golden tattooed glyphs that frame her face and run down her neck are the typical branding tools of the Night Court, outlining her lineage, rank and those under whom she serves. These are only changeable by a duanann. Both her ears have a variety of piercings as does the left side of her nose. Like all fae she has an inclination to shiny things and likes to display them in such a manner.
Golden tattooed glyphs that frame her face and run down her neck are the typical branding tools of the Night Court, outlining her lineage, rank and those under whom she serves. These are only changeable by a duanann. Both her ears have a variety of piercings as does the left side of her nose. Like all fae she has an inclination to shiny things and likes to display them in such a manner.
Fae Specifics
Like all Kelpies, Ianthe's celestial alignment is to the moon and her elemental affinity is to the water. This gives her the natural ability to breathe under water no matter what form she takes. and means her power waxes and wanes with the moons much like the oceans does.
Skills & Abilities
Magick: Across Arethil are magical ley lines which Ianthe and other Fae can tap into. These lines connect centres of magical power meaning that when she is in areas with a higher concentration of magic her abilities are stronger. Magick is borrowed by Fae from these lines and can be stored in their bodies to be used as well as be tapped into during times of need. As this is raw power it can often take many forms dependant on need, though she is governed by the same laws of magic as every other creature of Arethil - despite the myths.
The most manifestations of this magic include:
Shapeshifting: Ianthe has the ability to shift between her kelpie form and that of her fae form. When she has transformed into a fae-like appearance she sheds her kelpie 'skin' which she glamour's as a coat. Much like a selkie if these coats are taken she loses her ability to shift back into her kelpie form. Going too long without transforming can lead to depression and eventually insanity.
Saltwater Kelpie trait: Electroreceptors on a saltwater kelpies snout allow them to detect even the faintest heartbeats.
Bloodline specific traits: Ianthe is of Pedigree Bloodstock. Her mother from the famed Ullulaq line, and her father from the Chiklak line. From her mother she had inherited her unique blue hair and vivid azure-like scales that can reflect the surroundings around them rendering almost invisible. Recently signs suggest Ianthe has inherited the Chiklak ability to hypnotise people with her gaze and that the latent gift will soon make itself known.
The most manifestations of this magic include:
- Glamours
- Wards
- Travel via ley line
- Elemental magicks related to water.
Shapeshifting: Ianthe has the ability to shift between her kelpie form and that of her fae form. When she has transformed into a fae-like appearance she sheds her kelpie 'skin' which she glamour's as a coat. Much like a selkie if these coats are taken she loses her ability to shift back into her kelpie form. Going too long without transforming can lead to depression and eventually insanity.
Saltwater Kelpie trait: Electroreceptors on a saltwater kelpies snout allow them to detect even the faintest heartbeats.
Bloodline specific traits: Ianthe is of Pedigree Bloodstock. Her mother from the famed Ullulaq line, and her father from the Chiklak line. From her mother she had inherited her unique blue hair and vivid azure-like scales that can reflect the surroundings around them rendering almost invisible. Recently signs suggest Ianthe has inherited the Chiklak ability to hypnotise people with her gaze and that the latent gift will soon make itself known.
Ianthe has spent over 400 years stuck inside the same four walls unless on an iron leash and her personality in many ways reflects that. She is deeply mistrusting of strangers, in particular men, and despite her combat training she loathes the thought of fighting. Instead she relies on her words and trickery to dance out of dangerous situations. Perhaps also due to her confinement for the past four centuries, Ianthe can be reckless when it comes to putting herself into dangerous situations. Whether that's down to naivety of the world by in large or just a desire to feel alive.
The reputation of kelpies being violet and dangerous is not wrong and despite coming to learn how to 'behave', Ianthe can have a nasty temper and when she's backed into a corner can turn to the point of feral.
The reputation of kelpies being violet and dangerous is not wrong and despite coming to learn how to 'behave', Ianthe can have a nasty temper and when she's backed into a corner can turn to the point of feral.
Biography & Lore
Ianthe was sired by Nootaikok, son of Tulok and Asaiq, daughter of Arnapkapfaaluk. She is the only foal of this promising joining, though she has many half siblings on both her mothers and fathers side. As is customary, once born, Ianthe was allowed to stay with her mother until she was of an age to not need care and then given over to the Nursery to be reared. In the Night Court, Kelpies are kept under an extremely tight leash and Ianthe was no different. Kept behind iron bars when not in training and supervised at all times, the Hiisti might have been a legendary force amongst fae but they were treated as little more than cattle.
At least, until the Civil War.
At the turn of her fourth century, the King under whom she had served died suddenly leaving behind two sons. Traditionally, the eldest child was the one who inherited but the two princes were twins and not only that, but born by emergency caesarean. As such, they were technically born at precisely the same time. The King had failed to name which one he intended to take over the crown before his passing and so what ensued was years of civil war that still rage on today. More importantly for Ianthe, a succession crisis meant for the first time in her life she was able to chose who to serve as did every other fae within the Night Court. On an impulsive desire to not live within the same four walls any longer Ianthe opted to support Prince Kana′tĭ and fled to the Blightlands where his stronghold stands.
Kana′tĭ thought the manner in which his father had treated the lesser fae in particular was abhorrent and thus did not place Ianthe in iron binds to control when he wants. He believes her loyal but grants her the freedom to go about her life as she chooses, hoping it will win her loyalty in the long run. Fascinated with gold and jewellery, Ianthe quickly fell into a life of petty thievery and smuggling, using her sea-faring skills and ability to navigate dangerous waters to her advantage. In her short (in fae terms) career she has smuggled goods and people both in and out of fortified cities. Her face, especially among war-torn parts of the Blights, has become a friendly one.
At least, until the Civil War.
At the turn of her fourth century, the King under whom she had served died suddenly leaving behind two sons. Traditionally, the eldest child was the one who inherited but the two princes were twins and not only that, but born by emergency caesarean. As such, they were technically born at precisely the same time. The King had failed to name which one he intended to take over the crown before his passing and so what ensued was years of civil war that still rage on today. More importantly for Ianthe, a succession crisis meant for the first time in her life she was able to chose who to serve as did every other fae within the Night Court. On an impulsive desire to not live within the same four walls any longer Ianthe opted to support Prince Kana′tĭ and fled to the Blightlands where his stronghold stands.
Kana′tĭ thought the manner in which his father had treated the lesser fae in particular was abhorrent and thus did not place Ianthe in iron binds to control when he wants. He believes her loyal but grants her the freedom to go about her life as she chooses, hoping it will win her loyalty in the long run. Fascinated with gold and jewellery, Ianthe quickly fell into a life of petty thievery and smuggling, using her sea-faring skills and ability to navigate dangerous waters to her advantage. In her short (in fae terms) career she has smuggled goods and people both in and out of fortified cities. Her face, especially among war-torn parts of the Blights, has become a friendly one.