Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

Threads open to all members of the Fae Courts group
I am afraid a little longer yet. We were sent summons from the Erlking himself...

"A war? With what army am I to aid anyone but my own court?" She whispered to her dear cousin, grip on her cousin's hand crushing the poor girl's bones. "Am I to call the Silverglade from the border of Spring and Summer to the capital and leave the Elderglen deserted and for anyone to vandalize the ancient forest? I think not."

She allowed herself to remove burning purple eyes from her cousin's face and scan the same crowd of arrivals. Still no faces she knew beyond word of mouth.

Remind me cousin, how many of these other Courts present had sent you congratulations on your new ascension as Queen of the Day?

"I sincerely doubt any of them knew that the King had died." She shrugged with a casual honesty. "We haven't exactly sent invites for visitors have we?" It was odd, the Day Court and its choice to keep so private. While they welcomed anyone in with open arms, it was rare that anyone left. No King or Queen had been seen beyond the castle itself in thousands of years.

She relaxed the scowl on her face, forcing a pleasant smile. "Then perhaps you can do your job and introduce me to these lovely people. We can find out, then, what they want from me and how I may politely excuse myself from a war I wish for no part in. Yes? Good."

Even months after making this Court of Autumn his temporary home in the early tides of warfare, Razareal still could not settle the feeling of anxiety and detachment that permeated his being as he watched the solstice celebration unfold from the shade, standing a short distance behind The Erlking, where he was unlikely to be bothered or approached by those he'd no business with.

The Sower of Spring was no royal-blooded Duanann or political ambassador; He was a soldier, born and bred to fight and overpower those poised opposite of him. It was that all the Washed Sidhe had ever known, and it was precisely why Midir had selected him to aid in the preparations for warfare, the same warfare this celebration served as a prelude to.

As such, he'd never attended gatherings such as this one, and did so only because of what it represented. The final night of peace before that veil was shattered. On the morrow, his work truly began, and he knew not when he'd see his home of Spring once more.

It was nice to see some of his fellow Spring brethren in attendance, then. Prince Tharu, and the lovely Hyacinth, as well as Curcurbita. The Pumpkin-Headed fellow was... technically of Spring Court, though he was often left to his own devices.

Tentatively, Razareal approached Midir and the platinum-haired man he conversed with. Not wishing to interrupt any sensitive discussion, he announced his presence with a cleared throat as he came to The Erlking's side.

"Erlking, are you not worried about the presence of Night?" He felt the need to prod, ever so slightly. "Given the weight of tonight's event... I would imagine they may complicate matters if not handled delicately." The Spring Knight hummed, careful not to assume Midir did not already have a plan for such a scenario. He'd learned well of The Erlking's cunning.
Chrys laughed at the man's eyebrow raise for just a moment more than was appropriate. "Sorry, I've had a drink. Not exactly at the top of my vocabulary game, if that makes sense. " Of course, he didn't quite feel drunk anymore, but Bird Man had no need of that information. He nodded at Bird Man’s words, finding himself in agreement.“Falcons in a dive make for quite a sight, I’ve seen it firsthand. Not just pretty, but…powerful.” He said a bit dreamily, as though thinking of a place far different from his current one.

“Well, I’ve decided that if we are to further speak, I should introduce myself before I forget. I’m Chrys, and…yeah, I guess that’s all.” He finished with a shrug, wondering why he had so quickly chosen to waste time, no, use it to talk about animals when he was really curious about something else all together. “What’s, uh, yours?” He said a bit slowly.

Lorcan's free hand reached to alight gently on Sid's shoulder, ushering him back from his defensive stance, though he fully understood why the puca had taken it. Though he knew well that the Night Court Princess and her guard would not risk hostility within the Autumn Court, that was not why they were here. He turned to his mate, offering her a soft smile of assurance, sensing her tension.

"I'm well aware of where your interests lie, Princess." Lorcan responded calmly as he looked back to Glendora, trying not to show his hesitance of such deals being struck. As strong as Maeve's power was growing, as quickly as she was learning, she was still so very new to the ways of the fae and the power held in words and promises.

"I can assure you that none are disillusioned by the death that war brings. Our army is vast, and it is strong, but the outcome of this war and the peace that we strive for will very much depend on the alliances we make. On who we can count on.. With all due respect, Princess, I am well aware that your situation is a delicate one, one that we have left well alone, and will continue to do so until the war with Summer has been concluded. We are in no position to help you deal with your brothers until such time.. We can make no deals or promises based on speculation, but what I can assure you is that your support will not be forgotten, that your vulnerable will have refuge, and that your claim will be supported. Together, we have a greater chance of winning the war to come, but that, Princess, is our priority right now. It's up to you to decide what's best for your people."
Curcurbita looked at the shimmering golden field that separated him from the Night Court and those opportunistic Vultures who clearly thought only of themselves.
His hand tapped it and it rippled like the surface of water. A soft *bullup* came from the spot he tapped.
Fingers drummed on his wide orange chin as his hollow eyes cast upwards.
"Perhaps it was something I said!"
Wait, how did he know those vultures were vultures?
Where they?
He looked again through the wretched scavengers but his mind conjured no names for them, only a deep and confident intuition that above all they could not be trusted.
Poor Princess Glendora must be very careful...
It struck him that he had not actually heard that name before, at least he didn't remember hearing it.
A gentle itch in his collar summoned his hand to scratch at it.
Still, he was clearly not wanted here.
Idly he wondered if he should stick around but that didn't seem productive.
So despite the bad feeling in his pips he let them all be. A thing like him really had no business with them anyway. It was not like he could fight in a war.
Dagda was slow, ponderously so as he made his entrance.
Masked in ornate wood and holding his great cudgel he was a mighty form to see. Old and ornate.
His cloak was more like a carpet and embroidered with cats and birds. His shirt was golden coins linked together which he had taken in exchange for wishes.
Trophies of his prowess as a wish granter.
His wild red hair was like a bush growing from his head and added another strangeness to his appearance.
As Leprechauns went he was more than unusual, especially since he was a Seelie among Unseelie.
Even so he had held his own in the court of Tulok Prince and Heir to the Night Court by right of birth.

He watched them all through his mask of oak. The Day court was making its move.
That could be trouble for his Prince. Yet they were led by a woman, such an alliance would earn the ire of Tulok who had little interest in bucking tradition.
Midir watched all, no doubt he was aware of the Leprechaun's presence and no doubt he was aware that what was seen would reach Prince Tulok's ears.

Midir was a force not to be angered and Spring had already joined, two courts against one was bad enough but Winter was fickle and the Night divided.
Day would need to be secured for a certain victory.

He joined the Erlking on his Dias and knelt bending forth his head and with a deft hand exposed his own neck in supplication.
His voice came from behind his mask and it was wind through stone.
"The Prince of Night, Tulok, regrets his absence my lord King of Autumn. He bids you well in your venture but regrets also that he cannot support you without risking his own claims. Not directly at least.
To that end he has sent me in his absence. My name is Dagda and I am Guardian of the Night Courts Treasury. If there is a way I may serve let it be known and I shall do so in life or in death."

The bad blood was known between their Courts but perhaps if his death helped secure ties between them then that would be good.

Tharu San'Seya
"Because when I like a woman, I bed her. I suggest you try it some time for tension relieving..." The Erlking shot his oldest and closest friend a bemused look then glanced back at the kelpie. Thankfully it seemed Micha's attention had moved to the unwise pumpkin. It did not take much sense to see the dog did not like people getting close to his mistress, let alone muttering... what had that been? A small frown creased his brows and flattened his lips into a thin line. The Court of Dusk had made him more wary of premonitions as of late.

"Oakley..." but before he could ask his friend to go track the gourd down Raz stepped forward and asked his query. He sealed away the concerns for a private moment; Spring might be an ally but some secrets were not to be shared with even them.

"Night will use the opportunity of war here to get allies for their own cause," he nodded to the fae threading his way towards them now. Raphael had already told him of this man, a close advisor to one of the warring Princes. "Unfortunately, if we do not entertain them Summer will. And there is little else you would want to face than the Kelpies on the battlefield," there had been a reason why the loss of the kelpies had been a blow to the hunt. There was no time to expand on the matter so he merely motioned for the other fae to watch and listen to what the courtier would say.

It seemed, Midir was right. He glanced briefly at Raz as if to say, see? then gave a thin, dark smile and looked back down at Dagda.

"You mean he is too busy squabbling with his brother to attend. His sister was not so impolite," he nodded in Glendora's direction.
A hand gently brushed the Queen of Night's back, ready to pivot her out of the way should the pumpkin launch itself at her... only to smile and step back as the bubble formed. It was easy to slip into his old ways just after the Night Court had fractured and she had been unsure of herself, weaker. But over the years she had grown from a girl into a woman and - at times - Micha was little more than a decoration. A way to ward off threats so she did not have to show her hand.

At her look he bowed his head and stepped outside the bubble to give the royals some peace to speak. A show of good faith, though he eyed Sid warily from the other side.

Taking up a guard like stance he cast his eyes out over the other guests gathered, lingering on those who might be a threat, but also on those who he had only heard of in whispers. It was easy to pick out the Prince of Spring, the important courtiers in the Autumn Court, but his eyes lingered on two women who seemed uneasy in the room. He carefully went through his mental list of names and settled on the two that would fit - the Queen of the Day Court and her cousin.

It seemed this war would draw even the wallflowers out.
"Then perhaps you can do your job and introduce me to these lovely people.

Of course, Princess Yvoire of Syndril had spent the past couple of months learning what she could about the different courts and their notable figures. With a quiet voice, she relayed the known names she could see, steering her queen cousin about to get her familiar with putting a name to a face.

Her narrowed eyes fell on the male stood everpresent by the Night Court guest, catching his gaze but offering a sly smile at the kelpie. "Ah, that one. Seems to be staring at you more than me." Of course, Gwyn had always garnered more stares than Yvoire, but in the Day Court, that was only because of her close resemblance to the late king.

And so, the Princess stepped aside from her cousin and waggled her fingers at Micha, looking at Gwyn over her shoulder and winking at her before hurrying on her way to enjoy perusing the small foods on offer to the guests.
Gwynevere leaned closer to her cousin, nodding as she pointed out the names of the various faces throughout the gathering. She repeated them back in a barely audible whisper in an attempt to memorize at least some of the few that seemed more important. It did little to ease her nerves and she still appeared so out of place and horribly uncomfortable beside the Princess.

"Huh?" She noticed the smile and turned her own wide eyes to where her cousin stared into a group of fae. "What?" She reached out to grab the arm of her cousin once more, preventing her from stepping away and beckoning the guest. "No! Stop this Yvoire!"

She did not look at the kelpie her cousin had called over. She did not want to talk to him. She did not wish to speak with any of them. She wished to return home.

Yvoire would find herself working under Fionn if Gwyn did not kill her on the way back.

Please, please, please. Bother someone else.
Dagda stood, the formalities over.
"You speak of squabbles as if you have never indulged Highness. Toluk would gladly lend himself to your cause but until his reign is secured there he must remain."
The soft wisp of his voice did not get far but that may not have mattered. Midir was formidable and while he prostrate himself before the King he understood that to show too much willingness to bend was to invite scorn.
Still he stood by his statement, the Night Court was fractured and weakened but not toothless yet.
"As for the Princess, she has made her bed and shall lay in it."
None could miss the soft shadow of threat in his voice. Toluk would punish Glendora, that much was certain and she would have a choice to make.
Live or Die.

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As if on que a bump and a short yelp announce Curcurbita who had wandered from one court to another like a bee to garden flowers.
A lost bee.
A lost clumsy bee that backed into both Gwynevere and Yvoire.
"Oh, forgive me. Sorry."
The short woman in the crown was of course Queen Gwynevere but Curcurbita had no way of knowing this.
"Please accept my apologies Ladies. I hope I didn't spoil your evening. I was looking for the punch bowl and got myself all turned around..."
His gnarled hands worked to undue a myriad of micro-upsets on their outfits, a stray hair here, a loose thread there, an almost imperceptible crumple of the sleeve.
"... there!"
He exclaimed happily when things had been put right.
"Lovely as meadows in bloom. Say, neither of you two happen to know where a fellow might get something to drink around here do you?"
Despite his height he could not detect the bar, or the buffet, assuming that there was either.

First, her eyes fell to the hand her cousin used to grasp her in place. Secondly, her eyes shifted upward to stare at her Queen before lifting her head to look down at her.

Thirdly, she saved her scowl for an unfortunate gourd that began to speak to them both.

"You would do better in apology when regarding the Queen of the Day Court." She said, voice clear enough for many to hear her pleasant cadence. Yvoire arched a brow, tilting her head at a slight angle as her painted lips curved wickedly. "I would hate for the Queen's first visit outside her own domain to be an awful one."
Micha was so different than Uki. But one she trusted as much. A rarity for any male in her life. A small sneer as she exposed sharp canines at the puca, ignoring the giant gourd as he meandered away. She knew the rock nymph, Uki, would probably be following him.

Her second in command.

Another curious glance at the Princess as starlight flickered across her skin. Glendora silently cataloged that information away and returned her attention to the Prince of Autumn. Measuring and weighing his words and any sincerity behind them. Fae could not lie but they could weave words masterfully.

Glendora did not sense any trickery in his speech, though.

And after a moment of tension-filled silence, she dipped her chin in the smallest of motions.

"Very well. You will have the support I can offer." She had nearly a female army of spies, assassins, and a sect of the kelpies. "And my people will have a refuge until they have a place of their own." With a flourish of her index and middle finger, the confining bubble around them popped and disappeared.
He only stepped back at Lorcán's gentle prod but his fists remained clenched at his side. She shadows along his wings curling and bubbling as if it wanted to snuff out any threat to the Autumn Prince and Princess. It wasn't until the Princess of Night agreed and her magic encasement went down that his wings relaxed. Not wound so tightly and stiffly behind his back.

He kept a wary gaze on that kelpie, though. And the Princess but he did give Maeve space.

"Well fuk it if that wasn't the tensest conversation I've had at a party," his voice rumbled quietly next to the Princess as he rolled his shoulders. Noting who talked to Midir.

It was one of Tulok's little shits. That didn't bode well for Glendora. And seeing how the Princess just flashed her canines, Sid had to wonder if she'd leave here without throwing a punch.
There were so many fae here that Hyacinth did not know, though it seemed to trouble her little. It had been a long time since she had been out in society amongst fae, but that was purely because she was such an attendant to flora, that the movings of others mattered to her. Tharu had sort of changed her mind set on this. interacting with him had made her realized that she had been quite out of touch, and now she was fully paying attention.

She had picked up a mulled wine, twisting the glass in her hand as she studied it. She had been lost in thought when a familiar voice called her name, and she perked up with bright eyes to locate its source. Her eyes lit up as the fell upon Tharu's approach, and she quickly set down her glass.

A bright smile was on her lips as she took both his hands in hers. "Prince Tharu! I'm so happy to see someone I know. I admit I was feeling a little out of place in all this grandeur." She released her light grip of his hands, her smile never faltering as she looked out upon all the opposing figures that surrounded them. "I have no idea how to strike up a conversation I fear."

Tharu San'Seya

A small laugh escaped him as Hyacinth so eagerly took his hands in hers. Tharu was happy to soo her as well, but perhaps he was only the second most awkward feeling Fae of his court in attendance here today. He paid a thought to her already quiet and demure nature, and momentarily scolded himself for bemoaning his own situation, when at least he had the benefit of title.

"You needn't use my honorific here, Hyacinth. 'Tis not our land, after all." He waived her of using the 'Prince' term, instead eyeing the wine she'd set aside, and briefly disengaging to procure some of his own. It wasn't his nature to drink, but if he was ever to partake, this seemed the time. "It can indeed be overwhelming when so many of our brethren congregate in one place. So many clashing personalities, all with their own goals and ideals. It can feel like a veritable snake pit."

One he was usually content to let his father handle. Today he'd no such fortune. Looking out at the sea of unfamiliar faces, he did wrap a gentle arm around the woman's shoulders, pointing out some familiar faces.

"But we aren't alone. There is Curcurbita, an odd one, but one of us nonetheless. Maeve is a kind and caring soul, and there, standing by the Erlking, is Razareal. He commands our soldiers in the Spring." Tharu should likely go pay respects to Midir at some point, but he seemed quite preoccupied with two others at the moment. Perhaps he could offer a greeting to Maeve? It had been some while since he'd seen her.

"Can we have a drink now?" Maeve asked quietly enough for it just to reach Sid's ear. They never had made it to the table where the wine was being served. She was fairly certain the whole conversation would have gone much smoother and been less terrifying if she had managed to have a sip of the fae wine. Still in the throws of fully changing, it still hit her far harder than it did older fae.

Her eyes flickered between the Princess of Night and the Prince of Autumn. The bubble had gone and some deal had been struck to an extent but there was still a tension there she couldn't explain.

Clearing her throat she offered a smile that she hoped didn't waver with her nerves.

"Would you like to join us for a drink and more... pleasant conversation, Your Highness?"
Most of the tension eased from Micha's shoulders when the bubble finally dispersed; his liege had got what she had come for. He was fairly certain she would not lower the bubble for any other reason. When Glendora had her mind set to something, especially something so important to her delicate court and the fae who had put their trust and faith in her.

The rest of the tension eased when the Princess of Autumn offered Glendora a drink. Hospitality such as that was as good as a protection spell; Glendora would be Maeve's to protect now and from what he had glimpsed of her unusual magic, he was certain she could protect his charge long enough for him to get back to her side.

With a casual incline of the head to show he intended to leave her in peace, Micha stepped into the party proper, eyes dancing back to the Queen of Day now being bothered by the walking pumpkin. Picking up a glass of wine he lifted to to her in a silent good luck when she met his eyes.
Gwynevere had seen many strange things in her life, none quite as strange and disturbing as the living pumpkin that had not only walked into her and her dear cousin, but also managed to speak to her. Had Yvoire not immediately turned her attention on the thing to begin a lecture, Gwynevere may very well have screamed bloody murder. She had still considered it when he moved his...hands(?) in such a disturbing fashion.

Instead she backed up a few steps and allowed Yvoire to finish her thought. Gwynevere had little to add, anyway.

Truly, she could not determine which was worse: the gourd come to life or the dark haired man who still stared at her, this time with a glass raised and an amusement in his eyes that was not reciprocated by Gwyn. Instead, she stared back at Micha, unable to hide plea for help so clearly painted on her face.

Where the hell is Fionn?
Watching a pumpkin loose its colour was quite a sight but for a moment his orange skin turned pale.
His thin and gnarled hands pointed at the indicated Queen of the Day Court. As he mouthed for confirmation to Yvoire, whom he did not know.
Of course here, of course her. Those things, what were they called? CROWNS. Dead giveaway.
His tall form, deathly thin and gaunt of frame bowed immaculately low as he swept into it with arms tucking back behind and under his belly.
"Forgive me Sun Queen..."
He stepped after her, head up and arms out in supplication.
"I am nothing to your radiance and utterly undeserving of your forgiveness but this humble gourd asks of it all the same."
Keeping low he did not rise, he wasn't worthy.

Delight lit up the young Princess' features. Amused. "Sun Queen, did you hear that?"

The pale gourd would not know that every Spring at Equinox, the children would dress up and dance in hopes of being named the Sun Queen or King. Only once had Gwynevere won, and thrice for Yvoire.

But Yvoire looked to her cousin, seeing her eyes focused on someone else.

"Micha. Guarding the Princess of Night. If you would wish, I can make introductions, but I believe it best to pay respects to the King and host of the evening first... unless you rather I do so alone?" An arched brow lifts in question to her cousin.
Oakley gave his friend a quiet snort and shook his head, deciding not to comment. His tension was palpable, but his struggle was not merely the desire to bed the woman. His struggle was far deeper than that, and it was a struggle Midir had known himself. A struggle that had been the spark that ignited the very war that they now planned for.

Never had Oakley expected to find his mate in this world. He had lived centuries, enjoying the frivolities and festivities that life had to offer. He hunted, he danced, he indulged, and he enjoyed himself as much as any other Fae. But that life had come to a screeching halt the very moment She stepped foot into it. And She, did not want him. He had tracked her, followed her home, swore an oath he knew well that Midir would scold him for, or worse. He had devoted his life to this female that did not want him because now that she was in his life, there was nothing else. It pained him physically, every day that she refused to accept him. His mind festered with it, loathing himself, loathing every set of eyes that deemed themselves worthy of so much as a glance in Her direction.

All he could do was glower as the kelpie brushed a protective hand over the small of her back, a sight that caused his fingers to curl in on his palms to let his nails bite into his skin. Irrational, he knew, but the urge was there all the same. A vision of himself tearing the kelpie's throat out for simply doing his job. He should've been pleased to know that she was so closely protected, but it should have been Oakley that stood beside her now. Always.

His icy gaze barely left her, though when it did it was to fix upon the masked creature who introduced himself as Dagda. Who so openly threatened the Night Princess in his fucking presence. It took everything he had to remain in his seat, everything not to betray the rule of hospitality to see this thing's innards spattered on the fucking walls.

"Mind yourself, whoever the fuck you are. It sounded like you might have just threatened a friend of the Autumn court, and to the Erlking, no less." Oakley sneered, his gaze dangerous as he leaned forward in his seat, his hackles raised. "I suggest you be a little more careful. If she comes within even a breath of harm simply for being here, it's you we'll hold fully responsible." Oakley said, dipping his chin in a nod toward it.

Standing, Oakley's hand alighted on the Erlking's shoulder before he made to take his leave from the dais. Before he did anything he might live to regret.
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Lorcan gave a single nod to Glendora, and just like that, the deal was made. A promise that was not just mere words, but a tangible, binding thing that coiled around his arm in whisps of shadow before settling into his skin like ink. He had never enjoyed the feel of oaths and promises, they were dangerous things, but he hoped that by the morning, he had a few more.

He looked passed the princess to where his father sat, catching his gaze with a subtle dip of his chin.

"Your support is greatly appreciated, and much anticipated, Princess." he said with a smile, the gold flecks in his dark eyes warming now that the tension had eased.

His arm slipped casually around Maeve as she extended their hospitality, his head turning to press a kiss to her temple. "A drink is a wonderful idea." he agreed, a thumb brushing her shoulder. You're doing wonderfully.

He let his gaze drift over the growing turnout of fae from all manner of courts. Some faces he knew, others he did not, though in catching sight of yet another royal in their midst, Lorcan's lips twitched. "Spring is here." he murmured, knowing Mae would appreciate another friendly face.
The Kelpie's amusement vanished as the Queens violet eyes clashed with his own, wide with something too close to fear. Oh Hels, downing his drink, Micha set the empty glass to the side and, with one last glance to his own Princess to ensure she was safe, he strode across the room.

A firm hand fell upon the Pumpkin's shoulder then all but hoisted the gangly fae back to his feet by the scruff.

"Her Majesty forgives you by not simply killing you for the insult. Celebrate with a drink, friend," the flash of his canines was enough to convey it was more than a suggestion. He turned him towards the bar to help him on in the endeavour. Perhaps if he had known the gourd's last bout of drinking had involved getting his sister into such a state she'd been carried from the Hunt he would not have suggested it.

He watched him go then turned to give both Queen and Princess of Day a courteous bow.

"Apologies, your Highnesses. When My Lady turned him away I did not think he would bother you."
"Would you like to join us for a drink and more... pleasant conversation, Your Highness?"

She felt a spike in anger and her gaze instantly lifted across the sea of faces and heads toward the dias. Following the stroke of light blond hair of who it belonged to. Moonlit eyes turned back to the Prince and Princess of Autumn.

“Perhaps another time. I have business to attend to.” They would meet again to discuss details and trade forces soon. She would speak with Uke and get things in motion. Alert her people to a sanctuary that went beyond Winter. A quick glance to her guard. He’d found the Queen and Princess of Day. Perhaps a distraction for him was a good thing.

Glendora cut through the whispering fae on a different path. Toward the Hunter himself. A catch of his eyes as she’d mouth his name, gesturing toward a table filled with fruit, meats, cheeses, bread. All the finest of fae foods that tasted something beyond what a mortal could describe. Fear and whispers trembled in her wake but her eyes were focused only on one male.