"The púca (Common tongue, poo-kha; plural púcaí), are a lesser species of fae that are known for their shapeshifting abilities. This makes them a hard species to study for one does not know when they are seeing an ordinary animal or one of the púca. When they do reveal their humanoid form, however, they tend to keep a certain animalistic feature.
From my studies I also believe that different tribes or groups of púca specialise in certain animals depending on where they choose to live. Records have them appearing as everything from bats and foxes to griffons, dragons and kelpies.
Compared to most other fae outlined in this book the púca are considered backwards even amongst their own kind. Females are relegated to the house and childrearing whilst the males are violent and trained for war from a young age in brutal rituals many do not survive."
- Exert from The Faewylds, by Xanth Erabia
Despite his size Raphael surprisingly does not dominate the room he steps into. His dark hair and contrastingly bright amber eyes that look like droplets of molten honey are heart-breaking, yet the way the young fae carries himself suggests he does not know how to use his appearance to his advantage. His most obvious feature are the two large draconic wings that protrude from his back. Coated in a fine series of black scales with a deep maroon membrane, Raph's wings appear to mortals as terrifying but to higher fae as a symbol of his lesser status.
Skills and Abilities
Magick: Across Arethil are magical ley lines which Fae can tap into. These lines connect centres of magical power meaning that when in areas with a higher concentration of magic their abilities are stronger. Magick is borrowed by Fae from these lines and can be stored in their bodies to be used as well as be tapped into during times of need. As this is raw power it can often take many forms dependant on need, though they are governed by the same laws of magic as every other creature of Arethil - despite the myths.
The most manifestations of this magic include:
Shapeshifting: Like all púca, Raphael can shakeshift into a variety of different animals and creatures from across Arethil, though as a member of the Sindarin tribe his preferred form is that of a dragon.
You like pain?: Raphael possesses the ability to make a person believe they are under increasing levels of pain without laying a finger on them. Sometimes he adds a layer of glamour on top of the pain making his victim see what he wants them to see, creating an immersive experience.
Nothing to fear: Hand in hand with the above ability, Raphael also possesses the ability to see their greatest fears in a personified shadow. He believes it is these shadows which people can see cling to him from time to time. Those who touch it will often be thrown into their worst nightmares and as such it is best to avoid it.
The most manifestations of this magic include:
- Glamours
- Wards
- Travel via ley line
- Elemental magicks
Shapeshifting: Like all púca, Raphael can shakeshift into a variety of different animals and creatures from across Arethil, though as a member of the Sindarin tribe his preferred form is that of a dragon.
You like pain?: Raphael possesses the ability to make a person believe they are under increasing levels of pain without laying a finger on them. Sometimes he adds a layer of glamour on top of the pain making his victim see what he wants them to see, creating an immersive experience.
Nothing to fear: Hand in hand with the above ability, Raphael also possesses the ability to see their greatest fears in a personified shadow. He believes it is these shadows which people can see cling to him from time to time. Those who touch it will often be thrown into their worst nightmares and as such it is best to avoid it.
Raphael is a part of the Sindarin Tribe and as such shares the same characteristics:
Court affiliation: Autumn Court
Animal Trait: Dragon wings
Unseelie/Seelie: Unseelie
Celestial Alignment: Lunar
Elemental Alignment: Earth & Fire
Court affiliation: Autumn Court
Animal Trait: Dragon wings
Unseelie/Seelie: Unseelie
Celestial Alignment: Lunar
Elemental Alignment: Earth & Fire
Raphael is a slow man to open up to others due to his position in the Autumn Court. As an inquisitor he needs to remain cold and distant, a loner, so that he can do his job on anyone his king requires him to. For those who make the effort to peel back the steely layers to this fae however will find beneath a kind and very vulnerable man who likes to laugh and play. His humour can be dark at times though he finds it easier to jest and banter with those closest to him.
Biography & Lore
Born deep in the Ixchel Wilds to a mother who had tried to run from her tribe, Raphael was destined for a dark life from the start. When his mother was discovered by the males of her tribe she was dragged back to her home and lashed fifty times for her attempt to flee. Raph was taken from her to use as a tool in which to control her and allowed to visit her only twice a week. For the rest of the time he was kept in little more than a cell with no natural light.
As he grew older he was also allowed out in order to train; at the end of the day males were needed for fighting in the kings army. They didn't expect much of him, pushed him harder than others, beat him senseless when he failed but it all made him stronger. More determined. He rose steadily in the ranks, fighting the other recruits to prove his strength and making a rare few friends who had his back.
Alongside his training however, Raphael noticed that he began to feel other peoples pain. Then he realised he could manipulate it, create it, use it. When the Erlking discovered the young fae's gift he had him recruited to his inquisitors and used him as his personal torturer.
As he grew older he was also allowed out in order to train; at the end of the day males were needed for fighting in the kings army. They didn't expect much of him, pushed him harder than others, beat him senseless when he failed but it all made him stronger. More determined. He rose steadily in the ranks, fighting the other recruits to prove his strength and making a rare few friends who had his back.
Alongside his training however, Raphael noticed that he began to feel other peoples pain. Then he realised he could manipulate it, create it, use it. When the Erlking discovered the young fae's gift he had him recruited to his inquisitors and used him as his personal torturer.