

Biographical information
Does not remember. Does not know. Forgotten.
Physical description
Unknown. Presents as male. 6'10 Twiggy Green foliage None Orange
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A tall gaunt figure with a blazing jack-o'-lantern for a head. Draped in a cloak of motley stained greys and reds.
When he stands he is a rod, still and tall, except when he speaks at which time his long arms flap about in exaggerated gestures and sweeping motions of his torso.
His threads are simple enough, wearing ochre slacks and maroon tunic.
His belt is a cut of leather and his broche is carved wood.
When he speaks his voice is young and almost playful.

Skills and Abilities

Summon Steed: Curcurbita can summon a magical horse named Jethro who can run across the sky but may only summon him at night.
Create Weapon: By reaching into the fire of his lantern head Curcurbita may summon forth all manner of flaming weaponry.
Deaths Herald: As a terrible act and perhaps the most singularly devastating thing Curcurbita can do is rip to his own head off (an extremely gruesome and painful act) and cry out the full name of another being. That being shall then die within the next three days.
Curcurbita may only perform this ritual on a night of the full moon and the target must hear their name be spoken for it to take effect.
Undead Fae: relatively hard to harm and certainly difficult to dispatch he can be paralyzed by snuffing out the candle in his head. May be distracted by spilling grain which he must count before doing anything else and suffers a deep aversion to gold.
While the curse keeps him going destroying his original head may be one of the only ways to actually kill him.
Curcurbita may also not cross running water without aid of a bridge, Jethro or some other vehicle of passage.
While his candle is snuffed out Curcurbita is effectively a corpse with a gruesome Jack O lantern head and as such an inanimate object. Lighting his candle will revive him.


Curcurbita is generally very enthusiastic about things. As Herald of the Hunt he is full of anticipation but never joins in.
The nature of his curse means he has a hard time remembering things.
Friendly even to his enemies.
Curcurbita is known to almost comically reverent to Fae Royalty.
He has a strange compulsion to follow the rules of any game he takes part in, effectively he is unable to cheat.

Biography & Lore

Every now and then someone in the Fae Courts commits a crime that warrants Amaideach, The Empty Head Curse.
The curse involves decapitation and the head to be replaced by a jack-o'-lantern. Stripping away the identity and memories of the Curses Victim.
The head is sealed in a mirror lined box and hidden.
The Victim is left without knowledge of their previous life. Given a new name and not even aware of their punishment they become a walking warning to not cross the masters of the Fae Courts.


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