Hallows Eve A Monster Competition

For the Halloween event
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A Monster Competition​


As part of our range of Halloween activities we're going to have a creative competition!
  • Spirits have appeared across Arethil
  • This Thursday we're opening a new event thread.
  • We will be featuring some player created monsters entered into this competition.
  • To enter, use the code below to post your entry to this thread.
  • The level of detail is up to you, but there must be an image and a basic description
  • After being featured the winners will be posted to the wiki. (The non-sentient species area has also been renamed Bestiary)
  • Submissions must be entered by Wednesday 28th October (GMT).
  • Members will vote for their favourites on Discord
  • There is no limit to the amount of submissions per member.
  • Staff reserve the right to include the most original monster of their choice.

<insert image>
[B]Name: [/B]{{{Name|What is the name of your species?}}}
[B]Origin:[/B] {{{Origin|Where did the species originally come from in arethil}}}
[B]Threat:[/B] {{{Threat|Pick a word from low to extreme to describe how dangerous these might be to a lone traveller}}}
[B]Tactics:[/B] {{{Tactics| How would they typically attack a traveller}}}
[B]Subspecies:[/B] {{{Subspecies|Any subspecies should be listed here}}}
[B]Size:[/B] {{{Size|How large are they?}}}
[B]Distinctive features:[/B] {{{Features|Do they have any distinctive features?}}}
[B]Locations:[/B] ={{{Locations|Where are they found now?}}}
[B]Source:[/B] {{{Image Source|Source of the image used in the infobox}}}

<insert a short summary>

{{{A key component of how your species will be perceived is their appearance. Describe that here, as well as how they may vary.}}}
{{{Where is this species commonly found}}}
{{{List any specific traits of the species. These are tendencies, abnormalities, or general qualities that set a species apart from everyone else. Traits can be physical, psychological, or anything else that makes your particular species different.}}}
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Name: Krait (plural: Kraits)
Origin: First sightings in the Iuk-'U Delta.
Threat: High, if magic-user. Low, if non-magic user.
Tactics: Similar to certain types of jackals. Opportunistic and harassing their prey in packs of four to eight, snapping and scratching at limbs until the prey falls and then swarming the prey and holding them down while they either siphon magic, eat the flesh, or both.
Subspecies: None known.
Size: When standing on two legs, heights range from 5' to 6' (152 cm to 183 cm)
Distinctive features: Emaciated-looking and gangly. Elongated heads and with no apparent eyes.
Locations: In most forested areas around Epressa, and also lurking around populated places like towns and cities. They seem to have learned as a species that roads as well often have mages traveling along them, and they find places to lurk in ambush and overwatch the roads.
Source: Tsvetomir Georgiev

Kraits, simply put, are mage hunters. They can sense magic like a shark can smell blood in the water, and this is their preferred source of sustenance. They tend not to attack head on, but to instead harass and weaken the mage through fast hit-and-run bites and scratches as a group (some packs have learned to goad certain mages into wasting their magic before getting close). Once the mage has fallen down onto the ground, the Kraits swarm in. They pin down their prey and with their forelimbs and "feeder" tendrils emerge from each Krait's mouth and burrow underneath the mage's flesh, and through these tendrils they begin to directly siphon and feast on the magic potency of their victim. It is unknown, though it seems likely, that the blood of their victim serves as a conduit for this siphoning--though contradictory cases of Kraits feeding on bloodless victims are documented.

Kraits can subsist for far longer on feasting upon a mage's magic than by eating simple meat like a common carnivore. Thus, it is uncommon for Kraits to outright kill humanoids or animals, but it does happen. Because of this, Kraits often leave mundane humanoid travelers alone--far too risky for little reward.


Kraits are gaunt, near skeletal creatures. They have taut, sickly looking gray-green leathery skin, gangly and long arms and legs, long and thin tails, clawed (though not very sharp) feet and hands. Their heads are horrifically distinctive, elongated and with no apparent eyes and open maws that appear to be constantly grinning or sneering. Kraits are most often seen running on all fours, but they do occasionally stand up on their rear legs and can walk like this for a short time (some clever Kraits have been observed to attempt impersonating humanoids before by standing upright like this, especially at night).


Areas with dense vegetation, hilly terrain, any place that is suitable to their ambush tactics in hunting their mage prey.


Magic resistant: Not completely immune to harmful magic, Kraits do nonetheless shrug off arcane volleys that would be devastating to any other creature. Hexes, curses, defensive magics all have reduced effectiveness against them.

Magic siphon: Once a Krait has gotten their "feeder" tendrils into a victim, they can directly siphon out the victim's magic potential. This leaves the victim extremely arcane fatigued, or whatever other ill-side effects come from using their magic to too great an extent.

Sight and Sense: It is currently unknown what manner of sight Kraits possess, but they are not blind, despite the lack of obvious eyes. Kraits also have a sense for detecting magic and magic-users within a certain radius.
Name: Sneezies
Origin: Ostensibly from under the beds of naughty children, magically attuned naturalists recognize slight necromantic corruption
Threat: Very Low as individuals, High in swarms
Tactics: Night ambushes
Subspecies: None
Size: Varies from ten inches to ten feet
Distinctive features: Hefty noses, round shape, human eyes and ears, supple thighs, three-toed feet
Locations: Varies, infestations are as often found under orphanages as inside milk urns. They originate from Cerak At'Thul, but were spread to the world by sea trade and have been seen as far north as Bhathairk despite their relatively recent summoning
Source: 'Nose Boy', Berserk

Do not be fooled by their appearance, Sneezies are very much creatures to be feared. Not so much because of their seductive physical attributes, but rather a latent magical capability that makes it so reality around them can be changed easily. Around a sufficient number of Sneezies even the most inept wizard will find their spells resulting in feats beyond a master's, without ever causing direct harm to the creatures. This has resulted in the deaths of many a spellcaster, trampled to death by a stampede or disappearing up a Sneezy's nose. Sneezies have gestation periods of a few weeks, and there are no records of one dying of natural causes. It is currently unknown if they have genders, how they reproduce, and why they taste and smell like oranges. They communicate through blinks, snorting and 'sneezes'. They are highly territorial, but can be trained as beasts of burden or even war mounts.


Sneezies vary in their appearance, ranging wildly in size but always retaining the appearance of a powerfully-legged blob endowed with a big nose and dish-like unblinking eyes. Their color ranges in pallid tones, and their skin can be speckled, mottled, wrinkled or even covered in fine brown hairs. When carved they show nothing resembling organs, only an 'egg sac'. Their eggs can be easily confused with pearls.


Sneezies are attracted to places where child presence is constant, such as schools. They show a preference for places out of sight, be they underground for bigger Sneezies or on the top of high branches for the smaller types. They linger in places even after all children have been consumed, but further study on the matter has been hindered.


Size Variation: Sneezies range from much too small to grab to big enough to snort up men.

Swarm Tactics: Sneezies make use of constant waves of pushing and kicking to trample down prey and predators. As swarms tend to number around a hundred, it is often hard to fend them off.

Irriality: Sneezies make it so magic around them is unpredictably powerful, but brings no harm to them.
doom potato.jpg
Name: Starch Tater(s)
Origin: The Starch Taters do not seem to Origin-tater from just on place in Arethil, it is almost like there are many small farms all over constantly spawning them. Potatoes are full of life energy, but sometimes through wanton use of magic, or through the experiments of a mad man, potatoes can be given sentience. Legend also says that if you see potatoes growing near a giant potato statue make sure to pick all those potatoes when harvest comes lest you be plagued by the forgotten.
Threat: Agri-tater-ing
Tactics: The Starch Taters attack in hordes led by the largest tater in the horde named The Dic-tater. A traveler might be walking down a road to spud-denly find they are surrounded by potatoes. Spud-denly the potatoes would swarm the traveler to steal and consume anything they could get their hands on, this includes magic items if they can fit it in their mouths. If irra-tater-ed or attacked they might also leave the victim decapa-tater-ed. If one is lucky enough to only be attacked by one they can easily be dealt with, or appeased by giving about a spoonful of food. Little is known about these attacks such as if they are pre medi-tater-ed, or even how often they may occur as their occurrences may be unders-tater-ed from embarrassment.
Subspecies: Russet, Red, White, Yellow, Purple, Fingerling, Petite
Size: The average Starch Tater is only a bit larger than an average potato, but they grow as they eat, and there have been no limits to size found yet.
Distinctive features: They look like ordinary potatoes until they open their eyes and give their prey a mischievous smile.
Locations: Taken up root, and planted themselves all over the two main continents of Arethil, except east of Elbion, and south of Fal'Addas
Source: A stock image of a potato and photoshop


The Starch Taters look like large potatoes of their species when dormant, but when active they open their eyes and mouths as well as sprout small arms with three fingers, and legs with in feet that end in a round end making their feet look like little boots.


They can be found where ever food can be found.


The Starch Taters are not really actively hostile. They will steal peoples food, but as long as one doesn't harm them they don't actively seek violence preferring instead to play pranks on other living things. When not actively hunting for food they can be found playing all sorts of pranks like: trying to convince a bush it is night time. Or doing stealth missions on animals like hiding in an animals tail so that it will end up chase its tail, or showing themselves to one being then hiding so that when they try and tell their friends their friends won't believe them because they aren't there anymore. They also enjoy moving objects when people aren't looking. They have become quite skilled at this, and make a game to see what the biggest object they can move without getting caught is.

Physically their most outstanding trait-er is their ability to regener-tater. They are also capable of very limited bursts of speed. Being able to quickly duck out of sight in an instant, but generally move about the speed of a toddler. They also are only about as tough as a potato.

Name: Zaggech
Origin: The Pandemonium though there are some sightings of the creature in the Underrealm
Threat: It's more of a defensive monster so the threat is somewhat low but when it absorbs enough magic or missiles....... Then the threat is high
Tactics: Due to its corpulent shape it's hard for it to move. However due its size and abilities it is ready to absorb any ranged attack
Subspecies: Demon
Size: Average height is 7-8 feet tall
Distinctive features: Round, fleshy body, has a stench that can ward off even the most fearsome of creatures, Its eyes and mouth are sewn shut and its stomach can open up unleashing powerful attack when its at full power.
Locations: Pandemonium, Underrealm
Source: Forgotten Realms Wiki

It is said that when a person is trapped in the Pandemonium, they are immediately taken by the lesser Demons and after years or if the demons are feeling merciful months of nonstop torture, the Greater Demons come by and inspect the victim. If the victim shows weak constitution under the torture then they are to be transformed into Zaggech through painful magical rituals. These Demons show complete and utter loyalty to their superiors and are responsible for guarding the borders of the Pandemonium. Zaggech posses the ability to absorb magical attacks and ranged items regardless of how powerful the attack may be and sop them up in their large gullet. When it takes in enough energy, the Zaggech unleashes a powerful magical beam enough to destroy an entire group. Because of this, the Zaggech is also a favorite summon amongst mages.


There is little variance amongst the Zaggech, they are large, pink and fleshy seven foot creatures that struggle to waddle around. They have stubby legs , feet and their eyes and mouth are sewn shut. It sports are large stomach that is larger than their entire body.


It resides mostly in the Pandemonium however it can be seen in the Underdark summoned as guards by the Drow and Duergar.


Spell/Missile Absorption: Zaggech can absorb ranged attacks within its vicinity.

Unleash: Fires off a powerful beam when taken in enough energy, the beam can disintegrate a person leaving them nothing more than ashes.

Foul Stench: Releases a stench to ward off any attackers who might try to melee it.

Earthquake Stomp: Can conjure a small earthquake with its stomps putting the opponent off balance.
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Name: Starch Tater(s)
Origin: The Starch Taters do not seem to Origin-tater from just on place in Arethil, it is almost like there are many small farms all over constantly spawning them. Potatoes are full of life energy, but sometimes through wanton use of magic, or through the experiments of a mad man, potatoes can be given sentience. Legend also says that if you see potatoes growing near a giant potato statue make sure to pick all those potatoes when harvest comes lest you be plagued by the forgotten.
Threat: Agri-tater-ing
Tactics: The Starch Taters attack in hordes led by the largest tater in the horde named The Dic-tater. A traveler might be walking down a road to spud-denly find they are surrounded by potatoes. Spud-denly the potatoes would swarm the traveler to steal and consume anything they could get their hands on, this includes magic items if they can fit it in their mouths. If irra-tater-ed or attacked they might also leave the victim decapa-tater-ed. If one is lucky enough to only be attacked by one they can easily be dealt with, or appeased by giving about a spoonful of food. Little is known about these attacks such as if they are pre medi-tater-ed, or even how often they may occur as their occurrences may be unders-tater-ed from embarrassment.
Subspecies: Russet, Red, White, Yellow, Purple, Fingerling, Petite
Size: The average Starch Tater is only a bit larger than an average potato, but they grow as they eat, and there have been no limits to size found yet.
Distinctive features: They look like ordinary potatoes until they open their eyes and give their prey a mischievous smile.
Locations: Taken up root, and planted themselves all over the two main continents of Arethil, except east of Elbion, and south of Fal'Addas
Source: A stock image of a potato and photoshop


The Starch Taters look like large potatoes of their species when dormant, but when active they open their eyes and mouths as well as sprout small arms with three fingers, and legs with in feet that end in a round end making their feet look like little boots.


They can be found where ever food can be found.


The Starch Taters are not really actively hostile. They will steal peoples food, but as long as one doesn't harm them they don't actively seek violence preferring instead to play pranks on other living things. When not actively hunting for food they can be found playing all sorts of pranks like: trying to convince a bush it is night time. Or doing stealth missions on animals like hiding in an animals tail so that it will end up chase its tail, or showing themselves to one being then hiding so that when they try and tell their friends their friends won't believe them because they aren't there anymore. They also enjoy moving objects when people aren't looking. They have become quite skilled at this, and make a game to see what the biggest object they can move without getting caught is.

Physically their most outstanding trait-er is their ability to regener-tater. They are also capable of very limited bursts of speed. Being able to quickly duck out of sight in an instant, but generally move about the speed of a toddler. They also are only about as tough as a potato.
*Requests ’eye roll’ react.*

Name: Amalgam (plural: amalagams)
Origin: Ixchel Wilds, southern coasts
Threat: High
Tactics: Highly aggressive brute-force and animalistic attacks utilizing all claws, teeth, tentacles, and/or limbs that it has acquired. Undeterred by even the most grievous wounds, will only stop if the central brain is destroyed.
Size: Vary by individual, but averages range from wolf to very large bear sizes.
Distinctive features: A grotesque and sloppy combination of the remains of multiple creatures and humanoids. Jutting bones, multiple skulls, variable limbs and claws.
Locations: = Ixchel wilds, underrealm (rare), very rare surrounding Elbion (escaped study subjects)
Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3

Originally thought to be the product of dark magic rituals, it is now known that amalgams are born as minute, squid-like creatures. These burrow within their first victim and take control of their functions within a matter of days. From there, they use this vessel to continuously kill and surround themselves with the remains of their prey, building up a horrific body over time that they control via a network of every-spreading nerve-like tentacles. As the only living component of an amalgam is the tiny creature within, their external bodies are continuously rotting, and they must hunt constantly to supply themselves with new biomatter.



Amalgams are grotesque combinations of the remains of their prey. While varying in appearance based on what beings they have incorporated into themselves, most follow a general body plan of a large quadrupedal monster. Their bodies are made of mangled and rotting flesh and sharp bones regularly protrude from skinless meat and viscera. The head region is generally composed of one to several skulls, the limbs end in multiple sharp claws, and a spiked tail may or may not be present.

As their body decays it weeps fetid blood and body fluids, sometimes sloughing larger portions of slime and organic matter. If their overwhelming stench is not enough, this trail makes amalgams easy to track.

The actual, living mind behind an amalgam is a small, squid-like creature with up to fifty long and filamentous tentacles that spread throughout the flesh of its acquired body. Aside from the tentacles, these “brains” are generally no larger than a grapefruit. They are very soft, pale, and easily dispatched. However, the tentacles are very strong and armed with small razor-sharp barbs which are used to tear flesh and anchor themselves within their victims.

The “brain” buries itself within the densest part of its body, usually the center of the chest or abdomen.


Amalgams are native to the Ixchel Wilds where biodiversity is at its greatest, and where the high humidity and shelter from sunlight beneath the canopy prolongs the “life” of their bodies.


Dead flesh:
If amalgams can feel pain it is not obvious, as they are undeterred by even the most grievous wounds. Entire limbs can be severed without apparent consequence, and heads are regularly removed and replaced. The only sure-fire way to kill an amalgam is to destroy the “brain” within.

Amalgams have no particular resistance to any sort of magic or physical attack, but the sheer amount of biomass surrounding their brain makes them very difficult to dispatch. They are nocturnal and known to avoid sunlight and fire, as both of these can dry out their flesh and accelerate their decay. They also avoid fast-moving water, as this can strip away any loosely attached bits of muscle and bone.

They are functionally immune to poison and disease (unless directly affecting the brain).

As their bodies continually rot and decay, amalgams are constantly on the search for biomass to add to themselves. They will attack anything smaller than themselves in an effort to assimilate them.

It is unknown how the brain receives sensory information from its body. All that is known is that amalgams can apparently see, hear, and smell as a living being would. The absence of specific sensory organs does not appear to have an impact on this (ie: they can see despite not having visible eyes), however the presence of specialized organs does appear to give benefits (ie: shark heads granting electroreception, bat-like creatures granting echolocation).

Mating has never been observed, but they are born from eggs. Dying amalgams will move to dark, moist areas (often by water), and hundreds of new squid forms will hatch within and feed from their parent until finding a host of their own.
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Name: Phantom Cabaret
Origin: Unknown
Threat: Low
Tactics: An unintentional and unmaliced species, their touch is known to rapidly wither and age whatever they manage to come into contact with. They seem to be unable to age non-organic organisms. For example a human may rapidly wither into an old man, but their clothing would remain unaffected.
Subspecies: Hollowed Ballet's - Threat becomes Extreme
Size: Depending on species they come from, they can range from Halfling stature to a full grown Giant
Distinctive features: Typically dressed in highly regal clothing specific to their race and location.
Locations: Worldwide, though tend to come from areas of lower income or where Royalty may not actually traditionally hail from.
Source: misscritter.com/Pinterest Link

The undead. They are a rather abstract race. A race born from yearned desires, the malediction of necromancers to even nothing more than strange yet natural circumstance by the tidings of random magics. Phantom Cabaret, are no different, yet are so rarely born from Necromancers.

Phantom Cabaret are in a race of bloodscukers, flesh eaters to life drainers the rare later of the three. Though their intentions collected never seem to harbour on malice or hate. They are a danger on the road to the common man, but where the common man will be suckled of their life and invited to their eternity of dance and partying, the rich will face a lifetime quickly extinguished. It has been accounted many a time, that the Phantom Cabaret will kill a travelling coach and his lord in the seat behind him, only for the Coach rider to join their ensemble and leave the corpse of the king withered and his clothing robbed and now dressing the coach rider to join their dances.


The Phantom Cabaret dress and drape is dependent on two things. What their race was in life, and what the dress of the local nobles are. If a corpse is fresh and new, say a peasant either caught on the wrong traveling route, or simply realised their lot in life would be better spent as a corpse you will often find them to be dressed in nothing, an ethereal corpse wandering about naked. Now, if the peasant had existed for a long time you will often find them a muddle of colour, dress or style. For instance one from Elbion may have withered a Wizard Lord, and now dressed in that Wizard's clothes and accented it from riches it had gathered from other nobles. Phantom Cabaret are slaves to fashion and fashion is a slave to location.


You will be surprised to find Phantom Cabaret haunt poorer locations more often than the rich. The more downtrodden and beaten, the more likely a Phantom Cabaret is likely to rise and start what amounts to a death cult of pleasure. The richer the location the shorter a lifespan a Phantom Cabaret has as a lord has the money to hire professionals to rid him of their threat while a poor and rundown place may be stuck with one for a few weeks before they will either hire exterminators at hefty cost to their own wallet, the lord catches wind and protects his assets or they are simply exterminated into what has been called "Hollowed Ballet's". Which is where issues start to arise.

Phantom Cabaret are never malicious. At least not to the poor. But the rich? The bastards who no doubt lead to a life of misery and debt? They become vengeful spirits. If they simply stayed where they died a king may be able to leave well enough alone. But if a Hollowed Ballet forms danger begins to arise. With a local population exterminated or "Joined the Party" As has been recorded being uttered by Phantom Cabaret they begin to move. Peasants and the poor tend to have large populations and it has been recorded that a Hollowed Ballet can become a few thousand strong and begin to wonder the countryside, either pausing to expand their party, or become at all out war with a King in search of powerful vengeance.


Withered Touch: The Phantom Cabaret are unarmed and only have the single ability to kill and wither. They are often found doing this by inviting someone to dance, the sheer drive of their positivity often draws people in, especially from the downtrodden.

Undead: Phantom Cabaret are, no matter how joyous counted amongst the ranks of the dead and damned. They need no air to breathe, no food to consume and no warmth to survive.

Ethereal: Given that they are corpses turned to spirits and wraith, regular blades and swords do little to hurt them.

Euphoria Driven: Even though they have no need of the above, they are known for their drive to have it. Their parties are often aligned with great swathes of food rotted from their withered touch, aromas turned sickly in pungent swathes for their undead senses and loaves of fire and warmth.
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Name: Corpse Throne King
Origin: Dark Magic Pact
Threat: Extreme
Tactics: Unarmed, utilizes undead Hordes. Focal point Creation.
Subspecies: None
Size: Dependent. Only as large as the enclosed space they encompass. Can range from Small Crypt to Entire Castles.
Distinctive features: Recognized like a heartbeat. Not via noise, but pulsating dark magic. Immovable, once placed the Corpse King cannot move anywhere without desecrated flesh.
Locations: Places that lack sunlight.
Source: Wallpaperflare.com

There comes a time in everyone's life where they crave power more than anything. There may come a time in anyone's life where they will go to any lengths for that power. And even more seldomn, there comes a time when something responds. Dark God's exist in hidden places. Slumbering places. It is best they are left slumbering, for the undead once touched rarely ever do.


They are desecration made carnate. The silhouette of whatever it was in life remains but surrounded by clouts of rolling stumbling flesh and inarticulate mouths that can only scream agony and the maledictions of their new king. They are like rolling hills of death and their bodies are like sickly swamps that's very roots claw and touch at the poor adventurer foolish enough to challenge the unending tides.


Darkness is their home. It has often been considered a blessing that the rising sun is like poison to the dead. And often this is what people use to remove a Corpse Throne King, wading through tides of seemingly infinite undead has proven rather tiresome especially at the prospect of only increasing their hordes.


Massive: There are two things that limit a Corpse Throne King. The amount of Flesh they can accumulate and the sun. One comes in ample supply while the other seems to be drawn to it.

Undead Focal Point: A lich could be considered the brain of an Undead. Intelligent, cunning and able to make plans. A ghoul may be the hands. Digging and collecting. A zombie may be the flesh, holding it all together. But a Corpse Throne King? It is their heartbeat as well as beacon. Undead often flock to a Corpse Throne King especially the mindless undead who are often sacrificed to add to it's flesh and size to increase it's pull and radius, only to be forced out of it to defend, fight or collect. Intelligent undead less so. A corpse Throne King is a being with personality and may choose to either add a Vampire to it's collective, increasing its mass or keep a Lich as a servant. Letting the Lich utilize its mass to create new creations or use it's body as a foci for magic. The Corpse Throne King are limited by their ability in life.

Sun-Fearful: Like their Dark God's that slumber in unreached places, a Corpse Throne King is too faced with an eternity in the darkness. The Sun kills off it's flesh and withers it away, quickly. If it can reach the Heartbeat or the Centre and kill off the Corpse King, than the entire mass will follow suit.
Name: Felicity Owl
Origin: Eye of Kiva
Threat: Low
Tactics: Causes bad luck to befall those who hunt them
Subspecies: None
Size: Small
Distinctive features: None, appear to be regular Owls
Locations: Native to the Eye of Kiva. Rarely found outside of their native isle.
Source: Deilynn

Found on a single island called Jinxed Island, the Felicity Owl or Misfortune Owl by those who first stumbled on them, are a race of Owl's that can seemingly take and give luck to those who approach it. Rarely found outside of the Isles they are known to take away the luck of those who take them from their homes but give it to those that feed them or help return them home.


The Felicity Owl looks very similar to the Great Horned Owl, with the single distinction being their Powder Down instead of Down feathers. This is thought to be because of their close proximity to water on their native isle.


In the Eye of Kiva, specifically found on Jinxed Island, an island located extremely close to the namesake of the Archipelago. They are found inhabiting the high treelines and are the Apex Predator of their island.


Luck Manipulator: The Felicity Owl is a fickle being. They are known to take and give luck to anyone they come in contact with, giving it to those that feed them on their native isle, and giving even greater luck to those that help return them to their home origin.

Owl Physiology: It's an Owl in every other respect outside of their ability to manipulate luck.
Name: Bug Bites
Origin: Wizard Toy
Threat: None
Tactics: Swarming
Subspecies: Different Bug Varities
Size: Tiny
Distinctive features: Anthropomorphised Bugs
Locations: Worldwide
Source: https://www.portablecity.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/NPC-Bug-450x244.jpg

Wizard's. Get bored. Wizard's often alleviate this boredom with the most mundane. Ant Farm. Worm Farm. Weird Spider Farm's. But the most enterprising Wizard, get bored even of this and casts a spell and creates sentient Bug's. A civilization one might even call it. And an enterprising as well as blasé might even accidentally, loose their civilization. These are Bug Bites.


Bug Bites, are as varied a race as the species they came from. Though often seem to get dressed up with whatever scrapes they can find and tailored into what they can manage.


Species dependent. A Cricket Bug Bite species wouldn't be found in the desert without exceptional circumstances.


Sentient Imitation: Bug Bite's are not truly sentient. They are more like a species given the quality of Ant's in that they become Eusocial and build imitation societies.

Respective Bug Physiology: Dependent on Species. For example a Flea Bug Bite species may be able to jump incredible heights, while Hercules beetle's would be able to erect and move stone with great ease.

Name: Lost Children
Origin: Unconfirmed but believed to be descendants of a mimic creature from the Blightlands that stumbled upon civilization.
Threat: Medium
Tactics: Lost children take can mutate their appearance to take on the form of small children. They lure their victims in through sobs and giggles.
Subspecies: Seem to absorb the DNA of their victims allowing them to take on the appearance of human, elven, orcish, and any other species children.
Size: In their true form, around 4 feet tall and thin. In mutated form, the size of a standard 6-year old.
Distinctive features: Black charred skin which flakes off, yellow eyes, contorted faces, and boney limbs with little muscle mass.
Alliria: Confirmed, rare.
Elbion: Confirmed, rare.
Oban: Unconfirmed reports.
The Empire: Sporadic reports off major trade routes.
Source: Maarten Verhoeven

The Lost Children can often be heard prior to being seen. Survivors have described distant giggling or sobbing from an apparent child. When the victim draws near to the source of the sound they typically spot a young boy or girl of their own species. The child will often sit still and allow the victim to approach. When near it will hold out its hand and either state, “I can’t find my mommy,” or, “do you want to play?”

Victims grasp touch the Lost Children’s skin immediately feel fatigued. Continued skin-to-skin exposure will eventually lead to complete paralysis of the victims muscles and loss of consciousness. The Lost Children will then revert to its true form and a long tendril will extend from its mouth down the throat of the unconscious victim. It will then liquify and drink the vital organs of the victim.

Many people report a sensation of extreme dread when they spot this creature in its childlike form and thus this monster tends to only claim the life of the extremely brave or generous. Some have theorized it prefers it this way.


Lost Children have little muscle mass and rely on tricking their prey and paralyzing them. This physical frailty is obvious when seen in their true form as they’re rather short and hobble over.

They have pitch black skin which looks charred due to the way it peels off. Despite their poor posture and extremely thin limbs they look humanlike, though only if someone misunderstood how a human was supposed to look.


Back alleys, sewers, and the outskirts of major settlements. Sometimes found along major roadways in remote areas.


Extendable proboscis stored inside its mouth which it uses to feed.

Flesh that flakes off as it walks and regrows rapidly.

It’s skin has sedative properties upon touch.

They have only been spotted at night and if exposed to bright light they will mutate into their true forms. If attacked in any way they will also mutate into their true forms. Assuming a victim does not make skin-to-skin contact they are rather frail and easily dispatched.

Name: The Man in the Derby Hat

Sometimes simply called, “The Man,” or, “That Man.” Academics shorthand it to, “Derby Hat.”
Origin: Unknown.
Threat: Low (No physical threat, high psychological threat).
Tactics: The Man begins by appearing in dreams. Weeks prior to a first sighting the Dreamer begins to have unusual nightmares that make no logical sense and fail to include. The Man appears infrequently in these dreams resembling someone the victim knows (or used to know) but being just slightly off. Eventually he begins to appear to them while awake.
Subspecies: Unknown.
Size: The Man ranges in height. Typically appears to Dreamers between 5’9” and 6’1”. He is sometimes of athletic build, sometimes overweight, varies from victim to victim.
Distinctive features: He is always well dressed and always wears a derby hat.
Locations: In the thoughts and dreams of any creature capable of sapience throughout Arethil.
Source: Ukko-Pekka Kuivalainen

Though it begins as dreams weeks before, those suffering from attacks from That Man eventually start seeing him while awake. Usually it starts as on odd figure they glance out of the corner of their eye. Over time he begins to suddenly appear a few feet away, staring at them with a blank face, and then vanishing after a few seconds.

Once he begins to haunt them while awake Dreamers report that their dreams become dominated by The Man. Many report that he resembles their father or brother whilst others recognize him as a shopkeeper from their youth or an acquaintance they knew years ago. The resemblance is enough that the victim can place it but never exact enough that the victim believes it truly is the person That Man resembles. It is unknown if The Man has a generic face or if he simply appears differently to every victim.

When the attacks get bad enough Dreamers begins seeing The Man appear and then vanish so frequently that many close their eyes for much of their time spent awake. Other than just staring he’s also reportedly held up his right index finger and simply pointed it back at the Dreamer. They eventually begin having the same nightmare every night. They’re in a black room, sat at a black table, unable to get up. The Man sits across from them, blank faced, and says nothing. No matter how much the victim questions him or screams the dream simply continues with The Man staring at them in an uncomfortable fashion.

It is unknown if The Man is an otherworldly entity that haunts sapient species for an unknown purpose, if he is a shared psychological condition, or if he is some sort of nefarious spirit. What is known is that many Dreamers are driven mad or harm themselves in an attempt to make the visions stop. Given enough time the visions and dreams may cease after weeks, months, or years. For a select unlucky few they never stop.


He is finely dressed and wears a derby hat. Other than that he appears to resemble a male figure that the victim once knew or currently knows. Sometimes this appearance is someone they’re intimately familiar with and other times it’s a person whom they’ve barely spoken to.


A Dreamer’s Subconscious.


The Man has never inflicted any physical harm upon any Dreamer (omitting cases of self-harm). He seems to enjoy simply terrorizing a victim.

The College of Elbion has induced some Dreamers into an astral projection to a plane of consciousness to talk with The Man. The ones who woke up from this astral projection report that The Man became visibly angry at their presence, grabbed them by their shoulders, and began shouting in an unknown language. Those who woke reported that they fought back against The Man and killed him before waking up and being rid of him. Due to the high number of individuals who never awakened, the College of Elbion recommends against this strategy.

There have been cases where wearing Thyme around one's neck seems to lessen the frequency of the visions and speed up the time The Man haunts a Dreamers psyche.

Name: Shamblers
Origin: Millenia ago a cannibalistic tribe hunted and consumed members of other tribes within the Ixchel Wilds. They believed this eating of human flesh was a sacrament to prevent Lessat and Pneria from falling out of the sky and destroying Arethil.

When ‘civilized’ folk arrived in the Ixchel Wilds they were horrified at the cannibalism and hunted the tribe to near extinction. With only nine members left the tribe joined hands at sunset and conducted a forbidden ritual handed down from their ancestors. By sunrise all nine had reanimated into the monstrosity we now call Shamblers.
Threat: Severe
Tactics: Broad three-fingered hands with an impossibly strong grip would attempt to grab a victim and pass them towards their main face. Their jaw would unhinge and they would then attempt to consume the traveler.
Subspecies: Human (?)
Size: Around 9 feet tall, very wide, about the width of two and a half humans.
Distinctive features: Covered in smaller sorrowful faces.
Locations: The Ixchel Wilds
Source: Alejandro D’Marco

Many a famed warrior sets out into the Ixchel Wilds to make a name for themself. Slaying beasts, surviving in the harsh environment, and returning with the bizarre carcasses of the creatures they slew. Any who saw a Shambler and thought, “I shall quell that beast too,” likely met with a gruesome end.

Shamblers are slow. Which is good because the only thing mortals can do is run from them. There is no known way to kill a Shambler. They typically like to stalk travelers who are camping or taking refuge in caves where the Shambler can corner them and grab hold. Due to their strength once they have a hold of their prey it usually ends in death, or if the victim is lucky compound fractures as they struggle to get free.

Shamblers pursue their prey for up to 10 miles and due to their slow pace many weary travelers who flee believe they are safe only to make camp and see the creature in the distance later.

They are covered in faces with each face capable of perfectly recalling the dying words and screams of an individual victim. Shamblers prefer to eat their prey alive, feet first, to ensure they can capture this vocalization. Once they have fully consumed someone a new face grows on their body, capable of recounting those final moments of their life.


Shamblers have long muscular arms with massive three-fingered hands. Their legs are short and stocky. Their torsos have rolls of fat that drag down towards the ground. They are covered in hundreds of faces with sunken, empty, eye sockets and sorrowful gaping mouths.

At the apex of their torso sits a main head with the same empty eye sockets, though they’re much larger. Their main face also has a gaping mouth but it appears to be laughing. They can unhinge this jaw to consume their prey and while they lack teeth the skin around this mouth is so calloused it grinds bones and flesh into paste.


Marshes, caves, woodlands.


Shamblers are extremely slow, so as long as a traveler can continue to run and avoids being cornered they’re of little threat.

Shamblers, when hunting prey, have their faces cry out in a chorus of victim’s dying words and screams. This is sometimes unnerving enough to cause some mortals to stop running and accept their fate.

Though highly resistant to damage it does appear possible to take them down. Unfortunately they have incredible regeneration and even when exposed to enough magical force they level a city they re-animate after a few moments.

Name: Slave Spawn
Origin: The residual essence of thousands of children; their dreams and wants and desires culminated into being, theorised by Sorcerers of the West to be the last remanence of a dying breed of magic, willed into being without intention.
Threat: Very Dangerous.
Tactics: They take many forms, all illusionary. The will typically drive the victim to utter madness, the pictures and falsities they paint within the mind of the unfortunate soul causes them to take their own life, or be killed by another through unconscious violent insanity.
Subspecies: N/A
Size: They can vary from very small, to tenfold the size of a man.
Distinctive features: Each spawn shares very little similarity with another. However, a common theme among them is to take the shape of children's toys or animals. This is widely believed to be a cause of a slave children's only possession, if any, more often-than-not being sown together animals and toys. These forms are often twisted however, corrupted to terrify and madden the victim, their own nightmares and desires taking shape in their forms.
Locations: They are exclusively found around the Black Bay of Ceral At'thul. There have been sightings, however, in the shanty town below the fortress of Cerak itself.
Source: Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira

Scholars and Sorcerers alike have long discussed the origin and implications of the existence of these 'Slave Spawn'. A more appropriate name to classify these anomalies has not been found, due to their wide variety and lack of personal accounts. The only solid account of these creatures came from a Storn Capree in Year 324 of the current age. He was found in a state of madness by his Master, claiming to have seen a plethora of ridiculous things. Only after extensive treatment by a dream-expert in the region, was he to return to lucidity. His account is as follows:

"To wish this experience upon your greatest and most tenacious foe would leave plenty of room for cruelty indeed. As the acting scribe for my Master, often did I travel with him to the Black Bay for the resale of his merchandise. I did only wander from him for a moment to view the rocks upon which Cerak was built, did I view a most endearing site; a small, brown bear, no larger than than a skipping stone, walking along the edge of a rock.

It was in this trickery, however, where I was to find a true vision of hell. Before my very eyes, the creature damned me, its size toppling the tallest spire on Cerak's fortress. It gazed at me, where soft fur was meant to be, a cracked visage replaced it, its white, cold eyes rolling in various directions, the cracks in its skin bleeding a milky, viscous fluid. I began myself in the opposite direction, when the very legs I stood with melted like candle-wax, my innards stretching outwards, my figure contorted and pained. The sound of sea and conversation was perverted with the cries of a young girl, the sound wretching in my ears.

I let out a scream, and all became darkness. It was then I woke up many weeks later, in the bed of a scholarly room, to find myself cured of my affliction. I wish to live the rest of my days in penance, and pray for the souls of those spawned by the slaves of the Cerak bay."

Aside from the ramblings of a dozen or so madmen before arriving to their demise, this is the only account we have of their existence.


As stated, more often than not they will come in the form of, at first, a small, delicate creature, manipulated into the form of a children's toy, in keen condition. This vision however, seems to soon take itself apart, and contort into whatever the victim finds most awful and maddening. As of yet, we are not sure whether the contortions are a result of the victim, or of some dark, twisted meddling by a second party, playing with the essence of the long dead. There is, as of yet, not enough evidence to prove either theory.


They are known to wander around Cerak Bay, but there have been claims of them appearing in the town itself. These claims, however, are unsubstantiated by the fact that these 'spared victims' suffered no ill consequence.


We believe their defining trait is that of a child's joy, taking the shape of whatever a young boy or girl may find most amusing or comforting. The only other similarity, is that of their twisted transformation, the claims of which have been recorded from many victims, who scream obscenities, often calling out for their mother or father, shortly before attacking someone or having their head crash down on a hard surface, taking their own life.

Name: Spoort
Origin: Theorized to be Falwood, but found throughout the world.
Threat: Utterly nonexistent
Tactics: Drifting gently.
Subspecies: Slight variations in size and color depending on geographic location.
  1. Common Spoort: Pictured above. Rusty brown feathers, ~3-4 inch height. Common throughout Arethil.
  2. Glorious Spoort: Feathers are a rich purple, ~3-4 inch height. Rare throughout Arethil.
  3. Falwood Spoort: Deep green feathers, tinted wings. Exclusive to Falwood.
  4. Ixchel Spoort: Iridescent blue, ~4-5 inch height. Exclusive to Ixchel Wilds
  5. Worzinheim's Spoort: Discovered in 328 by Maester Albenizir Worzinheim. Yellowish feathers, males have faint black spots. Very rare, found in higher elevations.
  6. Lesser Spoort: ~2-3 inch height. Exclusive to Falwood.
  7. Greater Spoort: ~3-4 inch height but heavier than Common Spoort, larger proboscis. Predominantly in Falwood.
  8. Oasis Spoort: ~2-3 inch height, very light, black feathers. Found, miraculously, within oasis of Amol Kalit. Exceedingly rare, discovered 359.
  9. Wingless Spoort: Once thought to be a separate species, but rejoined with Spoort taxon in 354. Resemble Common Spoort but do not possess wings. Exclusive to Falwood.
  10. Other subspecies are detailed in The Splentacular Spoort, by Zephirborn, Worzinheim, and Colleagues.
Size: Small, most subspecies are 3-4 inches in height.
Distinctive features: A soft, round, feathery body, beady black eyes, prominent proboscis, thin insectoid wings.
Locations: = Spoort are ubiquitous in forested regions, although most subspecies reside in Falwood.
Source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RnwKE

Spoort are tiny creatures found in almost every forest or woodland area in Arethil. Their diminutive size and lack of any telltale sounds can make them difficult to find, although most reports are from solitary travelers who move quietly and slowly through the woods. While they have wings, these appear to be purely ornamental, as Spoort float through the air seemingly without effort or, in many cases, direction.

Where there is one Spoort there are sure to be many not far off, as they appear to travel in groups that scholars refer to as "bubblings." They will often slowly congregate around peaceful travelers and follow them for some time. Some have postulated that Spoort are naturally curious, but others have rebuked the claim, citing that Spoort do not have the cognitive capacity for such thoughts.


Spoort are, more or less, small oblong balls of feathers with two pairs of translucent insectoid wings, and small black eyes with a fleshy proboscis protruding just below them. Feather color can very between subspecies, as can size to a lesser extent. They spend most of their lives floating effortlessly through the air without the use of their wings.


Spoort live in densely wooded areas throughout Arethil. They appear to be quite adaptable and have been documented in virtually every type of forest imaginable.


Spoort feed off of what Elbion Maesters refer to as "thought debris." The more active a mind, the more detritus and left over bits of unfinished ideas there are sloshing around. Spoort, using their proboscis, siphon these mental fragments. There do not appear to be any ill effects of this, and in fact some scholars have taken to keeping spoort as pets, saying that their thoughts are clearer, more focused, and that they suffer less mental fatigue when one is nearby.
Name: Glamourfiend
Origin: Thought to be the result of exceedingly powerful arcane rituals being conducted repeatedly in an area, or the products of some human experimentation long ago.
Threat: Severe
Tactics: The Glamourfiend will attempt to lure in their chosen target with mind-altering illusions, masking themselves with invisibility in the process. They will always try to separate the target from whatever group they're in, leading them to a secluded area—a lair for more established Glamourfiends—where they can be prepared for consumption.
Subspecies: N/A
Size: Typically 9'-11'
Distinctive features: Glamourfiends bear an almost ethereal, aquatic appearance to them. They possess lengthy, frilled tentacles that trail behind them as they float gracefully through the air. A singular circle is on their forehead, taking the place of any eyes a humanoid may normally have, often glowing a vibrant blue.
Locations: = Can be found anywhere, but the land around Elbion does appear to have an increased population.
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/jasonengle/art/Mother-Hydra-820994184

The Glamourfiend is perhaps among Arethil's most exotic and unusual denizens, as oddly beautiful as it is deadly. Those who wander alone at night, following winding paths and braving the harsh conditions of the wilderness, may find themselves comforted by what they see—strange things, impossible things, yet ones that you find comforting all the same. The comforting glow of a campfire through the tree trunks burning where you were sure none had burned before, the call of a housewife beckoning her family to supper before the cold sets, or the fellow traveller that's provided you some company as you travelled alone.

You near the campfire, awaiting the soft heat to hit your outstretched hands. You enter the house of the housewife, unaware—or perhaps uncaring—that its wood is long rotted. Your fellow traveller, who you cannot quite remember meeting, thanks you for the journey and pulls you into an embrace. The legends say death at the hands of a Glamourfiend is a strangely comforting thing, and perhaps they were true. You can hardly feel it, as the memories and thoughts slip from your minds, another meal and another husk lining the halls of her lair.

In recent years, it has become the topic of much research and debate among the maesters at the Elbion College for its innate affinity for, and proficiency in, illusionary magic. However, the creature's rarity and the threat it poses to the unprepared has made progress on understanding it further slow.


Glamourfiends are roughly humanoid in shape, bearing a vaguely similar body plan. The greatest deviations are the menagerie of tentacles that make up their lower half, as well as the ones that sprout from their neck and back, as though it were some organic collar. A singular glowing circle is impressed upon their forehead, and their skin is a strangely soft and flexible material.


Glamourfiends reside in the wilderness, often establishing their lairs and homes near common roads or trails so as to ensure a steady stream of sustenance. Their lairs often tend to be enclosed spaces, littered with the dried out husks of former meals—though, under the guise of her spell, it could instead take a much more pleasant and welcome visage.


Affinity for Illusions: Perhaps the most unique trait of the Glamourfiend is its innate proficiency for illusion magic, a trait it is never found without and is always used extensively in order to feed. The illusions it creates can be elaborate, and can be tailored and adapted depending on physical stimuli. They also always seem to provide, or seek to provide, a sense of calm within the target. When one thinks about the illusions for long, the strange nature of them could begin to reveal themselves, but whatever mind-altering effects of the magic exist often try to dismiss it in favor of pursuing the safety of ignorance. Rarely does the Glamourfiend attempt to instill fear or hostility through their illusions, opting for visages of safety and warmth.

Feasts on the Mind: Glamourfiends have a universal preference for the intelligent and sapient when it comes to their meals, having never been seen to consume non-sapient creatures. The few investigations done on a deceased Glamourfiend lair has revealed that the bodies of its prey bear very few actual wounds save for an opening in the head. They seem to feed more so off of the creativity and emotion of the creature rather than physical flesh, which may correlate to the tone of illusions created beforehand.

A Strange Intelligence: The illusions created by Glamourfiend imply a strange sort of intelligence, often employing scenarios and circumstances only recognizable to one of civilization rather than primitive instinct, and the near-universal tendency to conjure illusions based on emotions such as comfort rather than fear has been used as an argument for it being at least partially benevolent, with the Glamourfiend choosing to let it die in peace. Though no one has tried to communicate with a Glamourfiend directly, it has been presented as a possibility.
Top view of a Man-Trap Beetle: Inside a Lunar Man-Trap Beetle's dome:

killer beetles.jpgmoon.jpg
Goose Bump/Blood Kiss Beetle escaping a water drop:
water beetle.jpeg

Name: Man-Trap Beetles
Origin: The Lunar Man-Trap Beetle originated from the land between the Aberresai Savanna and Amol-Kalit where the flat terrain helped with its unique hunting style.
The Bear Trap Beetle adapted for the life in the forest originating on the fringes of Falwood.
The Goose Bump/Blood Kiss Beetle originated on the Cortosi Coast.
Threat: Middling
Tactics: Ambush predator
Subspecies: Lunar Man-Trap Beetle, Bear Trap Beetle, Goose Bump/Blood Kiss Beetle
Size: Lunar Man-Trap Beetle are about 50-60ft in diameter, Bear Trap Beetle are about 90-115cm in diamater, Goose Bump/Blood Kiss Beetle are no larger than a flea
Distinctive features: Unusually sized, flat beetles with one wing.
Locations: They have spread across the continent of Liadain, but have yet to spread very far into Epressa as of yet.

The Lunar Man-Trap Beetle searches for a place where the ground has been packed down from travel then lays dormant under the path. When more traveller(s) pass over the beetle it awakens and follows until the traveller(s) have set up camp. The beetle then waits for night fall. Slowly throughout the night the beetle will create a dome by moving its wing slowly over the camp, blocking out the night sky until the whole camp has been incased under the wing. On the wing is a glowing spot that resembles the moon Lessat in its greenish light. Once it has created its dome the moon spot will begin to act as a faucet as green highly acidic liquid will flow from it.
Woe to thee who too late realized the lie of the sky. -Albert the scarred.

The Bear Trap Beetle hides itself in forests, burying itself shallowly in the ground, or under light foliage. There it will remain dormant until either it is stepped upon, or its cover has been removed in which case its wing will snap closed slicing through anything in its way before burying itself to either eat, or relocate.
Fear the every pile of leaves lest you fear the snap of the trap -Albert onefoot

The Goose Bump/Blood Kiss Beetle is the smallest of the Man-Trap beetles also the only one that is semi-aquatic with it's main prey being fish, though all who live near the water are at risk. The Beetle uses its singular wing to trap air inside its dome. The beetle then borrows in through its victims skin/scales till it reaches a vein or artery where it will inject the air bubble. These air bubbles can then travel to their victims brain, heart, or lungs and cause a heart attack, stroke, or respiratory failure. The beetle will remain dormant under the skin simply waiting for their prey to expire, repeating the injection every 3 days as needed. Once its host has expired it will lay its eggs eat its fill, and search for a new host. The only sign of their presence being a goose bump, and some slight irritability.
I-I-I told you it w-wasn't just a flea... -Albert the cursed


Besides the species all having unusual sizes, they also all share that they have only one large flightless wing on their back. This wing is used to trap either their prey, and/or what they will use to kill their prey inside. The beetles also are noticeably flat when not using their wing.


The Lunar Man-Trap Beetle is found in large wide open spaces where travellers frequent.
The Bear Trap Beetle hides in forests with lots of animals running about.
The Goose Bump/Blood Kiss Beetle is found along the coast and in swamps.


All of the beetles are fairly flat, and can create a dome with their singular wing.
All of the beetles have dormant periods.
All of the beetles are skilled at burrowing.
All of the beetles are omnivorous, but only are triggered to eat by meat.
All of the beetles make a loud snapping noice when they have closed their dome, and a scratching sound when burrowing, make sure to always listen for these sounds especially at night. It might just save your life.
Name: Epigone
Origin: Bayou Garramarisma
Threat: While not particularly threatening to groups of travelers, epigones are extremely dangerous to those traveling alone who are unaware of their hunting tactics.
Tactics: Epigones are solitary ambush hunters. They lure prey via aural mimicry, and by using their natural, limited shapeshifting abilities to make the tips of their tongues resemble a recent meal.
Subspecies: It is believed that epigones are in and of themselves a subspecies of mimics. There are no known subspecies of epigones.
Size: Adults can grow between 20 and 30 ft in length, and can weigh well over ten tons.
Distinctive features: Epigone's most distinctive feature are their strange, highly specialized tongues. The tips consist of a highly malleable mass of flesh and muscle, which epigones are capable of shapeshifting into remarkably detailed replicas of past meals. It is thought that the remaining stretch of tongue, on top of being extremely muscular, is an incredibly sensitive sensory organ capable of examining and memorizing the features of their prey, right down to clothes.
Locations: = Epigones, while rarely encountered, have spread out from Garramarisma to virtually every swampy environment on Arethil.
Source: Art by Dakoda Cox (me), color by Freddie

Travelers often tell tales of hearing pleas of the lost while traversing the swamps of Arethil, and of seeing strange figures walking the shores in odd places. One must always ignore these voices and visions. While wisps and spirits have always been known to wander such places, they are far from the most devious of creatures living amongst the muck. Take the hand of the liar and find yourself pulled into the hungry maw of an epigone, only to join the chorus of voices crying out into the marsh.

Epigones, also referred to as marsh mimics, are massive, amphibious creatures that inhabit the swamps of Arethil. These behemoths are mostly lethargic and docile creatures, spending most of their time submerged as deep beneath the murk and mud as their environment and physiology will allow. While imposing in terms of size, epigones are physically very frail and slow and rely on ambush strategies to catch prey.

The beasts shapeshift their tongues into the forms of their victims and hang them on land like an angler's lure. When a hapless victim comes within reach, the epigone's tongue surges forward to entangle and enwrap, and the victim is devoured whole.


Highly specialized creatures, epigones have long bodies that have been compared to the likes of eels, serpents, and even tadpoles. Their limbs are stubby and clawed, their bodies too heavy for them to wholly lift or propel themselves through water; this means that their primary mode of locomotion is by sliding themselves slowly through the mud. The maw and gullet of an epigone is massive, capable of dragging in and devouring creatures as large as cows whole. Their teeth are mostly jagged, short, and sharp; they are known to grow back quickly if lost. Epigones have both nostrils and gills, the former located on the front of their snouts and the latter located a few feet back from their mouths. Their skin is smooth and slimy, resembling that of a newt or frog; coloration is primarily shades of green and brown to match their environment. The beasts have large, slightly luminescent, empty-looking eyes that range in color from blue, to white, to orange. And, of course, the epigone has a tongue that can grow up to half the creature's total body length.


Swamps and marshes. It is a topic of great debate among scholars and mages how the epigone managed to migrate from its native territory in Bayou Garramarisma, given the large stretch of sea between the archipelago and main land, but it has long since been recognized as foolish to assume that any given swamp on Arethil happens to lack their presence. That said, the creatures seem completely incapable of living outside of there preferred environment. A curiosity, to be sure.


Poor eyesight: Epigones' eyes, despite their size and slight luminance, are mostly vestigial. The beasts spend the majority of their time submerged and in the dark, rendering the need for vision relatively low. That was what scholars used to believe, anyhow; it has since come to light that epigones' poor vision only applies while on land and in direct sunlight. While traversing the murk, the beasts can see extremely clearly.
Limited shapeshifting: These strange beasts can, through a combination of some form of inherent magic and a tongue that far surpasses the term "prehensile," morph the tips of their tongues into the form of recently devoured victims. The level of detail an epigone can achieve through their shapeshifting has been described as "unsettling," "uncanny," and "disturbingly accurate." The flesh of the tongue can mimic the textures of clothes and hair, and can even replicate facial expressions.
Aural mimicry: To aid in their preferred method of hunting, epigones are capable of perfectly mimicking the voices of victims, passersby, and even other animals. While the beasts don't seem to be aware of the exact meaning of the phrases and sounds they repeat, they are intelligent enough to learn which sounds best attract prey. Scholars haven't yet determined how the creatures are capable of replicating sounds even while fully submerged, but the act has been observed all the same.
Powerful/Versatile tongue: The tongue of an epigone is pure muscle, and is extraordinarily effective at keeping prey caught once lured into the beast's trap. While the tip secretes a powerful adhesive, the remainder of the tongue can drag prey into the epigone's watery home or surround and constrict a particularly ornery victim.


First mentioned in the chronicles of Heritomus III during the conquest of King Salamari over western Vayla, the Nepheri were first considered the creation of the now ‘dead’ God of Death Nephi. The defender, Count Urdacal, knew victory was not to be his destiny against the much larger forces of Salamari - and with no means of facing his forces conventionally, he did something that would let his name live down in infamy for time immemoral. For every man, woman, and child Salamari would seek to rule over, Urdacal raised one on a steak; to suffer for weeks as the wooden spike drove through their still living, tortured body; and in doing so, he drove terror into the hearsts of Salamari’s army.

With their will bruised, night broken, Salamari sought to end the war quickly before the Count could do anymore harm to his yet-to-be controlled fief. Marching his army to ‘The Castle on the Reach’, a forboding fortress near a massive cliffs edge and the capital of western Vayla, Salamari sought to end the war in a single decisive move; by cutting the head off the less than honorable army he faced against. Yet, on his forced march there, he witnessed much the same - corpses of his own men intermixed with the thousands of civilians sacrificed by Urdacal’s own armies, and it only drove the armies moral down even further.

Even when they finally reached the imposing walls of the star fortress, on each wall were another twenty corpses - nailed to each by their heads. The amount of gore was so prevalent, even the air reeked of its copper rot; and even the notorious King himself began to grow nauseous at the sight of it. While his army prepared the siege camp and the machines that would break down the fortresses walls, the Count brought his most loyal mages together for a meeting.

Knowing their time was dwindling, as the historical account proposes, they came to a singular solution. Every person in the castle would be lined up and sacrificed in reverence of the God of Death Nephi - that he may yet save the Count from the encroaching violence of Salamari’s unstoppable conquest. He would not see his land fall to a foreigner so easily, and with his people backing him - they agreed to the ritual.

When the ladders began to be placed against the walls, and the first ballistas were fired, the ritual began. Hundreds were lined up and killed, more than a thousand bodies wer epiled up in the confines of the aging fortress, with little care to their placement. Mounds of bodies were all the attackers would bear witness to as they entered, and the broken screams of those deeper in the castle filled the air as more piled into the fortress.

It was only as the rams were breaking down the door to Urdacal’s inner sanctum that he realized what he must do. With tears in the Count’s eyes, he sacrifice those who meant most to him - his two wives, his four sons, and his three daughters. With their blood, the God of Death Nephi had seen it as enough, and the righteous empowerment she would bestow began to rain down.

Literally, as the account goes, black rain began to fall on the battlefield, staining the stark white clothe of the King’s tabard. For a few minutes, men glanced to the sky in confusion, but the distant bell tower of the fortress gave notice something had changed - and any could feel the foreboding dread in the air whether they had magical sensitivities or not. Fires broke out behind the walls, and the once courageous war cries of his men turned into little more than terrified calls for help - but none could be commanded to find out the reasons why.

Men cowered at the command to investigate, and as the crying finally silenced itself - they would have their answers. From every piece of forest that surrounded them, those that had rotted on pikes for weeks began to walk towards them, enticed onwards but hands unseen. With them, a thick fog that sent mages mad carried with it the smell of rotting blood. Corpses of every magnitude moved, while others congealed, and all found themselves moving towards the siege camp. Swords did little to stop them, and with an undead constitution, the creatures moved with a singular mind - killing all they could face.

Those that survived retreated with their King, and it would be another decade before anyone was able to enter the ruins of The Castle on the Reach - and for centuries more, walking corpses reeking of magic would make their ways through west Vayla looking for their next meal. Now, with the boon of Nephi bestowed on Arethil, they appear in many more places than the original genesis of the curse - raising on any battlefield that carries with it a high death toll, and the aching reek of magic overused.


With overwhelming force, the Nepheri are creatures of the horde mentality. Even so, while a ‘human wave’ is the most utilized term, they have been known to follow a seeming central ‘grave mind’, though only if the horde is big enough to have formed one. Should a grave mind occur in a Nepheri horde, then cities and towns in the local vicinity are in even greater danger; as there have been entire regions decimated by a single grave mind led horde before a band of heroes were able to destroy the central mind.

Gravemind -
While the general nature of the Nepheri are simply corpses who absorbed residual magic on the battle field, turned to consuming and transitioning the still living with their corrupt blood, there is a higher form of them that emerges only when the Nepheri reach a critical mass. This number can vary, as scholars have found it more reliant on the density of magic in a horde than the numbers itself - yet, when it occurs, a ‘Gravemind’ will appear, able to control the horde with a singular focus.

Sharing its consciousness over the thousand dead in its legion, they are well known for being highly tactical, intelligent, and more than anything - extremely dangerous. Additionally, they are well known for being able to terrifying and perturb magical users, or those with untapped magical sensitivities in the vicinity. Nightmares and insanity follow when a Gravemind approaches, and specialized monster hunters are sent out - those trained in the art of mental fortitude.

When a Gravemind has been identified in a breakout of the horde, evacuation is the most common procedure, while monster hunting guilds from far and wide are called to destroy the figure before it can cause more havoc. This has also made even singular witnesses of the Nepheri being a serious concern for anyone with knowledge on them - also leading to a booming business of corpse burners following large battles across the continents.

While regular Nepheri are no more than ‘zombies’ with a raised constitution and a magical essence that permeates them, the Gravemind are the culmination of many dozen dead into a singular being. Often over two meters tall, they are weighted with corpse like exoskeletons, and various muscles to back their tremendous size.

Distinctive features:
Nepheri have no distinctive features besides a knowing magical reek often said to be the smell of Nephi herself. The Gravemind, however, grow boiled and rotting crowns atop their heads. The true mark of any Gravemind is how elegant this can be - rearranging bone into various designs until it is both indistinguishable from their body as a whole, but also completely otherworldly in their oddly intricate gothic beauty. It is even said that the larger the crown, the more dangerous the Gravemind actually is. Additionally, they often form large wings, though only a few are ever known to fly - these leaving behind contagious spores in their wake, not dissimilar from a large moth.

While west Vayla has seen the most sightnings, they can be found on any battlefield that excessive magic has taken place - assuming the battle was especially violent, and especially full of magic overuse. This has led many to ban the use of mages entirely from battlefields in peace deals during wars, for the safety of both sides, and has led to further stigma against powerful magic-users as a whole.

Aleksandr Eykert

The Nepheri are a curse bestowed on any battlefield overrun with the dead and magically consumed. They are the God of Death Nephi’s punishment against mankind for their hubris to use the power of the gods to kill one another - and in doing so, they bring down her avatars to destroy everything they hold dead. Hordes of the monsters devestate the country side, and with nothing short of a specialized team being able to surgical destroy the center keypin of the horde - there is very little large armies and nations can do against the raging terror that is Nephi’s Undead Legions.


Rot, pestilence, and the wounds of war mark the legions of Nephi like no other undead legion may. The wet dream of Necromancers across Arethil, while some look upon the zombie hordes with desire and greed, many more look upon them with nothing but fear and malice. With muscles atrophied, eyes missing, and untold missing limbs or digits - they are almost unmistakable from traditional undead besides one glaring details; with their hordes comes the notorious smell of the Nepheri.

Often said to be a mix between the salty smell of sweat and rotting blood congealed, the Nepheri have a pungent odor that carries with them in a fog like cloud. It helps to hide their movements, but more than that it also is an identifier for the exact type of undead that they are - a curse of the dead god put upon the world for their sins. The only thing worse, is the massive, terrifying form of the Gravemind; patriarchs of the most dangerous Nepheri Legions.

With exteriors covered in puss, exosekeleton like bones, and a crown of gore - the Gravemind are the two meter tall Queens of the Undead Legions. Avatars of Nephi herself, the Gravemind are often considered to be her reincarnations, and they are dangerous in more than just their imposing size and strength. Able to reach through the magical currents and mar magical sensitives with visions of horror and bloodshed, Graveminds are the bane of more than just local towns and cities, but any magical user who strays too close.


Where all battlefields end, and a field of corpses remains - the Nepheri are soon to follow. So long as magic caused mass death, they are quick to raise themselves from the earth and seek the end of all nearby living things; but with a special focus on those with magical capacity.


While Heritomus III didn’t understand exactly what the Nepheri were, nor what they were capable of at the time of his first writing of them - it has been very well documented in the millenia since their arrival as to what they are, and how they operate. Small hordes appear anytime magic was used in battle and found mass death - such as the use of plague magic during the Vel Anir civil war many decades ago. More grevious uses of magic, such as city clearing spells or firestorms that saw thousand dead in moments see greater hordes form.

The Nepheri themselves are distinct from regular undead because they steal body parts from other corpses to create odd amalgmations of undead soldiers. This in turn also sees them not stop combat until the magic is drained from them, either though repeatedably cutting them down, utilizing enchanted silver, or the absolute destruction of their entire body through something akin to flames. However, this has a second, less understand danger that few have actually witnessed themselves.

Should a horde grow both in number, magical potency, and be left unchecked for a set amount of time dependent on the previous two factors, a Gravemind will form from the many corpses. Thought to be the avatar of death themselves, they are gigantic undead who control the horde through a hive mind like nature, a queen bee of sorts that dictates the entire horde through their magical nature. Graveminds are the most dangerous aspect of unchecked Nepheri legions, and are often considered a priority danger for any nearby nations, guilds, or heros.

Graveminds, and to a lesser degree Nepheri Hordes without one, carry with them a magical fog that helps cloud their movements - even if it gives away the general location of the horde. This makes their attacks disturbingly quick, as the fog moves at an unprecedented rate through villages. While the fog itself isn’t dangerous, it has often thought to be for the horde it brings - and any fog that reeks of rotting blood is a dead giveaway what comes next.

Lastly, Graveminds carry with them an extreme amount of magical prowess - able to send living terrors and hallucinations to any magical user within kilometers of the avatar itself. Images can vary from basic gore, to the far more advanced schizo type illusions and paranoia that see magic users and magic sensitive individuals turn on everyone around them; though this is rarely seen, and thought to be exclusively utilized by the most powerful of Graveminds that form. That is not to say they are not dangerous however, as the more powerful a magic user, the greater the visions and feelings they have - no matter the strength of the Gravemind itself.
Name: Briar Crowns, Lake Beauty, Kingsmaker Crowns
Origin: Bayou Garramarisma
Threat: Low
Tactics: Ambush Plant
Subspecies: None
Size: Between one sprout and a Large Shrub
Distinctive features: Briar Crown's form large cluster vines with a crown formed at the centre, which is actually a modified flower.
Locations: Grows naturally in areas with high water content.
Source: hollyblack

Briar Crowns are a naturally found species in the Bayou Garramarisma, though now found worldwide this plant is a rare curiosity. The Plant, or more specifically the modified flower crown at the centre is a parasitic organism. Known for granting small amounts of power in the manipulation of nature, Briar Crowns are a developing and noxious weed that has began to cause havoc in smaller swampy communities. The plant itself, while safe to consume (It's flowers making a fragrant tea) has been found to cause small scale uprisings and manipulate the host into believing themselves a guardian of nature. It is unfortunate, that for all the good they will do to the nature around them, the Briar Crowns are unsustainable and will slowly kill their host before using their corpse as a place to form a new plant.


Briar Crowns are a climbing evergreen shrub. Though assumed by misinformation that an easy way to identify them is their thorns they do not actually have any, instead having small leaves that act as proto-spines though have been found to small to actually pierce human callous. They have large rosette blooms that are a bright pink on the inside and fading into the centre. The most prominent part of the Briar Crown is their once a lifetime centrepiece flower that is shaped like a crown. It is found it often shapes itself around the skull of however dares to wear it and is a brilliant mixture of orange, brown and gold.


Grown naturally in waterlogged environments Briar Crowns require high amounts of sunlight to form the Crown itself and take several years to mature to the point it can grow one at which point it's life is done.


Plant Physiology: Briar Crowns, aside from their centrepiece crown are regular plants. They need light, soil and water to survive.

Nature Empowerment: Briar Crowns, when adorned grant the user several abilities. The first is that it grants the wearer to be able to manipulate nature to a small degree only gaining in power the longer they wear it. They are also able to infuse life into plants and make them grow larger. Finally they are able to a minor extent change the physiology of plants, growing thorns from succulents, colouration of plants and thickness of their vines.

Parasitic Host: The Briar Crowns are dangerous to both the inexperienced, and the knowledgeable. Removing a Briar Crown is most often Fatal, but worseso leaving it on is a damnable fate. Briar Crowns turn kings into paupers and paupers into corpses within a few months of adorning. It slowly sucks away the nutrients from the body, skin becoming withered and husky corpses and even absorbing rudimentary organs as it's roots start to settle into the corpse host.
Name: Alchemist Fiend
Origin: Expired potion bottles
Threat: Low
Tactics: Ambush predator
Subspecies: Variants based on potions.
Size: Size of their respective potion vial
Distinctive features: Alchemist Fiend seems to be a regular potion. There are a few ways to figure out if an expired vial contains an Alchemist Fiend but the most practical has been to add a drop of saliva which activates the fiend
Locations: Worldwide
Source: Anastasiia Mazyrevskaia

Alchemist Fiend is a as of today an almost unknown threat. With the discovery of preservatives and Adventurer's drinking potions like a dehydrated Zebra would consume a lake the prevalence of Alchemist Fiend is almost completely unknown. However when discovered, they are still mostly lacklustre in threat. Being a digestive creature it's enzymes can melt away flesh but is of weak potency. The only time an Alchemist Fiend is to be worried is if their potion was something particularly nasty, or if you swallowed it whole. In which case the first who knows, but the last is a fantastic case of diarrhea.


Alchemist Fiend, until awoken from it's sleep is indistinguishable until it makes contact with Saliva. At which point a small eye will form and it's form will start thrashing with it's digestive enzyme tentacles from the safety of inside it's vial.


Worldwide, specifically these days in old dungeons when preservative methods were still rare if not completely unknown.


Fluid: Alchemist Fiend is a fluid based creature but struggles to maintain its shape outside of it's vial.

Digestive Enzyme: Alchemist Fiend is made up of a weak digestive Enzyme which has been found to be effective against insects but little more, for larger species proving to be a numbing agent at best.

Potion Variant: Alchemist Fiend changes its biology and traits depending on what it was based off. Fire Resistance ones are known to be extremely cold to the touch and Ice Resistance are the reverse being extremely hot.
Name: Marionettea
Origin: First discovered in Oban
Threat: Moderate
Tactics: Cunning Manipulators, known for using it's strings to manipulate people as well as illusionary magic.
Subspecies: None known
Size: Humanoid, rarely found above six and a half foot tall
Distinctive features: {Made of sprockets and wood, Marionettea are known for colourful face paint and the large number of loose strings protruding from its body
Locations: Traditionally found in cities, they are known for being highly prized as gang leaders due to their ability to control people with both illusion and strings, as well as prized by gang leaders that can manage to get ahold of their Master String
Source: Pinterest

Marionettea are a 'race' descended from the hands of the mad craftswoman Belaphin d'Bauldmont or "Clockwork Handmaid" on the infamous fortress of Cerak At'Thul.

Created to serve as her own personal puppet army of informants and turn her into an underground kingpin Belaphin d'Bauldmont was on the high rise to becoming an awful and powerful force in the world. With her Marionettea for the better part of several years going unnoticed and crime on the rise it all come crumbling when the first group of lofty adventurers discovered her works in Oban. From there, her kingdom slowly started to crumple in the space of a few years but the damage was done and her blueprints to create more was found in circulation in the blackmarket, allowing any truly intrepid entrepreneur to restart the clockwork machines empire.


Marionetta, a race of clockwork, gears and string made to resemble sweet caricatures of emotionless jesters. Standing no different from a man these automatons are known to blend into human society for years at a time in draped and hefty clothing. Autonomous on their own if holding their master string, Marionettea live to control the seedy underbellies of the world at large.


City scapes, they are only ever found in the wilds if they are travelling for a new location, or someone with their master string has sent them there.


Manipulator: Being often found in the undergrounds and leaders of sizable groups of gangs, Marionetta are made to act independently and in their own best interests even without their own master string in hand.

String Master: Marionetta face one challenge in taking over these petty gangs. Their actual bosses. Rarely do gangs follow a Marionetta knowing they are following one, so they use a combination of Illusion magic and their own strings to manipulate the gang leader.

Illusion Veteran: Imbibed with a sliver of magical potential, all Marionettea are capable of this branch of magic, manipulating the world around them with both string and magic to achieve their goals.

Flammable: Marionetta are seldom made from anything other than wood and have been known to make great tinder and fuel. Which often befalls them if they have treaded on the wrong toes.

Name: Guiltvessel, oft referred to as a Maladin
Origin: It is thought that a Guiltvessel is formed when a knight once sworn to honor and grace commits too many atrocities for his soul to bear, twisting him into a distorted mockery of what he once was.
Threat: Extreme.
Tactics: Attacks in a frenzied rampage, lashing out with its weapons and body, as well as spewing the excess curse built up inside of it to incapacitate and even kill.
Subspecies: None, but each Maladin is different in appearance from its kin, based on the armor and weapons it wielded in life.
Size: While they stand tall, usually between 7 and 12 feet in height, the Guiltvessel is surpisingly light at only 80 to a maximum of 200 lbs. They are little more than hollow suits of corrupted steel, after all.
Distinctive features: The only constant among Maladins is their hulking suit of armor, often appearing as though it were mutated or melted, and the toxic, shadowy miasma that constantly leaks from the gaps in the animated armor.
Locations: = Wherever knights may be found.
Tales of knights are often ones of heroism, gallantry, and honorable deeds done for the sake of those unable to do so for themselves. The average knight is as much a symbol, an icon of an ideal, as he or she might be an armored soldier. Many knights live their days to see retirement, having won many battles and accrued honor, glory, and status throughout their illustrious careers. Others enter legend by dying with honor upon the field of battle, perhaps while fighting to protect the people they love and were sworn to protect.

Others still find that the life of a knight is not so easy to maintain. Holding oneself to the standards and expectations pressed upon one by society is difficult, even burdensome. Would it truly be so harmful to be selfish once in awhile? To ignore the pleas for aid offered by the weak and helpless to keep oneself safe and alive? Or perhaps to abuse one's power and status to acquire the wealth they are so duly owed?

Each of these sins weighs heavily upon the soul of a knight. In time, a knight might find their heart, once noble and pure, becoming tainted by filth and disgrace. The signs are subtle and easy to ignore, at first. Anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, and an ever increasing sense of guilt that bears down upon the knight's mind and body. Eventually, black bile starts to build in the stomach and lungs, and the veins run cold and dark, visible through the ever paling skin. These knights might find themselves spending more and more time in their armor, eager to hide the visible manifestations of their onset curse.

Then, one day, these knights will no longer be able to remove their armor. The curse spreads into the joints of the steel, fusing flesh and metal, driving the knight further and further into madness. When at last the weight of the knight's guilt becomes too much for their soul to bear, their self wrought curse wholly takes over. The physically body wastes away to nothing, becoming little more than a hole in space at the armor's heart, a smokestack for their excess sin and guilt to pour forth from. The knight's armor and weapon metamorphose and expand, becoming twisted, hulking mockeries of what once was. Finally, the knight's mind slips away into pure madness, replaced by only instinct.

What remains is a Guiltvessel, or Maladin. A suit of corrupted armor animated by pure malice and curse. These wretched beings wander the land aimlessly as though lost in a nightmare, becoming unliving icons of everything they once stood against. Woe to those who stumble across the path of a Guiltvessel, as they shall know what unrestricted brutality, cruelty, and hatred truly is.


While details vary by individual, each Maladin appears as a suit of hulking armor, the steel corrupted and twisted by the curse that teems within. Pure malice leaks from within the armor, seeping out like inky, black gas from between the cracks and joints in the plates. The more angered and damaged a Maladin becomes, the more of this toxic substance spews forth. In periods of extreme stress, the malice will cover the armor like skin, enveloping the Maladin in a shadowy cloak.
Each Guiltvessel looks somewhat unique. Their appearance is always a warped likeness of what the knight's armor and weapon once looked like. Sometimes false replicas of the knight's weapon appear to be embedded on the monster's back like wicked spines. Some incorporate the knight's skeleton into the armor, perhaps by replacing the armor's helmet with the knight's skull.


While instinct does seem to drive Maladins away from civilization, perhaps to hide their shame, these foul creations can be found wherever knights may travel. They wander aimlessly, having no true home, sometimes falling dormant beside large rocks or trees.


Unnaturally Durable:
Despite the often extreme state of disrepair their armor lies in, Guiltvessels are incredibly tough. They feel no pain (though they react as though upset when their armor is marred), and the malice within them both reinforces and repairs their armored shells when damaged. They are highly resistant to both physical and magical attacks; indeed, destroying the monster's heart-like core contained within its chest is usually the only way of completely and permanently putting one down.
Martial Devastation:
While mostly mindless, many Maladins still remember their martial training. They naturally combine their combat skill with overwhelming strength and brutality when they encounter living things, often rampaging until their immediate surroundings are completely in ruins. The dark energy that courses within them seems to make them impossibly mighty given how relatively light and otherwise lacking in physical muscle they are.
Miasma of Malice:
So great is the burden of a Guiltvessel's sin that it takes physical form and pours out in excess from the behemoth's body. While this black smog is situationally useful for obscuring the monster's movements, what makes it far more dangerous is the gas's toxic nature. Breathing in just a small amount can induce asthmatic coughing, nausea, and extreme headache. Breathing in more can trigger hallucinations, vomiting, and onset loss of motor control. Continued exposure almost invariably results in death. In times of extreme stress, the Guiltvessel can wreath itself in a cloak made from its own miasma, increasing its speed and strength dramatically but causing it to fall into a dormant state once its rampage is finished.
Name: Trike
Origin: Necromancy
Threat: Very High
Tactics: Stalking
Subspecies: None
Size: 15-30ft long
Distinctive features: many arms
Locations: The Spine
Source: My Sister

A centipede of human torsos necromanced into moving. Stalks its prey then ambushes.


A grotesque image of multiple human torsos secured to each other either by stitching or magic sealing to make the skin seamless, the torsos are linked by a very long spine, with the hip bones missing and instead replaced by the neck vertebrae of the torso beneath. These make a centipede of human torsos. Skin color can vary.




Must be necromanced.
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