"A Halfling traveling the world enduring intense heat especially during the Spring when the temperature can reach into the hundreds."
"You'll be surprised," Seredic responded his tone a bit icy. "That Halflings find it hard to wean themselves off life."
"Yes Halflings are remarkable creatures," Shilard said. "No matter what the situation, you can always count on a Halfling to survive and adapt. They possess the spirit of humanity."
"Mainly because we are the original humans," Seredic snapped. "Or so it says that humans evolved from Halflings."
Shilard De Espstein and Seredic
Halflings are a race who typically reside in grassy plains. They are often noted for their small stature, love of farming, feasting and overall peacefulness as well staying out of conflicts as best they can. Halflings are said to be the original humans with scholars saying that Humans evolved from Halflings. Though Halflings are most commonly seen in the Allrian Reach, there are other, smaller Halfling tribes scattered around Arethril.
Physical Description and Culture
The average height of Halflings is typically around 3-4 feet though there are Halflings in history who have reached as tall as 5 feet. In addition, Halflings have stubby legs, leathery and furry feet, and most have pointed ears. Despite being the predecessor of Humans, Halflings have a longer life span than humans with the average reaching up to 150 years . However, other Halfling tribes are known to have a longer lifespan than the Fairbairn Halflings. A typical Halfling is considered to be an adult at age 30. Throughout history, Halflings are noted to have a gentle nature with some becoming negotiators for major cities, bards or clergies. Though they prefer peace, Halflings are exceptional marksmen when provoked preferring the Sling. Their skill with a projectile can rival Elves if a Halfling continues to train at archery. Halflings are surprisingly athletic despite their rotund shape capable of doing multiple summersaults and are good at improvising using whatever they can find as a projectile to launch at their opponent.
Halflings have a love of farming, drinking, festivals and smoking pipeweed. They also have a great love for food, equipped with a colossus appetite Halflings would typically eat 6-8 meals a day favoring simple foods like Mushrooms and Chicken. A defining characteristic of Halflings is that they never give up showing a considerable amount courage and skill in the face of danger. They also show an uncanny ability to adopt to any environment they settle in while also quickly adapting the culture and language of the natives in that land. Halflings enjoy comfort and are typically seen as unadventurous they love storytelling, gossiping and drinking Ale in Taverns. They are attracted to bright and colorful things such as Fireworks and often dress in simple yet bright colors.
Halflings can are joyful and friendly to the point where they are deceptively harmless to enemies. Due to the Halfling's easygoing nature, they're often not considered much of a threat. Those attributes make Halflings excellent spies, thieves, drug lords or even cutthroat business men.
Known Halfling Tribes
Once one tribe, Halflings began taking different routes around the Arethril breaking away from one another. This even was called the Great Separation. The following are the known tribes around Arethril. The Halflings more or less take on the traits of the average Halflings as described above.
Fairbarin Halflings
The most common Halfling in Arethril, they reside near Alliria specifically near it's borders in the Allrian Reach. Though they are loyal allies to Alliria, Fairbairn is considered to be an independent town. Their borders are patrolled by the Allrian Rangers who keep an eye for any signs of Goblin attacks or other deadly creatures who sought to harm Halflings. The Rangers bond with the Halflings formed during the Goblin-Halfling war waged early in the Age of Chronicles where they banded together to defeat the Goblin King. The Fairbairn Halflings are the most typical of Halfings: Loves feasts, festivities and overall enjoys the simple life. Compared to other Halfling tribes, Fairbairn Halflings tend to look more rotund and unadventurous.
Shadowhide Halflings
Considered to be "Dark" Halflings, the Shadowhide are a tribe of Halflings who have taken to worship the Shadow God: Drakorth. Said to be taller than regular Halflings with the average height being a little over five feet tall, Shadowhide Halflings are more aggressive and ruthless than other Halfling tribes often raiding travelers on the road with an astonishing combination of speed and precision from a volley arrows and a lighting attacks. Sometimes the Shadowhides, take prisoners mostly women to their underground lair where their fate is unknown. Physically, the Shadowhide are pale with a gaunt look along with yellow and red eyes. They live underneath the Mountains of the Spine and is said that they augment themselves with Rune Magic that is corrupted by the Drakorth's blessing. Due to their reclusive nature, it's hard to access what the Shadowhide's culture and as soon as a Shadowhide is killed, they dissipate into a smoky shadow.
Bearhopper Halflings
Bearhopper Halflings get their name from when Seamus Diddlesworth the first Halfling Tribesman drunkenly hopped on a Polar Bear and immediately jumped on to his mate when the Polar Bear tried to shake him off. Bearhoppers Halflings reside in the Tundra and are more nomadic than other Halflings staying close to the shore lines when they travel. They have a hardier and a more pragmatic personalities but they enjoy feasts and are grateful for their lot and life. Bearhopper Halflings enjoy fishing, hunting animals like Horkers and Sabercats and throwing feasts. They also do what they like to call: "Ice walking" where they hop on broken Ice to find places to fish or to scout for any land ahead.
For generations the Bearhopper Halflings had a tense relationship with the Nordenfiirs who would imprison and enslave them whenever the Halflings get too close to their territory. Small skirmishes have been waged between the two and it would continue until the reign of King Borvenir. The King repaired the once thought irreparable relationship between the two sides and the Halflings became one of Borvenir's biggest supporters. The Halflings began trading leather, food and other items and for 80 years, peace was achived. When King Borvenir was assassinated by lordahn, the Bearhopper Halflings immediately started a Guerilla Warfare incensed that their King was killed in cold blood. It went on for ages with the Bearhoppers often disrupting trade routes and military patrols until Maude took over as Queen. The Bearhoppers ceased their attacks and came by her side however they are suspicious of the Maude and what laws she'll create.
For generations the Bearhopper Halflings had a tense relationship with the Nordenfiirs who would imprison and enslave them whenever the Halflings get too close to their territory. Small skirmishes have been waged between the two and it would continue until the reign of King Borvenir. The King repaired the once thought irreparable relationship between the two sides and the Halflings became one of Borvenir's biggest supporters. The Halflings began trading leather, food and other items and for 80 years, peace was achived. When King Borvenir was assassinated by lordahn, the Bearhopper Halflings immediately started a Guerilla Warfare incensed that their King was killed in cold blood. It went on for ages with the Bearhoppers often disrupting trade routes and military patrols until Maude took over as Queen. The Bearhoppers ceased their attacks and came by her side however they are suspicious of the Maude and what laws she'll create.
It is not known where Halflings truly came from though scholars theorized that they came from the unexplored lands from the west. Primary sources from the Age of Urogosh show Orc documents describing little men exiting from brown boats on the shores near the Brightlands. The Halflings began to travel the world as nomads for about 2000 years making peace and trading with others.
Relationship with other cities
Magical Affinity
Magical affinity is extremely rare amongst Halflings with estimates being that 1 in 30 Halflings are born with the gift of magic. However Halflings who are born with magic tend to become phenomenally powerful mages. It is unknown what links Halflings with such potent magical talent but throughout history there were stories of Halflings cratering Kingdoms with immense magical power summoned by their fingertips or summoning powerful monsters with ease. A feat that would normally kill even an experienced mage because of the magical energy expended to summon the creature. Due to their potential to be great mages, it is common to see Halflings be among the first to accepted in magical schools such as the College of Elbion or become leaders of major magical cults.
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