The Empire of Amol-Kalit is a collection of city-states and petty kingdoms unified under the rule of the divine emperor Hasuras na-Gerra, also known as Gerra of Molthal. The empire is young, birthed in the conquests of Kaliti city-states by Gerra's Abtati horde. The emperor placed sheikhs and other captains among the sand elves who had served him well as emirs of newly conquered towns and cities. He also created the Imperial Divan, a ruling council, with viziers and nobility appointed to represent the interests of various factions within the empire.
- Name: The Empire of Amol-Kalit
- Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
- Imperial Cities: Annuakat, Ragash, Rhaqoum, Thakath, Mamsis, Lazular, Tyria, and Salitra
- Alignment: Neutral
- Prefix: Find all threads
The Imperial Divan is composed of viziers, who are heads of various branches of the empire, and nobles, who represent the interests of landed aristocracy in the region, which includes many sultans, princes, and sheikhs. Representatives of the various religious orders in Amol-Kalit are also permitted to sit upon the Imperial Divan.
The current viziers are: Noelani - Vizier of the Moon, Ashuanar - Vizier of the Red Sun, Medja - Vizier of the Stars, Aivrid - Vizier of Earth.
Uvogin Hill is the Captain of the Immortals, the elite unit tasked with protecting the Emperor, and has a seat upon the Divan.
The nobility of Annuakat is represented by Prince Mago Matahari. The nobility of Ragash is represented by Medja. The nobility of Tyria is represented by Queen Xaviera. The Mountain Kingdoms are represented by the dragon Aivrid. The nobility of Lazular is represented by Lady Mirielle Merlon.
Archlector Snaaib represents the Lector-Priests of the Annunaki.
The Imperial Divan is responsible for passing the laws and decrees that allow the Empire to function. Votes from the Imperial Divan also resolve disputes among the city-states, though this decision can be appealed to the Emperor. The Imperial Divan convenes once a month and must have a quorum present to enact Imperial decrees.
Within the Divan, each of the Viziers is responsible for their own branch of government. The Vizier of War has dominion over the army and his orders cannot be countermanded by the Vizier of Ships, but the Vizier of the Purse may refuse to issue funds to the Vizier of War to keep the army going and the Vizier of Ships may refuse to allow the Vizier of War's soldiers to embark on his ships. Thus, there is an ecosystem within the Divan that can become every bit as unforgiving as the desert wastes to the north.
Generally, the emirs and rulers of the city-states are allowed to dictate how their cities are run, free of interference from the Divan, unless an issue arises that violates imperial law.
Similarly, the priests of the various religions that dominate the region, from the Lector-Priests of the Annunaki to the Prophets of Abtatu, are allowed to operate free of interference, unless the practice of their religion violates the law of the empire, such as murder.
The current viziers are: Noelani - Vizier of the Moon, Ashuanar - Vizier of the Red Sun, Medja - Vizier of the Stars, Aivrid - Vizier of Earth.
Uvogin Hill is the Captain of the Immortals, the elite unit tasked with protecting the Emperor, and has a seat upon the Divan.
The nobility of Annuakat is represented by Prince Mago Matahari. The nobility of Ragash is represented by Medja. The nobility of Tyria is represented by Queen Xaviera. The Mountain Kingdoms are represented by the dragon Aivrid. The nobility of Lazular is represented by Lady Mirielle Merlon.
Archlector Snaaib represents the Lector-Priests of the Annunaki.
The Imperial Divan is responsible for passing the laws and decrees that allow the Empire to function. Votes from the Imperial Divan also resolve disputes among the city-states, though this decision can be appealed to the Emperor. The Imperial Divan convenes once a month and must have a quorum present to enact Imperial decrees.
Within the Divan, each of the Viziers is responsible for their own branch of government. The Vizier of War has dominion over the army and his orders cannot be countermanded by the Vizier of Ships, but the Vizier of the Purse may refuse to issue funds to the Vizier of War to keep the army going and the Vizier of Ships may refuse to allow the Vizier of War's soldiers to embark on his ships. Thus, there is an ecosystem within the Divan that can become every bit as unforgiving as the desert wastes to the north.
Generally, the emirs and rulers of the city-states are allowed to dictate how their cities are run, free of interference from the Divan, unless an issue arises that violates imperial law.
Similarly, the priests of the various religions that dominate the region, from the Lector-Priests of the Annunaki to the Prophets of Abtatu, are allowed to operate free of interference, unless the practice of their religion violates the law of the empire, such as murder.
The Code of Fire
Upon his ascension, the emperor made a number of decrees that became law throughout the cities he ruled. These became known as the Code of Fire. They provide a uniform system of laws and punishments to allow for equitable treatment across the empire. Murder, for instance, is punishable by death. Theft, however, is only punishable by the loss of the offending hand.
The Code of Fire also sets out protections for slaves, placing restrictions on punishment and term limits to how long those captured in war or bought on the market can be slaves.
The Code of Fire also sets out protections for slaves, placing restrictions on punishment and term limits to how long those captured in war or bought on the market can be slaves.
The Empire of Amol-Kalit formed when Gerra led several tribes of Sand Elves from their hidden city of Rhaqoum to conquer the human cities of Amol-Kalit along the Baal-Duru and Baal-Asha rivers. The first city conquered was Annuakat. After the calamitous Battle of Ninagal, Ragash, Mamsis, and Thakath fell. Diplomacy brought in the cities of Tyria and Lazular, but Salitra was conquered by subterfuge. Ngonya Beastmen tribes from the Aberresai Savannah have also joined the Empire.
There are, however, those who refuse the expansion of the Empire, despite its promise of peace and prosperity under one banner.
The Blue Orc city of Kherkhana stills holds fast, nominally cooperating with the Empire. The city of Tel-Madu led by Lugal Aqra, the Scorpion, refuses to capitulate. Several Abtati tribes have also refused to join the Empire, clinging to their nomadic ways in the desert. Similarly, to the northeast, the cities of the Shtakmat State have not bent the knee.
There are, however, those who refuse the expansion of the Empire, despite its promise of peace and prosperity under one banner.
The Blue Orc city of Kherkhana stills holds fast, nominally cooperating with the Empire. The city of Tel-Madu led by Lugal Aqra, the Scorpion, refuses to capitulate. Several Abtati tribes have also refused to join the Empire, clinging to their nomadic ways in the desert. Similarly, to the northeast, the cities of the Shtakmat State have not bent the knee.