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The Underrealm was a place of wonders that few could imagine outside of it's true, native, denizens.
One such wonder was the Cathedral that could be found within the capital city of the Drow. It's stonework was masterful, it's stained glass tasteful and it's size imposing on a very real level. Designed as much to showcase the Drow's adoration for their Goddess as it was to prove the might of the Queen who had ordered it's construction all of those years ago.
It's doors were open wide to allow those who could not fit within the temple to see inside. So that they could gaze upon the moment that the Dominion of the Drow formed their alliance with the Kingdom of the Goblins, see history being made right before their eyes. The great and the good of both Kingdom and Dominion were seated with pride inside, given the respect that they deserved.
Some chairs were, naturally, enlarged and reinforced for the well-wishers of differing sizes.
At the alter the High Priestess droned on to the conclusion of the vows between Griag the Goblin King and Harinara, of House Auceus. Xunari, standing as Best Woman for her family member, stood beside the soon-to-be-married couple and tried not to look like she was counting the seconds until the cathedral would be cleared of chairs and the feast brought out.
Harinara stood with both of her hands held in one of Griag's as the Priestess came to her final vow for them both.
"... and do you, Harinara Auceus, pledge to see this union of self, soul and song through to the end of your days?"
Xunari pointedly did NOT glare at Harinara to accept quickly. Instead she looked pointedly at the tattoo that she had painstakingly placed upon Harinara's left hand and forearm. It was, perhaps surprisingly, just a tattoo but Harinara didn't have to know it wasn't a death rune array keyed to explode if she ever broke her marriage vows.
As if runes could look so much like flowers - honestly.
"I accept this pledge as my own."
Well that was Harinara's part done.
"And do you, King Griag of the Goblins, pledge the same?"
All that stood between Xunari and the promised land was Griag's acceptance. He accepted and she, and everyone else, could go to the fabled and most hallowed of wedding traditions; the free bar.
Griag The Goblin King Vyx'aria Davios Agarwen Pieron Calabra Trovik Half-horn Zaahira Painus Apostle of Ruin Erza Kord Lythrani Undraeth Zathria At'Arel Velathina T'sarran Karanon Ulventhral Ta'Kar The Nameless One Nesipheia Zahel Bashere Salazar Abydros Quiggy