Open Chronicles We Are Gathered Here Today...

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Griag continued to dance provocatively on the dance floor continuing to make the Drow feel uncomfortable of course the Goblins were delighted to see their King dance around graciously like a fat man trying to learn the waltz. A slave scrambled past the stunned Drow and nearly slipped over the brain filled chunks that came from the Goblin that was repeatedly stomped on by the Steppe Horses early in the party. A bottle of Vodka was in the boys hands, fresh from the cellar.

Swatigas and his wife finished their song and was greeted by cheers mostly by the Goblins while a few of the males whistled at the female Goblin wearing a blond wig. "IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!" Griag snatched the Vodka out of the boy's hands and drank the entire bottle in one gulp before eating the bottle as well.

"That's good stuff!" Griag laughed slapping the slave in the back so hard that he heard a loud crack like a firecracker going off. "AGHHHHH!!!!!!! MY SPINNNNNEEEEEEE!!!!!!" the boy yelled as he was pushed to the ground landing face first on to the stone floor and began convulsing uncontrollably before fainting.

Griag stood at the knocked out kid for half a second and shrugged. "I guess I make a good chiropractor," he laughed albeit nervously.

The Goblin King felt his stomach gurgling as he stumbled back a bit and burped loudly in front of a Drow's face a dark green game from Griag's mouth penetrating the Drow's eyes and causing them to melt. "MY EYES!!!!" He yelled falling to his knees as his eyes became a pasty goo that slid from his sockets. "MY EYES!!!!" the scream echoed throughout the entire party room.

"Yes!" Griag laughed watching the Drow get in a fetal position and covering his empty eye sockets. "I'm so handsome that people go blind just seeing me. Harianra Auceus is a lucky woman to be married to the best!"

Griag rubbed his boulder like stomach as he snapped his fingers more Goblin singers magically appeared near the smorgasbord. "MORE MUSIC!" Griag demanded as the Goblin band began to sing:

The Goblin King continued to dance without a care in the world the night was still young and his wife was probably saying her final goodbyes besides Griag loved nothing more than a good party. When he could, Griag would always throw feast just so he can celebrate:


As Griag was dancing, a Hobgoblin approached him looking very nervous. "Your grace," he whispered. "She is here."

"WHAT?!" Griag was too busy putting on the dance moves to notice stomping on the blind Drow who was still screaming. "I can't hear you!"

"YOUR MOTHER!" The Hobgoblin squeaked out. "She's arrived!"

Hahnah Rebecca Fourtuna Aldenaxk Drazukel
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If there was anyone in the world that Harianra hated the most right now, it was her aunt Xunari Auceus . With her now approaching, there was no way that she was going to get the answer she wanted from Vyx'aria . Especially as her aunt was staring her down. Narrowing her eyes, Harianra walked away in a huff, mumbling to herself about curses and the slitting of throats.

Her gaze was then adverted to Aldenaxk Drazukel and Hahnah , causing quite the commotion themselves. The smaller one suffering the poor fate of being covered in Griag The Goblin King 's body fluids. For a prief moment it made her imagine of what horrors awaited her when the party was over and she'd be taken to their new 'home'. No doubt she'd be longing for death to take her.

Harianra's thoughts were disrupted however as Alden was speaking from at her feet. "Yeah...right. I doubt they'd have anything like it in the Goblin Sanctuary..." Hahnah looked like she wanted to run and quite frankly she couldn't blame her. Yet the doors were shut. The only way that Harianra could leave would be at the Goblin King's side. Everyone else was lucky.
In the midst of everything, Lord Drytail was very preoccupied with his hands. "Look how they move!" he exclaimed to a drow next to him who wasn't listening. "Simply beautiful." The mushrooms he had ingested had taken their time working through his system, but once they did the effects were quite potent.

His bodyguard had returned after dropping his gifts on the gift table. A very large and impressive looking sword for the Goblin King, one that had been taken from some artifact dealer in Amol Kalit who swore it had belonged to a half-giant, and a dress for the lovely bride. The dress was dark purple, covered in strange shiny baubles, and undoubtedly the wrong size.

Both of the rous seemed ill at ease about their master's state of mind, but at least he did not seem to be in any immediate danger. Suddenly he stood up straight, as if struck by invisible lightning. "The queen! I must speak to the queen again. Yes yes yes, we have business. Busy mess. Yes, things to talk about oooohhhh things to discuss." He started off into the crowd, quite unaware of where he was going to go. The guards did their best to follow.
Finally, I had made a decision. One week after turning 250, at night, I packed what I thought it could be useful -bow, quiver, quills, scrolls, ink, a short blade, a collection of books on flora, drow customs, etc., some food and last but not least, my beloved lyre- and quietly left our home, with a hooded cloak protecting me, not without leaving a short letter for my family. I told them that I was leaving temporarily due to some new research I had to do. Which was true, after all.

I took a horse and rode all night, till dawn. Afar I could see Alliria, and behind its magnificent walls I slept in the first inn I saw. It was horrible, but I managed to get a decent private room. At sunrise, without looking back, I departed. Alliria would have to wait.
Two days and two nights went on, and besides a bandit who got one of my rings as a "payment", there were no other incidents in my way.

On the sixth day I went to unknown depths, using a fallen branch as an improvised torch. I lit it, but got dizzy in return. And finally, after some... hours? days? I saw them.

The gates of Zar' Ahal, home to the dark elves.

I went on, this time at a slow pace. Everything was quiet, I wondered why a whole city could be empty, as if it was abandoned. Even the gates were unguarded. But suddenly, loud noises appeared out of nowhere. I guided my horse towards the noises, and this time there were guards. "Halt!" one of them demanded. I didn't know the drow language, but their tone was enough for me to stop. I put the hood off. Being an elf, and a woman, there would be no problems... or so did I think. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" I didn't understand a word, so I remained silent. The other guard repeated the question in the Common Tongue, so I answered. "I am Laesyn Silversun of Fal'Addas, a scholar interested in your traditions and magic." They mumbled more unintelligible words. And pointed their spears in my direction.​
The mumbling was mostly in regards to them thinking that she was some kind of comical act for the wedding. Gods know that something was needed to save the event. Laesyn Silversun didn't seem to flinch as they pointed their spears at her. Nor did she even try to attack. A few seconds later the spears were raised upwards again and they waved her through.

Inside she would find a chaotic event. Trolls, Drow and other creatures were in various states of drunkeness and high. Some were dancing, like Griag The Goblin King , some were conversing, and some appeared to be hunting. It was an utter mess that no servant would be looking forward to cleaning up. Yet surprisingly people seemed to be enjoying themselves.

All except for Harianra; the unfortunate bride. The door being opened caught her attention, so she quickly excused herself and made her way over to it as fast as she could muster through the throngs of guests. Freedom was just on the other side....
I had no other choice than to follow the pair of guards, and my horse was left behind. By the Spirits, poor boy! I had no time for feeling guilty, though. On the other side of the door, there was chaos, with what seemed to be goblins, drunkards and... were that corpses? It seemed that it was a party, and I would have never expected that destination. Usually, when guards detain someone, well... a dark cell is what waits. I would have preferred that over the chaos that went on there.

I managed to see someone coming towards the door. A noble, given her clothes. Why would a noble flee? "And who would not, seeing this... enjoyment." I thought. I had no idea about what they wanted, and I didn't attack yet... but what kind of scholar attacks someone in their own domains? And that noble... something was happening. "What's happening here? What do you want from...?" I asked in Common. "Silence, pale elf!" That was the reply. Some guests glanced at us curiously. I blushed. I was only a scholar, I had stated my intentions, why by all the trees of Falwood I was now considered a prisoner?

One of the guards noticed my lyre. He pointed at it. Oh, no. Not my lyre.
"Your Majesties, my Ladies and Lords, illustrious guests: the Goddess sent us this pale elf. She says she's a scholar from Fal' Addas, but she's truly a very talented musician. Blessed be the Goddess!" After what seemed a speech, and a kind of religious invocation, everyone went silent, even the goblins. "Play that lyre, pale elf! Do not offend Their Majesties at their wedding." I was told, again in Common. I could feel my face reddening. At least it was something easy... but totally unexpected.

I played a couple of chords, but one woman demanded a song. And I knew no songs in Common, so I picked up a traditional elven song played at weddings.
Under the trees and the falling leaves
we meet, o Great Spirits! For you to witness
this love sealing, blessed be the bride
and blessed be the groom,
let them bring life to this world.

It was over. Some drows clapped, had they understood the lyrics? Others seemed concerned. And I... didn't know what to do.

(Harianra Auceus)​