Laesyn Silversun

Laesyn Silversun

Biographical information
Fal'Addas 250 Fal'Addas
Physical description
Elf Female 1'70 m. 60 kg Shoulder length, gold Blue Fair
Political information
Out-of-character information
Erys 20/10/2020

Laesyn is an elf born to one of the most prominent noble families of Fal'Addas, and as such, she recieved an exquisite education in magic, music, politics and combat. Thankfully, her family never pushed her to a non-desired marriage, so Laesyn has devoted herself to study even as an adult. Her ever-growing need for knowledge, though, is leading her to dangerous ways, since she has shown an interest in the darkest ways of life.

Laesyn is as graceful as the other elves are, and this is even more noticeable in her due to her family's position. Her eyes are blue, and her hair used to be long, but that's no more: now her hair is much shorter, not even reaching her shoulders. Laesyn has an average height among elves, perhaps shorter than usual.

Her clothes are embroidered in silver, even her most airy ones. However, Laesyn prefers to wear a long tunic, as it's traditional among mages.

Skills and Abilities

-Combat: Laesyn can manage in a fight, but has always preferred quills over swords. She can manage pretty well with bows and short swords.
-Etiquette: Due to her high-level education, Laesyn can be a perfect lady. On the other hand, she can be quite rude when her desires are not fulfilled, but she's getting better at it, because mages won't allow her bossy attitude.
-Music: She always carries a lyre with her. Singing and composing poetry are among her favourite hobbies.


A perfect princess most of the time, a little spoiled brat sometimes, especially when things deviate from her plans. As a child she used to be friendly with everyone, but as years went on she became more reserved, and started to see the non-elven species at Fal'Addas as inferior. Why, she doesn't know... but she will eventually.

Biography & Lore

I was born into one of the most illustrious families of Fal'Addas, a century later than my older brother, Ilysan. My childhood, which lasted a century and a half, was quite happy, yet full of lessons. At first sight, I must admit, I hated them... but later I developed a love for knowledge, which still guides my life.

When I reached my second century of life and was therefore considered an adult, I decided to devote myself to magic. I wanted to study every branch, spell, enchantment... but I knew the Laws of Magic by heart. That refrained me, so instead I plunged into elvish history books. I still had a deep interest in magic, and yet... I came across something that would change my life.

Dark Elves, which I despised for their cruelty -I knew they had slaves-, caught my eye. A completely different society, where women ruled. Well, that would be marvelous for me... if I were one of them, for rules were slightly different up here. And then there were... rumors. About a cruel, blood-thirsty deity. That, indeed, was another problematic concept for me.

To this day, I haven't been able to forget a single word about them. They are in fact quite similar to us, considering themselves as superior to other beings, yet...



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