Xunari Auceus

Xunari Auceus

Biographical information
Zar’Ahal 196 Zar'Ahal
Physical description
Drow Female 161cm 55kg White Yellow Ashen grey
Political information
Rune Mage/Commander
Out-of-character information
Nefieslab https://www.deviantart.com/angevere/art/Xunae-portrait-343305697

Xunari was born into a powerful family within Drow high society, her mother a general and her father considered beautiful. Despite her mother's ambitions, Xunari focused more of Rune Magic than she did on the martial side of life but nature cannot always beat nurture so she spent a long time becoming a fearsome commander of forces as well.


Her mother had strong, powerful, features and her father was a pretty little thing deemed lucky enough to breed with said mother. Thankfully she took little from her father and much from her mother; a defined but gracefully pointed jawline, high cheek bones with cheeks full enough to keep her from appearing gaunt and large, soulful, eyes she inherited from her father.

Usually at home in leather armour or a dress that had been modified to be suited for light combat, Xunari is a fan of being able to cover the majority of her body. This has nothing to do with prudishness however but instead it is something she has adopted to keep the runes upon her body hidden. The idea is that if no one sees what runes she had carved into herself, tattoo'd onto her skin or even just temporarily painted on herself then they will not know how to counter them.

Underneath her armour and clothes her skin is smooth and ashen only where it cannot be used as a canvas for her art. Several of her more powerful or important runes (for fortitude, strength and protection mostly) she had carved into her skin to cause the runes to be made out of scars, something that will never fade. Slightly more fickle but still useful runic arrays are, instead, tattoo'd onto her body with inks that have been treated specially before being applied. Hastily painted runic arrays are rare but not unheard of upon her skin as well.

Skills and Abilities

Command - In accordance with her mother's wishes, Xunari was trained to be a commander despite her intense desire to be a scholar and a mage only. Despite her initial reluctance, Xunari has been trained well though she had developed a command style based on her analytical nature as a runic mage, often preferring to use advance scouts and spies to know as much as possible before she commits to any major actions.

Archery - Taken up as a hobby alongside her studies, she excelled in archery both on foot and on horseback. She finds the skill rather thrilling in a way but she is rather undisciplined as a student of the bow, scorning typical instruction to learn however she wanted instead. If given enough time she will use her arrows in combination with her runic magic for terrifying results.

Runic Magic - A scholar and a mage at heart, Xunari has devoted decades of her long life towards the pursuit of knowledge and all of that knowledge is centered around Runic Magic. She spent mounds of her mother's money buying tomes from far away and traveled further still to study the magic and put it into practice wherever and whenever she could.


Proud - Xunari knows she is from a good family, she knows she has natural talent at archery and she knows she probably knows more about Runic magic than any drow alive today. This means that she is often quick to preen whenever someone praises her for these things but she is also rather thin-skinned when it comes to insults about those same things.

Brilliant... - Capable of reading languages long dead and turning them into runes deadly and benign, intelligent and quick witted almost to a fault, no one can claim that Xunari isn't gifted. This is not only a gift however but also a reward for all of her hard work and study.

... but Lazy - However because she is naturally gifted in some area, Xunari is downright lazy. She knows that in most cases her natural intellect will get her through with a 'passing grade' as it were so she seldom tries very hard. Unless her objective is one she had set for herself, or one that is connected to her enjoyable pursuits, she will drag her feet on it unless her pride is directly challenged.

Slightly Reformed Spoiled Brat - Xunari can sometimes be a bit of a brat when things don't go her way because she has spent so much of her life with her family paying her way. This is a surface level issue mostly as once things become actually serious she is able to shove her pettier complaints aside. It does, however, mean she can get rather catty and mean spirited.

Biography & Lore

Xunari's mother was a general before her and apparently something of a successful one before she moved into... something to do with the treasury? Honestly, Xunari never paid attention to her mother's work even though it was the wealth provided by her family that afforded her the comfort in which to study and practice to her heart's content without having to struggle through her life. Every need she had was met almost before she was aware that it was needed.

When her mother pushed her down the career path of military command, Xunari resisted at first as she was already a few decades into her studies of runes. It was only when her mother convinced her that the military would appreciate her mage that she started applying herself to her tactical and strategic training with something approaching the same gusto she reserved for her runes.

Taking some time off during the middle of her life, she traveled widely to gain a greater understanding of runes from other cultures and to develop the skills necessary to tattoo herself precisely with absolutely no assistance. Upon her return she was pushed into service as a commander and a mage, where she has led some minor military expeditions but all the while focusing on her runes.

It has not been uncommon for warriors under her command to start painting their shields and armour with runes. Of course the trick is that some of the paints are actual runic arrays she has drawn up herself rather than just war paint. The trick is that only she knows which are which.


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