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A large landmass directly off the coast of the central Cortosi Region, Cortell has been occupied for just as long as anyone can remember. Over the centuries the island has been host to empires, pirates, independent republics, and for our purpose a great host of free cities. Three of these free cities now reign over most aspects of the island. These cities are Tychos, Kortes, and Feiara. Unfortunately, none have gotten along with each other, and over the last few years relationships have deteriorated.
All out war has broken out.
I'm attempting to create a theater of perpetual conflict for active roleplay, whether they be slow or quick threads. Basically, I want to RP more moments that are featured in aspects of war. Whether this be battles, the calm between them, or whatever else is features in various pop culture media and the consequence of those things happening. I also wanted to do it without wrecking anyone else's stuff and maybe in the hopes of creating something lasting for later.My hope is to utilize this unused space on the map, and these three cities, to create a perpetual place to roleplay various scenarios usually found only in war. Character wants to partake in a battle? That can happen in Cortell. Want to be diplomats negotiating a treaty? That can happen in Cortell. Want to RP a pair of star crossed lovers on opposing sides? Cortell, baby.
The idea of this isn't for any one side to 'win'. So every city will have it's ups and downs. If one side gets too strong, It's guaranteed go back down eventually.
In the end I think this will help facilitating a very specific type of roleplay, which I think will be helpful for those who enjoy that type of RP. I also think it will in general just be fun to see how many people can get involved. I'll be making threads for public, private, and faction stuff. I would love to see others do the same. I think there's opportunity for lots of people to get involved.

Founded as a trade city, Tychos is most well known for it's exceptional naval skill. This reputation is in part due to Tychos' extension into the very sea itself. A metropolis that extends beneath the waves, the city is home to both human and what most would dub as mermaids. Living apart in separate sections on land and within the sea, the two are entirely symbiotic. Working together in all things, whether it is the laws which govern the city or the wars they must fight in to protect their homes.
The government of Tychos is ostensibly a Republic, though in truth the Senate represents little more than all but the wealthiest of the cities citizens. Nevertheless, even the poor of Tychos live relatively well compared to many places. The sheer volume of trade which the city sees ensuring that there is always an opportunity. It's wealth is the reason Tychos has been drawn into war, with both Kortes and Feiara coveting it's neighbors great trade networks.
Though not as large as the Allirian navy, it would be difficult to argue against the quality of the sailors of Tychos. As a whole they are well renown for their skill, craft, and fearlessness in the face of even the most turbulent seas. Over the centuries the city has managed to grow and thrive, becoming a central component of mercantilism within the string of isles around Cortos. Generally speaking, Tychos has earned great support from both Vel Anir and Allira, aligning itself with the great powers and benefiting from their support.
[Inspirations; Rome, Ancient Athens, Fishman Island of One Piece Fame]

By nature, Feiaran's enjoy living freely, bound only by oaths of honor that they themselves hold sacred above all else. The city itself is neither grand nor a thing of songs, but a pragmatic meeting place for when Feiaran's way of life is threatened. It is said that the city could be burned to the ground, and not even the King would mind all that much. For the people of Feiara, there is no Cortell, only their own home. This attitude has, of course, rubbed it's neighbors entirely the wrong way.
Ruled over by a King, Feiaran's elect their ruler in a great council where each family is represented by it's current leader. These Great Council's often take the form of massive parties more than electoral committees, and more often than not blood is shed before a new King is chosen. However, once a King is elected, it is very unlikely that his rule will be contested by even the most stubborn of his subjects.
The famed horses of Feiara, dubbed Feiarrin, are coveted the world over as some of the finest war horses that can be found. Bred and trained from birth, these huge animals are most often colored in deep browns and beiges, their figures striking an intimidating pose even without the famed armor they are often adorned with. It is said that a Feiarrin horse is so well trained that they are practically reading their rider's mind. Though, with this heritage comes a certain fire within each of the animals, and it is not uncommon for a noble to purchase a Feiarrin breed of horse only for the beast to bite, kick, and entirely reject it's unworthy new owner.
Feiara has long since enjoyed great ties to several cities on the continent due to it's famed horses. Dornoch in particular taking a great interest within the nomadic peoples of Cortell's inland. Particularly as women are often great focals of power within Feiaran society.
[Inspirations; Rohan of LOTR fame, Mongol and Magyar Traditions, BIG HORSIES]

Located on the left most peninsula of the island, Kortes was originally settled by a group of religious pioneers who followed the strictures of the Radiant Church. Originally intended to be naught but a small trading post, Kortes quickly exploded in both population and power when massive deposits of gold were found within the mountains of the peninsula.
Within a century the city rapidly grew to become the largest of all of the three Free Cities on Cortell. Fueled both by pilgrims and the natural lust for gold, Kortes managed to expand quickly while also maintaining and incredibly tight grip on both the peninsula it occupied and the cove that it sat besides. With the full backing of the Radiant Church, the city became somewhat of a epicenter for those who sought spiritual wealth as well as the physical.
The city is filled with monuments, cathedrals, and great ostentatious displays of both piety and grandeur. Located in the midst of a massive mire, there are no walls which surround Kortes, though any army marching upon it would be spotted well before it ever gets close. Controlling the entire peninsula, Kortes has built a massive stretch of fortresses and outposts along the furthest reaches of their territory. A much needed defense to stop the constant raids from the Feiarans.
Ruled by an Archbishop appointed by the Radiant Church, Kortes is a theocracy, though with a council of Bishops and several Religious Military Orders having significant input in shaping policy.
Kortes has long attempted to spread the Gospel of the Radiant Church to the rest of the isle of Cortell. Though originally attempting to do this through preachers and sermons, it eventually became clear that neither the people of Feiara nor Tychos would submit. Thus the Crusade of Light began upon the island, conducted with the full support of the Radiant Church.
[Inspirations: Crusader States, Templar, The Empire of Warhammer Fantasy fame]