“Thou art more than light. Wield the gravity in thine heart, or live in a future of one of the most dark ones.”
- An unnamed Fellowship Seer to Aelita[1]
Aelita is a human female Dreadlord Initiate. Sometimes referred to as "Lita," Aelita is known to wield light magic with a wide range of effects. She also holds a more affable personality than her fellow Initiate comrades. She is expected is graduate soon.
Early life
Born during one of the regular eclipses of Lessat, Aelita came into the world through commoner parents of Vel Anir. Both her mother and father held the status of free commoners in Vel Anir. They had completed their mandatory civil and military services - respectively - and returned to private life as laborers with in the city.
As a lowborn commoner, Aelita never received a formal education prior to joining the Academy. She independently developed magical abilities at a very young age. Her parents attempted to hide this for at least a couple years, but were ultimately unsuccessful. Dreadlord seekers found Aelita at the age of 9 and took her to the Academy. Aelita was never told the fate of her parents for their trespass against the state, nor of her siblings.
As a lowborn commoner, Aelita never received a formal education prior to joining the Academy. She independently developed magical abilities at a very young age. Her parents attempted to hide this for at least a couple years, but were ultimately unsuccessful. Dreadlord seekers found Aelita at the age of 9 and took her to the Academy. Aelita was never told the fate of her parents for their trespass against the state, nor of her siblings.
Academy life
While in the Academy, Aelita was subject to the stringent, pain-inducing training that all Dreadlords go through. Though this training, she built a foundation in martial and magical skills.
Even during this time, she appeared to her peers as either a means of support or an annoyance for her seemingly positive and carefree outlook for their position in life.
In her first years at the Academy, Proctors discovered Aelita's talents for light magic and decided to push her to focus on developing such magic. She took a liking to spears and staffs at this early age as well.
Even during this time, she appeared to her peers as either a means of support or an annoyance for her seemingly positive and carefree outlook for their position in life.
In her first years at the Academy, Proctors discovered Aelita's talents for light magic and decided to push her to focus on developing such magic. She took a liking to spears and staffs at this early age as well.
Soon after the Vel Anirian Revolution, Aelita grew close to graduation. As a result, she was sent on multiple missions in order to sharpen her nascent skills with real-world experience.
Personality and traits
For a Dreadlord Initiate, Aelita maintains the appearance of a positive and optimistic outlook on life. She is supportive of those who call her friends and capable of empathizing with rivals and enemies. She is willing to be affable and extend the olive branch and not take violence as the first choice.
Despite this though, Aelita is no pacifist. When her allies or Anirian innocents are threatened, she immediately acts to eliminate threats. In the few field missions she had to perform in the Academy so far, she displayed a willingness to kill.
Along with this positive personality, Aelita contained a mischievous side. She has smuggled wine into the Academy at least once[2]. In addition, she advocated for the Initiates to ignore Proctor Ebersol's riddles[3].
Despite getting a late start of her education, Aelita proved to be intelligent enough to catch up and get the theories behind magic that the Dreadlords taught.
Despite this though, Aelita is no pacifist. When her allies or Anirian innocents are threatened, she immediately acts to eliminate threats. In the few field missions she had to perform in the Academy so far, she displayed a willingness to kill.
Along with this positive personality, Aelita contained a mischievous side. She has smuggled wine into the Academy at least once[2]. In addition, she advocated for the Initiates to ignore Proctor Ebersol's riddles[3].
Despite getting a late start of her education, Aelita proved to be intelligent enough to catch up and get the theories behind magic that the Dreadlords taught.
Powers and abilities
The Academy trained Aelita in both martial and magical combat.
Adept for a Dreadlord Initiate in the sword, Aelita would have no issues against the average foe if she happened upon a blade. However, she normally wields a staff or wand with a bladed tip – which she then uses as a spear when the time calls.
Adept for a Dreadlord Initiate in the sword, Aelita would have no issues against the average foe if she happened upon a blade. However, she normally wields a staff or wand with a bladed tip – which she then uses as a spear when the time calls.

Without question, Aelita’s strengths lied with longer range magical spells. Specifically, Aelita found herself to be especially suited for light magic. She can apparently bend light to her will – forming shields, barriers, and even projectiles.
The light magic Aelita wields grows strongest during the day – when Aelita herself is exposed to the sun. Bathing in sunlight also provides a restorative effect to Aelita’s abilities. Conversely, Aelita’s magical stamina is relatively low when under the cover of darkness. In such an environment, she focuses on avoiding conflict or finishing it as quick as possible.
Spells that Aelita has been seen to cast include:
- Magelight: A very simple spell where Aelita produces light sources to see within dark places. She can make her hands glow, or produce balls of light to toss across spaces[4].
- Light Burst: Pulse of concentrated light creates a concussive burst from a point of Aelita's choosing. [3]
- Prismatic Barrier: A shield of light that can stop blows, such as arrows.[1]
- Flash: A bright light materializes at a point of Aelita's choosing. The light is blind enough to cause momentary blindness.[1]
- Invisibility: Aelita disappears from sight. No other ways to detect her are blocked, such as the sounds she makes while moving or anything she may displace.[1] Use of the spell has shown to drain Aelita's stamina quickly.[5]
- "Refract": Aelita fires a destructively lethal beam of light from her staff. It burns completely through flesh, though this was seen under the effect of blood magic.[1] The Proctors forbid Aelita from using this spell in friendly matches (ex. non-death matches).
Image Sources
- Avatar: Jason Chan
- Bio profile pic: Chuan C
- Page icon: Riot Games