Garik Talindor

Garik Talindor

Biographical information
The dregs of Vel Anir 19 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Male
Political information
Out-of-character information

Garik Talindor was born in the lowest dregs of Vel Anir. It was a hard and unfair life. Means were sparse and the rebellion was not kind even to those living at the edge of the city where eyes did not wonder often. Despite this, Garik grew up a happy child, as his parents were not ones to wallow in their hardships. His father was an enterprising man, digging through scrap and sneaking into places long abandoned to find items of value to give his wife and children some modicum of life worth living.

As Garik got older, he could see the inequality more clearly when he ventured with his father to sell some of the lost goods. The way that they were looked at by the residents of Vel Anir that were barely doing better. It wore on Garik. Frustrated him. Even the Dreadlords who passed through looking for those with talent barely looked in their part of town, which is probably how Garik was missed, that and his barely middling potential for magic.

His father passed when he was fourteen. Knifed in the alley and left to die. Garik later heard individuals bragging about the event but could do little to avenge his father. So he turned to the constabulary, only to find that they did not care. Not a shred for the life of some gutter rat from a part of the city they did not even know the street names of.

Garik watched his mother wither and his sisters, older and braver than he, work their fingers to the bone to make coin enough to keep them afloat.

Despite feeling betrayed by the city that did not even want them, Garik had heard that money was paid out by the Dreadlords for children with magical talent. Hardly a child in truth, but far from a man, Garik put himself before them and began a new life. One far better than that he had grown up with, but without the love.


Garik is a young man of average height. He wears his clothes uncomfortably, far more used to wearing what would constitute rags, so the layers of clothing expected with the Dreadlords feel cumbersome and awkward to him. His hair is dark as are his eyes, which often look past the person speaking to him. He keeps his beard just barely maintained, as it feels a waste of effort.

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