An invitation from a Carvyre? Villam had thought it a joke when he'd first read the message.
The Carvyre family was, in Villam's blunt opinion, a stain upon the Valenntenian people. At one time, they'd been among the most respected families among the Descendants, their bloodline so old and pure that many considered them the nearest generation to the Ancients themselves. Odhran, the patriarch of the family, had at one point been close friends with his father, and Villam had seen the man quite often in his youth.
Things began to fall apart from there. During Villam's first year in the Vanguard, before he was appointed Guardian, Odhran was making a strong case for himself being chosen as the new Absalon of the city. His views were progressive, and his intentions pure, but the lengths to which he wished to go to enact the change he sought were seen by many of the Descendants as unnecessarily radical. In the end, Villam's father Solomon was selected over Odhran, and the old Carvyre was never really the same man after that.
The Carvyre rhetoric slowly shifted from preaching for change to demanding change. Instead of merely attempting to sway people to his way of thinking, he resorted to fear-mongering and stoking their anger. His disagreement with
Valenntenia's use of the Runes and the Vanguard quickly became a full-blown movement. It all culminated about a year ago, when one of his speeches got too out of hand, and half of Old Town was wracked with a riot, with disgruntled citizens attempting to storm the Tower.
It was the first time that The Guardians had ever been deployed against their own, and hopefully the last. The riots were quelled in short order, and Odhran was arrested and sentenced to spend the rest of his life imprisoned for inciting insurrection against The Absalon.
The fervor over The Carvyre way of thinking had died down a bit since then, most of the citizens who'd been so uproariously furious found themselves unmotivated to continue their fight against authority without a figure such as Odhran Carvyre behind them. It was a shame, Villam thought, that they had chosen such an aggressive route of rebellion. He too desired change amongst their people, but the way Odhran had tried to go about it was always doomed to failure.
Odhran didn't have The Guardians.
It was only out of respect for his daughter,
Lale Carvyre, that he attended this impromptu gathering at their home outside of the city's confines. While he thought little of Odhran, Lale had, at one time, been a close friend to Villam. Perhaps nearly something more than that; in their early teen years he'd spent more nights than his father knew sneaking out to sit with her beneath the stars, talking about anything they couldn't get away with around their political families.
Then he joined the Vanguard and eventually was chosen to wield a Stone. He'd not seen her since.
"Make no mistake, Vazia," The young Regis muttered to the Void Guardian standing beside him,
"This is enemy territory. Aside from the Guardians and Somners, and my Father, should he arrive... Every common citizen attending this party thinks at least somewhat ill of us. All of them believed in Lale's father, the man we locked up for life."
Villam's gaze was narrow and harsh as he scanned the opulent hall of the estate, noting the presence of Noi and Kaira milling about as well. Their presence was being tolerated, and Kaira particularly held good standing even amongst the dissenters among them, thanks to her status as a symbol of the faith. Still, the whole ordeal felt uneasy. He would've liked to believe that Lale wouldn't have set it up like this intentionally, but...
Well, he'd ended up following in
his father's footsteps. What was to say she wouldn't do the same with hers?
"Suppose we better make the most of it, have a drink and a meal until Carvyre shows her face. I've a feeling she won't keep us waiting too long..."