Other races include Elven, Orcish, Dwarven, and Dragon.
Upon one of the northern peninsulas of the Taagi Baara Steppes, on a landmass fondly referred to by natives as "The Gnome's Head'' for its shape, there lies a place so steeped in history and faith that some consider its history, or it's very existence a myth. The story goes that long ago when the planet was in its infancy, the Ancient Gods who created it birthed children to carry on their legacy, leaving them powerful artifacts and a massive structure to protect them.
Those children grew into men and women, finding the tools left for them by their Godly parents and using them to expand upon their home; First, a small village around the Tower's base, before that turned into a town, and as the years passed that town became a city. With the power and wisdom given to them by the Ancients, they formed a government, a body of structure to protect the world from negligent use of the Gods' gifts. Their wisest, The Absalon, would lead them, and Guardians would protect each tool with their lives.
With this order in place, the city became known as Valentennia. Those of Descendant blood dedicated their lives to worshipping the Ancients who had blessed them with life, upholding their values, and protecting that which they left behind. Today they still stand, their story forgotten by all but themselves, but the belief they hold and the power they wield are undeniable.
Those children grew into men and women, finding the tools left for them by their Godly parents and using them to expand upon their home; First, a small village around the Tower's base, before that turned into a town, and as the years passed that town became a city. With the power and wisdom given to them by the Ancients, they formed a government, a body of structure to protect the world from negligent use of the Gods' gifts. Their wisest, The Absalon, would lead them, and Guardians would protect each tool with their lives.
With this order in place, the city became known as Valentennia. Those of Descendant blood dedicated their lives to worshipping the Ancients who had blessed them with life, upholding their values, and protecting that which they left behind. Today they still stand, their story forgotten by all but themselves, but the belief they hold and the power they wield are undeniable.
Valenntenia is a large city populated primarily by humans, orcs, elves, and dwarfs who refer to themselves as "Descendants". The Descendants of Valenntenia hold the belief that their city was the first founded in the world, with their landmark Tower being left behind by the Ancients; Gods who forged the earth into being from the void of nothingness. The worship and reverence of these Ancients is deeply rooted within Valenntenia, to the point where their government serves as both religious and economic leadership.
Originally comprised entirely of humans, the introduction of other races into the city who then bore children with those of Descendant blood has brought about a myriad of species who hold a claim of being Valenntenian by blood. Despite blood status being a positively seen trait, outsiders are welcomed within the city and are treated no differently than any other.
Originally comprised entirely of humans, the introduction of other races into the city who then bore children with those of Descendant blood has brought about a myriad of species who hold a claim of being Valenntenian by blood. Despite blood status being a positively seen trait, outsiders are welcomed within the city and are treated no differently than any other.

Typically, homes were designed to be straight lines and narrow. Mud brick and a whitewash were cheaper materials often used, but craftsmanship can be seen in the wooded workings found along the main avenues of Old Town. The visuals alone have coined the phrase 'Old Town Charm' as little the wooden facades of many establishments are complimented with the dark cobbled stone paving through the streets.

With the ever-growing population and city of Valenntenia, the Province became a marvel of it's own. With modernized arts and cultural diversity, shapes and color had been the highlight of the architecture found in the areas dubbed 'New Town' . The street view of buildings became the focus, using natural materials found in the surrounding areas north of the Taagi Baara Steppes such as travertine and limestone.
Windows are also an art form of their own in the Province. With the use of form and style, expression and grandeur can be told simply by the design of the window and the awnings sculpted to frame. Unlike the windows of Old Town that carry the traditional smaller frames with mullions keeping a square and straight-lined shape, the Province is a showcase of varying styles of different eras that have come and gone in Valenntenia's history.
This also led to varying designs of doors, simple bricked walls, and exterior architecture that added movement and spatial intrigue.
Points of Interest
Old Town 
What is known and recorded as the oldest part of the city, Old Town is filled with life. From residential buildings, taverns, workshops, and markets, it echoes the bygone history of the times, the Ancients in the very walls and earth. Where some buildings have seen a rebuild, fashioned with newer materials but still replicating the original architecture, there is a certain charm that clings to this district. It is bordered by the Old Gates, which were the original structure that dictated the historical city's reach, and now serves as the boundary line between Old Town and the Providence.
It also houses the Tower, meaning most families of the Descendants and those serving as Somners choose to dwell in these parts. Much of Valenntenia's religion is also focused in this region, with the majority of Houses of Blessings located within Old Town, as well as The Palace of Faith, the largest and most grand place of worship in the entire city.
The Tower
"Before departing their creation, the Ancients built a mighty tower, impenetrable by any not of their own blood, to hold the mighty tools they had used to create the world. Someday, their children would be ready to use their power. Someday, they would be wise enough to protect it, to understand it. Content at last, they vanished, leaving only their children and the Sixteen Runestones behind."
The Tower is a massive structure in the center of Old Town, reaching high enough into the sky to be seen from far and wide. It serves not only as the heart of Valenntenia's community but also as the center of its government and religion. Believed to be constructed by the Ancients from the same molten rock that the Runestones were carved from, The Tower houses the Absalon, the Somners, and many other men and women crucial to the city's everyday function.
Also within the Tower are the courtrooms, where cases are presided over by the Somner council. The Repository can also be found within the hallowed walls, with shelves full of written history on Valenntenia and its people, as well as various literary works collected from around the world by the Guardians. When coupled with the feasting hall, an internal House of Blessings, and a Vanguard detachment on station at all times, The Tower is a popular place for the average citizen just as much as it is for Guardians and Somners.
The most important function of the Tower, however, is housing the Sixteenth Runestone, Life and Death. This stone is far more powerful than the others, and its use is strictly forbidden by the teachings of the Ancients. It remains hidden deep within the depths of the Tower's enchanted halls, its location known only to a select few, and retrieved only for special events.
The Province
The sprawling addition to the original city has seen quite a considerable growth in the past century. With a new age of the arts taking over the city, many took up settling in the outskirts north of the Tower and dubbed The Province, or New Town to those not native to Valenntenia.
Seen as a rapidly evolving area, a new Vanguard barracks was made to provide security and resources. Located by the Old Gates, it was the most impressive building of the Province, until the Valenntenia Theatre House was built.
With the introduction of several art scenes, the streets of Valenntenia are full of artistry, song, and performances. It has also seen an increase in luxury goods being made and implemented into the new age architecture, most notably stained glass and masonry.
House of Blessings
“The Hall of Faith was the oldest and largest building built for those faithful to the Ancients, easily accommodating close to four hundred seated, and close to six hundred being standing room only.”
The city used to have many Houses of Blessings across Valenntenia, to reach those residing in all parts of the city. As time continued, the fierce dedication to prayer lessened and thus resulted in the decline of holy Houses shutting down. Those still loyal opted to keep the larger Houses in operation, with many of the old and smaller Houses now run down or in use for other means such as functions, medical centers, and converted into homes. Whatever Valenntenia needed, the Absalon gave the city the means to shape the old buildings how they pleased. Some are still abandoned and empty, waiting for their potential to be realized.
The Head of Faith historically went to the Guardian of Faith, but as each serving Guardian experienced a natural fatigue and disorientation, the responsibility was then placed with a High Priest or Priestess. The sermons are telling of the stories of the Ancients, often regarded as saints to some citizens, and always appealing to overcoming adversity and seeking the guidance of the Ancients when in times of need. Very rarely would they preach a political view, only recorded once in History when the Guardian Faith that served over half a century ago was known for renouncing the Ancients and appointing themselves as the new figure of religion. The sermons worked in convincing the people of Valenntenia to call for the retirement of the Guardian and thus was the last Faith Stone Guardian until the current bearer, Kaira Yehven.
The Stalwart Bastion
"And so it was that the young city of Valenntenia was founded on flesh and faith alone; The children of Gods building a facsimile of the heavens they descended from on the lush lands of Arethil. As with all children, however, there was a need for protection. A shield was required, to bar the evils of the outside world from the purity of the new and bourgeoning city. So it was that the Vanguard was formed, and their home, The Stalwart Bastion, erected."
The Stalwart Bastion is a large castle located in-between Old Town and The Province, often regarded the marker dividing the two districts. It is the headquarters of The Vanguard, as well as the living quarters for it's upper echelon and leadership. Originally the base of operations for all Valenntenian soldiers, The Bastion served as a planning hub, barracks, training academy, and prison. So small was the city at the time that such a multi-purpose facility was paramount to growth.
As the Bastion aged and the need for such a robust military waned, many of the day-to-day operations of Valenntenia's military slowly moved further into the Province, to a new and more practical fortress called The Pit. Nevertheless, the castle remains the home of the Vanguard's leadership, and where the highest-level missions are planned.
In addition, especially promising soldiers are sometimes summoned to train within the walls of the Bastion, with the aim of becoming one of the Vanguard's most elite: A Legionnaire. This is considered one of the highest honors one without the distinction of being a Guardian can achieve in Valenntenian society.

What is known and recorded as the oldest part of the city, Old Town is filled with life. From residential buildings, taverns, workshops, and markets, it echoes the bygone history of the times, the Ancients in the very walls and earth. Where some buildings have seen a rebuild, fashioned with newer materials but still replicating the original architecture, there is a certain charm that clings to this district. It is bordered by the Old Gates, which were the original structure that dictated the historical city's reach, and now serves as the boundary line between Old Town and the Providence.
It also houses the Tower, meaning most families of the Descendants and those serving as Somners choose to dwell in these parts. Much of Valenntenia's religion is also focused in this region, with the majority of Houses of Blessings located within Old Town, as well as The Palace of Faith, the largest and most grand place of worship in the entire city.
The Tower
"Before departing their creation, the Ancients built a mighty tower, impenetrable by any not of their own blood, to hold the mighty tools they had used to create the world. Someday, their children would be ready to use their power. Someday, they would be wise enough to protect it, to understand it. Content at last, they vanished, leaving only their children and the Sixteen Runestones behind."
The Tower is a massive structure in the center of Old Town, reaching high enough into the sky to be seen from far and wide. It serves not only as the heart of Valenntenia's community but also as the center of its government and religion. Believed to be constructed by the Ancients from the same molten rock that the Runestones were carved from, The Tower houses the Absalon, the Somners, and many other men and women crucial to the city's everyday function.
Also within the Tower are the courtrooms, where cases are presided over by the Somner council. The Repository can also be found within the hallowed walls, with shelves full of written history on Valenntenia and its people, as well as various literary works collected from around the world by the Guardians. When coupled with the feasting hall, an internal House of Blessings, and a Vanguard detachment on station at all times, The Tower is a popular place for the average citizen just as much as it is for Guardians and Somners.
The most important function of the Tower, however, is housing the Sixteenth Runestone, Life and Death. This stone is far more powerful than the others, and its use is strictly forbidden by the teachings of the Ancients. It remains hidden deep within the depths of the Tower's enchanted halls, its location known only to a select few, and retrieved only for special events.
The Province
The sprawling addition to the original city has seen quite a considerable growth in the past century. With a new age of the arts taking over the city, many took up settling in the outskirts north of the Tower and dubbed The Province, or New Town to those not native to Valenntenia.
Seen as a rapidly evolving area, a new Vanguard barracks was made to provide security and resources. Located by the Old Gates, it was the most impressive building of the Province, until the Valenntenia Theatre House was built.
With the introduction of several art scenes, the streets of Valenntenia are full of artistry, song, and performances. It has also seen an increase in luxury goods being made and implemented into the new age architecture, most notably stained glass and masonry.
House of Blessings
“The Hall of Faith was the oldest and largest building built for those faithful to the Ancients, easily accommodating close to four hundred seated, and close to six hundred being standing room only.”
The city used to have many Houses of Blessings across Valenntenia, to reach those residing in all parts of the city. As time continued, the fierce dedication to prayer lessened and thus resulted in the decline of holy Houses shutting down. Those still loyal opted to keep the larger Houses in operation, with many of the old and smaller Houses now run down or in use for other means such as functions, medical centers, and converted into homes. Whatever Valenntenia needed, the Absalon gave the city the means to shape the old buildings how they pleased. Some are still abandoned and empty, waiting for their potential to be realized.
The Head of Faith historically went to the Guardian of Faith, but as each serving Guardian experienced a natural fatigue and disorientation, the responsibility was then placed with a High Priest or Priestess. The sermons are telling of the stories of the Ancients, often regarded as saints to some citizens, and always appealing to overcoming adversity and seeking the guidance of the Ancients when in times of need. Very rarely would they preach a political view, only recorded once in History when the Guardian Faith that served over half a century ago was known for renouncing the Ancients and appointing themselves as the new figure of religion. The sermons worked in convincing the people of Valenntenia to call for the retirement of the Guardian and thus was the last Faith Stone Guardian until the current bearer, Kaira Yehven.
The Stalwart Bastion

"And so it was that the young city of Valenntenia was founded on flesh and faith alone; The children of Gods building a facsimile of the heavens they descended from on the lush lands of Arethil. As with all children, however, there was a need for protection. A shield was required, to bar the evils of the outside world from the purity of the new and bourgeoning city. So it was that the Vanguard was formed, and their home, The Stalwart Bastion, erected."
The Stalwart Bastion is a large castle located in-between Old Town and The Province, often regarded the marker dividing the two districts. It is the headquarters of The Vanguard, as well as the living quarters for it's upper echelon and leadership. Originally the base of operations for all Valenntenian soldiers, The Bastion served as a planning hub, barracks, training academy, and prison. So small was the city at the time that such a multi-purpose facility was paramount to growth.
As the Bastion aged and the need for such a robust military waned, many of the day-to-day operations of Valenntenia's military slowly moved further into the Province, to a new and more practical fortress called The Pit. Nevertheless, the castle remains the home of the Vanguard's leadership, and where the highest-level missions are planned.
In addition, especially promising soldiers are sometimes summoned to train within the walls of the Bastion, with the aim of becoming one of the Vanguard's most elite: A Legionnaire. This is considered one of the highest honors one without the distinction of being a Guardian can achieve in Valenntenian society.
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